masturbate; 91% des hommes font mal! Comment se masturber sans effets secondaires

Le thème « masturbate » par ReBalance

Sur YouTube, publié par ReBalance (), cette vidéo traite du thème « masturbate ».

La diversité des créateurs sur YouTube assure une richesse de perspectives et d’approches, rendant chaque visionnage unique et intéressant.

La vidéo avait déjà enregistré quelques interactions lorsque nous l’avons regardée () . Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 3209.

La durée (00:05:05s) de la vidéo, le titre (91% of Men Do It WRONG! How to MASTURBATE Without Side Effects), sont à prendre en compte de même que la description publiée par l’auteur :« Le meilleur supplément pour guérir la faible érection. Recommandation par le Dr Arkady Lipnitsky: Vérifiez mon ebook « Perfect Testosterone »: 3 semaines. Inscrivez-vous à une consultation gratuite: Dr. Arkady Lipnitsky expliquera dans cette vidéo: comment pouvez-vous nuire à votre santé par masturbation? À quoi ressemble une masturbation saine? Comment se débarrasser de la dépendance à la masturbation. Si vous vivez à New York, vous pouvez contacter notre rééquilibre de la clinique. Nous vous aiderons à résoudre le problème de l’érection faible. ————————————————– —- Notre clinique: rééquilibrage NYC 635 Madison Ave, Ste 1400, New York, NY 10022 (212) 380-1764 Google Maps: ————————————————– —- Vidéos intéressantes sur ce sujet: je n’utilise plus de viagra, je l’utilise à la place… – toutes des façons éprouvées de battre l’éjaculation précoce pour toujours – 10 Meilleurs exercices pour l’érection dure du rock pour toujours – —————————– ——————— Abonnez-vous à nos médias sociaux: Facebook – Twitter – / Balance_re LinkedIn – Instagram – —————— ———————————— #Masturbation #MasturbationTechnique #MasturbationAddiction ——– ———————————————- Avis de non-responsabilité: cette vidéo est purement éducatif et ne constitue pas des conseils médicaux. Le contenu de cette vidéo est notre opinion personnelle et non celle de nos employeurs. L’utilisation de ces informations est à vos propres risques. Le rééquilibre n’assumera aucune responsabilité pour des pertes ou des dommages directs ou indirects qui pourraient résulter de l’utilisation des informations contenues dans cette vidéo, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, la perte économique, les blessures, la maladie ou la mort. (Tagstotranslate) Masturbation Addiction (T) Mythes de masturbation (T) Comment se masturber sans effets secondaires (T) Masturbation (T) Masturbation nocive (T) Dysfonction érectile (T) est la masturbation mauvaise pour vous (T) pouvez-vous vous masturber trop ( t) est la masturbation mauvaise ».

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Planifier un chemin d’action pour cesser

Donner des recommandations pour prévenir les rechutes

  • Créer un emploi du temps quotidien : Inscrivez des tâches et activités à réaliser chaque jour.
  • Éviter l’accès à la pornographie : Installez des outils de filtrage pour bloquer l’accès aux contenus explicites.

Mettre en lumière le rôle clé du soutien social

  • Prendre rendez-vous avec un sexologue : Il est capable de fournir des conseils sur mesure. c’est le cas de ce prestataire pour le monde entier.
  • Participer à des groupes de soutien : Partager ses expériences avec d’autres aide à garder le cap.

Suggérer des actions pratiques pour diminuer cette pratique

  • Remplacer cette habitude par d’autres occupations : Pratiquez une activité physique ou testez de nouveaux passe-temps.
  • Identifier les sources de déclenchement : Faites attention à ce qui vous incite à agir.
  • Remplacer par des alternatives saines : Essayez le sport ou explorez de nouveaux hobbies.

Sexualité épanouie : surmonter le défi de la masturbation

Pour certaines personnes, hommes et femmes, la masturbation est un acte naturel souvent associé à l’exploration de la sexualité. Toutefois, lorsque cette pratique prend le dessus et se mue en addiction, elle peut interférer avec divers aspects de la vie, rendant le processus d’arrêt particulièrement difficile.

Appréhender les enjeux liés à la dépendance à la masturbation

Donner une définition claire de la masturbation et ses usages

Pratique sexuelle commune, la masturbation est reconnue pour ses effets positifs, notamment sur le stress et la conscience corporelle. Mais en cas d’excès, elle peut s’avérer problématique.

Repérer les premiers signes d’une dépendance

La dépendance se manifeste par une augmentation de la fréquence, associée à une incapacité à se contrôler, ce qui peut nuire à la qualité des rapports avec un partenaire.

Observer les influences sur la santé mentale et corporelle

La consommation compulsive de pornographie, couplée à l’addiction à la masturbation, crée une stimulation continue du système dopaminergique, pouvant engendrer des troubles comme l’éjaculation précoce, une fatigue générale ou une insatisfaction sexuelle.

Mesurer les gains d’un arrêt efficace

Montrer comment la santé mentale s’améliore au fil du temps

La cessation de cette habitude conduit généralement à une hausse de l’énergie, à une humeur améliorée et à une concentration renforcée.

Démontrer les étapes nécessaires pour un bonheur durable

En réduisant la dépendance, des améliorations durables peuvent être observées dans les sphères personnelle, professionnelle et sociale.

Montrer comment les relations interpersonnelles s’améliorent

Les liens avec un partenaire se renforcent, créant une meilleure connexion émotionnelle et physique.

Réfléchir aux facteurs sous-jacents à la croissance de cette pratique

Évaluer l’impact de la consommation de pornographie sur les comportements

La pornographie agit comme un facteur clé. Elle stimule souvent la masturbation et peut déformer l’image de la sexualité.

Analyser la relation entre la solitude et le désir

L’isolement et le manque de satisfaction dans une relation ou dans la vie personnelle peuvent aussi être des déclencheurs de cette pratique.

Aborder les aspects psychologiques et émotionnels

L’anxiété, le stress ou un vide dans d’autres aspects de la vie peuvent engendrer cette pratique instinctive.

Pour conclure

Mettre fin à la masturbation fréquente est un processus qui requiert patience et persévérance. Avec une approche structurée et le soutien adéquat, il est possible de surmonter cette épreuve et de récolter les bienfaits d’une vie plus harmonieuse et focalisée sur des objectifs épanouissants.

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#des #hommes #font #mal #Comment #masturber #sans #effets #secondaires

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: doctor is it okay to masturbate doctors masturbation dangerous is it harmful can I hurt myself how often is it okay to masturbate and what’s harmful what’s not well this is the questions I get every single day when I speak to men just like you and today I would like to touch base on very sensitive topic of masturbation of course masturbation is normal for both men and women but we need to make a very clear understanding what is normal and what is abnormal what can be harmful and what can be perfectly healthy one of the leading causes of the erectile dysfunction is the injury that is being sustained acutely or chronically through years of time to a blood vessels or vascular system of the penis and of course for some people especially younger people masturbation can play a very vital role in that it’s important to understand that a healthy man needs to ejaculate anywhere between 15 to 20 times per month and that’s to keep your prostate and your hormones healthy and balanced friends if you would like to learn more about your hormones you have to start strong how to check it how to improve it please look up and download my book perfect T the link is right below and if you don’t have an ability to have sex that often then you probably would masturbate and yes it’s absolutely healthy and absolutely normal the question is how often and the technique well how often if it’s something that you do three four five times a day well guess what it’s harmful harmful for many reasons reason number one you become less sensitive and the less sensitive you become the harder you go on your strokes and horizontal Strokes the more injury you cause to blood vessels of the penis and of course any small injury causes some Scar Tissue formation and the scar tissue forms not only in the coveredness tissue but also in the blood vessels so you injure the cavernous tissue that needs to be filled with blood the sponge tissue that’s supposed to expand and give you a normal healthy erection and you’re injuring the smaller blood vessels like capillaries and large blood vessels like arteries and veins all together you’re causing abundance of scar tissue formation through years and that unfortunately starts causing limitation in the blood supply to the penis tissue therefore if you’ve been feeling a decline in your ability to have a normal erection and you’re still in your youth 20 studies or even 40 these masturbation or over masturbation may be one of the causes the second problem typically when men masturbate they probably watch porn and as you probably already know a psychological aspect often also cause erectile dysfunction what do I mean by psychological aspect well when you watch porn you see very unrealistic scenes with very unrealistic environment so psychologically you reduce your sensitivity to a normal everyday reality and you imagine yourself to be in a completely different world when it comes to perform in your world guess what it just doesn’t work anymore you know you live mentally in a different world so all watching porn especially in the past 10 15 years became one of the big causes for erectile dysfunction problem number three when you over masturbate and again three four five times a day or even every day may be too much for you and your body may not be able to produce enough sperm for a healthy ejaculation every time you masturbate so you start depleting your body from the most essential thing sperm production and no wonder I often hear guys that say that the sperm production really decreased in the past few years and over masturbation may be one of those reasons so if you don’t have a regular sexual relationship 15 to 20 times a month it’s normal to masturbate maybe couple of times a week with that in mind it’s also important not to always stimulate your brain and excitement with porn which is as we said not super realistic in life scenario but perhaps do it with your own imagination I hope those tips are useful and again most of those tips and complaints are coming from real cases that we at rebalance see every single day we’re here also to listen to your complaints to reason with you and explain to you what normal what’s healthy what’s not healthy and help you to achieve a much happier and healthier life guys if you feel that you’ve been experienced some erectile decline perhaps with the masturbation please watch my video on physical therapy for the penis you’ll learn what you can do for yourself to make some major improvements right at home .

Image YouTube

Déroulement de la vidéo:

0 doctor is it okay to masturbate
0 doctors masturbation dangerous is it
0 harmful can I hurt myself how often is
0 it okay to masturbate and what&;s harmful
0 what&;s not well this is the questions I
0 get every single day when I speak to men
0 just like you and today I would like to
0 touch base on very sensitive topic of
0 masturbation
0 of course masturbation is normal for
0 both men and women but we need to make a
0 very clear understanding what is normal
0 and what is abnormal what can be harmful
0 and what can be perfectly healthy one of
0 the leading causes of the erectile
0 dysfunction is the injury that is being
0 sustained acutely or chronically through
0 years of time to a blood vessels or
0 vascular system of the penis and of
0 course for some people especially
0 younger people masturbation can play a
0 very vital role in that it&;s important
0 to understand that a healthy man needs
0 to ejaculate anywhere between 15 to 20
0 times per month and that&;s to keep your
0 prostate and your hormones healthy and
0 balanced friends if you would like to
0 learn more about your hormones you have
0 to start strong how to check it how to
0 improve it please look up and download
0 my book perfect T the link is right
0 below and if you don&;t have an ability
0 to have sex that often then you probably
0 would masturbate and yes it&;s absolutely
0 healthy and absolutely normal the
0 question is how often and the technique
0 well how often if it&;s something that
0 you do three four five times a day well
0 guess what it&;s harmful
0 harmful for many reasons reason number
0 one you become less sensitive and the
0 less sensitive you become the harder you
0 go on your strokes and horizontal
0 Strokes the more injury you cause to
0 blood vessels of the penis and of course
0 any small injury causes some Scar Tissue
0 formation and the scar tissue forms not
0 only in the coveredness tissue but also
0 in the blood vessels so you injure the
0 cavernous tissue that needs to be filled
0 with blood the sponge tissue that&;s
0 supposed to expand and give you a normal
0 healthy erection and you&;re injuring the
0 smaller blood vessels like capillaries
0 and large blood vessels like arteries
0 and veins all together you&;re causing
0 abundance of scar tissue formation
0 through years and that unfortunately
0 starts causing limitation in the blood
0 supply to the penis tissue therefore if
0 you&;ve been feeling a decline in your
0 ability to have a normal erection and
0 you&;re still in your youth 20 studies or
0 even 40 these masturbation or over
0 masturbation may be one of the causes
0 the second problem typically when men
0 masturbate they probably watch porn and
0 as you probably already know a
0 psychological aspect often also cause
0 erectile dysfunction what do I mean by
0 psychological aspect well when you watch
0 porn you see very unrealistic scenes
0 with very unrealistic environment so
0 psychologically you reduce your
0 sensitivity to a normal everyday reality
0 and you imagine yourself to be in a
0 completely different world when it comes
0 to perform in your world guess what it
0 just doesn&;t work anymore you know you
0 live mentally in a different world so
0 all watching porn especially in the past
0 10 15 years became one of the big causes
0 for erectile dysfunction problem number
0 three when you over masturbate and again
0 three four five times a day or even
0 every day may be too much for you and
0 your body may not be able to produce
0 enough sperm for a healthy ejaculation
0 every time you masturbate so you start
0 depleting your body from the most
0 essential thing sperm production and no
0 wonder I often hear guys that say that
0 the sperm production really decreased in
0 the past few years and over masturbation
0 may be one of those reasons so if you
0 don&;t have a regular sexual relationship
0 15 to 20 times a month it&;s normal to
0 masturbate maybe couple of times a week
0 with that in mind it&;s also important
0 not to always stimulate your brain and
0 excitement with porn which is as we said
0 not super realistic in life scenario but
0 perhaps do it with your own imagination
0 I hope those tips are useful and again
0 most of those tips and complaints are
0 coming from real cases that we at
0 rebalance see every single day we&;re
0 here also to listen to your complaints
0 to reason with you and explain to you
0 what normal what&;s healthy what&;s not
0 healthy and help you to achieve a much
0 happier and healthier life guys if you
0 feel that you&;ve been experienced some
0 erectile decline perhaps with the
0 masturbation please watch my video on
0 physical therapy for the penis you&;ll
0 learn what you can do for yourself to
0 make some major improvements right at
0 home

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