Un film sur le thème « masturbate » présenté par Dr. Jennifer Lincoln
Sur YouTube, publié par Dr. Jennifer Lincoln (), cette vidéo est consacrée au thème « masturbate » et en présente quelques aspects.
La plateforme YouTube regroupe toute sorte d’informations et de vidéos, avec des critiques détaillées, des présentation de thématiques et des analyses approfondies de la société.
À la date de notre visionnage (), la vidéo avait accumulé un certain nombre d’interactions. Le compteur de Likes indiquait: 20431.
Dr. Jennifer Lincoln), et les commentaires qui accompagnent le contenu de l’auteur :« Dans quelle mesure la masturbation est-elle excessive ? La masturbation nuit-elle à votre relation ? Est-ce que ça peut gâcher le sexe pour vous ?? Le Dr Lincoln répond à ces questions et bien plus encore – et non, rien n’est interdit ! 0:00 Intro 0:51 Statistiques de masturbation 1:41 Que se passe-t-il si vous vous masturbez trop ? 2:24 Est-ce que ça peut gâcher le sexe pour moi ? 3:24 La masturbation est-elle sale ? 3:44 Cela signifie-t-il que ma relation a des problèmes ? 4:26 Aurai-je toujours besoin de jouets pour atteindre l’orgasme si je les utilise ? 4:57 Cécité ?? Des mains poilues ?! 5:15 La masturbation est-elle mauvaise pour toi ? 17h30 La masturbation est-elle BONNE pour vous ?! ————————————————– ———— RÉFÉRENCES et RESSOURCES pour approfondir : 1. Planned Parenthood. La masturbation est-elle saine ? https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/sex-pleasure-and-sexual-dysfunction/masturbation/masturbation-healthy 2. Planned Parenthood. Masturbation. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/sex-pleasure-and-sexual-dysfunction/masturbation 3. Le Collège américain des obstétriciens et gynécologues. FAQ : Votre santé sexuelle. https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/your-sexual-health —————————– ——————————— J’AI ÉCRIT UN LIVRE ! Si vous aimez mon contenu ici ou sur mes autres réseaux sociaux, alors j’ai essentiellement écrit ce livre pour vous – pensez-y comme à ces YouTubes sous forme de livre avec de superbes illustrations avec des informations pour vous informer et vous responsabiliser. Obtenez le vôtre ici : https://publishing.andrewsmcmeel.com/book/lets-talk-about-down-there/ ———————— ————————————– SOYEZ SOCIAL ! N’oubliez pas de venir suivre ailleurs ! Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/drjenniferlincoln/?hl=en TikTok : http://tikktok.com/@drjenniferlincoln?lang=en Site Web : https://www.drjenniferlincoln.com/ Email : contact@ drjenniferlincoln.com ——————————————————— ————— AVERTISSEMENT : Aucun élément de ce contenu ne constitue un avis médical direct ou ne constitue une relation patient-médecin. Les opinions exprimées ici ne représentent pas celles de l’employeur du Dr Lincoln. Pour des conseils médicaux personnalisés, consultez votre médecin. Musique : Red Mountain Musicien : Winter Foe Site : https://icons8.com/music/ #masturbation #selfpleasure #masturbate #obgyn ».
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Établir un plan pour mettre fin à cette pratique
Fournir des méthodes éprouvées pour limiter cette pratique
- Identifier les déclencheurs : Notez ce qui provoque l’envie.
- Substituer cette pratique par de nouvelles passions : Faites du sport ou explorez d’autres centres d’intérêts.
- Repérer les déclencheurs d’envie : Identifiez les situations qui provoquent ce besoin.
Relever le rôle crucial des relations sociales dans ce parcours
- Consulter un sexologue : Un spécialiste pourra proposer des stratégies adaptées.comme ce spécialiste de la chastetéinstallé Paris.
- S’associer à des groupes de soutien : Partager vos objectifs avec d’autres peut renforcer votre engagement.
Mettre en avant des actions à entreprendre pour éviter les rechutes
- Organiser une journée structurée : Remplissez votre emploi du temps avec des activités variées et bien planifiées.
- Éviter l’accès à la pornographie : Installez des outils de filtrage pour bloquer l’accès aux contenus explicites.
S’informer sur les caractéristiques et les impacts de la dépendance à la masturbation
Faire le point sur la masturbation et les habitudes qui y sont liées
La masturbation, en tant qu’acte sexuel, offre des avantages pour la santé, comme un apaisement du stress et une exploration de son corps. Pourtant, si elle devient envahissante, elle peut poser des défis.
Observer les manifestations d’une dépendance
Une personne qui se masturbe fréquemment peut ressentir une perte de contrôle, ce qui peut impacter négativement ses interactions avec son ou sa partenaire.
Observer les influences sur le bien-être physique et mental
L’addiction à la masturbation, liée à une surconsommation de pornographie, génère une sollicitation instinctive du système dopaminergique, ce qui peut entraîner des symptômes comme une éjaculation précoce, un épuisement énergétique ou une insatisfaction dans la vie sexuelle.
Évaluer les résultats d’un arrêt réussi
Exposer les améliorations dans la communication avec autrui
Les rapports amoureux deviennent plus épanouissants, avec une connexion plus intense sur les plans émotionnel et physique.
Détailler l’évolution vers une plus grande stabilité émotionnelle
Cesser cette pratique a pour effet une augmentation de l’énergie, une humeur plus stable et une meilleure capacité de concentration.
Illustrer la route qui mène à une satisfaction durable
En limitant la dépendance, on accède à des avantages durables dans la sphère personnelle, professionnelle et sociale.
Masturbation et rapports intimes : relever le défi du changement
Arrêter la masturbation peut être un parcours semé d’embûches pour beaucoup. Ce comportement, bien qu’il soit une manière naturelle et saine d’explorer la sexualité, peut s’avérer problématique lorsqu’il vire à l’addiction, compromettant ainsi la qualité des relations personnelles, la productivité au travail et le bien-être mental.
Observer les facteurs liés à l’essor de cette pratique
Explorer l’impact comportemental de la consommation de pornographie
La pornographie est un facteur déterminant. Elle booste souvent l’envie de se masturber et peut nuire à la compréhension de la sexualité.
Observer l’effet de la solitude sur les désirs
La solitude et l’insatisfaction dans les relations ou la vie personnelle sont également des facteurs contribuant à cette pratique.
Parler des influences mentales et émotionnelles
Le manque de satisfaction, le stress ou l’anxiété dans d’autres sphères peuvent rendre cette pratique instinctive plus fréquente.
Pour conclure
Arrêter la masturbation fréquente est une démarche qui nécessite de la patience et de la persévérance. En suivant un plan détaillé et avec l’aide appropriée, il est tout à fait possible de franchir cet obstacle et de profiter des avantages d’une vie plus épanouie et orientée vers des objectifs plus gratifiants.
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le post original: Cliquer ici
#passetil #vous #vous #MASTURBEZ #trop #Jennifer #Lincoln
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: what happens if you masturbate too much is masturbation bad for you i’m going to answer these and more on today’s youtube so stay tuned [Music] hi everyone welcome back to my channel i’m dr jennifer lincoln board certified ob gyn social media educator and author and today i’m talking about [Music] masturbation why whispering because this is a topic i found a lot of people find very shameful to talk about and what do i do i break down the shame and stigmas by talking about these things getting it out there and hoping to help you feel a little more confident about your body and understand that touching yourself is nothing to be ashamed of i get a lot of questions about masturbation as an ob gyn and my content today is not just for vagina owners but for all people who might touch themselves so i hope you get some information to help you i’m just gonna jump right to it masturbation is the safest sex you’ll ever have because you can’t get pregnant from it and you can’t get an infection from it well i guess you could if like you had something on your hand but you know what i mean and you might feel like you’re the only person who masturbates or you know that you don’t know anybody because nobody talks about this stuff but a recent study has shown that 78 of adults worldwide masturbate and i think the rest of them are just lying so why do we never talk about masturbation or why do we feel like it’s this thing that’s you know a secret and we can’t talk about it masturbation gets a bad rap especially from religion where it’s considered something dirty or shameful or somehow is not okay and takes away from waiting until having sex until marriage and it’s just not true when it comes to anything having to do with sex our society loves to make it seem dirty and something you’re not supposed to talk about in public and so touching yourself falls into the same category so i’m going to jump right into the questions you’ve had and bust so many myths about masturbation the first one being what happens if you masturbate too much well here’s the nice thing about it is that there’s no set amount that once you go over that there’s definite harm or damage the definition of masturbating too much is if you can’t stop doing it let’s say for example you’re supposed to go to school or go to work and you can’t because you’re compulsed to touch yourself that’s too much but other than that there’s no set number the other thing about masturbating quote unquote too much if you continue to masturbate and you’re having some discomfort whether it’s some swelling or some soreness and you keep going well then you should probably take a break i find that this question what people are really asking is if i masturbate too much or too often is it going to ruin sex for me and the answer is no in fact masturbation can actually make your sex life really good because you figure out what feels good and you can tell your partner and share that with them it’s like a total win-win i think this also piggybacks onto the well can i damage my clitoris or can i get too used to that sensation and then i won’t be able to orgasm during sex so i’m specifically speaking here to clitoris owners and the fact of the matter is that almost all of us masturbate the truth here is that almost all of us orgasm from clitoral stimulation not from a penis being in the vagina so the fact that you are doing that either with some solo sex or as part of sex with your partner it’s all good and so doing this is not going to make your clitoris too sensitized or become numb if you aren’t doing the same thing during sex it just helps show you what feels good some people have said well masturbation is dirty right no it’s not that’s just the stigma society has put on it there’s nothing dirty or shameful about sex or touching yourself as long as when you’re doing these things it’s consensual pleasurable safe and it aligns with your values i’ve said this before so masturbation can totally fall into that category another masturbation myth well if i masturbate it hurts my relationship or it means that my relationship isn’t healthy or something is wrong with our sex life totally false here’s the thing happily married couples people who date everybody masturbates and when you do that it’s not taking away from the pleasure that you have within your relationship and i’ve said this again it can actually enhance it if you are touching yourself it doesn’t mean that your partner your husband your wife your your fiance your boyfriend your girlfriend it doesn’t mean they’re not doing enough like we don’t need our partners to satisfy every need it’s really cool when we can take care of some of our own and then if you want to add that into your play in the bedroom you’ve just got more tools in the toolbox i’ve heard this one too well if i touch myself and i use a toy then i’m always going to need that to orgasm not necessarily adding in toys can be another part of sex play and it doesn’t mean that you’ll need it every single time and if you do so what like the more the merrier and your partner should not be intimidated by a toy if anything they should be really turned on that you feel so secure in your relationship that you can share with them what feels good and that you want each other to feel good and it’s not just about one person oh and the myths about like going blind from masturbation or your hands will turn hairy given the statistics i already shared we would have a lot of blind and hairy people in the world and we just don’t those are leftover scare tactics when kids were told to not masturbate again oftentimes based in religion but not always totally false so is masturbation bad for you no the only time you should be concerned is if you feel that you can’t stop or that you’re doing it so much that it’s interfering with your relationship with your partner and it causes you or your partner to stress that’s really it masturbation can actually be really good we know that self-pleasure like i’ve said safest sex you’ve ever had and we know that orgasm does really good things for your body it can help with menstrual cramps and other kinds of pain it can help you fall asleep faster those endorphins and the oxytocin that’s released when you feel good and you orgasm help all of these other pathways it can reduce stress it can help improve your body image it can be used as a tool to help with some sexual problems where there might be something like vaginismus going on where penetrative sex isn’t possible and this is another way to have intimacy without having to worry about penetrative sex it can also reduce sexual tension because let’s say you’re having some issues with orgasm during sex taking the pressure off and saying you know what we’re just going to touch ourselves or we’re going to touch each other and that’s it it can really help bring down the stress level around what’s going on in the bedroom so to wrap this up masturbation is good if you’re masturbating so much that it’s interfering with your life or it’s causing you physical pain that’s a good time to reach out to us but other than that have fun and stay tuned for part two where i help give you some tips about the clitoris how to masturbate some things you might not have even known that you could try to get you feeling good in the bedroom soon and if you like this kind of content and like who doesn’t go ahead and subscribe and turn on the bell so you get notified every time a new video is released please drop your questions and comments in the comment section below and head to my show notes for references and resources i’ve got some really good ones there for you today all right everybody have fun know that it’s okay to touch yourself there’s no shame let’s bring down those stigmas and uh get to feeling good my friends bye-bye [Music] .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.399 what happens if you masturbate too much
0.399 is masturbation bad for you i&;m going to
0.399 answer these and more on today&;s youtube
0.399 so stay tuned
0.399 [Music]
0.399 hi everyone welcome back to my channel
0.399 i&;m dr jennifer lincoln board certified
0.399 ob gyn social media educator and author
0.399 and today i&;m talking about
0.399 [Music]
0.399 masturbation
0.399 why whispering because this is a topic i
0.399 found a lot of people find very shameful
0.399 to talk about and what do i do i break
0.399 down the shame and stigmas by talking
0.399 about these things getting it out there
0.399 and hoping to help you feel a little
0.399 more confident about your body and
0.399 understand that touching yourself is
0.399 nothing to be ashamed of i get a lot of
0.399 questions about masturbation as an ob
0.399 gyn and my content today is not just for
0.399 vagina owners but for all people who
0.399 might touch themselves so i hope you get
0.399 some information to help you
0.399 i&;m just gonna jump right to it
0.399 masturbation is the safest sex you&;ll
0.399 ever have
0.399 because you can&;t get pregnant from it
0.399 and you can&;t get an infection from it
0.399 well i guess you could if like you had
0.399 something on your hand but you know what
0.399 i mean
0.399 and you might feel like you&;re the only
0.399 person who masturbates or you know that
0.399 you don&;t know anybody because nobody
0.399 talks about this stuff but a recent
0.399 study has shown that 78 of adults
0.399 worldwide masturbate and i think the
0.399 rest of them are just lying so why do we
0.399 never talk about masturbation or why do
0.399 we feel like it&;s this thing that&;s you
0.399 know a secret and we can&;t talk about it
0.399 masturbation gets a bad rap especially
0.399 from religion where it&;s considered
0.399 something dirty or shameful or somehow
0.399 is not okay and takes away from waiting
0.399 until having sex until marriage and it&;s
0.399 just not true when it comes to anything
0.399 having to do with sex our society loves
0.399 to make it seem dirty and something
0.399 you&;re not supposed to talk about in
0.399 public and so touching yourself falls
0.399 into the same category so i&;m going to
0.399 jump right into the questions you&;ve had
0.399 and bust so many myths about
0.399 masturbation the first one being what
0.399 happens if you masturbate too much
0.399 well here&;s the nice thing about it is
0.399 that there&;s no set amount that once you
0.399 go over that there&;s definite harm or
0.399 damage the definition of masturbating
0.399 too much is if you can&;t stop doing it
0.399 let&;s say for example you&;re supposed to
0.399 go to school or go to work and you can&;t
0.399 because you&;re compulsed to touch
0.399 yourself that&;s too much but other than
0.399 that there&;s no set number the other
0.399 thing about masturbating quote unquote
0.399 too much if you continue to masturbate
0.399 and you&;re having some discomfort
0.399 whether it&;s some swelling or some
0.399 soreness and you keep going well then
0.399 you should probably take a break i find
0.399 that this question what people are
0.399 really asking is
0.399 if i masturbate too much or too often is
0.399 it going to ruin sex for me and the
0.399 answer is no in fact masturbation can
0.399 actually make your sex life really good
0.399 because you figure out what feels good
0.399 and you can tell your partner and share
0.399 that with them it&;s like a total win-win
0.399 i think this also piggybacks onto the
0.399 well can i damage my clitoris or can i
0.399 get too used to that sensation and then
0.399 i won&;t be able to orgasm during sex so
0.399 i&;m specifically speaking here to
0.399 clitoris owners and the fact of the
0.399 matter is that almost all of us
0.399 masturbate the truth here is that almost
0.399 all of us orgasm from clitoral
0.399 stimulation not from a penis being in
0.399 the vagina so the fact that you are
0.399 doing that either with some solo sex or
0.399 as part of sex with your partner it&;s
0.399 all good and so doing this is not going
0.399 to make your clitoris too sensitized or
0.399 become numb if you aren&;t doing the same
0.399 thing during sex it just helps show you
0.399 what feels good some people have said
0.399 well masturbation is dirty right
0.399 no it&;s not that&;s just the stigma
0.399 society has put on it there&;s nothing
0.399 dirty or shameful about sex or touching
0.399 yourself as long as when you&;re doing
0.399 these things it&;s consensual pleasurable
0.399 safe and it aligns with your values i&;ve
0.399 said this before so masturbation can
0.399 totally fall into that category another
0.399 masturbation myth
0.399 well if i masturbate it hurts my
0.399 relationship or it means that my
0.399 relationship isn&;t healthy or something
0.399 is wrong with our sex life totally
0.399 false
0.399 here&;s the thing happily married couples
0.399 people who date everybody masturbates
0.399 and when you do that it&;s not taking
0.399 away from the pleasure that you have
0.399 within your relationship and i&;ve said
0.399 this again it can actually enhance it if
0.399 you are touching yourself it doesn&;t
0.399 mean that your partner your husband your
0.399 wife
0.399 your your fiance your boyfriend your
0.399 girlfriend it doesn&;t mean they&;re not
0.399 doing enough like we don&;t need our
0.399 partners to satisfy every need it&;s
0.399 really cool when we can take care of
0.399 some of our own and then if you want to
0.399 add that into your play in the bedroom
0.399 you&;ve just got more tools in the
0.399 toolbox i&;ve heard this one too well if
0.399 i touch myself and i use a toy then i&;m
0.399 always going to need that to orgasm not
0.399 necessarily adding in toys can be
0.399 another part of sex play and it doesn&;t
0.399 mean that you&;ll need it every single
0.399 time and if you do
0.399 so what like the more the merrier and
0.399 your partner should not be intimidated
0.399 by a toy if anything they should be
0.399 really turned on that you feel so secure
0.399 in your relationship that you can share
0.399 with them what feels good and that you
0.399 want each other to feel good and it&;s
0.399 not just about one person oh and the
0.399 myths about like going blind from
0.399 masturbation or your hands will turn
0.399 hairy given the statistics i already
0.399 shared we would have a lot of blind and
0.399 hairy people in the world and we just
0.399 don&;t those are leftover scare tactics
0.399 when kids were told to not masturbate
0.399 again oftentimes based in religion but
0.399 not always totally false so is
0.399 masturbation bad for you no the only
0.399 time you should be concerned is if you
0.399 feel that you can&;t stop or that you&;re
0.399 doing it so much that it&;s interfering
0.399 with your relationship with your partner
0.399 and it causes you or your partner to
0.399 stress that&;s really it masturbation can
0.399 actually be really good we know that
0.399 self-pleasure like i&;ve said safest sex
0.399 you&;ve ever had and we know that orgasm
0.399 does really good things for your body it
0.399 can help with menstrual cramps and other
0.399 kinds of pain it can help you fall
0.399 asleep faster those endorphins and the
0.399 oxytocin that&;s released when you feel
0.399 good and you orgasm help all of these
0.399 other pathways it can reduce stress it
0.399 can help improve your body image it can
0.399 be used as a tool to help with some
0.399 sexual problems where there might be
0.399 something like vaginismus going on where
0.399 penetrative sex isn&;t possible and this
0.399 is another way to have intimacy without
0.399 having to worry about penetrative sex it
0.399 can also reduce sexual tension because
0.399 let&;s say you&;re having some issues with
0.399 orgasm during sex taking the pressure
0.399 off and saying you know what we&;re just
0.399 going to touch ourselves or we&;re going
0.399 to touch each other and that&;s it it can
0.399 really help bring down the stress level
0.399 around what&;s going on in the bedroom so
0.399 to wrap this up masturbation is good if
0.399 you&;re masturbating so much that it&;s
0.399 interfering with your life or it&;s
0.399 causing you physical pain that&;s a good
0.399 time to reach out to us but other than
0.399 that have fun and stay tuned for part
0.399 two where i help give you some tips
0.399 about the clitoris how to masturbate
0.399 some things you might not have even
0.399 known that you could try to get you
0.399 feeling good in the bedroom soon and if
0.399 you like this kind of content and like
0.399 who doesn&;t go ahead and subscribe and
0.399 turn on the bell so you get notified
0.399 every time a new video is released
0.399 please drop your questions and comments
0.399 in the comment section below and head to
0.399 my show notes for references and
0.399 resources i&;ve got some really good ones
0.399 there for you today all right everybody
0.399 have fun know that it&;s okay to touch
0.399 yourself there&;s no shame let&;s bring
0.399 down those stigmas and uh get to feeling
0.399 good my friends bye-bye
0.399 [Music]
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