masturbate; La masturbation : bonne ou mauvaise ?

Le thème « masturbate » par The Yoga Institute

Une vidéo, produite par The Yoga Institute et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), traite du thème « masturbate ».

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Dr. Hansaji Yogendra), et les observations mentionnées par l’auteur :« La masturbation est-elle bonne ou mauvaise ? La masturbation peut-elle devenir une addiction ? Comment contrôler les pulsions sexuelles ? Regardez le Dr Hansaji nous éclairer sur ces questions. Visitez notre site Web à l’adresse : Téléchargez notre nouvelle application de méditation – Nispand : Play Store : App Store : Inscrivez-vous à notre cours de formation pour enseignants de 200 heures : Inscrivez-vous à notre cours de 21 jours pour mieux vivre : Regardez notre vidéo sur « Boosting Fertility » With Yoga » en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous : Abonnez-vous à nos chaînes pour rester informé : https :// #DrHansaji #TheYogaInstitute #TheYogaInstitute_LifestyleManagement #Mythe #Fait #MasturbationMythe #Dépendance #Santé #SantéPhysique #ProblèmesdeSanté #problèmesdesanté #santédeshommes #santédeshommes #santédesfemmes #curewithyoga #yogaasanas #asanas ».

Vous trouverez la vidéo juste sous cette section
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Évaluer les explications de l’augmentation de cette pratique

Étudier l’influence de l’isolement et du désir

La solitude et l’insatisfaction dans les relations ou dans la vie personnelle sont également des catalyseurs de cette pratique.

Aborder les aspects psychologiques et émotionnels

Des facteurs tels que le stress, l’anxiété ou le manque de satisfaction dans d’autres sphères de la vie peuvent conduire à cette pratique instinctive.

Observer les changements comportementaux induits par la pornographie

La pornographie est un facteur déterminant. Elle booste souvent l’envie de se masturber et peut nuire à la compréhension de la sexualité.

Évaluer les résultats d’un arrêt réussi

Décrire les progrès réalisés en matière de santé mentale

Mettre fin à cette pratique engendre fréquemment une hausse d’énergie, une humeur plus positive et une meilleure concentration.

Présenter les changements bénéfiques dans les relations sociales

Les liens avec un partenaire s’enrichissent, marqués par une connexion émotionnelle et physique plus forte.

Présenter le chemin vers une harmonie durable

Diminuer la dépendance permet de vivre des bénéfices durables dans la vie privée, professionnelle et sociale.

Masturbation et rapports intimes : relever le défi du changement

Masturbation et sexualité vont souvent de pair, et cette pratique est largement considérée comme normale et bénéfique. Cependant, lorsqu’elle devient fréquente et se transforme en addiction, elle peut représenter un véritable challenge à surmonter pour préserver des éléments clés de la vie comme la santé mentale, les relations et l’équilibre au travail.

Explorer les causes et les effets de la dépendance à la masturbation

Évaluer les signes indiquant une dépendance

La dépendance se manifeste par une augmentation de la fréquence, associée à une incapacité à se contrôler, ce qui peut nuire à la qualité des rapports avec un partenaire.

Se pencher sur l’effet global sur la santé mentale et physique

L’addiction à la masturbation, lorsqu’elle s’accompagne d’un usage excessif de pornographie, affecte le système dopaminergique, provoquant des troubles comme l’éjaculation précoce, une baisse de l’énergie et des frustrations sexuelles.

Donner une définition claire de la masturbation et ses usages

La masturbation, souvent considérée comme saine pour réduire le stress et mieux connaître son corps, peut poser problème lorsqu’elle dépasse certaines limites.

Créer un plan pour mettre fin à cette pratique

Présenter des stratégies pour prévenir les rechutes

  • Désactiver les accès aux contenus pornographiques : Utilisez des outils de contrôle parental ou des bloqueurs de sites.
  • Restreindre l’accès à la pornographie : Mettez en place des bloqueurs pour empêcher l’accès aux contenus indésirables.

Présenter des stratégies efficaces pour limiter cette pratique

  • Substituer à la pratique par d’autres loisirs : Explorez de nouvelles passions ou engagez-vous dans des activités sportives.
  • Repérer les déclencheurs : Notez ce qui provoque le désir.
  • Identifier ce qui déclenche l’envie : Prenez note des moments où vous ressentez le besoin.

Soulever l’importance de l’accompagnement social

  • Parler à un sexologue : Un professionnel peut offrir des conseils adaptés. c’est le cas de l’équipe de pour le monde entier.
  • S’associer à des groupes de soutien : Partager vos objectifs avec d’autres peut renforcer votre engagement.

En dernière analyse

L’arrêt de la masturbation fréquente implique un parcours long et exigeant. Grâce à un plan détaillé et un soutien approprié, il devient possible de franchir cette étape et de savourer les bienfaits d’une vie plus équilibrée, centrée sur des projets plus gratifiants.

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la publication originale: Cliquer ici

#masturbation #bonne #mauvaise #Hansaji #Yogendra

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: namaskar the question is is masturbation harmful to health anything done in excess is going to create a problem human tendency is always like this that if you derive pleasure high out of something you want to do it more and more till it comes to a level that that becomes your addiction and that is really really harmful here with addiction you are not just destroying that organ but destroying actually your whole life because of that ayurveda says that one drop of salmon is like 40 drops of your bone marrow it is so much strong similarly one drop of sebum is equivalent to 50 drops of blood so understand every time when person masturbates so much of energy is getting wasted for what for pleasure which would be very wrong consequently it leads to nutrient deficiencies loss of hair dryness of skin in fact all the symptoms of old age starts i know one boy who came to me he was totally frustrated very rejected he said my life is ruined and he told me why he said that he used to do masturbation every night the moment he was alone at night he would be masturbating without that he couldn’t sleep now this dependency on masturbation was creating a problem for him and he was doing for years together after marriage he couldn’t perform it was like impotency erectile dysfunction he was miserable wife was miserable he couldn’t have a child and it was a misery all over his family wise family and his entire world was suffering why why because excess of anything is harmful and he did nothing else but excess of masturbation in his life apart from this excess of such act is going to make your career also in a poor condition because your focus would be lost your concentration will be lost you will not be able to do your work so efficiently as you should have done otherwise this is very similar to the addiction of alcohol and smoking person totally gets deluded some argue and say that there are benefits of masturbation and it should be done is there any benefits let’s understand yes it definitely helps you in calming down the sexual urges it releases sexual tension but why nowadays sexual tension arises in young age the energy is so high that’s why in olden times they used to get married in much younger age it had its own drawbacks but sexual energy was managed very well and now people are not married till quite a long age so that energy how we would manage so this is the process through which we would manage it but then it should be understood that anything in excess is bad so once in a month or maybe twice in a month would be more than enough otherwise it is going to create a disaster for you and for the family it would slowly get into addiction we should be wrong this act is a very good stress buster too medical science says that your body releases a happy hormone which helps you to manage your stress but then it has a very temporary effect we should know that then what you should know how to handle the stress otherwise also not just through this one very important point is that this sex is totally self-reliant sex you are under stress you know how to release the stress and you do some such act accordingly in sadhu sannyasi also are dependent on this activity too because they deal with uh self-management so they manage their sexual energy also very strongly once in a while they release otherwise they uplift their energy in yoga lots of activities are there when you try to uplift your energy sadhus do that why is masturbation becoming an addiction in today’s youth this is because at this age the sexual urges are at the highest the main problem is the exposure to porn contents today’s youths are exposed to vulgarity in almost all the areas like social medias advertisements films and all these things attract them very strongly almost 80 to 90 percent of internet usage is on pawn and that is the whole problem today’s youth is exposed to all such things very easily and that affects their psyche very strongly and you should know that this porn addiction leads to masturbation addiction too so how to control this masturbation addiction is a part of your subconscious mind subconscious means deep rooted so it will take a lot of effort to overcome this addiction you should learn to divert your energy and here are few ways through which you will definitely divert your energy to be more productive more useful always be around people go out with friends families and do some productive activities with them keep your mind cheerful and active all the time in case you have nobody around you find yourself lonely then you should indulge in some hobby that’s our second point develop some hobby among hobbies reading books is a wonderful hobby always keep books with you other hobbies like going for a trek going with nature you know dancing singing climbing jumping all these could be wonderful things you know pottery drawing painting all such hobbies are really engrossing person could really love photography is also a wonderful hobby and yoga person must develop some interest in yoga in yoga there are few techniques which should really help to uplift your energy level instead of going downwards the energy can be shifted upwards and these techniques are wonderful where you will have more mastery over your body over your mind over your emotions in yoga they say very clearly that is the breath and your mind they go together so here is one very good breathing technique where you are first inhaling fully and then having a long exhalation and then you are pulling your stomaching and holding your breath hold your breath for some times as long as you feel comfortable and relax this technique called as juniper is wonderful to uplift the energy second technique is urdian here you sit in padmasana preferably if can’t sit then sit in sukhasana hold both the knees with your palm and bend little bit forward and now breathe in and while breathing out give a pressure on your knee with your palm and try to tuck your stomach in when you breathe out completely here you have to contract your anal muscle also tightly which is called as ashwini mudra and try and tuck your chin to your jugular knot and stay in this position for some time then relax yourself relax your anal muscles make your head straight and inhale now this has to be done with practice but it is wonderful technique to have good amount of control over your energy third technique is bhadrasana you can sit and in bhadrasana position and stay for some times little bit butterfly movement also would be wonderful and do the same in the lying down position lie down supine hold your legs bring it to your bottom and then hold your legs with your hands and then move your knee in butterfly position for some time and then stay steady for some more time so this is how you will have a good pelvic exercise and it would definitely help in strengthening your sexual ordinance apart from these yogasanas and yoga techniques activity physically is very much required so running climbing playing some game football badminton tennis is very very important we should be active swimming also is wonderful exercise which you should do and see that we are using our energy constructively with all that your body will be fit you will be definitely having more control over every part of your body and by which you will strengthen your system all these activities you may be doing every day very religiously but remember sometimes you may fail sometime you may indulge because after all it is an addiction don’t worry don’t put yourself down don’t feel guilty about it except things would slowly slowly improve and i tell you that person definitely would improve a person is determined so carry on do your part put your effort and see that you come out of this addiction in your life and be successful person in all field namaste .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.719 namaskar the question is
0.719 is masturbation harmful to health
0.719 anything done in excess is going to
0.719 create a problem
0.719 human tendency is always like this that
0.719 if you derive
0.719 pleasure high out of something you want
0.719 to do it more and more
0.719 till it comes to a level that that
0.719 becomes your addiction
0.719 and that is really really harmful here
0.719 with addiction you are not just
0.719 destroying that organ
0.719 but destroying actually your whole life
0.719 because of that ayurveda says that one
0.719 drop of
0.719 salmon is like 40
0.719 drops of your bone marrow it is
0.719 so much strong similarly
0.719 one drop of sebum is equivalent to 50
0.719 drops of
0.719 blood so understand every time
0.719 when person masturbates so much of
0.719 energy is getting wasted for what for
0.719 pleasure
0.719 which would be very wrong consequently
0.719 it leads to nutrient deficiencies loss
0.719 of hair
0.719 dryness of skin in fact all the symptoms
0.719 of
0.719 old age starts i know one boy
0.719 who came to me he was totally frustrated
0.719 very rejected he said my life is ruined
0.719 and he told me why he said that he used
0.719 to do masturbation
0.719 every night the moment he was alone
0.719 at night he would be masturbating
0.719 without that he couldn&;t sleep now
0.719 this dependency on masturbation was
0.719 creating a problem for him and he was
0.719 doing for
0.719 years together after marriage he
0.719 couldn&;t perform
0.719 it was like impotency erectile
0.719 dysfunction
0.719 he was miserable wife was miserable he
0.719 couldn&;t have a child and it was a
0.719 misery all over
0.719 his family wise family and his entire
0.719 world
0.719 was suffering why why
0.719 because excess of anything is
0.719 harmful and he did nothing else but
0.719 excess of masturbation
0.719 in his life apart from this excess of
0.719 such act
0.719 is going to make your career also
0.719 in a poor condition because your focus
0.719 would be lost your concentration will be
0.719 lost
0.719 you will not be able to do your work so
0.719 efficiently
0.719 as you should have done otherwise this
0.719 is very similar
0.719 to the addiction of alcohol and smoking
0.719 person totally gets deluded some
0.719 argue and say that there are benefits of
0.719 masturbation
0.719 and it should be done is there any
0.719 benefits
0.719 let&;s understand yes it definitely helps
0.719 you
0.719 in calming down the sexual urges
0.719 it releases sexual tension
0.719 but why nowadays sexual tension arises
0.719 in young age the energy is so high
0.719 that&;s why in olden times
0.719 they used to get married in much younger
0.719 age
0.719 it had its own drawbacks but sexual
0.719 energy was managed very well
0.719 and now people are not married till
0.719 quite a long age
0.719 so that energy how we would manage
0.719 so this is the process through which we
0.719 would manage it
0.719 but then it should be understood that
0.719 anything in excess is bad
0.719 so once in a month or maybe twice in a
0.719 month
0.719 would be more than enough otherwise it
0.719 is going to create a disaster
0.719 for you and for the family it would
0.719 slowly get into
0.719 addiction we should be wrong this act
0.719 is a very good stress buster too medical
0.719 science says
0.719 that your body releases a happy hormone
0.719 which helps you to manage your stress
0.719 but then
0.719 it has a very temporary effect we should
0.719 know that
0.719 then what you should know how to handle
0.719 the stress otherwise also
0.719 not just through this one very important
0.719 point
0.719 is that this sex is totally self-reliant
0.719 sex
0.719 you are under stress you know how to
0.719 release the stress
0.719 and you do some such act accordingly
0.719 in sadhu sannyasi also are dependent on
0.719 this
0.719 activity too because they deal with uh
0.719 self-management so they manage their
0.719 sexual energy also very strongly
0.719 once in a while they release otherwise
0.719 they uplift their energy
0.719 in yoga lots of activities are there
0.719 when you try to
0.719 uplift your energy sadhus do that
0.719 why is masturbation becoming an
0.719 addiction in today&;s youth
0.719 this is because at this age the sexual
0.719 urges are at the highest the main
0.719 problem is
0.719 the exposure to porn contents
0.719 today&;s youths are exposed to vulgarity
0.719 in almost all the areas like
0.719 social medias advertisements films
0.719 and all these things attract them very
0.719 strongly
0.719 almost 80 to 90 percent of internet
0.719 usage is on pawn and that is the whole
0.719 problem
0.719 today&;s youth is exposed to all such
0.719 things
0.719 very easily and that affects their
0.719 psyche very strongly and you should know
0.719 that this porn addiction
0.719 leads to masturbation addiction too
0.719 so how to control this masturbation
0.719 addiction is a part of your subconscious
0.719 mind
0.719 subconscious means deep rooted so
0.719 it will take a lot of effort to overcome
0.719 this addiction you should learn to
0.719 divert your energy
0.719 and here are few ways through which you
0.719 will definitely divert your energy
0.719 to be more productive more useful
0.719 always be around people go out with
0.719 friends
0.719 families and do some productive
0.719 activities with them
0.719 keep your mind cheerful and active all
0.719 the time
0.719 in case you have nobody around you find
0.719 yourself lonely
0.719 then you should indulge in some hobby
0.719 that&;s our second point
0.719 develop some hobby among hobbies
0.719 reading books is a wonderful hobby
0.719 always keep books with you
0.719 other hobbies like going for a trek
0.719 going with nature
0.719 you know dancing singing
0.719 climbing jumping all these could be
0.719 wonderful things
0.719 you know pottery drawing painting
0.719 all such hobbies are really engrossing
0.719 person could really love photography is
0.719 also a wonderful hobby
0.719 and yoga person must
0.719 develop some interest in yoga in yoga
0.719 there are few techniques
0.719 which should really help to uplift your
0.719 energy level
0.719 instead of going downwards the energy
0.719 can be shifted
0.719 upwards and these techniques are
0.719 wonderful
0.719 where you will have more mastery over
0.719 your body
0.719 over your mind over your emotions
0.719 in yoga they say very clearly
0.719 that is the breath
0.719 and your mind they go together so here
0.719 is one very good
0.719 breathing technique where you are first
0.719 inhaling fully
0.719 and then having a long exhalation
0.719 and then you are pulling your stomaching
0.719 and holding your breath
0.719 hold your breath for some times as long
0.719 as you feel comfortable
0.719 and relax this technique called as
0.719 juniper
0.719 is wonderful to uplift the energy
0.719 second technique is urdian
0.719 here you sit in padmasana preferably
0.719 if can&;t sit then sit in sukhasana hold
0.719 both the knees
0.719 with your palm and bend little bit
0.719 forward
0.719 and now breathe in
0.719 and while breathing out give a pressure
0.719 on
0.719 your knee with your palm and try to
0.719 tuck your stomach in when you breathe
0.719 out completely
0.719 here you have to contract your anal
0.719 muscle also tightly which is called as
0.719 ashwini mudra and try and tuck your chin
0.719 to your jugular knot and stay
0.719 in this position for some time then
0.719 relax yourself
0.719 relax your anal muscles make your head
0.719 straight
0.719 and inhale now this has to be done with
0.719 practice
0.719 but it is wonderful technique to have
0.719 good amount of control over your energy
0.719 third technique is bhadrasana
0.719 you can sit and in bhadrasana position
0.719 and stay for some times little bit
0.719 butterfly movement also would be
0.719 wonderful
0.719 and do the same in the lying down
0.719 position
0.719 lie down supine hold your legs
0.719 bring it to your bottom and then
0.719 hold your legs with your hands
0.719 and then move your knee in butterfly
0.719 position for
0.719 some time and then stay steady for some
0.719 more time
0.719 so this is how you will have a good
0.719 pelvic exercise and it would definitely
0.719 help
0.719 in strengthening your sexual ordinance
0.719 apart from these yogasanas and yoga
0.719 techniques
0.719 activity physically is very much
0.719 required
0.719 so running climbing playing some game
0.719 football badminton tennis is very very
0.719 important
0.719 we should be active swimming also is
0.719 wonderful exercise
0.719 which you should do and see that we are
0.719 using our energy constructively with all
0.719 that
0.719 your body will be fit you will be
0.719 definitely having more control over
0.719 every part of your body
0.719 and by which you will strengthen your
0.719 system
0.719 all these activities you may be doing
0.719 every day very religiously
0.719 but remember sometimes you may fail
0.719 sometime you may indulge because after
0.719 all it is an
0.719 addiction don&;t worry don&;t put yourself
0.719 down
0.719 don&;t feel guilty about it except
0.719 things would slowly slowly improve and i
0.719 tell you that person definitely would
0.719 improve
0.719 a person is determined so carry on
0.719 do your part put your effort and see
0.719 that you come out of this addiction in
0.719 your life
0.719 and be successful person in all field
0.719 namaste

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