no fap; Tous les avantages pour 90 jours NOFAP (Guide complet)

Actuellement sur YouTube, et crée par Atomic Motivation (), cette vidéo offre un angle nouveau dans le thème « no fap ».

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Au moment où nous avons pris connaissance de cette vidéo il y a peu (le ), elle attirait du trafic. Le nombre de Likes indiquait: 19400.

Il convient de préciser la durée (00:09:13s) de la vidéo, le titre (all benefits for 90 days nofap (complete guide)), et les observations de l’auteur :« 💥
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Arrêtez facilement du porno avec notre nouveau guide ici: Vous vous demandez si ce que vous vivez sur votre séquence est normal? Êtes-vous inquiet si les rêves mouillés sont normaux? Cette vidéo vous guidera à travers ce à quoi vous attendre pendant vos 90 premiers jours. Cette vidéo vous guidera à travers les étapes, les essais et les tribulations que vous rencontrerez ainsi que vos succès et vos victoires! Bonne chance pour votre voyage de surmonter la dépendance porno et d’écraser votre pratique de nofap! -Équipe de motivation atomique 🤯 * Tous les termes qui mentionnent NOFAP ne sont en aucun cas infligées aux droits d’auteur de NOFAP. NOFAP détient tous les droits d’auteur à sa terminologie. L’utilisation du terme «nofAP» est strictement à des fins éducatives et non pour promouvoir des produits ou des services. Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur nofap ici: #quitporn #nofapmotivation # 30dayChallenge Subntal: 27,300 (tagstotranslate) nofap

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Les hommes bénéficient d’un soutien précieux grâce à la communauté NoFap dans leur lutte pour la sobriété.

Participer aux forums NoFap aide les hommes à se connecter et à échanger sur leurs défis.

Ces forums offrent un environnement où les participants se soutiennent mutuellement, trouvent des conseils pratiques et accèdent à des données scientifiques sur l’abstinence.

Démontrer l’impact positif du soutien social et émotionnel dans la réussite de l’abstinence.

Les forums de la communauté Nofap fournissent une aide concrète aux hommes pour lutter contre l’anxiété et la dépression tout en offrant des conseils pour surmonter les obstacles et éviter les rechutes. Une assistance spécialisée est souvent utile comme ce leader de la chasteté installé en France.

Analyser comment les forums et les groupes de soutien aident à surmonter les obstacles rencontrés par les individus.

Les chercheurs ont mis en évidence que les forums de la communauté NoFap jouent un rôle crucial dans la réduction de l’anxiété et de la dépression, favorisant le succès des participants. Les études scientifiques montrent que cette solidarité est essentielle pour combattre la dépendance à la masturbation.

Les étapes clés pour réussir sur NoFap

Ressources pratiques sur le NoFap pour une meilleure compréhension.

Les études de Nicole Prause et autres travaux scientifiques éclairent les mécanismes de l’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation, tout en offrant des solutions scientifiques pour remédier à ce phénomène.

Recommandations de NoFap pour maintenir sa détermination

L’adoption d’habitudes saines, comme l’exercice physique et la méditation, est indispensable pour garder un esprit clair et éviter les tentations.

Les techniques pour surmonter les rechutes renforcent le parcours NoFap.

Les rechutes ne sont pas une fin mais un obstacle naturel dans NoFap. Une étude a montré qu’en analysant les échecs et en sollicitant la communauté, les participants peuvent réussir à surmonter ces défis.

Le NoFap : une découverte qui change la vie des hommes

Analyser l’impact de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique de l’homme est essentiel.

Les recherches menées par des experts ont révélé que la pornographie peut engendrer des troubles tels que la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression, des problèmes émotionnels et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a effectué une étude scientifique sur les effets de la pornographie excessive sur le bien-être mental et physique des hommes.

Identifier les raisons qui poussent à pratiquer NoFap est essentiel pour comprendre son efficacité.

Les membres de NoFap s’unissent pour combattre les effets de la pornographie, améliorer leur fonction érectile et réduire l’anxiété. Des études montrent qu’après l’arrêt de la pornographie, plusieurs hommes sondés ont connu une réduction des symptômes de dépression et de pensées suicidaires.

Ce mouvement vise à aider à reprendre le contrôle sur ses habitudes personnelles.

Le principe du mouvement NoFap est simple : s’abstenir de pornographie et de masturbation pour retrouver un contrôle de soi. Cette méthode aide les hommes à combattre la dépendance tout en améliorant leur bien-être.

L’abstinence conduit à des changements positifs dans la vie des hommes.

L’évaluation des bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence chez l’homme permet d’en comprendre l’impact.

L’abstinence de l’homme entraîne une réduction de l’anxiété, de la dépression, et un renforcement de la confiance en soi. Les témoignages sur les forums NoFap sont un véritable reflet de ces progrès.

Explorer comment la pratique de l’abstinence de la masturbation peut aider à diminuer les symptômes d’anxiété et de dépression.

Les hommes confrontés à la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation subissent une anxiété accrue. En s’abstenant, ils rapportent souvent une baisse de la dépression et une plus grande capacité à contrôler leurs actions.

Analyser l’effet de l’abstinence sur la performance érectile.

Les dysfonctions érectiles fréquentes chez les hommes peuvent être atténuées par l’abstinence, comme le montrent diverses études.

le post original
la source: Cliquer ici

#Tous #les #avantages #pour #jours #NOFAP #Guide #complet

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: so you’re looking to reach 90 days you’re after those transformative changes the spark in your eyes the Newfound Charisma perhaps a surge in self-confidence and attention from women in this video we’ll journey through what you’ll see on your 90day nofap transformation embarking on a 90-day challenge might sound intimidating it’s three times as long as the 30-day challenge but the evolution is way more transformative you’ll inevitably experience a barrage of urges metamorphic mind shifts and tons of new benefits let’s dive into your 90-day Journey day one starts off with you feeling fresh you might have relapsed but you wake up with a new sense of purpose your purpose is to now make it to 90 days without any relapses you start off your day and feel determined to stay on track and away from urges as you finish off the day you fall asleep knowing that you conquered the first day by day two curiosity starts to creep in when will these Transformations manifest you go on with your day starting to feel a little stranger like something is missing Nightfall finds you you contemplative your brain Whispering about the void it feels day three is the first real test withdrawal symptoms emerge manifesting in irritability and potential mood swings this is the pitfall where many fail they have no power over their urges and fail to withstand the pull to the addictive behavior that being said many of our viewers have found so much relief getting through day three from using our breakf free guide this guide goes through the various powerful strategies to help you overcome your addiction with real tested methods of locking out pornography if you want the same power hundreds of other men are unlocking then check out the guide Below in the description and get yours today if you’ve successfully passed through the trials and tribulations of day three you head to bed with relief knowing that it gets easier from this day on you wake up a few days later at day seven the week has finally gone by and you’ve successfully dealt with the urges that have come your way with every step you feel more free from The Habit day 14 comes around soon after and you begin to notice changes you go to bed without your phone in your hand you wake up each morning feeling refreshed you begin to notice you have more energy and power throughout the day and especially in your workouts at the gym you continue on with this newfound energy and crush each day feeling like a new man day 30 rolls around and you can’t believe the transformation you start to realize that women have been giving you the eyes maintaining eye contact and giving you hints you begin to realize that it’s working and it fuels you to keep going as you’ve been hitting the gym and doing more self-improvement you’ve noticed drastic improvement to your self-confidence the combination of noof FAP with working out and self-improvement drives up your confidence to Heights you could have never imagined you make a plan to continue and get to 90 days to witness the immense compounding effect you feel the new powers that are starting to emerge in your life and you can’t wait to continue and reap the rewards of your hard work and strength at this time you might be getting nocturnal emissions or wet dreams but you know it’s part of your natural body and how it operates so you don’t worry about it you continue knowing that wet dreams are a part of the healing process and journey to a new life day 45 comes soon after and the initial benefits start to fade away you feel tired from all the hard work and the benefits have given you so much energy that you might start to feel a little drained your mind begins to think of ways to take the edge of and relax a little you realize the addiction is still lingering as a strong urge pulls you to lock the door and pull the sheets over your head you realize this is the urges coming back as soon as a slight bit of weakness starts to peer in you know you cannot so you get up and go for a run instead continuing your streak of working out and improving yourself day 60 rolls around and you begin to feel a flood of new energy you get the second wind which is a second boost of energy from nofap the energy begins to improve every part of your life it strengthens your hair clears your eyes of any redness and emits a surge of Confidence from your body this is where you seriously begin to see women looking at you there seems to be something irresistible about you women may start approaching you at this point and begin trying to get to know know you you feel a sense of Pride and courage for being able to overcome this addiction and reap the benefits you continue on knowing that this is the right path the third and final month flies by you arrive in 90 days and it feels like a breeze you no longer feel any urges and you’ve welcomed in a new life you start to chase girls and girls start to chase you you continue working out and improving yourself and you feel happy and incredible each day the guilt and shame you felt on day one feels like a distant Nightmare and you begin to realize how much has actually changed in your life from just changing one bad habit at the end of 90 days you begin to notice the following benefits more glow to your eyes improved self-confidence no shame or guilt better focus healthier fingernails eyes and hair no more brain fog attraction and amp looks from women a healthier and happier you 90 days marks the incredible journey and the continuation of a lifetime of this new positive way of operating you are no longer stuck in the endless bad habit that pornography traps you in let’s dive deep into the hugee benefits you see on day 90 one thing many adherents swear by is the increased attention from women it’s like there’s this unspoken energy or aura that women seem to pick up on I’ve heard some describe it as a newfound confidence that radiates from them a type of glow or magnetism ever heard of pheromones there’s talk in certain circles that abstaining might increase pheromone production leading to this heightened attraction but it’s not just about external attention it’s also about self-awareness and self-worth speaking of confidence that’s another massive gain reported by those who’ve embraced the noof fap lifestyle with every day that passes without giving into temptation there’s this sense of achievement of having control over one’s desires and actions this translates into a sense of self-pride boosting one’s self-esteem now combine this with the mental Clarity that nofap reportedly brings it’s as if a fog Has Lifted decision- making becomes easier concentration improves and there’s an overall feeling of being present ah and the energy levels it’s been said that those who practice nofap feel a significant surge in energy like they’re not dragging themselves out of bed in the morning anymore instead they’re jumping out with enthusiasm ready to tackle the day and workouts they just seem more productive some say they can lift more at the gym run longer distances and feel more energized overall the body isn’t expending energy on frequent self-indulgence and it shows then as we Circle back to the whole attraction thing consider this self-improve in any form tends to make someone more attractive so if noof fap leads to improved confidence heightened energy clearer mental States and better physical fitness isn’t it natural that one would become more appealing to others it’s like this whole self-improvement journey sets off a positive feedback loop the better you feel internally the more it shows externally and people women included are naturally drawn to those who exude positivity confidence and genuine self assuredness but wait there’s also the angle of sharper senses some nofappers swear that colors seem brighter sounds clearer and even food tastes better it’s like they’re experiencing the world in high definition and when you’re more present and engaged with the world around you when your senses are heightened it’s easier to pick up on the subtle cues of those around you so that attention from women maybe it’s always been there but without the distractions and the fog it’s now way easier to notice and while we’re still talking about the female attraction side of things let’s not forget the benefits of Simply Having more free time without spending unnecessary hours in the clutches of fleeting pleasure there’s so much more time to engage in meaningful conversations to cultivate hobbies to learn and to grow women tend to be attracted to Passion to someone who’s invested in something be it a hobby a job or a cause noof fap seems to open up this time giving one the chance to find and pursue those passions eye contact that’s another interesting point ever noticed how it’s easier to hold someone’s gaze when you feel confident and have nothing to hide it’s as if your eyes become the window to a soul that’s at peace free from guilt or internal turmoil this kind of sincere unflinching eye contact can be incredibly attractive showcasing both vulnerability and strength for a holistic guide to avert pitfalls do check out our breakfree guide linked below share your feedback and let us know what topics resonate with you guiding you through your nofap journey is immensely fulfilling for [Music] us a [Music] .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.08 so you&;re looking to reach 90 days
0.08 you&;re after those transformative
0.08 changes the spark in your eyes the
0.08 Newfound Charisma perhaps a surge in
0.08 self-confidence and attention from women
0.08 in this video we&;ll journey through what
0.08 you&;ll see on your 90day nofap
0.08 transformation embarking on a 90-day
0.08 challenge might sound intimidating it&;s
0.08 three times as long as the 30-day
0.08 challenge but the evolution is way more
0.08 transformative you&;ll inevitably
0.08 experience a barrage of urges
0.08 metamorphic mind shifts and tons of new
0.08 benefits let&;s dive into your 90-day
0.08 Journey day one starts off with you
0.08 feeling fresh you might have relapsed
0.08 but you wake up with a new sense of
0.08 purpose your purpose is to now make it
0.08 to 90 days without any relapses you
0.08 start off your day and feel determined
0.08 to stay on track and away from urges as
0.08 you finish off the day you fall asleep
0.08 knowing that you conquered the first day
0.08 by day two curiosity starts to creep in
0.08 when will these Transformations manifest
0.08 you go on with your day starting to feel
0.08 a little stranger like something is
0.08 missing Nightfall finds you you
0.08 contemplative your brain Whispering
0.08 about the void it feels day three is the
0.08 first real test withdrawal symptoms
0.08 emerge manifesting in irritability and
0.08 potential mood swings this is the
0.08 pitfall where many fail they have no
0.08 power over their urges and fail to
0.08 withstand the pull to the addictive
0.08 behavior that being said many of our
0.08 viewers have found so much relief
0.08 getting through day three from using our
0.08 breakf free guide this guide goes
0.08 through the various powerful strategies
0.08 to help you overcome your addiction with
0.08 real tested methods of locking out
0.08 pornography if you want the same power
0.08 hundreds of other men are unlocking then
0.08 check out the guide Below in the
0.08 description and get yours today if
0.08 you&;ve successfully passed through the
0.08 trials and tribulations of day three you
0.08 head to bed with relief knowing that it
0.08 gets easier from this day on you wake up
0.08 a few days later at day seven the week
0.08 has finally gone by and you&;ve
0.08 successfully dealt with the urges that
0.08 have come your way with every step you
0.08 feel more free from The Habit day 14
0.08 comes around soon after and you begin to
0.08 notice changes you go to bed without
0.08 your phone in your hand you wake up each
0.08 morning feeling refreshed you begin to
0.08 notice you have more energy and power
0.08 throughout the day and especially in
0.08 your workouts at the gym you continue on
0.08 with this newfound energy and crush each
0.08 day feeling like a new man day 30 rolls
0.08 around and you can&;t believe the
0.08 transformation you start to realize that
0.08 women have been giving you the eyes
0.08 maintaining eye contact and giving you
0.08 hints you begin to realize that it&;s
0.08 working and it fuels you to keep going
0.08 as you&;ve been hitting the gym and doing
0.08 more self-improvement you&;ve noticed
0.08 drastic improvement to your
0.08 self-confidence the combination of noof
0.08 FAP with working out and
0.08 self-improvement drives up your
0.08 confidence to Heights you could have
0.08 never imagined you make a plan to
0.08 continue and get to 90 days to witness
0.08 the immense compounding effect you feel
0.08 the new powers that are starting to
0.08 emerge in your life and you can&;t wait
0.08 to continue and reap the rewards of your
0.08 hard work and strength at this time you
0.08 might be getting nocturnal emissions or
0.08 wet dreams but you know it&;s part of
0.08 your natural body and how it operates so
0.08 you don&;t worry about it you continue
0.08 knowing that wet dreams are a part of
0.08 the healing process and journey to a new
0.08 life day 45 comes soon after and the
0.08 initial benefits start to fade away you
0.08 feel tired from all the hard work and
0.08 the benefits have given you so much
0.08 energy that you might start to feel a
0.08 little drained your mind begins to think
0.08 of ways to take the edge of and relax a
0.08 little you realize the addiction is
0.08 still lingering as a strong urge pulls
0.08 you to lock the door and pull the sheets
0.08 over your head you realize this is the
0.08 urges coming back as soon as a slight
0.08 bit of weakness starts to peer in you
0.08 know you cannot so you get up and go for
0.08 a run instead continuing your streak of
0.08 working out and improving yourself day
0.08 60 rolls around and you begin to feel a
0.08 flood of new energy you get the second
0.08 wind which is a second boost of energy
0.08 from nofap the energy begins to improve
0.08 every part of your life it strengthens
0.08 your hair clears your eyes of any
0.08 redness and emits a surge of Confidence
0.08 from your body this is where you
0.08 seriously begin to see women looking at
0.08 you there seems to be something
0.08 irresistible about you women may start
0.08 approaching you at this point and begin
0.08 trying to get to know know you you feel
0.08 a sense of Pride and courage for being
0.08 able to overcome this addiction and reap
0.08 the benefits you continue on knowing
0.08 that this is the right path the third
0.08 and final month flies by you arrive in
0.08 90 days and it feels like a breeze you
0.08 no longer feel any urges and you&;ve
0.08 welcomed in a new life you start to
0.08 chase girls and girls start to chase you
0.08 you continue working out and improving
0.08 yourself and you feel happy and
0.08 incredible each day the guilt and shame
0.08 you felt on day one feels like a distant
0.08 Nightmare and you begin to realize how
0.08 much has actually changed in your life
0.08 from just changing one bad habit at the
0.08 end of 90 days you begin to notice the
0.08 following benefits more glow to your
0.08 eyes improved self-confidence no shame
0.08 or guilt better focus healthier
0.08 fingernails eyes and hair no more brain
0.08 fog attraction and amp looks from women
0.08 a healthier and happier you 90 days
0.08 marks the incredible journey and the
0.08 continuation of a lifetime of this new
0.08 positive way of operating you are no
0.08 longer stuck in the endless bad habit
0.08 that pornography traps you in let&;s dive
0.08 deep into the hugee benefits you see on
0.08 day 90 one thing many adherents swear by
0.08 is the increased attention from women
0.08 it&;s like there&;s this unspoken energy
0.08 or aura that women seem to pick up on
0.08 I&;ve heard some describe it as a
0.08 newfound confidence that radiates from
0.08 them a type of glow or magnetism ever
0.08 heard of pheromones there&;s talk in
0.08 certain circles that abstaining might
0.08 increase pheromone production leading to
0.08 this heightened attraction but it&;s not
0.08 just about external attention it&;s also
0.08 about self-awareness and self-worth
0.08 speaking of confidence that&;s another
0.08 massive gain reported by those who&;ve
0.08 embraced the noof fap lifestyle with
0.08 every day that passes without giving
0.08 into temptation there&;s this sense of
0.08 achievement of having control over one&;s
0.08 desires and actions this translates into
0.08 a sense of self-pride boosting one&;s
0.08 self-esteem now combine this with the
0.08 mental Clarity that nofap reportedly
0.08 brings it&;s as if a fog Has Lifted
0.08 decision- making becomes easier
0.08 concentration improves and there&;s an
0.08 overall feeling of being present ah and
0.08 the energy levels it&;s been said that
0.08 those who practice nofap feel a
0.08 significant surge in energy like they&;re
0.08 not dragging themselves out of bed in
0.08 the morning anymore instead they&;re
0.08 jumping out with enthusiasm ready to
0.08 tackle the day and workouts they just
0.08 seem more productive some say they can
0.08 lift more at the gym run longer
0.08 distances and feel more energized
0.08 overall the body isn&;t expending energy
0.08 on frequent self-indulgence and it shows
0.08 then as we Circle back to the whole
0.08 attraction thing consider this
0.08 self-improve in any form tends to make
0.08 someone more attractive so if noof fap
0.08 leads to improved confidence heightened
0.08 energy clearer mental States and better
0.08 physical fitness isn&;t it natural that
0.08 one would become more appealing to
0.08 others it&;s like this whole
0.08 self-improvement journey sets off a
0.08 positive feedback loop the better you
0.08 feel internally the more it shows
0.08 externally and people women included are
0.08 naturally drawn to those who exude
0.08 positivity confidence and genuine self
0.08 assuredness but wait there&;s also the
0.08 angle of sharper senses some nofappers
0.08 swear that colors seem brighter sounds
0.08 clearer and even food tastes better it&;s
0.08 like they&;re experiencing the world in
0.08 high definition and when you&;re more
0.08 present and engaged with the world
0.08 around you when your senses are
0.08 heightened it&;s easier to pick up on the
0.08 subtle cues of those around you so that
0.08 attention from women maybe it&;s always
0.08 been there but without the distractions
0.08 and the fog it&;s now way easier to
0.08 notice and while we&;re still talking
0.08 about the female attraction side of
0.08 things let&;s not forget the benefits of
0.08 Simply Having more free time without
0.08 spending unnecessary hours in the
0.08 clutches of fleeting pleasure there&;s so
0.08 much more time to engage in meaningful
0.08 conversations to cultivate hobbies to
0.08 learn and to grow women tend to be
0.08 attracted to Passion to someone who&;s
0.08 invested in something be it a hobby a
0.08 job or a cause noof fap seems to open up
0.08 this time giving one the chance to find
0.08 and pursue those passions eye contact
0.08 that&;s another interesting point ever
0.08 noticed how it&;s easier to hold
0.08 someone&;s gaze when you feel confident
0.08 and have nothing to hide it&;s as if your
0.08 eyes become the window to a soul that&;s
0.08 at peace free from guilt or internal
0.08 turmoil this kind of sincere unflinching
0.08 eye contact can be incredibly attractive
0.08 showcasing both vulnerability and
0.08 strength for a holistic guide to avert
0.08 pitfalls do check out our breakfree
0.08 guide linked below share your feedback
0.08 and let us know what topics resonate
0.08 with you guiding you through your nofap
0.08 journey is immensely fulfilling for
0.08 [Music]
0.08 us
0.08 a
0.08 [Music]

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