masturbate; Que se passe-t-il si vous ne vous masturbez pas pendant un an

Le thème « masturbate » par Psych2Go

Une vidéo, produite par Psych2Go et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), est destinée aux passionnés du thème «masturbate ».

Avec ses millions de vidéos disponibles, YouTube permet à chaque utilisateur de trouver quelque chose qui correspond à ses intérêts personnels ou à ses besoins d’information.

Lors de notre consultation de la vidéo (), quelques interactions avaient déjà été accumulées. Le nombre de Likes indiquait: 25599.

Vous noterez la durée (00:05:37s), le titre (What Happens If You Don’t Masturbate For A Year), et les commentaires ajoutés par l’auteur :« Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce qui se passerait si vous arrêtiez de vous masturber pendant une année entière ? Dans cette vidéo, nous explorons les effets potentiels de l’abandon de la masturbation sur votre santé mentale et sexuelle. Des mythes courants sur la masturbation aux histoires réelles et aux effets secondaires, nous explorerons comment votre corps et votre esprit pourraient réagir. Votre habitude de masturbation est-elle normale ? Pourriez-vous être accro ? Que vous soyez curieux de savoir quel impact cela a sur votre sexualité ou que vous souhaitiez simplement en savoir plus sur la santé sexuelle, nous avons ce qu’il vous faut ! Décomposons les faits et parlons de la grande question : que se passe-t-il si vous arrêtez de vous masturber pendant une année entière ? Scénariste : Dylan Swanepoel Éditeur et gérant du scénario : Kelly Soong Voix off : Brandon Animatrice Amy Arendolff Responsable YouTube : Cindy Cheong Straub, J. et Schmidt, C. (2022). Une période d’abstinence de masturbation et de pornographie entraîne une réduction de la fatigue et divers autres avantages : une étude quantitative. Journal des sciences de la toxicomanie, 8(1). Zimmer, F., Imhoff, R. Abstinence de masturbation et hypersexualité. Comportement sexuel arch 49, 1333-1343 (2020). Rider JR, Wilson KM, Sinnott JA, Kelly RS, Mucci LA, Giovannucci EL. Fréquence d’éjaculation et risque de cancer de la prostate : résultats mis à jour avec une décennie supplémentaire de suivi. Eur Urol. décembre 2016;70(6):974-982. est ce que je: 10.1016/j.eururo.2016.03.027. Publication en ligne du 28 mars 2016. PMID : 27033442 ; PMCID : PMC5040619. Rencontrez l’équipe : ».

La vidéo est prête à être regardée directement ci-dessous
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Se pencher sur la dépendance à la masturbation pour en comprendre les effets

Faire le point sur la masturbation et les habitudes qui y sont liées

La masturbation, souvent considérée comme saine pour réduire le stress et mieux connaître son corps, peut poser problème lorsqu’elle dépasse certaines limites.

Évaluer les signes indiquant une dépendance

La masturbation habituelle, symptôme de la dépendance, entraîne une fréquence accrue et une perte de maîtrise, ce qui peut créer des tensions dans les relations avec un partenaire.

Observer les influences sur la santé mentale et corporelle

L’abus de masturbation, souvent lié à la consommation de pornographie, entraîne une stimulation répétée du système dopaminergique, ce qui peut conduire à des déséquilibres tels que l’éjaculation précoce, une fatigue accrue ou un sentiment d’insatisfaction dans les relations sexuelles.

Observer les facteurs liés à l’essor de cette pratique

Analyser la relation entre la solitude et le désir

L’isolement et un désir non satisfait dans une relation ou dans la vie personnelle sont des éléments clés dans l’engagement dans cette pratique.

Analyser les éléments psychologiques et émotionnels

Des niveaux élevés de stress, d’anxiété ou d’insatisfaction dans d’autres domaines peuvent alimenter cette pratique excessive.

Analyser les conséquences de la pornographie sur les comportements

La pornographie constitue un facteur important. Elle alimente souvent l’envie de se masturber et peut fausser la compréhension de la sexualité.

Masturbation et sexualité : relever le défi du changement

Nombreux sont ceux qui trouvent difficile d’arrêter la masturbation, une pratique habituellement perçue comme normale et bénéfique pour la sexualité. Pourtant, quand elle devient excessive ou addictive, elle peut perturber des aspects importants de la vie, comme le travail, la stabilité émotionnelle ou les interactions sociales.

Analyser les bienfaits d’une réussite dans l’abstinence

Expliquer comment on atteint une meilleure santé mentale

L’abstinence entraîne souvent un regain d’énergie, une humeur plus stable et une concentration accrue.

Insister sur la voie vers un bien-être durable

Réduire la dépendance ouvre la porte à des avantages durables dans la vie quotidienne, professionnelle et sociale.

Montrer comment les relations interpersonnelles s’améliorent

Les liens avec un partenaire se renforcent, créant une meilleure connexion émotionnelle et physique.

Construire un plan d’action pour rompre avec cette habitude

Mettre en avant des stratégies efficaces pour contrôler cette pratique

  • Identifier les facteurs déclencheurs : Prenez note de ce qui provoque l’envie de céder.
  • Substituer cette pratique par de nouvelles passions : Faites du sport ou explorez d’autres centres d’intérêts.
  • Remplacer par de nouvelles activités : Faites du sport ou explorez de nouveaux intérêts.

Présenter des stratégies pour prévenir les rechutes

  • Restreindre l’accès à la pornographie : Activez des logiciels ou extensions pour bloquer les sites explicites.
  • Créer un emploi du temps bien organisé : Remplissez votre journée de tâches et de loisirs bien définis.

Mettre l’accent sur l’importance d’un réseau de soutien

  • Voir un sexologue : Ce professionnel peut fournir des stratégies adaptées à vos besoins.c’est le cas de ce leader de la chastetéinstallé en France.
  • S’associer à des groupes de soutien : Partager vos objectifs avec d’autres peut renforcer votre engagement.

Pour conclure

L’abandon de la masturbation excessive demande de la patience et de la persévérance. Un plan bien défini et un soutien efficace permettent de surmonter ce défi et de profiter des nombreux bienfaits d’une vie équilibrée et pleine de projets épanouissants.

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#passetil #vous #vous #masturbez #pas #pendant

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: a whole year is a long time if you regularly masturbate it may sound like an absurd amount of time to go without masturbating even if you masturbate rarely once a month or so a year is still a long time with modern movements like noof fap being promoted as healthy Endeavors especially targeted at men we wonder what actually happens if you go A Year Without masturbating today we’ll be looking at The Good the Bad and the Ugly when it comes to masturbation abstinence number one prevents problematic pornography use it’s no secret that masturbation is often accompanied by porn we don’t always consider how intertwined they are to the point that they’re almost synonymous the unfortunate truth is that the relationship can become problematic ponography is addictive and as that dopamine cycle becomes weaker people can be tempted to look for weirder and sometimes darker stuff because masturbation and porn are so closely intertwined abstinence from masturbating for a long time can help you tear yourself free from The Addictive hooks of porn more importantly doing so will help you break away from the weirder problematic stuff problematic pornography use doesn’t just apply to the kinds of porn you watch but also to how you watch it and how often you watch it if you find yourself thinking about porn or masturbating often and at inappropriate times abstaining from masturbating could be great for you so what would this look like after a year porn won’t have a strong hold on you and your thoughts around sex and relationships will be a lot healthier even if you aren’t addicted to masturbation you may find sex to be a lot more fulfilling when you abstain number two more energy if you’re dealing with low energy and you feel lethargic the last thing you might suspect as the cause might be your masturbation habits on the surface it doesn’t seem like it would have any effect on your energy at all a study published in the Journal of addiction science elaborates on the fact that porn and masturbation do have a negative impact on your energy mood motivation and confidence these negative effects can be still present if you masturbate with porn but they are made more severe with porn use it can be difficult to abstain from one without also abstaining from the other this can affect anyone who masturbates not just those who are addicted by abstaining you may see a significant Improvement in not only your energy your motivation and your mood but it can also reduce feelings of anxiety and mental fatigue will this change last for an entire it might not feel like it but that could be attributed to abstinence becoming the new normal for you number three less of a focus on sex you’d think masturbating less would make you think about sex a lot more but research conducted by social psychologists Roland imhof and Felix Zimmer suggests otherwise abstinence from musturbation diminishes the effects of hypersexuality in other words by abstaining from uration you aren’t wired to look for sex in everything and you you won’t have that feeling of always being slightly hungry for your next orgasm this can do a lot of good it can help you improve your relationships with other people as hypersexuality makes people less social it gives you room in your brain to concentrate on the things that really matter improving your performance at work or school however like any addiction it is difficult to break so for a time that urge to masturbate will be stronger than ever before after a year you might wonder how you ever got anything done before with hyper sexuality taking up so much space in your mind number four there may be health risks you may have heard that by not masturbating your semen can become unhealthy and you will be at a greater risk of prostate cancer this may be true as indicated by a study conducted by cancer epidemiologist Dr Jennifer Ryder and colleagues however as any other experts in this field would be quick to point out this study applied to middle-aged men who were asked to self-report the results on not clear enough to definitively say abstaining from ejaculation will give you prostate cancer it is still good to be informed on this especially because as more research is conducted it could be more or less damaging than we realize number five addressing your hormones there’s a lot more to masturbation than choosing to have sex or not there’s also the undeniable presence of hormones in the equation sometimes we need a little way to blow off steam and release some of that tension even after abstain staining for a long time you will still feel those urges if you don’t have a way to release that tension you may find yourself struggling to concentrate this isn’t the same as hypersexuality as you won’t necessarily feel the anxiety and mental fatigue that come with hypersexuality after a whole year of abstaining from masturbation it’s likely that your hormones will adjust but that isn’t necessarily a good thing as it can affect your libido and sexual health so should you go A Year Without masturbating a year is a really long time and the research isn’t as far as it needs to be for a definitive answer that being said there are a few huge benefits to abstaining so maybe a whole year is a lofty and unnecessary goal try listening to your body go as long as you can without masturbating and definitely avoid porn as much as you can overc consumption of porn and frequent masturbation appear to be the main culprits in the negative impact of masturbation do you think you could abstain for a whole year if this video was helpful or more informative remember to leave a like And subscribe to Psy too for more videos like this see you next time psych too is .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.199 a whole year is a long time if you
0.199 regularly masturbate it may sound like
0.199 an absurd amount of time to go without
0.199 masturbating even if you masturbate
0.199 rarely once a month or so a year is
0.199 still a long time with modern movements
0.199 like noof fap being promoted as healthy
0.199 Endeavors especially targeted at men we
0.199 wonder what actually happens if you go A
0.199 Year Without masturbating today we&;ll be
0.199 looking at The Good the Bad and the Ugly
0.199 when it comes to masturbation abstinence
0.199 number one prevents problematic
0.199 pornography use it&;s no secret that
0.199 masturbation is often accompanied by
0.199 porn we don&;t always consider how
0.199 intertwined they are to the point that
0.199 they&;re almost synonymous the
0.199 unfortunate truth is that the
0.199 relationship can become problematic
0.199 ponography is addictive and as that
0.199 dopamine cycle becomes weaker people can
0.199 be tempted to look for weirder and
0.199 sometimes darker stuff because
0.199 masturbation and porn are so closely
0.199 intertwined abstinence from masturbating
0.199 for a long time can help you tear
0.199 yourself free from The Addictive hooks
0.199 of porn more importantly doing so will
0.199 help you break away from the weirder
0.199 problematic stuff problematic
0.199 pornography use doesn&;t just apply to
0.199 the kinds of porn you watch but also to
0.199 how you watch it and how often you watch
0.199 it if you find yourself thinking about
0.199 porn or masturbating often and at
0.199 inappropriate times abstaining from
0.199 masturbating could be great for you so
0.199 what would this look like after a year
0.199 porn won&;t have a strong hold on you and
0.199 your thoughts around sex and
0.199 relationships will be a lot healthier
0.199 even if you aren&;t addicted to
0.199 masturbation you may find sex to be a
0.199 lot more fulfilling when you abstain
0.199 number two more energy if you&;re dealing
0.199 with low energy and you feel lethargic
0.199 the last thing you might suspect as the
0.199 cause might be your masturbation habits
0.199 on the surface it doesn&;t seem like it
0.199 would have any effect on your energy at
0.199 all a study published in the Journal of
0.199 addiction science elaborates on the fact
0.199 that porn and masturbation do have a
0.199 negative impact on your energy mood
0.199 motivation and confidence these negative
0.199 effects can be still present if you
0.199 masturbate with porn but they are made
0.199 more severe with porn use it can be
0.199 difficult to abstain from one without
0.199 also abstaining from the other this can
0.199 affect anyone who masturbates not just
0.199 those who are addicted by abstaining you
0.199 may see a significant Improvement in not
0.199 only your energy your motivation and
0.199 your mood but it can also reduce
0.199 feelings of anxiety and mental fatigue
0.199 will this change last for an entire it
0.199 might not feel like it but that could be
0.199 attributed to abstinence becoming the
0.199 new normal for you number three less of
0.199 a focus on sex you&;d think masturbating
0.199 less would make you think about sex a
0.199 lot more but research conducted by
0.199 social psychologists Roland imhof and
0.199 Felix Zimmer suggests otherwise
0.199 abstinence from musturbation diminishes
0.199 the effects of hypersexuality in other
0.199 words by abstaining from uration you
0.199 aren&;t wired to look for sex in
0.199 everything and you you won&;t have that
0.199 feeling of always being slightly hungry
0.199 for your next orgasm this can do a lot
0.199 of good it can help you improve your
0.199 relationships with other people as
0.199 hypersexuality makes people less social
0.199 it gives you room in your brain to
0.199 concentrate on the things that really
0.199 matter improving your performance at
0.199 work or school however like any
0.199 addiction it is difficult to break so
0.199 for a time that urge to masturbate will
0.199 be stronger than ever before after a
0.199 year you might wonder how you ever got
0.199 anything done before with hyper
0.199 sexuality taking up so much space in
0.199 your
0.199 mind number four there may be health
0.199 risks you may have heard that by not
0.199 masturbating your semen can become
0.199 unhealthy and you will be at a greater
0.199 risk of prostate cancer this may be true
0.199 as indicated by a study conducted by
0.199 cancer epidemiologist Dr Jennifer Ryder
0.199 and colleagues however as any other
0.199 experts in this field would be quick to
0.199 point out this study applied to
0.199 middle-aged men who were asked to
0.199 self-report the results on not clear
0.199 enough to definitively say abstaining
0.199 from ejaculation will give you prostate
0.199 cancer it is still good to be informed
0.199 on this especially because as more
0.199 research is conducted it could be more
0.199 or less damaging than we
0.199 realize number five addressing your
0.199 hormones there&;s a lot more to
0.199 masturbation than choosing to have sex
0.199 or not there&;s also the undeniable
0.199 presence of hormones in the equation
0.199 sometimes we need a little way to blow
0.199 off steam and release some of that
0.199 tension even after abstain staining for
0.199 a long time you will still feel those
0.199 urges if you don&;t have a way to release
0.199 that tension you may find yourself
0.199 struggling to concentrate this isn&;t the
0.199 same as hypersexuality as you won&;t
0.199 necessarily feel the anxiety and mental
0.199 fatigue that come with hypersexuality
0.199 after a whole year of abstaining from
0.199 masturbation it&;s likely that your
0.199 hormones will adjust but that isn&;t
0.199 necessarily a good thing as it can
0.199 affect your libido and sexual health so
0.199 should you go A Year Without
0.199 masturbating a year is a really long
0.199 time and the research isn&;t as far as it
0.199 needs to be for a definitive answer that
0.199 being said there are a few huge benefits
0.199 to abstaining so maybe a whole year is a
0.199 lofty and unnecessary goal try listening
0.199 to your body go as long as you can
0.199 without masturbating and definitely
0.199 avoid porn as much as you can overc
0.199 consumption of porn and frequent
0.199 masturbation appear to be the main
0.199 culprits in the negative impact of
0.199 masturbation do you think you could
0.199 abstain for a whole year if this video
0.199 was helpful or more informative remember
0.199 to leave a like And subscribe to Psy too
0.199 for more videos like this see you next
0.199 time psych too is

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