A la une, le thème « chasteté » publié par قناة المسجد الاقصى
Signée par قناة المسجد الاقصى, une vidéo publiée sur YouTube (le ) est consacrée au thème « chasteté » et en présente quelques aspects.
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Il est important de prendre en compte la durée (00:25:01s), le titre (خطبة الجمعة ( الثبات الثبات ) من المسجد الاقصى المبارك للشيخ محمد سرندح « الشيخ خالد المغربي مدرس متطوع في المسجد الاقصى المبارك
من دروس المسجد الاقصى
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المسجد الاقصى
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#عاجل #شاهد #أخبار #المغرب #الجزائر #مصر #السعودية #العراق #اليمن #سوريا #قطر #الامارات #الكويت #عمان #ليبيا #تركيا #تونس #روسيا #امريكا #الصين #الهند #باكستان #ايران #فلسطين #غزة #بغداد #دمشق #القاهرة #الرياض #مكة #جدة #البحرين #الأردن #الجزيرة #تحقيق #تغطية #مباشرة #البث #الحي #حصري #خاص
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La vidéo se trouve juste en dessous de cette phrase
[embedded content]
La pratique de la chasteté masculine contrôlée est courante. Cela inclut généralement l’utilisation d’outils comme des cages de chasteté. La maîtrise des pulsions permet de réorienter l’énergie vers des objectifs plus importants.
La chasteté masculine contrôlée est une pratique où un individu, souvent un homme, décide de restreindre ses activités sexuelles en utilisant des accessoires spécialisés tels que les cages de chasteté, dont il délègue le contrôle à un partenaire. Voici quelques aspects de cette pratique : Le concept de chasteté controlée est l’un des points centrauxsur cette page ici www.chastete.fr/chastete-controlee.
La chasteté contrôlée offre divers avantages pour les partenaires.
Participer à la chasteté contrôlée induit un apaisement émotionnel. Le bénéficiaire se sent pris en charge et libéré des préoccupations sentimentales. Son chemin est établi, il doit juste suivre la discipline qui lui est imposée. En éliminant certaines tentations, les hommes peuvent réduire leur distraction par des pensées sexuelles. Les domaines de la pornographie et des rencontres amoureuses exercent une influence continue sur les individus. La diminution de l’activité sexuelle peut mener à des relations plus profondes et significatives. De nouvelles possibilités se présentent. On peut alors se tourner vers de nouveaux projets et relever des défis inédits.
Méthodes appliquées à la chasteté masculine contrôlée :
Accessoires de chasteté : Pour restreindre physiquement la manipulation ou la masturbation du pénis, une cage de chasteté est utilisée. En utilisant la cage, le partenaire, maître ou maîtresse prend le contrôle des pulsions.Confiance avec un partenaire : Une confiance authentique et un abandon au pouvoir de l’autre sont essentiels pour que la chasteté contrôlée soit effective. Celui qui détient la clé ou enferme le pénis assume le rôle de mandataire, régulant la libido et prenant en charge les préoccupations connexes. Une tierce personne, avec un regard détaché, favorise le succès de la chasteté contrôlée. Des coachs spécialisés, tels que les sexologues, offrent ce service dans le cadre d’un contrat. Les bénévoles appelés « keyholders » prennent parfois ce rôle, mais leur propre plaisir reste leur principale motivation.
Pour regarder la vidéo directement sur YouTube, cliquez sur ce lien :
la publication originale: Cliquer ici
#خطبة #الجمعة #الثبات #الثبات #من #المسجد #الاقصى #المبارك #للشيخ #محمد #سرندح #22112024م
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you. Peace, mercy , and blessings of God be upon you. God is great. God is great. God is great. God is great. God is great. I bear witness that there is no god but God. I bear witness that there is no god but God. I bear witness that there is no god but God. I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger [Music]. God I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God . There is no power except in God Almighty. Live on prayer [Music] Live on [Music] The farmer is alive on the peasant [Music] God is great, God is great, there is no god but God, Praise be to God, and they said, Praise be to God, who has taken away good from us. Indeed, our Lord is Forgiving and Grateful. Praise be to God, and He is God. There is no god but He. To Him belongs praise in the first and in the afterlife, and to Him belongs judgment, and to Him they will be returned. Praise be to God, and they said, Praise be to God, who has been truthful to us and has given us inheritance of the earth. Repent from Paradise, where what a wonderful reward of the worlds the Messenger said. God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said that the people of Paradise inspire glorification and praise just as they inspire the soul. Praise be to God, for whose judgment there is no motive or motive. There is no impediment to his giving, and the vanguards are not hidden from him. Praise be to You. You have mercy on every lost person. Praise be to You. Deposits are not lost to You. Oh God, we entrust you to Gaza and its people, O the Abode of Benefits and the Book that gathers with bright light. We entrust to you its children, its women, and the weak. You are a defender and a protector of defeats and of the mighty a suppressor. My God, Palestine and its people exult in your praise and praise you and pray with your praise. Be kind to them in a manner befitting your praise, O Generous One, and I bear witness that there is no god but God, alone, with no partner. Glory be to Him. Praise began from Him and to Him it returns. He opened his book with praise of Himself and said, Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. And praise came from Himself and said, Praise be to God, who created the heavens and the earth and made darkness and light, and commanded His Messenger to praise only He said, “And say, ‘Praise be to God. He will show you His signs and you will recognize them, and I bear witness that our master Muhammad is the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. O God, bless the healer of hearts and their cure.’” And the well-being and healing of bodies, and the light and radiance of sight, the Master of the Praiseworthy, to whom his master said, “Say, ‘Praise be to God,’ and peace be upon His servants whom He has chosen. The One who raises the banner of praise on the Day of Resurrection. God has praised the people of praise and testified to them in faith. So blessed are those whom He mentioned and described, those who repent, those who work, those who praise, those who rise up, those who prostrate , those who enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and those who preserve it.” For God’s limits and give glad tidings to the believers. Al-Hasan, may God be pleased with him, said: “The praiseworthy ones who They thanked God for all their lives, and our master Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, said: Praise is a word that God loved for himself, a word that God was pleased with for himself, and he loved to be said. Praise be to God, then praise be to God. His conditions, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, were one of a kind. Praise be to God in all his conditions. And on praise, the companions of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, left. Peace be upon him, until praise became the behavior and manner of the honorable companions who conquered the country and the supporters and led the world to captivate it towards… Their creator is his mother, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. They praise God for all hardships and prosperity . The bearers are those who are satisfied with God, their true Lord, with everything that He has destined for them. Praise be to God, the scales are filled. When blessings, praise be to God, thanks, and when affliction, praise be to God, satisfaction with God. Praise be to God for Himself, and praise be to God for His qualities and destinies, praise. To God for His names, and praise be to God for His lordship, and praise be to God for His divinity. Therefore, praise be to God fills the scale. Yes, praise be to God fills the scales. Heaven and earth, and if the span is in exchange for blessings, then praise is more general, because for good times and innocence God is pleased with God, Glory be to Him. No calamity dictates to anyone other than Him. If oppression, hardship, and torture befall you, then the best supplication is praise be to God, and what a beautiful word it is that comes from the heart of the patient, those who seek reward, and those who are stationed, satisfied with God, so their hearts are reassured and their souls are guided. O quick to anger, have mercy on him who has nothing but supplication, for you do what you will, O whose name is Dawa And his praise is supplicated, and his remembrance is a healing more merciful than his capital, hope , and a weapon of supplication, O Lord of the Worlds [Music] So whenever you finish obeying Him, say Praise be to God, and whenever you come to the journey, say Praise be to God, and if you are one of the steadfast people of Rabat, say Praise be to God, and if your house is secure, then say Praise be to God, and they said, Praise be to God who He guided us to this, and we would not have been guided had it not been for the punishment of God. So beware of attributing goodness and righteous deeds to yourself, but rather remember God’s bounty upon you, so do good deeds. Praise is for three things: If God gives you a blessing, you should know who gave you. The second is that you are satisfied with what your master has destined for you. The third is that as long as you enjoy the grace of your master, do not disobey the one who gave him. And if God protects you from falling into immorality, from falling into immorality, debauchery, entertainment, and promiscuity, then say, “Praise be to God, O God. This is an abomination that we do not approve of.” While the Muslims are flowing their blood and the people of lusts in their ignorance are blinded, and there is no power nor strength except with God, the Muslims in All corners of the globe, especially the people of Gaza and Lebanon, are at the highest levels due to the affliction, hunger, and deprivation that have befallen them, along with the suffering, pain, killing, and destruction, with no recourse and no helper, between the heat of the sun and the cold of winter. Their tongue utters praise, satisfaction with God, and their tongue utters praise, satisfaction with God. May God’s peace be upon you, O praisers. The people of Rabat have been steadfast. The people of Palestine adhere to the belief of monotheism and the word of praise Belief and behavior, not just words with the tongue, as God Almighty said in the hadith: If a servant’s son dies, God Almighty says to his angels, “You have killed my servant’s son,” and they say, “Yes,” and he says, “ You have blessed his heart.” They say, “Yes ,” and he says, “What did my servant say, what did the people of Palestine say about me?” They say, “Praise be to you and take it back.” He says, “Build a house for my servant.” Paradise and it is called the House of the Lamb. You were given houses in Paradise as an honor to God. You were given rooms in Paradise for your flesh. Our people in Palestine and Gaza have seized the pleasures of their hearts, and that did not stop them from giving praise. They are the people of praise and contentment. They said, “Praise be to God,” and they said, “Praise be to God.” Our women in Gaza are the glorious, chaste, pure, praiseworthy ones, despite the noses of the skeptics, despite the noses of the normalizers, and despite the noses of the adornments. They are the symbol of the nation’s honor and chastity, and those doors are silent. O people of Rabat, O people of praise, rejoice With the good news of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, who said that the best of God’s servants on the Day of Resurrection are those who are praiseworthy. And the best of God’s servants on the Day of Resurrection are those who are thankful. And the giving of praise in this world is success, payment, and empowerment on earth. They said, “Praise be to God, whose promise we have believed and added to the earth. We can take from Paradise wherever we wish. So what a good reward for the workers and covering them in the world. ” The afterlife is Paradise and its bliss, and this praise keeps Muslims from working diligently in obedience to God, a predicament from which there will be no recovery. The nation and its glory have always attributed their asceticism to the grace of God in order to gain support from God. Those who bear His praise imitate those who bear the Throne, and you will see the angels surrounding the Throne praising their Lord, and it has been decided between them with justice. It is said: Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. So be thankful to your Lord in private and do not strive for Him, for praise is satisfied with God in every situation in adversity. Prosperity is in wealth and poverty is in hardship and ease. He is the only one who is not praised Hated together. As for the ungrateful ones who see our affliction in Gaza and see our wounds and suffering in our sanctities, and they show injustice, arrogance, and tyranny. God has heard their words and knows their betrayal. They are the deprived and the criminals. It is astonishing for the believer’s affair that his whole affair is good, and that is only for the believer. If a sound befalls him, it is remembrance, and it is good for him, and if he is afflicted with evil, he is patient. So it was good for him, and the affairs of the believer are good for him, no matter how much hardship it was in, for that is what brought Joseph out of his absences The darkness and the darkness of the prisons, and provide relief for him with his wisdom. He is able to provide relief for the prisoners and the captive, because the first ruler in this universe is God. By the greatness of your Lord, be content and never be disturbed by embarrassment. God has always been accustomed to His creation. If a matter is distressed, He brings relief. To Him belongs the dominion, and to Him is praise, and He is over all things. A mighty thing. O usurers, O steadfast ones, O praiseworthy ones, you are fine as long as you remain as you are. There will still be a sect. From my nation, they are on the truth, appearing to their enemies, pure. Those who oppose them will not harm them except what has befallen them from the calamity until the life of God comes. And they are like that. They said, O Messenger of God, where did he say about Bayt al-Maqdis and the sons of Bayt al-Maqdis are rewarded, steadfast, praising and contented until the command of Allah comes? So if the beginning befalls the servant and calamity befalls him, Satan races. It is still the remembrance of God, so do not forget, O believer, to say: Praise be to God, praise be to you, and take back, for the apparent matter is hardship, calamity, and wealth. It is a matter of bliss and giving. Perhaps He has afflicted you to lift you up, and perhaps He has made you difficult in order to give you, and perhaps He has taken from you to bring you closer. We thank God for every hardship and gentleness, and know that what befalls you was not to miss you, and what missed you was not to befall you. And know that victory comes with patience, that there is relief with distress, and with hardship there is ease. The Messenger of God said. May God’s prayers and peace be upon him , whoever says when he passes and when he becomes dawn, I have promoted God as my Lord and Islam as my religion. And with Muhammad as a prophet, it was God’s duty to please him. We are satisfied with God as our Lord, with Islam as our religion, and with Muhammad as a prophet, and we ask you to please us with the best of us and our quorum in Gaza, O God. It is stated in the noble hadith: If the servant says, “ Praise be to God” often, God Almighty says, “Rescribe to my servant My mercy abundantly, and pray to God while you believe in the answer, and O praise.” To God belongs greatness and perfection, Taha and Juman, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, without partners, and I bear witness that Our master Muhammad is the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, our intercessor on the Day of Judgment. God has sealed the prophets and messengers with him. God has bestowed praise on the tongue of His prophets before and said on the example of Abraham, peace be upon him. Praise be to God, who made me grow old, Ishmael and Isaac. Indeed, my Lord is the Hearer of supplications, and I pray to God through the supplications of our father Abraham, upon him. Peace be upon you, when Abraham said, “O Lord, make this country safe, Lord, make this country safe,” as the eyes cry We are close to pleasing our people in Palestine, Gaza and Lebanon, who are dying every day due to injustice. Likewise, our hearts are filled with grief for the possessions of our loved ones, which we are losing at the hands of suspicious weapons day after day, which have destroyed families and social cohesion, a recurring trend that has reached, at the moment, more than 250 cases of murder this year. How many women were Hamlet, how many children were killed, how many wombs were cut, and he did not notice who was carrying them This weapon deprives us of civil peace, deprives us of security and tranquility among us, and provokes strife. We also address a word of thanks and greatness to the men of reform who connect night with day and strive to ward off strife and establish civil peace among society. Whoever does that seeking God’s pleasure, and whoever does that seeking God’s pleasure, we will give him a great reward as we send a message. By exercising wisdom, we will put an end to all the strife that has arisen among our people Appreciation for every situation is forgiveness, reform, tolerance, and what God increases A servant with pardon except his glory, so whoever pardons and makes reconciliation [__] to God, O God, reconcile the same between us and strengthen our hearts, and do not place in our hearts jealousy for those who have believed, O the support of the one who has no support, O the asset of the one who has no reserve, O the support of the one who has no support, You are our refuge, You are the absence of our absence. Protect us, oh God, oh God, oh God, we repent to you, we worship you, we worship you, so forgive us what will happen, O God, grant the blood of Muslims Oh God, grant security, health and well-being to our people in Gaza, Lebanon, Palestine and all other Muslim countries. Oh God, relieve the anguish of the prisoners and the prisoners. Oh God, relieve the anguish of the prisoners and the prisoners, O Generous One. Oh God, reward on our behalf our Master Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, the best reward, and reward us and the Nair. .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
1.24 May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you. Peace, mercy
1.24 , and blessings of God be upon you. God is great. God is great. God is
1.24 great. God is
1.24 great. God is great.
1.24 I bear witness that there is no god but
1.24 God. I bear witness that there
1.24 is no
1.24 god but God. I bear witness that
1.24 there is no
1.24 god but God.
1.24 I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger
1.24 [Music].
1.24 God I bear witness that
1.24 Muhammad is the Messenger of God . There is no power except in God Almighty. Live on prayer
1.24 [Music]
1.24 Live on [Music]
1.24 The farmer is alive on the peasant [Music]
1.24 God
1.24 is great, God
1.24 is great,
1.24 there is no
1.24 god but
1.24 God, Praise be to God, and they said, Praise be to God, who has taken away good from us. Indeed, our
1.24 Lord is Forgiving and Grateful. Praise be to God, and He is God. There is no god but He. To Him belongs
1.24 praise in the first and in the afterlife, and to Him belongs judgment, and to Him
1.24 they will be returned. Praise be to God, and they said, Praise be to God, who has been truthful to us and has given us inheritance of the earth. Repent from Paradise,
1.24 where what a wonderful reward
1.24 of the worlds the Messenger said. God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said that the people of Paradise inspire glorification
1.24 and praise just as they inspire the soul. Praise be to God, for whose judgment there is no motive or motive.
1.24 There is no impediment to his giving, and the vanguards are not hidden from him. Praise be to You. You have mercy on every
1.24 lost person. Praise be to You. Deposits are not lost to You. Oh God, we entrust you to Gaza and its people, O the Abode of Benefits
1.24 and the Book that gathers with bright light. We entrust to you its children,
1.24 its women, and the weak. You are a defender and a protector of
1.24 defeats and of the mighty a suppressor.
1.24 My God, Palestine and its people exult in your praise and praise you and pray with your praise. Be kind to them
1.24 in a manner befitting your praise, O Generous One, and I bear witness that there is no god but God, alone, with no
1.24 partner. Glory be to Him. Praise began from Him and to
1.24 Him it returns. He opened his book with praise of Himself and said, Praise be to God, Lord
1.24 of the Worlds. And praise came from Himself and said, Praise be to God, who created the heavens and the earth and made
1.24 darkness and light, and commanded His Messenger to praise only He said, “And say,
1.24 ‘Praise be to God. He will show you His signs and you will recognize them, and I bear witness that our master Muhammad is the Messenger of God,
1.24 may God bless him and grant him peace. O God, bless the healer of hearts and their cure.’” And the well-being
1.24 and healing of bodies, and the light and radiance of sight, the Master
1.24 of the Praiseworthy, to whom his master said, “Say, ‘Praise be to God,’ and peace be upon His servants whom
1.24 He has chosen. The One who raises the banner of praise on the Day of Resurrection. God has praised the people of praise and testified to them
1.24 in faith. So blessed are those whom He mentioned and described,
1.24 those who repent, those who work, those who praise, those who rise up, those who prostrate
1.24 , those who enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and those who preserve it.” For God’s limits and give glad tidings
1.24 to the believers. Al-Hasan, may God be pleased with him, said: “The praiseworthy ones who They thanked God for all
1.24 their lives, and our master Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, said: Praise is a word that God loved for himself,
1.24 a word that God was pleased with for himself, and he loved to be said. Praise be to God, then praise be to
1.24 God. His conditions, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, were one of a kind. Praise be to God in all his conditions. And on praise,
1.24 the companions of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, left. Peace be upon him, until praise became the behavior and manner of
1.24 the honorable companions who conquered the country and the supporters
1.24 and led the world to captivate it towards… Their creator is his mother, Muhammad,
1.24 may God bless him and grant him peace. They praise God for all hardships and prosperity
1.24 . The bearers are those who are satisfied with God, their true Lord, with everything that He has destined for them.
1.24 Praise be to God, the scales are filled. When blessings, praise be to God, thanks, and when
1.24 affliction, praise be to God, satisfaction with God. Praise be to God for Himself, and praise be to God for His qualities and
1.24 destinies, praise. To God for His names, and praise be to God for
1.24 His lordship, and praise be to God for His divinity. Therefore, praise be to God fills the scale.
1.24 Yes, praise be to God fills the scales. Heaven and earth, and if the span is in exchange for blessings, then praise
1.24 is more general, because for good times and innocence God
1.24 is pleased with God, Glory be to Him. No calamity dictates to anyone other than Him. If oppression, hardship, and torture befall you, then
1.24 the best supplication is praise be to God, and what a beautiful word it is that comes from the heart of
1.24 the patient, those who seek reward,
1.24 and those who are stationed, satisfied with God, so their hearts are reassured and
1.24 their souls are guided. O quick to anger, have mercy on him who has nothing but supplication, for you
1.24 do what you will, O whose name is Dawa And his praise is supplicated, and his remembrance is a healing more merciful than his capital, hope
1.24 , and a weapon of supplication, O Lord
1.24 of the Worlds [Music] So whenever you finish obeying Him, say Praise be to God, and whenever you come to the journey, say Praise be to God, and if
1.24 you are one of the steadfast people of Rabat, say Praise be to God, and if your house
1.24 is secure, then say Praise be to God, and they said, Praise be to God who He guided us to this, and we would not have been guided had it not been for
1.24 the punishment of God. So beware of attributing goodness and righteous deeds to yourself, but rather remember God’s bounty upon you, so do good deeds.
1.24 Praise is for three things: If God gives you a blessing, you should know who gave
1.24 you. The second is that you are satisfied with what your master has destined for you. The third is that as long as you enjoy the grace of your master, do not
1.24 disobey the one who gave him. And if God protects you from falling into
1.24 immorality, from falling into immorality, debauchery, entertainment, and promiscuity,
1.24 then say, “Praise be to God, O God. This is an abomination that we do not approve of.” While the Muslims are flowing their blood and the people of lusts
1.24 in their ignorance are blinded, and there is no power nor strength except
1.24 with God, the Muslims in All corners of the globe, especially the people of Gaza
1.24 and Lebanon, are at the highest levels due to the affliction, hunger, and
1.24 deprivation that have befallen them, along with the suffering, pain, killing, and destruction, with no recourse and no helper, between the heat of
1.24 the sun and the cold of winter. Their tongue utters praise, satisfaction with God, and their tongue
1.24 utters praise, satisfaction with God. May God’s peace be upon you, O
1.24 praisers. The people of Rabat have been steadfast. The people of Palestine adhere to the belief of monotheism and the word of praise
1.24 Belief and behavior, not just words with the tongue, as God Almighty said in the hadith: If
1.24 a servant’s son dies, God Almighty says to his angels, “You have killed my servant’s son,” and they say, “Yes,” and he says, “
1.24 You have blessed his heart.” They say, “Yes
1.24 ,” and he says, “What did my servant say, what did the people of Palestine say about me?” They say, “Praise be to you and take it back.” He says,
1.24 “Build a house for my servant.” Paradise and it is called the House of the Lamb. You were given houses in Paradise
1.24 as an honor to God. You were given rooms in Paradise for your flesh. Our people in Palestine and Gaza have seized
1.24 the pleasures of their hearts, and that did not stop them from giving praise. They are the people of praise and contentment. They said, “Praise be to God,” and
1.24 they said, “Praise be to God.” Our women in Gaza are the glorious,
1.24 chaste, pure, praiseworthy ones, despite the noses of the skeptics, despite the noses
1.24 of the normalizers, and despite the noses of the adornments. They are the symbol of the nation’s honor and chastity, and
1.24 those doors are silent. O people of Rabat, O people of praise, rejoice
1.24 With the good news of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, who said that
1.24 the best of God’s servants on the Day of Resurrection are those who are praiseworthy. And the best of God’s servants on the Day of Resurrection
1.24 are those who are thankful. And the giving of praise in this world is success, payment, and empowerment on earth. They said, “Praise be
1.24 to God, whose promise we have believed and added to the earth. We can take from Paradise wherever we wish. So what a good reward for
1.24 the workers and covering them in the world. ” The afterlife is Paradise and its bliss, and this praise keeps Muslims from
1.24 working diligently in obedience to God, a predicament from which there will be no recovery. The nation and its glory have always
1.24 attributed their asceticism to the grace of God in order to gain support from God. Those who
1.24 bear His praise imitate those who bear
1.24 the Throne, and you will see the angels surrounding the Throne praising their Lord, and it has been decided between them with justice. It is said:
1.24 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. So be thankful to your Lord in private and do not
1.24 strive for Him, for praise is satisfied with God in every situation in adversity. Prosperity is in wealth and poverty is in
1.24 hardship and ease. He is the only one who is not praised Hated together. As for
1.24 the ungrateful ones who see our affliction in Gaza and see our wounds and suffering in
1.24 our sanctities, and they show injustice, arrogance, and tyranny. God has heard their words and knows their betrayal.
1.24 They are the deprived and the criminals. It is astonishing for the believer’s affair that his whole affair is
1.24 good, and that is only for the believer. If a sound befalls him, it is remembrance, and it is good for him, and if he is afflicted with evil, he is patient. So it was
1.24 good for him, and the affairs of the believer are good for him, no matter how much hardship it was in, for that is what brought Joseph out of his absences The darkness
1.24 and the darkness of the prisons, and provide relief for him with his wisdom. He is able to provide relief for the prisoners and the captive, because the
1.24 first ruler in this universe is God. By the greatness of your Lord, be content and never be disturbed by embarrassment.
1.24 God has always been accustomed to His creation. If a matter is distressed, He brings relief. To Him belongs the dominion, and to Him is praise, and He is over all things.
1.24 A mighty thing. O usurers,
1.24 O steadfast ones, O
1.24 praiseworthy ones, you are fine as long as you remain as you are. There will still be a sect. From my nation, they are on the truth,
1.24 appearing to their enemies, pure. Those who oppose them will not harm them except what has befallen them from the calamity until the life of God comes.
1.24 And they are like that. They said, O Messenger of God, where did he say about Bayt al-Maqdis and the sons of Bayt al-Maqdis
1.24 are rewarded, steadfast, praising and contented until the command of Allah comes? So if the beginning befalls the servant and
1.24 calamity befalls him, Satan races. It is still the remembrance of God, so do not forget, O
1.24 believer, to say: Praise be to God, praise be to you, and take back, for the apparent matter is hardship,
1.24 calamity, and wealth. It is a matter of bliss and giving. Perhaps He has afflicted you to lift you up, and perhaps He has made you difficult in order to give you,
1.24 and perhaps He has taken from you to bring you closer. We thank God for every hardship
1.24 and gentleness, and know that what befalls you was not to miss you, and what missed you was not to befall you. And know that victory comes
1.24 with patience, that there is relief with distress, and with hardship there is ease. The Messenger of God said. May God’s prayers and peace be upon him
1.24 , whoever says when he passes and when he becomes dawn, I have promoted God as my Lord and Islam as my religion. And with Muhammad as a prophet, it was
1.24 God’s duty to please him. We are satisfied with God as our Lord, with Islam as our religion, and with Muhammad as a prophet, and we ask you to
1.24 please us with the best of us and our quorum in Gaza, O God. It is stated in the noble hadith: If the servant says, “
1.24 Praise be to God” often, God Almighty says, “Rescribe to my servant My mercy abundantly, and pray to God while you
1.24 believe in the answer, and O
1.24 praise.” To God belongs greatness and perfection, Taha and Juman, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, without
1.24 partners, and I bear witness that Our master Muhammad is the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, our intercessor on the Day of Judgment.
1.24 God has sealed the prophets and messengers with him. God has bestowed praise on the tongue
1.24 of His prophets before and said on the example of Abraham, peace be upon him.
1.24 Praise be to God, who made me grow old, Ishmael and Isaac. Indeed, my Lord is the Hearer of supplications, and I pray
1.24 to God through the supplications of our father Abraham, upon him. Peace be upon you, when Abraham said, “O Lord, make this country safe, Lord,
1.24 make this country safe,” as the eyes cry We are close to pleasing our people in Palestine, Gaza
1.24 and Lebanon, who are dying every day due to injustice. Likewise, our hearts are filled with grief for the possessions of
1.24 our loved ones, which we are losing at the hands of suspicious weapons day after day, which have destroyed families and
1.24 social cohesion, a recurring trend that has reached, at the moment, more than
1.24 250 cases of murder this year. How many women were Hamlet, how many children were killed, how many wombs were cut, and he did not
1.24 notice who was carrying them This weapon deprives us of civil peace, deprives us of security and tranquility
1.24 among us, and provokes strife. We also address a word of thanks and greatness to the men
1.24 of reform who connect night with day and strive to ward off strife and establish civil peace
1.24 among society. Whoever does that seeking God’s pleasure, and whoever does that seeking God’s pleasure, we will
1.24 give him a great reward as we send a message. By exercising wisdom,
1.24 we will put an end to all the strife that has arisen among our people Appreciation for every situation is forgiveness, reform, tolerance, and what God increases
1.24 A servant with pardon except his glory, so whoever pardons and makes reconciliation [__] to God, O God, reconcile the same between us and strengthen
1.24 our hearts, and do not place in our hearts jealousy for those who have believed, O the support of the one who has no support, O the asset of the one who has no reserve,
1.24 O the support of the one who has no support, You are our refuge, You are the absence of our absence. Protect us, oh God,
1.24 oh God, oh God, we repent to you, we worship you, we
1.24 worship you, so forgive us what will happen, O God, grant the blood of Muslims Oh God,
1.24 grant security, health and well-being to our people in Gaza, Lebanon, Palestine and all other
1.24 Muslim countries. Oh God, relieve the anguish of the prisoners and the prisoners. Oh God, relieve the anguish of the prisoners and the prisoners, O Generous One. Oh God,
1.24 reward on our behalf our Master Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, the best reward, and reward us and the Nair.
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