masturbate,Pourquoi devriez-vous garder la masturbation dans votre vie sur Youtube

Le thème « masturbate » abordé sur youtube par Stephanie Ganowski

Cette vidéo, réalisée par Stephanie Ganowski et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), examine le thème « masturbate » et mérite que l’on en parle quelques minutes.

La plateforme YouTube est propose des vidéos allant des derniers succès musicaux aux comédies hilarantes, en passant par des documentaires captivants.

À la date de notre découverte de cette vidéo (). Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 7983.

Il faut prendre en considération la durée (00:05:33s), le titre (Why you should keep masturbation in your life), pour une vue d’ensemble complète, ainsi que la présentation faite par l’auteur :« C’est l’une des principales raisons pour lesquelles il est important de maintenir la masturbation dans votre vie. J’ai vu TELLEMENT de mes clients améliorer leurs problèmes de bite en utilisant la masturbation comme outil principal pour y parvenir. (Et oui, je suis d’accord qu’il existe une manière saine/productive de se masturber et une manière moins saine (souvent lorsqu’elle implique du porno et un manque de créativité individuelle). Rejoignez Sex Meditations Abonnez-vous à mon podcast , « Ce que j’aime dans le sexe » : TRAVAILLEZ AVEC MOI 1:1 ».

Vous pouvez regarder la vidéo juste en dessous
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Masturbation, désir et équilibre : le défi d’un nouveau départ

Mettre un terme à la masturbation représente un véritable défi pour de nombreuses personnes, indépendamment de leur genre. Bien qu’elle soit souvent perçue comme un acte normal et sain pour comprendre sa sexualité, elle peut devenir un problème sérieux lorsqu’elle impacte négativement le travail, les relations ou la santé psychologique.

Analyser les avantages d’un sevrage réussi

Insister sur la voie vers un bien-être durable

En réduisant la dépendance, des améliorations durables peuvent être observées dans les sphères personnelle, professionnelle et sociale.

Montrer comment la santé mentale s’améliore au fil du temps

Abandonner cette habitude favorise souvent une plus grande énergie, une meilleure humeur et une concentration accrue.

Décrire les bénéfices dans la qualité des relations interpersonnelles

Les rapports avec un partenaire se transforment, favorisant une complicité émotionnelle et physique plus forte.

Planifier un chemin d’action pour cesser

Présenter un plan de prévention contre les rechutes

  • Désactiver les accès aux contenus pornographiques : Utilisez des outils de contrôle parental ou des bloqueurs de sites.
  • Bloquer les sites pornographiques : Utilisez des applications ou extensions pour restreindre l’accès aux contenus explicites.

Soulever l’importance de l’accompagnement social

  • Prendre rendez-vous avec un sexologue : Il est capable de fournir des conseils sur mesure. c’est le cas de installé en France.
  • Adhérer à des groupes de soutien : Discuter de ses objectifs avec d’autres favorise la motivation.

Offrir des approches efficaces pour diminuer cette pratique

  • Remplacer cette habitude par d’autres occupations : Pratiquez une activité physique ou testez de nouveaux passe-temps.
  • Identifier les sources de déclenchement : Faites attention à ce qui vous incite à agir.
  • Remplacer par d’autres pratiques : Découvrez de nouveaux loisirs ou engagez-vous dans une activité physique.

Étudier les facteurs expliquant la montée de cette pratique

Examiner comment la solitude et le désir interagissent

L’isolement et un désir non satisfait dans une relation ou dans la vie personnelle sont des éléments clés dans l’engagement dans cette pratique.

Analyser les mécanismes psychologiques et émotionnels

Des facteurs tels que le stress, l’anxiété ou le manque de satisfaction dans d’autres sphères de la vie peuvent conduire à cette pratique instinctive.

Explorer l’influence de la pornographie sur les actions et attitudes

La pornographie est un facteur influent. Elle renforce fréquemment l’envie de se masturber et peut fausser la perception de la sexualité.

Faire le point sur la dépendance à la masturbation et ses conséquences

Établir une définition précise de la masturbation et de ses pratiques

Activité sexuelle naturelle, la masturbation est associée à des bienfaits tels que la diminution du stress. Toutefois, lorsqu’elle devient trop fréquente, elle peut engendrer des difficultés.

Identifier les indices d’une dépendance éventuelle

Lorsque la masturbation devient habituelle, elle est souvent marquée par une fréquence élevée et un contrôle insuffisant, ce qui peut perturber les relations amoureuses et affectives.

Analyser les effets sur la santé psychologique et physique

L’addiction à la masturbation est fréquemment associée à une consommation excessive de contenu pornographique, ce qui sollicite de manière constante le système dopaminergique, pouvant entraîner des troubles comme l’éjaculation précoce, une perte d’énergie ou une insatisfaction sexuelle.

Pour conclure

L’abandon de la masturbation instinctive demande de la patience et de la persévérance. Un plan bien défini et un soutien efficace permettent de surmonter ce défi et de profiter des nombreux bienfaits d’une vie équilibrée et pleine de projets épanouissants.

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#Pourquoi #devriezvous #garder #masturbation #dans #votre #vie

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: as a man are you constantly being told that masturbation is bad for you it’s not keep doing it hey guys I’m Stephanie ganowski sexologist and sex coach for men I have been a sexologist and sex coach for over six years now and I’ve helped hundreds of men personally improve their dick concerns and sex concerns with their female partners by dick concerns I mean premature ejaculation erectile dysfunction delayed ejaculation especially and sex problems with their partners are communication issues that’s why a lot of my channel is talking about sex communication and how you can become better at it and do it in a more healthy way today I want to talk to you about masturbation and you’ve probably been told as a guy that masturbation’s bad you should stay away from it stop masturbating every all dudes stop doing it no faap challenge there’s nothing wrong with slowing down your masturbation habits right or even stopping altogether once in a while but when you carry this belief that masturbation is bad bad for your body bad for your mind it’s not helping your sex relationships with women it’s hurting them it’s directly hurting them and I see this over and over with guys who come to me and tell me yeah I just stopped masturbating like I can’t I got to stop watching porn and I’ll always say whoa like masturbation and porn are not the same thing and this is something that a lot of guys don’t think about you often connect these two when they’re not connected or they don’t have to be connected so I can totally see why porn can be good to cut out to cut out altoe for the rest of your life right if that’s you and if you’ve had an unhealthy relationship with it some guys do fine with porn some guys want to cut down a little bit but still keep it in their life because they don’t feel controlled by it whatever that’s a whole another story when it comes to feeling bad about masturbating or feeling like masturbating is not something you should ever be doing you’re going to carry a lot of Shame and negativity around the sex relationship you have with yourself which is masturbation right and if you’re holding shame and negativity around masturbation how do you think you’re going to feel when you’re in a sex relationship with a woman you’re creating a sense of sexual shame and then it’s being transferred I’m working with a client right now actually two clients in a very almost the same situation of being in this place where they’re experiencing erectile dysfunction it’s nothing physical it’s all mental and it’s from this place of them training themselves to stop masturbating not feeling good about it like teaching themselves that masturbating is bad and you shouldn’t do it stay away from it and they’re having bad sex experiences with women and they’re having trouble getting hard and whenever they do masturbate on occasion they feel really shitty about it and when they have sex with women they don’t get hard and they feel shitty about it when you really know yourself sexually you gain confidence and you learn about yourself sexually most when you’re by yourself right and then you you feel confident sharing that with a partner but if you’re never learning anything about you and you’re feeling really bad about your sexual self then when it comes to expressing yourself to a partner or sharing or opening up or having sex experiences where you could just let go and just be in it it doesn’t happen or it’s very it’s less likely to happen right if you’re constricting yourself sexually by yourself so I want you to just understand the importance of keeping masturbation in your life it doesn’t mean it has to be a daily thing right it doesn’t doesn’t have to be that but don’t shut it off as something that’s bad there are so many physical benefits of masturbation and mental benefits and it is how you create a sex relationship with yourself which like I said transfers to your sex relationships with others if you want to build your confidence if you want to understand your levels of arousal and your fantasies and the things that really get you going and turned on physically and mentally you experience that when the pressure is off and there’s no one else there like when you’re by yourself you have a really good opportunity to experience that of course you can experience it too with with partners and that’s awesome if you have a partner you can really learn with and try new things with all the time but masturbation is this great place to do that and to relieve stress and to you know in increase your your happiness right and if you feel physically drained by masturbating and ejaculating that’s understandable but listen to your body then you know maybe it’s maybe it doesn’t need to be as frequent as you’re doing it and maybe go from like three times a week to once a week if that’s what works for you or whatever the case may be this is why I created sex meditations to help you masturbate in a more healthy way and even give you some prompts so that you know what to think about when you’re using your own brain and you’re not using porn right you know what to think about you know the things you can do to explore different parts of your body and that you can access in the link of this video at least give it a shot masturbation is never the enemy it’s getting familiar with how does it work best for you and your body and your lifestyle and never looking down on it or never feeling shameful about it embrace it let it teach you something feel good doing it let it help you relax and you’ll be in a good spot by yourself and with women hope this helped see you in the next video by .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.16 as a man are you constantly being told
0.16 that masturbation is bad for you it&;s
0.16 not keep doing it hey guys I&;m Stephanie
0.16 ganowski sexologist and sex coach for
0.16 men I have been a sexologist and sex
0.16 coach for over six years now and I&;ve
0.16 helped hundreds of men personally
0.16 improve their dick concerns and sex
0.16 concerns with their female partners by
0.16 dick concerns I mean premature
0.16 ejaculation erectile dysfunction delayed
0.16 ejaculation especially and sex problems
0.16 with their partners are communication
0.16 issues that&;s why a lot of my channel is
0.16 talking about sex communication and how
0.16 you can become better at it and do it in
0.16 a more healthy way today I want to talk
0.16 to you about masturbation and you&;ve
0.16 probably been told as a guy that
0.16 masturbation&;s bad you should stay away
0.16 from it stop masturbating every all
0.16 dudes stop doing it no faap challenge
0.16 there&;s nothing wrong with slowing down
0.16 your masturbation habits right or even
0.16 stopping altogether once in a while but
0.16 when you carry this belief that
0.16 masturbation is bad bad for your body
0.16 bad for your mind it&;s not helping your
0.16 sex relationships with women it&;s
0.16 hurting them it&;s directly hurting them
0.16 and I see this over and over with guys
0.16 who come to me and tell me yeah I just
0.16 stopped masturbating like I can&;t I got
0.16 to stop watching porn and I&;ll always
0.16 say whoa like masturbation and porn are
0.16 not the same thing and this is something
0.16 that a lot of guys don&;t think about you
0.16 often connect these two when they&;re not
0.16 connected or they don&;t have to be
0.16 connected so I can totally see why porn
0.16 can be good to cut out to cut out altoe
0.16 for the rest of your life right if
0.16 that&;s you and if you&;ve had an
0.16 unhealthy relationship with it some guys
0.16 do fine with porn some guys want to cut
0.16 down a little bit but still keep it in
0.16 their life because they don&;t feel
0.16 controlled by it whatever that&;s a whole
0.16 another story when it comes to feeling
0.16 bad about masturbating or feeling like
0.16 masturbating is not something you should
0.16 ever be doing you&;re going to carry a
0.16 lot of Shame and negativity around the
0.16 sex relationship you have with yourself
0.16 which is masturbation right and if
0.16 you&;re holding shame and negativity
0.16 around masturbation how do you think
0.16 you&;re going to feel when you&;re in a
0.16 sex relationship with a woman you&;re
0.16 creating a sense of sexual shame and
0.16 then it&;s being transferred I&;m working
0.16 with a client right now actually two
0.16 clients in a very almost the same
0.16 situation of being in this place where
0.16 they&;re experiencing erectile
0.16 dysfunction it&;s nothing physical it&;s
0.16 all mental and it&;s from this place of
0.16 them training themselves to stop
0.16 masturbating not feeling good about it
0.16 like teaching themselves that
0.16 masturbating is bad and you shouldn&;t do
0.16 it stay away from it and they&;re having
0.16 bad sex experiences with women and
0.16 they&;re having trouble getting hard and
0.16 whenever they do masturbate on occasion
0.16 they feel really shitty about it and
0.16 when they have sex with women they don&;t
0.16 get hard and they feel shitty about it
0.16 when you really know yourself sexually
0.16 you gain confidence and you learn about
0.16 yourself sexually most when you&;re by
0.16 yourself
0.16 right and then you you feel confident
0.16 sharing that with a partner but if
0.16 you&;re never learning anything about you
0.16 and you&;re feeling really bad about your
0.16 sexual self then when it comes to
0.16 expressing yourself to a partner or
0.16 sharing or opening up or having sex
0.16 experiences where you could just let go
0.16 and just be in it it doesn&;t happen or
0.16 it&;s very it&;s less likely to happen
0.16 right if you&;re constricting yourself
0.16 sexually by yourself so I want you to
0.16 just understand the importance of
0.16 keeping masturbation in your life it
0.16 doesn&;t mean it has to be a daily thing
0.16 right it doesn&;t doesn&;t have to be that
0.16 but don&;t shut it off as something
0.16 that&;s bad there are so many physical
0.16 benefits of masturbation and mental
0.16 benefits and it is how you create a sex
0.16 relationship with yourself which like I
0.16 said transfers to your sex relationships
0.16 with others if you want to build your
0.16 confidence if you want to understand
0.16 your levels of arousal and your
0.16 fantasies and the things that really get
0.16 you going and turned on physically and
0.16 mentally you experience that when the
0.16 pressure is off and there&;s no one else
0.16 there like when you&;re by yourself you
0.16 have a really good opportunity to
0.16 experience that of course you can
0.16 experience it too with with partners and
0.16 that&;s awesome if you have a partner you
0.16 can really learn with and try new things
0.16 with all the time but masturbation is
0.16 this great place to do that and to
0.16 relieve stress and to you know in
0.16 increase your your happiness right and
0.16 if you feel physically drained by
0.16 masturbating and ejaculating that&;s
0.16 understandable but listen to your body
0.16 then you know maybe it&;s maybe it
0.16 doesn&;t need to be as frequent as you&;re
0.16 doing it and maybe go from like three
0.16 times a week to once a week if that&;s
0.16 what works for you or whatever the case
0.16 may be this is why I created sex
0.16 meditations to help you masturbate in a
0.16 more healthy way and even give you some
0.16 prompts so that you know what to think
0.16 about when you&;re using your own brain
0.16 and you&;re not using porn right you know
0.16 what to think about you know the things
0.16 you can do to explore different parts of
0.16 your body and that you can access in the
0.16 link of this video at least give it a
0.16 shot masturbation is never the enemy
0.16 it&;s getting familiar with how does it
0.16 work best for you and your body and your
0.16 lifestyle and never looking down on it
0.16 or never feeling shameful about it
0.16 embrace it let it teach you something
0.16 feel good doing it let it help you relax
0.16 and you&;ll be in a good spot by yourself
0.16 and with women hope this helped see you
0.16 in the next video by

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