Le thème « masturbate » par A Touchy Subject
Sur YouTube, publié par A Touchy Subject (), une vidéo est destinée aux passionnés du thème «masturbate ».
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À l’instant où nous avons visionné la vidéo (), elle comptait déjà plusieurs interactions cumulées. Le compteur de Likes indiquait: 2300.
Vous noterez la durée (00:05:17s), le titre (Is Masturbation Good for Men after Prostate Surgery?), et les commentaires ajoutés par l’auteur :« Trois avantages de masturbation pour les hommes souffrant de dysfonction érectile après prostatectomie, y compris ce que dit la dernière recherche clinique. ——- 🖥️ Améliorer les orgasmes / sensation: https://connectable.podia.com/penis-preasure/jfxm5 📖 Étude clinique complète référencée (PDF gratuit): https: //www.ncbi.nlm.nih. Gov / PMC / Articles / PMC7354343 / PDF / TAU-09-03-1286.PDF Citation: Meissner, VH, Dumler, S., Kron, M., Schiele, S., Goethe, Ve, Bannowsky, A.,. .. & Herkommer, K. (2020). Association entre la masturbation et les résultats fonctionnels dans le cours postopératoire après une prostatectomie radicale épargnant les nerfs. Andrologie et urologie de la translation, 9 (3), 1286. 🖥️ Guide de récupération d’érection gratuite (cancer du post de la prostate): https://www.atouchysubject.com/help-for-ed-post-postate-surguly 🎬 regarder ensuite! ○ Le mythe de la masturbation du Dr Rena Malik: https://youtu.be/-ec26lgokfq ○ viagra / cialis après la chirurgie de la prostate: 3 raisons, cela ne fonctionne pas – https://youtu.be/6pcgrbtjd0a ○ comment faire le protocole de réhabille pédile (avec une pompe) – https://youtu.be/ccxd4apcxrm ○ Comment utiliser le vibrateur Manta – https://youtu.be/g6vorfigci0 —— Quelles sont mes qualifications? Je m’appelle Victoria Cullen et je suis un éducateur en santé sexuelle. J’ai une maîtrise en psychologie, et je suis un chercheur de doctorat actuel dans le domaine de la conception de la santé sexuelle pour aider les personnes qui ont subi une chirurgie du cancer de la prostate. Vous pouvez lire ici une liste complète de mes qualifications et expériences sur lesquelles je dessine pour créer mes vidéos et mes ressources: https://www.atouchysubject.com/about ——- Avertissement médical: cette vidéo est à des fins informatives Seulement, cela n’est pas destiné à remplacer le diagnostic, le traitement ou les conseils de vos professionnels de la santé. Avertissement d’recommandation: Cette description contient des liens d’recommandation. Ces liens vous conduisent aux produits mentionnés par les fournisseurs auxquels j’ai confiance. Vous n’êtes bien sûr pas obligé d’utiliser ces liens. Si vous achetez des produits via les liens fournis – merci – cela me fournit une petite commission, ce qui m’aide à continuer à créer du contenu gratuit chaque semaine. (tagstotranslate) Dysfonction érectile (T) Le cancer de la prostate (T) est une masturbation bonne pour les hommes ».
La vidéo est prête à être regardée directement ci-dessous
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Examiner les bénéfices d’une abstinence réussie
Présenter l’évolution vers un mieux-être mental
Arrêter cette habitude permet souvent de retrouver plus d’énergie, une humeur positive et une meilleure concentration.
Présenter les changements positifs dans les relations humaines
Les relations avec un partenaire deviennent plus profondes, avec un lien émotionnel et physique renforcé.
Expliquer le trajet vers une joie persistante
Réduire la dépendance peut conduire à des résultats durables, tant dans la vie personnelle que professionnelle et sociale.
Comprendre les mécanismes de la dépendance à la masturbation
Reconnaître les signes d’une addiction naissante
Les signes de dépendance incluent une fréquence compulsive, ainsi qu’une perte de contrôle qui peut interférer avec d’autres domaines importants, notamment les relations amoureuses.
Examiner les retombées sur la santé mentale et physique
L’addiction à la masturbation, lorsqu’elle s’accompagne d’un usage excessif de pornographie, affecte le système dopaminergique, provoquant des troubles comme l’éjaculation précoce, une baisse de l’énergie et des frustrations sexuelles.
Expliquer ce qu’englobe la masturbation et ses pratiques courantes
La masturbation, souvent considérée comme saine pour réduire le stress et mieux connaître son corps, peut poser problème lorsqu’elle dépasse certaines limites.
Étudier les facteurs expliquant la montée de cette pratique
Comprendre l’influence de la solitude et du désir
La solitude et le désir non satisfait, dans un couple ou dans la vie personnelle, sont des facteurs qui renforcent cette pratique.
Explorer l’influence de la pornographie sur les actions et attitudes
La pornographie est un facteur significatif. Elle accroît fréquemment l’envie de se masturber et peut altérer la perception de la sexualité.
Examiner les aspects psychiques et émotionnels
Le manque de satisfaction, le stress ou l’anxiété dans d’autres sphères peuvent rendre cette pratique excessive plus fréquente.
Établir une feuille de route pour arrêter
Suggérer des actions pratiques pour diminuer cette pratique
- Identifier les facteurs déclencheurs : Prenez note de ce qui provoque l’envie de céder.
- Identifier les sources de déclenchement : Faites attention à ce qui vous incite à agir.
- Se donner des objectifs précis : Mettez en œuvre des stratégies progressives ou intégrez le mouvement « nofap » pour rester abstinent.
Indiquer les étapes essentielles pour éviter les rechutes
- Créer une routine organisée : Planifiez des activités à faire tout au long de la journée.
- Structurer vos journées : Créez une routine avec des activités régulières et bien organisées.
Mettre en lumière le rôle clé du soutien social
- Consulter un sexologue : Un spécialiste pourra proposer des stratégies adaptées. (par exemple ce lien)
- Intégrer un groupe de soutien : Échanger avec d’autres renforce la motivation.
Comprendre la masturbation : un défi pour transformer votre sexualité
Masturbation et sexualité vont souvent de pair, et cette pratique est largement considérée comme normale et bénéfique. Cependant, lorsqu’elle devient habituelle et se transforme en addiction, elle peut représenter un véritable challenge à surmonter pour préserver des éléments clés de la vie comme la santé mentale, les relations et l’équilibre au travail.
En somme
Mettre fin à la masturbation instinctive est un processus qui requiert patience et persévérance. Avec une approche structurée et le soutien adéquat, il est possible de surmonter cette épreuve et de récolter les bienfaits d’une vie plus harmonieuse et focalisée sur des objectifs épanouissants.
Pour regarder la vidéo directement sur YouTube, cliquez sur ce lien :
la publication originale: Cliquer ici
#masturbation #estelle #bonne #pour #les #hommes #après #chirurgie #prostate
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: in this video you are going to learn whether masturbation could help your erection recovery following prostatectomy we’re going to look at the clinical literature and we’re also going to look at three hypotheses for why giving yourself a really jolly good hello below may be a great idea as part of your penile rehabilitation so first let’s look at the clinical study by dr valentin meisner and colleagues they followed 250 patients post nerve sparing prostatectomy average age of 63 years old now at the two-year mark they found that patients who had reported masturbation during their journey about 47.5 of them had moderate-to-good natural erection function now this was compared to 37.5 percent of men who did not report masturbation now morning we can refer to this as nocturnal erections had returned for 54.6 percent of men who masturbated versus 35 percent who had not masturbated now we can’t conclude any causality from this because there are so many variables um determining erection recovery during peanut rehabilitation i have a lot of videos about that that i’ll pop in the description box below however it would be interesting for us to unpack why masturbation may have been a pro-erection strategy on these men’s journey so the first hypothesis that was proposed by these researchers was that potentially masturbation is yet another strategy for just encouraging more oxygenated blood flow into the penile tissue so penile tissue when flaccid has a very low oxygen saturation level and what you’re looking to do with penile rehabilitation is just keep that tissue in really good health by encouraging and establishing blood flow but especially oxygenated blood flow now even when you’re masturbating if you find that you’re still relatively flattered you might experience maybe a weak erection maybe a one to two out of ten that is still some oxygenation which frankly is better than nothing sort of like if after you had an operation where you were looking to rehabilitate your ability to walk with your legs even thinking about walking and then even just moving your legs ever so slightly would be better than doing nothing at all and we can also potentially hypothesize that this was why the masturbation group had more of a return to urinary continence as well so at 12 months post surgery the research has found that 83 of men in the masturbation group had a full return of their continence that was compared to 70 of men who did not masturbate so that’s rather interesting and that could again explain why masturbation could be helping with erections because any sort of pro-oxygenated blood flow into that pelvic tissue would be helping with pelvic floor recovery as well as erection recovery the second reason that masturbation may lead to more erection recovery is the idea of just practicing what i call making the phone call so anytime you have a spontaneous erection from arousal it doesn’t start in your pants it starts up here in your mind so in the mind you experience sexual stimulation somewhere in your body or neurotic thought and this essentially gets your mind to make a dial up to send a signal down your spine to the cavernous nerves around your prostate now these are the ones that may be the state of trauma for you following prostatectomy but if any are online if they’re starting to become online what they’ll do is they’ll send chemical messages out into the bloodstream in order to essentially tell the penis relax and that then fills the penis with blood aka your erection so you sort of need to be regularly making that phone call in order to really know are the nerves surrounding my prostate online now the third reason that you might be wanting to practice that five finger shuffle during your penile rehabilitation is for just the general health and well-being benefits that we know exist for masturbation now there is an absolutely amazing video that urologist dr rina malik on youtube has made that firstly debunks all of the myths that you might have around why masturbation could be bad for you because let’s face it unfortunately we are in a society that’s not necessarily encouraging masturbation at this point even though we do have the scientific research demonstrating why it’s a really positive thing to do for your well-being your nervous system and even the hormones that are released during that activity and reena does an amazing job of unpacking all those hormones and why they are pro erection and pro health so i’m going to pop that link in the description below and i highly recommend you check that video out now if this idea is really resonating with you and you are just loving the permission to have a really good time downstairs then i highly encourage you to essentially become the master in masturbation and have a look at our reprogrammed your penis in three weeks course this is run by an exceptional sexuality clinician called tess de vez and she guides you through neurologically informed techniques to help you enhance penile sensation and also enhance your orgasmic experience post prostatectomy so highly encourage you to check out that course and also as always if you like the video please like subscribe the channel let me know that you’re interested and i’ll make more videos just like this one thank you very much for listening bye .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.16 in this video you are going to learn
0.16 whether masturbation could help your
0.16 erection recovery following
0.16 prostatectomy we&;re going to look at the
0.16 clinical literature and we&;re also going
0.16 to look at three hypotheses for why
0.16 giving yourself a really jolly good
0.16 hello below may be a great idea as part
0.16 of your penile rehabilitation
0.16 so first let&;s look at the clinical
0.16 study by dr valentin meisner and
0.16 colleagues they followed 250 patients
0.16 post nerve sparing prostatectomy average
0.16 age of 63 years old
0.16 now at the two-year mark they found that
0.16 patients who had reported masturbation
0.16 during their journey about 47.5 of them
0.16 had moderate-to-good natural erection
0.16 function now this was compared to 37.5
0.16 percent of men who did not report
0.16 masturbation now morning we can refer to
0.16 this as nocturnal erections had returned
0.16 for 54.6 percent of men who masturbated
0.16 versus 35 percent who had not
0.16 masturbated now we can&;t conclude any
0.16 causality from this because there are so
0.16 many variables um determining erection
0.16 recovery during peanut rehabilitation i
0.16 have a lot of videos about that that
0.16 i&;ll pop in the description box below
0.16 however it would be interesting for us
0.16 to unpack why masturbation may have been
0.16 a pro-erection strategy on these men&;s
0.16 journey so the first hypothesis that was
0.16 proposed by these researchers was that
0.16 potentially masturbation is yet another
0.16 strategy for just encouraging more
0.16 oxygenated blood flow into the penile
0.16 tissue so penile tissue when flaccid has
0.16 a very low oxygen saturation level and
0.16 what you&;re looking to do with penile
0.16 rehabilitation is just keep that tissue
0.16 in really good health by encouraging and
0.16 establishing blood flow but especially
0.16 oxygenated blood flow now even when
0.16 you&;re masturbating if you find that
0.16 you&;re still relatively flattered you
0.16 might experience maybe a weak erection
0.16 maybe a one to two out of ten that is
0.16 still some oxygenation which frankly is
0.16 better than nothing sort of like if
0.16 after you had an operation where you
0.16 were looking to rehabilitate your
0.16 ability to walk with your legs even
0.16 thinking about walking and then even
0.16 just moving your legs ever so slightly
0.16 would be better than doing nothing at
0.16 all and we can also potentially
0.16 hypothesize that this was why the
0.16 masturbation group had more of a return
0.16 to urinary continence as well so at 12
0.16 months post surgery the research has
0.16 found that 83
0.16 of men in the masturbation group had a
0.16 full return of their continence that was
0.16 compared to 70 of men who did not
0.16 masturbate so that&;s rather interesting
0.16 and that could again
0.16 explain why masturbation could be
0.16 helping with erections because any sort
0.16 of
0.16 pro-oxygenated blood flow into that
0.16 pelvic tissue would be helping with
0.16 pelvic floor recovery as well as
0.16 erection recovery
0.16 the second reason that masturbation may
0.16 lead to more erection recovery
0.16 is the idea of just practicing what i
0.16 call making the phone call
0.16 so anytime you have a spontaneous
0.16 erection from arousal it doesn&;t start
0.16 in your pants it starts up here in your
0.16 mind so in the mind you experience
0.16 sexual stimulation somewhere in your
0.16 body or neurotic thought and this
0.16 essentially gets your mind to make a
0.16 dial up to send a signal down your spine
0.16 to the cavernous nerves around your
0.16 prostate now these are the ones that may
0.16 be the state of trauma for you following
0.16 prostatectomy
0.16 but if any are online if they&;re
0.16 starting to become online what they&;ll
0.16 do is they&;ll send chemical messages out
0.16 into the bloodstream in order to
0.16 essentially tell the penis relax and
0.16 that then fills the penis with blood
0.16 aka your erection
0.16 so you sort of need to be regularly
0.16 making that phone call in order to
0.16 really know are the nerves surrounding
0.16 my prostate online
0.16 now the third reason that you might be
0.16 wanting to practice that five finger
0.16 shuffle during your penile
0.16 rehabilitation is for just the general
0.16 health and well-being benefits that we
0.16 know exist for masturbation now there is
0.16 an absolutely amazing video that
0.16 urologist dr rina malik on youtube has
0.16 made that firstly debunks all of the
0.16 myths that you might have around why
0.16 masturbation could be bad for you
0.16 because let&;s face it unfortunately we
0.16 are in a society that&;s not necessarily
0.16 encouraging masturbation at this point
0.16 even though we do have the scientific
0.16 research demonstrating why it&;s a really
0.16 positive thing to do for your well-being
0.16 your nervous system and even the
0.16 hormones that are released during that
0.16 activity and reena does an amazing job
0.16 of unpacking all those hormones and why
0.16 they are pro erection and pro health so
0.16 i&;m going to pop that link in the
0.16 description below and i highly recommend
0.16 you check that video out now if this
0.16 idea is really resonating with you and
0.16 you are just loving the permission to
0.16 have a really good time downstairs then
0.16 i highly encourage you to essentially
0.16 become the master in masturbation and
0.16 have a look at our reprogrammed your
0.16 penis in three weeks course this is run
0.16 by an exceptional sexuality clinician
0.16 called tess de vez and she guides you
0.16 through neurologically informed
0.16 techniques to help you enhance penile
0.16 sensation and also enhance your orgasmic
0.16 experience post prostatectomy so highly
0.16 encourage you to check out that course
0.16 and also as always if you like the video
0.16 please like
0.16 subscribe the channel let me know that
0.16 you&;re interested and i&;ll make more
0.16 videos just like this one thank you very
0.16 much for listening bye
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