Une vidéo sur le thème « no fap » par Gerbert Johnson
Signée par Gerbert Johnson, cette vidéo publiée sur YouTube (le ) examine le thème « no fap » et mérite que l’on en parle quelques minutes.
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Il est important de prendre en compte la durée (00:46:22s), le titre (A Deep Dive Into Esoteric Nofap Tiktok), et les observations mentionnées par l’auteur :« Obtenez 20% de réduction + expédition internationale gratuite @manscaped avec le code Gerbert à http://manscaped.com/gerbert #manscapedPartner Vous n’avez pas passé de noix en novembre? Mes liens: Second Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucanvw2kpc1nxlsbpjllgnq pateron – https://www.patreon.com/gerbertjohnson Instagram – https://wwwwe @ gmail.com Merch: www.lookofthedead.com Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2gd3v55t7x5ojn1ebdbcta?si=6e0f85b332f940b8 Chapitres 00:00 Intro 03:17 Tiktoks 1 06:20 Sponsor 07:47 NOFAP Aura 13:09 Tiktoks 2 21:37 Transmutation 24:34 Tiktoks 3 29:39 Tantra 33:33 Tiktoks 4 39:19 Traditions spirituelles 42:32 outro / Comment arrêter la musique utilisée: https://www.youtube.com/ Regardez? V = zrkwaiih750 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpi2bhhvy4q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CY1JGVAR8 ».
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Le rôle central de la communauté NoFap est d’accompagner les hommes dans leur démarche de sevrage.
Révéler l’impact bénéfique du soutien social et émotionnel dans le maintien de l’abstinence.
Les forums de la communauté Nofap fournissent une aide concrète aux hommes pour lutter contre l’anxiété et la dépression tout en offrant des conseils pour surmonter les obstacles et éviter les rechutes. Un accompagnement spécialisé est parfois indispensable c’est le cas de très peu de spécialistes dont un en europe installé en France.
Analyser comment les forums et les groupes de soutien aident à surmonter les obstacles rencontrés par les individus.
Les forums de la communauté NoFap, soutenus par des recherches scientifiques, ont démontré leur efficacité dans la lutte contre l’anxiété et la dépression. Ces groupes offrent une solidarité indispensable, permettant aux participants de surmonter la masturbation de façon scientifique.
Les forums NoFap sont un réseau actif pour les hommes en quête de soutien dans leur parcours d’abstinence.
Les espaces communautaires, comme les forums, offrent une plateforme de soutien et des études scientifiques utiles aux hommes qui souhaitent réussir leur abstinence.
Les étapes clés pour réussir sur NoFap
Ressources supplémentaires pour mieux réussir le défi NoFap.
Des ressources scientifiques telles que les travaux de Nicole Prause permettent de mieux comprendre les effets de la pornographie et de la masturbation, tout en offrant des solutions pour y remédier de manière scientifique.
Conseils pour rester engagé sur NoFap
Il est primordial d’intégrer des activités comme l’exercice et la méditation pour renforcer la motivation et éviter les déclencheurs.
Gérer les rechutes nécessite une préparation mentale et des stratégies adaptées.
Les rechutes ne sont pas une fin en soi, elles font partie intégrante du processus, selon une étude scientifique. L’important est d’en tirer des leçons, de s’appuyer sur ses objectifs et de chercher de l’aide dans la communauté Nofap.
Les effets de l’abstinence sur les hommes sont visibles à la fois sur le plan physique et mental.
Les bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence chez l’homme se manifestent de manière positive.
Pratiquer l’abstinence aide les hommes à réduire l’anxiété, la dépression et à renforcer leur confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap regorgent d’histoires inspirantes.
Examiner comment l’abstinence de la masturbation contribue à la réduction des troubles anxieux et dépressifs.
Les hommes souffrent fréquemment d’anxiété en raison de la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation. En s’abstenant, ils constatent une diminution de leur dépression et un renforcement de leur capacité à contrôler leurs comportements.
Étudier l’impact de l’abstinence sur l’érection.
Les troubles de l’érection causés par la masturbation sont souvent corrigés par une pratique d’abstinence, selon les chercheurs.
NoFap : un guide pour les hommes vers un mieux-être
Comprendre l’impact de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes est crucial.
Les effets de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes ont été étudiés par des chercheurs, mettant en lumière des problèmes tels que la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a notamment publié une étude sur les conséquences de la masturbation excessive et de la pornographie sur le bien-être des individus.
Comprendre pourquoi les gens choisissent NoFap aide à mieux appréhender ses effets positifs sur la santé mentale et physique.
La communauté NoFap s’engage à lutter contre les effets négatifs de la pornographie, à améliorer la performance érectile et à réduire l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés ont rapporté une nette diminution de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après avoir cessé ces comportements.
NoFap cherche à limiter les effets négatifs de la pornographie sur l’esprit.
En prônant l’abstinence de pornographie et de masturbation, NoFap aide les hommes à réduire leur addiction. Cette démarche permet d’améliorer la concentration, d’accroître l’énergie et de renforcer la santé globale.
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#Une #plongée #profonde #dans #nofap #ésotérique #tiktok
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: three time you get it when you squeeze it’s the orgasm coming up your seedly is that if you know my channel you know I’m not a big fan of gooning think it makes you sad I think it turns you into a freak I don’t think it should be a part of anyone anyone anyone’s routine if they want to be happy and healthy sitting there whacking it off to online pornography and the the argument goes like this premise one adult content is an inherently addictive substance premise 2 according to many fmri scans addiction to online pornography or extended usage over long periods of time decreases the gray matter in your reward circuitry increases your amydala volume there are many negative brain changes that occur all related to a binge cycle and of course premise 3 as such you should not be yanking it to naked [ __ ] on the internet very simple three-point argument now where things get a little bit more complicated is when you start considering retention in general not just backing away from the old old brazers the old Reality Kings the old Bang Bus the old Vixen the old Hub the old black not just backing away from all of that but backing away from nutting from expelling your seed all together and the reason I didn’t delve into this subject in these videos is because if I’m trying to make these well-reasoned empirical arguments because I care about actually convincing people I can’t start talking about like the pineal gland and life force energy and [ __ ] when you start getting into the subject of retention it gets skitso it gets deep real quick and that’s what I want to explore in this video not to Shi these ideas or back them I’m not making claims or arguments sometimes I feel myself being drawn to these ideas other times I think it’s quite ridiculous I’m going to pull up some Tik toks react to them and explore the esoteric nature of retention I’m not trying to bash these people or belittle them I don’t think these ideas are dangerous or scary I just think it’s pretty hilarious and I sometimes I kind of like this [ __ ] I’m just not one of those guys that thinks everybody has to be right all the time you know what I mean like there needs to be a certain amount of people that just believe wacky [ __ ] flat earthers love them we need those there that’s funny Mormons that’s hilarious like so I’m going to try to go pretty deep in the rabbit hole in this video take it leave it do whatever but for the duration try to have a little fun dig if you will the picture that inside of every nut contains Cosmic life force energy that uh grants you extra human perception I can run five to six miles with with one nut that’s a that’s a proven fact yo a [ __ ] net is like equivalent to a few miles like you can run a lot of miles with One n that’s how powerful it is so I know like I’m not going to give it to you I need to go to this studio I don’t know where that I don’t know where that conversion rate is coming from but sounds legit I don’t know how you do that math Five Mile nut 5 miles per nut I wonder if usin Bolt was retaining I’m going to put that up in the editing well actually he wasn’t even a longdistance runner I don’t even know what the [ __ ] I’m talking about oh my gosh look at your sh look at your oh my God why you hold my hand okay so the idea here is is after uh after a little while of retaining you just get this magnetism all of a sudden all the hoes want something to do with you y I didn’t bust a nut for 9 months and this is what happened I had this unlimited energy and drive to just improve and get [ __ ] done my thoughts and feelings would flow so smooth and I would have this insan Clarity I had total control over myself my oric field was so strong my skin started glowing and my beard turned into a [ __ ] caveman’s No Cap yo go hop on that [ __ ] fam let’s get it no cap what most people don’t know is when you release your your bone marrow your hair start thining you you you age this is our life force it heal your central nervous system and heal your brain you don’t have brain fall and I tell a lot of men stop watching cuz when you watch por it’ll make you masturbate in the morning like say you just masturbated or you masturbate just what you did you just jacked off and shot your precious seam and your nut just nut it out okay yeah I see a fair amount of Kevin Gates uh Clips if I just look up the the NOAB keyword on Tik tock so apparently he’s a big proponent of the old retention if the whole retention thing is supposed to make you a more sound of mind like pure thinking person I don’t know if it’s working because Kevin Gates is one of the most freaky individuals on this planet Earth I’m put in your stomach pick all in your stomach P your head slap your maybe it did give him extra abilities because didn’t he say he started a car battery with his hands or some [ __ ] you did not start no car battery with your bare hands if I did may God murder my children I don’t even I hate that I even spoke about that if I didn’t make God murder my children no don’t say that please kill them today right now todayin and and to be honest with you I just put my hands over the battery and pray Lord please let this woman battery start here is what they do not tell you when you retain the OES in the celestial fluid creates a vibrational vortex that’s why in the scriptures the Lord says Thou shalt not come when you are embarking upon this journey of retention you have to make sure you’re keeping it clean that means shaving your nuts shaving your nuts shaving your nuts something like I don’t know the performance package 5.0 from manscaped is the perfect solution this the lawn mower 5.0 Ultra it’s got the PowerHouse necessary opponents to ensure an excellent nut shaving nut shaving nut shaving it ensures a safe experience cuz it has skin safe technology I even tried to cut my own nuts and it didn’t work look it won’t cut you but I know what you’re asking what if you find yourself in the dark this [ __ ] got a flashlight it’s easy to charge all you got to do is plug in the USB they even got this uh this bald lotion man you shave it cuz that way what’s that’s what keeps the technology inside of it you get free gifts too boxers a little travel bag it that that’s all in the performance package it’s like seven items in one go to manscape.com and use the code gerbert or click the link in the description down below to get 20% off and free international shipping I’m almost 2 months in it’s truly crazy bro how women act when you start retaining compared to when you’re not when you’re completely drained they want nothing to do with you they don’t even look at your way but when you continuously retain women start smiling I’m telling you they going to treat you like a king all right so the first idea that’s continually popping up here is the idea that after keeping in uh that them CR those Crunchies for a while you start developing this ineffable magnetic quality that attracts people but it specifically attracts women it’s called noof fap attraction this concept’s been around for a while as long as these online communities have existed this attraction can manifest in different ways not really in a physical sense although you know some people claim that they they get stronger their skin gets clearer their eyes get more bright or something it’s not really just physical though it’s more of a some sort of an energy thing a behavior thing an aura it UPG grades your aura plus 10,000 Aura and all of a sudden after you’ve been keeping it in for a while a bunch of a bunch of these [ __ ] just start coming out of the woodwork you know girls that haven’t talked to you in a while random women at the whole food it’s like there’s just a six sense women have um not seeing dead people seeing your C you’re seeing your wiener seeing your seen and there’s a few different explanations for what might be happening the first is that these guys are delusional it’s fake then the second well this is this is something I would probably favor what happens is most guys are addicted to pornography but it’s it’s like so ingrained into our culture the over sexualization so a lot of people are kind of just stuck in this binge cycle um that they perceive as normal and when they exit this binge cycle this addictive state of yanking it to films to you know porum mentaries Etc they’re there’s a host of positive positive brain changes but really it’s just being reset back to normal and this this can be powerful this this change this exiting of this state addicts have increased amydala volume this means you feel more fear when you exit this when your brain starts to heal it can fundamentally change your perception of things and it can it can cause it can start a domino effect of many positive changes in your life there could be also a sort of correlation not not exactly causation going on in that guys will get on no fap while also getting on a lot of other self-improvement methods or techniques like going to the gym or reading books or meditation Etc this is there where the third possible explanation comes to lend it some it’s kind of uh Supernatural it is and people are aware of this it is kind of mystical and spiritual they say that so in recognizing It’s Supernatural um you could say it’s beyond the limits of natural science so there are no studies there’s no empirical evidence it’s all going to be anecdotal or uh things of this regard the idea is that your ski contains life force energy Chi Prana real it contains the ingredients for life after all a man produces Millions upon millions of Gan meets every hour of every day and each one of these is a potential life so the reasoning goes that if you bust you lose this energy if you retain for a while you keep this energy CU what happens if a guy doesn’t scootle for a year it’s not like when he finally bust it’s like a it’s like a fire hose like his balls just got heavier and heavier until a a Titanic release that’s flooded his room full of come no what happens is after around a week you’re nut recycles itself so this life force if we’re operating under the assumption that nut contain some Cosmic or mystical property this life force gets absorbed back into your body it increases your aura it makes you more magnetic especially to your energetic polar which would be the feminine of course there is no like evidence we have that guys who retain emit a higher resonance or something but I don’t know man who knows what happened to building seven you some somehow women in particular specifically pick up on this increased or they go oh this fellas There’s Something About This fell he’s got that semen nut so as a man when you go on semen retention right and you start redirecting your focus redirecting your energy off of sex and off of lust and start focusing Inward and on your purpose and something higher right what happens is you start building up a lot of masculine energy and you start you start building up magnetism you start attracting more people you start attracting different Spirits right and one of those Spirits is the succubus you start attracting the succubus and you start attracting Jezebel women and for the men practicing retention I know you know already it’s like as soon as you get on retention and start protecting your Sexual Energy the succubus comes right after you especially in the dream state like you might start having dreams about the succubus shape shifting into a woman you’re attracted to a beautiful woman and she’ll get she’ll try to get you in like this hypnosis so try to get you to have sex with her so try to you know just try to steal your energy you do a little bit of retaining then the spirits come after you because they want your seed they want to drain you of your life force because it’s a deeply spiritual process and you increase your attraction you’re also attracting negative spirits that want to knock you off your Sigma grind set take your seed your precious seed that gives you energy that you can direct and transmute and I I suppose these these Temptations come in the form of your dreams or also real women it could be so this is where you know noof fap attraction is perceived differently depending on people’s beliefs it could be that these women are uh are sort of succu by or it could be that they are naturally attracted to you in in an innocent and feminine way because of your increased energy profile what happen to you when you are on seing retention number one guys is that you will start to have sexual dreams you are starting to notice that the women you might have slept with in the past true man this does even your favorite corn Stars they’re going to start to appear in your dreams and the reason why this is guys is because when you retain your energy you know what I’m saying it is very spiritual the demons around you that have been feeding off you lusting they know that if you stop doing it they have to vanish and so this is off topic but how do these kind of like hairlines work you know I see some African-American gentlemen with these kind of lineups and there’s like a it’s like the hairline has a stroke on it or it’s like underlined or some [ __ ] with a white marker or maybe that’s just his oric field highlighting his features they’re going to start tempting you leading you into temptation these guys is your desire for sex would just plumm it it’ll just completely go away dude well here’s how I would explain it see people if you’ve never done it before you think you’re just going to start turning into a beast wanting to bang everything that walks what really happens is it does like go away and then comes back pretty intense intensely uh in in specific moments but I it’s it’s overall more healthy it won’t come back in intense moments like when you’re in math class and [ __ ] because when I used to goon all the time that’s when you get the Hardies and math class when you stop you it’s like more normal and in more appropriate times and last guys is you develop some abnormal strength for yourself okay a lot of y’all might be struggling to bench press 185 lbs and you 230 or you might be struggling [ __ ] 185 lbs and you 200 flat you know what I’m saying or some of y’all struggling with 225 250 and y’all are well over that weight listen y’all a lot of y’all want to know like how are you benching that much guys I’m 47 lbs and I be working out with 260 250 damn you know what I’m saying that’s impressive my Max is you know what I’m saying almost superhuman strength okay okay so this is the first claim of of uh some sort of uh Power you know basically like super I mean see here’s the thing it’s probably fake but just the chance that all this [ __ ] is real you like just go for it dude like it might be delusional but imagine that’s real bro it’s a good cope to have you know thinking that keeping it in gives you like abnormal strength it’s it’s just it’s good to believe in stuff like this to get a break from this cruel joke we call Life retention it does so many great things for the body because the one that keeps you in tune with the universe it help you in tune the univers to and lock in whatever you trying to do the seen is a treasure it is listen all right dude these guys are jacked as [ __ ] are you telling me they’re Natty and they’re just they got that natural they got that natural nut gains hold up you have to realize that you need that you need that to be able to create yes that’s what it’s utilized for right the jealousy you’re going to encounter when you on SE attention I’ve been on SE attention over 170 days and you might run into this chances are very very high you are practicing sexual discipline you are fleeing from sexual immorality which n naturally is going to set you apart from a lot of people so men and women are both going to be jealous of you I’m going to tell you what it look like where it stem from and how you go about that what it look like when a man is jealous of you he going to try to Puff his chest up he going to try to compete with you he going to say little slick stuff you know sometimes he’ll even avoid you and most of the time they can’t look you in your eyes they can’t because what you’re doing is you standing on business as far as sexual discipline goes a lot of men know that they are slaves to their lust you know but this and this is why they got to hang around each other so they don’t got to adhere to that they don’t got to succumb to that they don’t got to focus on that they can just be like that with one another when they get around a man that’s standing on bu that they know they supposed to be standing on it’s going to make them feel a kind of way you see what I’m saying okay yeah so now I’ve I’ve seen this this concept A couple of times now you got this nut you got got this oric nutfield right this Kundalini sperm simal cream energy it has some benefits in that it can attract certain people to you but others it’ll make them feel some type of way because somec consciously they’ll go man this guy is mogging me with his oric vibration you’re mogging them in terms of your nin your chakra you do not have to go months and years retaining this energy in order to manifest something what matters the most is what you do in the time when you are retaining this energy the spiritual practices that you’re doing who you are being what you’re putting into your mind body and spirit it’s a life force it’s the creative Force you have to alchemize this energy to be able to rise up from your lower self to your higher self to the Divine part of yourself so that way you can rise out of your materialistic or your animalistic nature to be able to become Divine so if you’re retaining this energy without this understanding without practicing certain spiritual practices in order to become more Divine then what’s going to happen is you’re going to be magnetizing things toward you that aren’t for you cuz you’re just becoming more of your lower self you’re not really Rising you’re not really raising the energy up and becoming more Divine you’re just becoming more of the lower version of yourself right so here’s the idea that you have this Sexual Energy but you have to utilize it you can’t just let it sit there the way he describes it is it’s like an amplifier of what you already are so it could actually be harmful to retain because the the energy could work against you if you already have something bad going on so the idea here involves something called sexual transmutation in which you take this energy and through certain means you direct it or transmute it into a desired outcome I mean you’re messing with some powerful forces here player you don’t know with what with what energies you dabble your [ __ ] balls are going to explode the consensus is that the best way to transmute this energy is to simply be on your grind working out fulfilling your purpose being creatively ambitious uh building a business uh buying a few rental properties taking cold showers uh wake up 5:00 a.m. every morning go on a run uh trade meme coins at low market caps lose all of your money uh Drop Shipping products uh getting into arguments with women online starting a white supremacist X account even though you’re not even white uh going to Home Depot raising rent on single mothers uh maladaptively daydreaming while listening to De tones you get the idea which is that the more you are locked in the more you are passively transmuting this energy and the less you indulge in other passions or bad habits you may have the more you’re you’re transmuting uh another proposed way you can transmute is through certain meditation or breathing exercises and by transmuting this energy you supercharge your success this Creative Energy is directed outwards it’s also used in the context of manifestation you have this extra creat a ative mental energy and you’re now able to direct this extra energy this extra Creative Energy and manifest positive outcomes direct yourself towards um beneficial lifelines the idea of sexual transmutation is is found in certain self-improvement books namely Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich talks about sexual transmutation and this is where a lot of the ideas come from but It ultimately it is kind of like an esoteric idea it’s also talked about by Albert Pike quick do all right an this is going sound but it’s true it’s real too and all men need to pay attention going into New Year we all need to practice seing retention all the greatest minds of our time to Steve Jobs the Einstein the Nikolai Teslas the Mike Tyson all the greatest people who performed their highest peak did it with seing retention because it helps you home in on your focus it helps you motivate it helps you stay on the task it helps you uh build energy it builds your testosterone um and we need to build the energy we have sexual energy that’s Creative Energy we need to use that energy to create and use it up here and create with 2023 should be focused on that I’m just helping out okay so more transmutation more using the the Sexual Energy turning into Creative Energy energ to focus on your creative goals one of I I think one of the main um sort of validating points of evidence adherence of retention uh reference a lot are these uh very successful famous men in their relative Fields there are there are a lot of successful guys at the very top of their field who seem to be interested in keeping that keeping that juice in their nuts so the obvious problem is that there are exceptions in the realm of fighting for example sure there’s Mike Tyson there’s Muhammad Ali by all accounts they don’t like busting they’re not a big fan of busting especially within close proximity their fight but Jon Jones I mean I’m pretty sure that guy goes and just bangs a bunch of hookers and he wins every fight so I don’t know I’ve been on like a 5e SE retention Journey now see what most people don’t you going to release every now and then oh like you going to have a wet dream here and there you going to release but you don’t beat yourself up about it because anything that’s in your body that need to come out going to naturally come out but I don’t watch porn and masturba and even when I’m with a woman once she get off I’m done you just you chilling yeah that’s see here is where we enter the idea where even if you start going into it you just don’t you still retain you just I guess he just goes to the end and then stops Zach can you speak on why it’s important to retain your semen yes so if you retain your semen your stem cell production goes It goes insane your stem cell production goes up your cellular repair ex goes nuts like if you really want to heal yourself as a man Sean retention don’t squander your essence I promise you right now give yourself 3 months of semen retention fasting and eating clean and just after the three the 3 months check out how you feel this is this is this is just like from a histo okay so right here he’s claiming Health stem cells I feel like maybe I’ve heard that before Delvin into this stuff steem Stell production huh so you’re like you grant you give yourself some sort of immunity your nut your nut gives you a protective film of against uh disease orical and um everything that I’ve learned through like Tantra and sexual exchange energy exchange women if your man is eating clean swallow your man’s seed and Men there’s a there’s a secretion that a woman releases swallow that though that’s the real intimacy part the closest to God that’s gross dude this is getting gross man I didn’t want to what the [ __ ] your semen is essentially life force the more that we retain archi and it’s not to say say we don’t ejaculate or we don’t have sex or we don’t get hard you still do it but don’t let it out as often what that Chi does is you can use that energy and life force and you can still have orgasms you can have multi- orgasms and you bring this life force this Chi to your brain and you do this during sex kind of before you ejaculate squeeze your perenium bring it all up imagine the energy going up from your spine as you exhale and it’s like an explosion there’s also this sense of ridiculous self-control and discipline and they just sense it it’s like a smell in the air it’s like wow I’m able to manifest better because if you can create life with your seing what else can you create that’s how we create the field it’s kind of like a positive and negative battery and that’s how we charge the field when we squeeze and we bring to the brain and now your field is so strong and when you’re in the field then you can bring things to you that you always wanted your okay yeah this man this man went down a lot of different paths what he talked about regarding the uh you know doing it but not ejaculating and somehow controlling it this is generally referred to as Tantra here we get into the next level of retaining your CL your Celestial seed when here’s the question you got to ask yourself what happens once you meet a lady right so you’re retaining you have this attraction you find the girl of your dreams you get into a committed relationship what do you do now do you just retain forever you don’t do anything no no no my friend you got to dig deeper down in the rabbit hole and you got to figure out the ancient methods of hitting it but not spitting it out of your wiener and in the clip I I just watched the guy talks about squeezing your pelvic floor and somehow breathing the energy up I I recently read a book called way of the superior man where it also talks about this I’ll play that clip there’s a specific exercise you can perform throughout sex and also during the approach to orgasm by doing this exercise you will convert the direction of the orgasm so instead of ejaculating out your penis you will ejaculate up your spine experiencing in intense bodily Bliss and emotional openness far beyond the quick pleasure and depleted peace following an ejacula of orgasm to practice this exercise you must learn to consciously contract the muscles of the floor of your pelvis this kind of thing it it gets it gets a little too deep for me cuz it’s at a certain point you’re just nut bending like you’re actually like somehow directing the flow of your nut so yeah it’s like you edge and it just like directs the seminal energy all across your body by the way I came up with a good a video idea the other day edging for 48 hours straight like it’s one of those old Mr Beast videos where he said something for a long time but this time it’ll be edging so I don’t know comment down below if you want to see that one of the big problems people point out in regards to the whole idea of retaining is this this large study conducted about prostate cancer and you could contest it in certain ways but it follows if you’re doing these kind of things you are putting unnecessary strain on the old prop so there are different approaches um some try to reach multiple orgs other types they stay well away from it it’s different they do it slow and it still somehow relieves the tension there’s an interesting book about this called Cupid’s poisoned arrow and the theory goes that there are two different types of love making one for for bonding and one for procreation and the the big lie the big scheme is that most people think the only way they can uh have sex is to full completion full splooge but really what that does is it speeds up habituation and it causes this cycle uh it it kicks in our underlying mamillion Ma program which isn’t naturally monogamous but it claims that if you take a different approach um in this book they call it kza you’re able to extend this this sort of honeymoon period of a relationship indefinitely because you don’t trigger this habituation so it’s interesting you can look deeper into this stuff if you’re so inclined I don’t think it’s really dangerous is the thing so you know have fun figure it out maybe it is super powerful maybe it’s fake I haven’t tried you know I’m a certified shut another thing I’ve noticed after being on Sean retention for so long is that with new levels there are new Devils 30 days 60 days 90 days 120 days that I’m at right now each level has brought with it a new set of challenges The Matrix program that we’re in will send agents at me it’ll send beautiful women at me it’ll send men at me who might want to challenge me in some realm of of the world and it’s important that you know this as you go on this journey of self-improvement and Spiritual Development because we are part of something and as you get higher you reach higher Heights you will continue to be tested because with great power comes great responsibility I just want to put that out there for you guys who are on the same path the same Journey that I’m on you want all right so I mean you stop nothing and uh I mean it it becomes the Devil’s goal to start messing with you cuz he’s going oh this white boy is generating a lot of Swag this right this white boy is procuring his Aura we cannot allow this to happen we have to knock a brother off his grind we got to send you know five2 thick big booty Latinas after him to deplete his seminal storage in order to knock him off of his Cosmic life force energy grind and I’m making fun of it I don’t know dude this [ __ ] might be real I swear I do have a decent amount of wet dreams if I go for a while I keep on getting them one time I had like a wet dream three nights in a row there’s no way that’s normal that had to be like a spirit coming into my room and sucking me off in the dead of night when you finish watching that porn what are you sacrificing your seed can’t catch this in the spirit we’ll never be used by God so let’s talk about what happens when you watch the porn take the phone out right go to the bathroom try to hide what’s that now that’s your secret place cuz you don’t do that in public right you seek the demons in private you got to go to the secret place now you’ve created an altar onto that demon you have Spirits inabus succubus jezy right and I’m not talking about Je and K I’m talking about Jezebel and what does Jezebel do sacrifice what children onto who bow so man of God when you finish watching that porn what are you sacrificing your seed onto a demon you’re giving power to that demon to have legal right over your life okay all right I like this this is good stuff right here this man’s given a some sort of a onstage presentation at a seminar or something this is great uh you know it’s an interesting comparison comparing eight ancient sort of uh Pagan deity rituals in which child sacrifice are involved these Pagan deities he would see as demons so people used to sacrifice children onto these demons he’s also looking at it in a symbolic sense when you whack off when you spray your seed they’re kind of like children you know your little nuts are like future children so and uh you know not trying to go Jonathan Paso on your ass but you you could say addictions are kind of like demons influence uencing your mind that’s a way you could look at it psychologically so by whacking off by spilling your seed in a private place you’re doing some sort of Satanic ritual unbeknownst to you and you’re giving demons control of your life interesting this shit’s you can’t be jacking off my [ __ ] like I said cuz when you jacking off that’s spilling your cup of Hermes you know what I’m saying you got to keep your cup full full because when your cup is full by way of seing retention that is your Cosmic fuel to get to the next level like this is this is the thing though a lot of people don’t understand on how you activate the Calin energy the Calin energy is activated by way of restricting your Sexual Energy because your sexual energy is your creative so it’s kind of like like it’s like you having a car how you going to you got a bend and you ain’t got no gas in it that’s your body that’s your vessel you spilling all your Sexual Energy out how you going to get to the gas station how you going to get to the gas station in the Orion in the Orion star consolation right you need that Cosmic fuel the gas station can’t like I said man like you can’t be masturbating you can’t be doing all that stuff man that’s where your energy comes from right because it’s connected to the frequency of the Soul right what’s the frequency of the Soul what’s the four elements of the soul is thinking reasoning understanding and willpower if you don’t have the willpower to subjugate your Sexual Energy you in a low vibrational State because you’re acclimated to the root chakra right you out of balance this is why you know the Democrats they push that hedonistic Concepts to you know to the masses when you look at the LGBT flag it’s a reversal frequency it’s got the root chakra at the top and the crown chakra at the bottom right because they want your mind to be uh succumbed by um uh sexual Gra ification but you got to control that like I said it’s all acclimated to the illusionary concepts of democracy you know what I’m saying okay all right this guy’s this this [ __ ] is on another plane of existence not democracy bro well he referenced many different crosscultural symbols regarding Kundalini Shakra the cup of Hermes all of these these sort of esoteric symbols and I guess what this leads me to is the idea that these Concepts and the concept of retention is a sort of crosscultural in different religious spiritual belief systems all around the world they all share this sort of thing this sort of reverence and there are a bunch of very specific themes against not busting I mean it is wild when you look at all the different religions there’s the abrahamic religions of course save yourself until marriage masturbation is a sin you can look at the East you can look at dosm the teachings of laa he has a book called huu Ching if you wish to unite with her heart and mind you must integrate yin and yang and refine their fire upward this is in reference to a a different form of of love making and you can find other laa works that hint towards retention and you can look at gnosticism the alternative more wacky esoteric version of Christianity that we now have more insight into after discovery of the nag hamadi Library just within the last century who believe that uh this world is the product not of an all loving all good all powerful God but a demi urge sort of an uh a more nefarious entity in the gospel of philli for example it says seek the experience of the pure embrace it has great power you look at Hinduism and of course that’s where Tantra comes from all these brahans all these yogis they be on that freaky [ __ ] there there’s hints of it in Buddhism too the current Dalai Lama I believe he talked about it he talked about nothing he said something about your come light the igniting fire there’s theories that this is the true meaning of alchemy transmutation of your internal Sexual Energy through certain means and you can find parts of it in the cabala which is connected to all sorts of [ __ ] so yo it’s all going on all around the world they’re all saying hey man this nut there’s something to this there’s something to this cream it’s not just this nut you come out of your Winger willy-nilly oh blasted here blasted there in shamanic Traditions like the Nagal in Mexico um and in other places it’s referred to as the the rainbow serpent which is also likened to the Kundalini of Hinduism it’s a snake symbolism which I suppose is phallic but it also represents a a spine and the movement of this energy up the spine it goes up your spine and it reaches your Pinal gland penal gland cuz the pen gland and uh at which point you get the telekinetic ability and it can get very strong I mean my buddy Eric picked up a pregnant lady he threw that [ __ ] 48 miles when you produce semen right when you ejaculate what you’re doing is you’re extracting the best minerals vitamins and energy in order for the baby that you create to be healthy do you see the Alchemy do you see the biology behind that so with that being said do you not see how on top of that let me bounce let me bounce off your SE your seen your sexual energy right this is what gives you that powerful dominance that Poise your your voice is deeper your aura is crazy bro when a woman pulls up on yeah so it’s just the same [ __ ] it it there is a lot of corroboration so it’s either kind of like a a hive mind of insanity hey maybe it’s maybe they’re cooking here maybe they’re just telling their truth man and they’re all independently coming to these same conclusions in which case you better retain bro cuz you got there’s like some crazy ass Powers you get but yeah I suppose maybe this is where the super strength comes in cuz if all your nut has vitamins and minerals then uh then all the vitamins go into your bloodstream and you’ll be able to lift more weights right techn technologically speaking but hey that’s what it is man you nut you don’t nut the cycle continues the problem is I keep on nutting in my sleep so I don’t feel like I’m getting any any of these real benefits maybe I need to get start some practices to ward off the evil spirits that are jacking me off in my sleep but uh yeah I don’t know comment below if you think any of this [ __ ] is real or not but yeah I’m not really making a point of this video I’m just talking about things that are interesting and and fun and uh hopefully I’m able to keep your attention and you you are entertained and then I get money that’s kind of the exchange that’s going on here so pretty cool pretty awesome I’m sure some people are wondering maybe for some advice on how to not relapse on their nofap Journey as often or how to retain and I feel like I have a a a just a a lowkey nice little tidbit I can end off the video here for you so if you’re having problems stopping yourself from whacking off that means you have a problem of impulse control your hand’s not involuntarily going down to your worm and and going down to your search bar and and typing in you know big tit none of this none of this is happening against your will you’re doing it you’re choosing to do it so the problem is of impulse control you’re not able to control the impulse what’s the what’s the what’s one of the only proven ways of increasing your impulse control mindfulness so there is a you know you could make it spiritual you could make it practical empirical you need to meditate or pray every single day so long as it fulfills this this mindfulness category so long as you’re ceasing your thoughts or directing your thoughts in a certain way where you’re not being completely controlled by the constant noise of your minds need to do something like this every single day your impulse control will passively increase and you should fear way better um in kicking bad habits like this so that’s the last piece of advice like subscribe do all that [Music] [Music] .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
7.16 three time you get
7.16 it when you squeeze it&;s the orgasm
7.16 coming
7.16 up your
7.16 seedly is that if you know my channel
7.16 you know I&;m not a big fan of gooning
7.16 think it makes you sad I think it turns
7.16 you into a freak I don&;t think it should
7.16 be a part of anyone anyone anyone&;s
7.16 routine if they want to be happy and
7.16 healthy sitting there whacking it off to
7.16 online pornography and the the argument
7.16 goes like this premise one adult content
7.16 is an inherently addictive substance
7.16 premise 2 according to many fmri scans
7.16 addiction to online pornography or
7.16 extended usage over long periods of time
7.16 decreases the gray matter in your reward
7.16 circuitry increases your amydala volume
7.16 there are many negative brain changes
7.16 that occur all related to a binge cycle
7.16 and of course premise 3 as such you
7.16 should not be yanking it to naked
7.16 [ __ ] on the internet very simple
7.16 three-point argument now where things
7.16 get a little bit more complicated is
7.16 when you start
7.16 considering retention in general not
7.16 just backing away from the old old
7.16 brazers the old Reality Kings the old
7.16 Bang Bus the old Vixen the old Hub the
7.16 old black not just backing away from all
7.16 of that but backing away from nutting
7.16 from expelling your seed all together
7.16 and the reason I didn&;t delve into this
7.16 subject in these videos is because if
7.16 I&;m trying to make these well-reasoned
7.16 empirical arguments because I care about
7.16 actually convincing people I can&;t start
7.16 talking about like the pineal gland and
7.16 life force energy and [ __ ] when you
7.16 start getting into the subject of
7.16 retention it gets skitso it gets deep
7.16 real quick and that&;s what I want to
7.16 explore in this video not to Shi these
7.16 ideas or back them I&;m not making claims
7.16 or arguments sometimes I feel myself
7.16 being drawn to these ideas other times I
7.16 think it&;s quite ridiculous I&;m going to
7.16 pull up some Tik toks react to them and
7.16 explore the esoteric nature of retention
7.16 I&;m not trying to bash these people or
7.16 belittle them I don&;t think these ideas
7.16 are dangerous or scary I just think it&;s
7.16 pretty hilarious and I sometimes I kind
7.16 of like this [ __ ] I&;m just not one of
7.16 those guys that thinks everybody has to
7.16 be right all the time you know what I
7.16 mean like there needs to be a certain
7.16 amount of people that just believe wacky
7.16 [ __ ] flat earthers love them we need
7.16 those there that&;s funny Mormons that&;s
7.16 hilarious like so I&;m going to try to go
7.16 pretty deep in the rabbit hole in this
7.16 video take it leave it do whatever but
7.16 for the duration try to have a little
7.16 fun dig if you will the picture that
7.16 inside of every nut contains Cosmic life
7.16 force energy that uh grants you extra
7.16 human perception I can run five to six
7.16 miles with with one nut that&;s a that&;s
7.16 a proven fact yo a [ __ ] net is like
7.16 equivalent to a few miles like you can
7.16 run a lot of miles with One n that&;s how
7.16 powerful it is so I know like I&;m not
7.16 going to give it to you I need to go to
7.16 this studio I don&;t know where that I
7.16 don&;t know where that conversion rate is
7.16 coming from but sounds
7.16 legit I don&;t know how you do that math
7.16 Five Mile
7.16 nut 5 miles per nut I wonder if usin
7.16 Bolt was retaining I&;m going to put that
7.16 up in the editing well actually he
7.16 wasn&;t even a longdistance runner I
7.16 don&;t even know what the [ __ ] I&;m
7.16 talking about oh my gosh look at your sh
7.16 look at your oh my God why you hold my
7.16 hand okay so the idea here is is after
7.16 uh after a little while of
7.16 retaining you just get this magnetism
7.16 all of a sudden all the hoes want
7.16 something to do with you y I didn&;t bust
7.16 a nut for 9 months and this is what
7.16 happened I had this unlimited energy and
7.16 drive to just improve and get [ __ ] done
7.16 my thoughts and feelings would flow so
7.16 smooth and I would have this insan
7.16 Clarity I had total control over myself
7.16 my oric field was so strong my skin
7.16 started glowing and my beard turned into
7.16 a [ __ ] caveman&;s No Cap yo go hop on
7.16 that [ __ ] fam let&;s get it no cap what
7.16 most people don&;t know is when you
7.16 release your your bone marrow your hair
7.16 start thining you you you age this is
7.16 our life force it heal your central
7.16 nervous system and heal your brain you
7.16 don&;t have brain fall and I tell a lot
7.16 of men stop watching cuz when you watch
7.16 por it&;ll make you masturbate in the
7.16 morning like say you just masturbated or
7.16 you masturbate just what you did you
7.16 just jacked off and shot your precious
7.16 seam and your nut just nut it
7.16 out
7.16 okay yeah I see a fair amount of Kevin
7.16 Gates uh Clips if I just look up the the
7.16 NOAB keyword on Tik tock so apparently
7.16 he&;s a big proponent of the old
7.16 retention if the whole retention thing
7.16 is supposed to make you a more sound of
7.16 mind like pure thinking person I don&;t
7.16 know if it&;s working because Kevin Gates
7.16 is one of the most freaky individuals on
7.16 this planet Earth I&;m put in your
7.16 stomach pick all in your stomach P your
7.16 head slap your maybe it did give him
7.16 extra abilities because didn&;t he say he
7.16 started a car battery with his hands or
7.16 some [ __ ] you did not start no car
7.16 battery with your bare hands if I did
7.16 may God murder my children I don&;t even
7.16 I hate that I even spoke about that if I
7.16 didn&;t make God murder my children no
7.16 don&;t say that please kill them today
7.16 right now
7.16 todayin and and to be honest with you I
7.16 just put my hands over the battery and
7.16 pray Lord please let this woman battery
7.16 start here is what they do not tell you
7.16 when you retain the
7.16 OES in the celestial fluid creates a
7.16 vibrational vortex
7.16 that&;s why in the
7.16 scriptures the Lord says Thou shalt not
7.16 come when you are embarking upon this
7.16 journey of retention you have to make
7.16 sure you&;re keeping it
7.16 clean that means shaving your nuts
7.16 shaving your nuts shaving your nuts
7.16 something like I don&;t know the
7.16 performance package 5.0 from manscaped
7.16 is the perfect solution this the lawn
7.16 mower 5.0 Ultra it&;s got the PowerHouse
7.16 necessary opponents to ensure an
7.16 excellent nut shaving nut shaving nut
7.16 shaving it ensures a safe experience cuz
7.16 it has skin safe technology I even tried
7.16 to cut my own nuts and it didn&;t work
7.16 look it won&;t cut you but I know what
7.16 you&;re asking what if you find yourself
7.16 in the
7.16 dark this [ __ ] got a flashlight it&;s
7.16 easy to charge all you got to do is plug
7.16 in the USB they even got this uh this
7.16 bald lotion man you shave it cuz that
7.16 way what&;s that&;s what keeps the
7.16 technology inside of it you get free
7.16 gifts too boxers a little travel bag it
7.16 that that&;s all in the performance
7.16 package it&;s like seven items in one go
7.16 to manscape.com and use the code gerbert
7.16 or click the link in the description
7.16 down below to get 20% off and free
7.16 international shipping I&;m almost 2
7.16 months in it&;s truly crazy bro how women
7.16 act when you start retaining compared to
7.16 when you&;re not when you&;re completely
7.16 drained they want nothing to do with you
7.16 they don&;t even look at your way but
7.16 when you continuously retain women start
7.16 smiling
7.16 I&;m telling you they going to treat you
7.16 like a king all right so the first idea
7.16 that&;s continually popping up here is
7.16 the idea that after keeping
7.16 in uh that them CR those Crunchies for a
7.16 while you start developing this
7.16 ineffable magnetic quality that attracts
7.16 people but it specifically attracts
7.16 women it&;s called noof fap attraction
7.16 this concept&;s been around for a while
7.16 as long as these online communities have
7.16 existed this attraction can manifest in
7.16 different ways not really in a physical
7.16 sense although you know some people
7.16 claim that they they get stronger their
7.16 skin gets clearer their eyes get more
7.16 bright or something it&;s not really just
7.16 physical though it&;s more of a some sort
7.16 of an energy thing a behavior thing an
7.16 aura it UPG grades your aura plus 10,000
7.16 Aura and all of a sudden after you&;ve
7.16 been keeping it in for a while a bunch
7.16 of a bunch of these [ __ ] just start
7.16 coming out of the woodwork you know
7.16 girls that haven&;t talked to you in a
7.16 while random women at the whole food
7.16 it&;s like there&;s just a six sense women
7.16 have um not seeing dead people seeing
7.16 your C you&;re seeing your wiener seeing
7.16 your seen and there&;s a few different
7.16 explanations for what might be happening
7.16 the first is that these guys are
7.16 delusional it&;s fake then the
7.16 second well this is this is something I
7.16 would probably favor what happens is
7.16 most guys are addicted to pornography
7.16 but it&;s it&;s like so ingrained into our
7.16 culture the over sexualization so a lot
7.16 of people are kind of just stuck in this
7.16 binge cycle um that they perceive as
7.16 normal and when they exit this binge
7.16 cycle this addictive state of yanking it
7.16 to
7.16 films to you know porum
7.16 mentaries
7.16 Etc they&;re there&;s a host of positive
7.16 positive brain changes but really it&;s
7.16 just being reset back to normal and this
7.16 this can be powerful this this change
7.16 this exiting of this state addicts have
7.16 increased amydala volume this means you
7.16 feel more
7.16 fear when you exit this when your brain
7.16 starts to heal it can fundamentally
7.16 change your perception of things and it
7.16 can it can cause it can start a domino
7.16 effect of many positive changes in your
7.16 life there could be also a sort of
7.16 correlation not not exactly causation
7.16 going on in that guys will get on no fap
7.16 while also getting on a lot of other
7.16 self-improvement methods or techniques
7.16 like going to the gym or reading books
7.16 or meditation Etc this is there where
7.16 the third possible explanation comes to
7.16 lend it some it&;s kind of uh
7.16 Supernatural it is and people are aware
7.16 of this it is kind of mystical and
7.16 spiritual they say that so in
7.16 recognizing It&;s
7.16 Supernatural um you could say it&;s
7.16 beyond the limits of natural science so
7.16 there are no studies there&;s no
7.16 empirical evidence it&;s all going to be
7.16 anecdotal or uh things of this regard
7.16 the idea is that your ski contains life
7.16 force energy Chi Prana real it contains
7.16 the ingredients for life after all a man
7.16 produces Millions upon millions of Gan
7.16 meets every hour of every day and each
7.16 one of these is a potential life so the
7.16 reasoning goes that if you bust you lose
7.16 this energy if you retain for a while
7.16 you keep this energy CU what happens if
7.16 a guy doesn&;t scootle for a year it&;s
7.16 not like when he finally bust it&;s like
7.16 a it&;s like a fire hose like his balls
7.16 just got heavier and heavier until a a
7.16 Titanic release that&;s flooded his room
7.16 full of come no what happens is after
7.16 around a week you&;re nut recycles itself
7.16 so this life force if we&;re operating
7.16 under the assumption that nut contain
7.16 some Cosmic or mystical property this
7.16 life force gets absorbed back into your
7.16 body it increases your
7.16 aura it makes
7.16 you more
7.16 magnetic especially to your energetic
7.16 polar which would be the feminine of
7.16 course there is no like evidence we have
7.16 that guys who retain emit a higher
7.16 resonance or something but I don&;t know
7.16 man who knows what happened to building
7.16 seven you some somehow women in
7.16 particular specifically pick up on this
7.16 increased or they go oh this fellas
7.16 There&;s Something About This fell he&;s
7.16 got that semen nut so as a man when you
7.16 go on semen retention right and you
7.16 start redirecting your focus redirecting
7.16 your energy off of sex and off of lust
7.16 and start focusing Inward and on your
7.16 purpose and something higher right what
7.16 happens is you start building up a lot
7.16 of masculine energy and you start you
7.16 start building up magnetism you start
7.16 attracting more people you start
7.16 attracting different Spirits right and
7.16 one of those Spirits is the succubus you
7.16 start attracting the succubus and you
7.16 start attracting Jezebel women and for
7.16 the men practicing retention I know you
7.16 know already it&;s like as soon as you
7.16 get on retention and start protecting
7.16 your Sexual Energy the succubus comes
7.16 right after you especially in the dream
7.16 state like you might start having
7.16 dreams about the succubus shape shifting
7.16 into a woman you&;re attracted to a
7.16 beautiful woman and she&;ll get she&;ll
7.16 try to get you in like this hypnosis so
7.16 try to get you to have sex with her so
7.16 try to you know just try to steal your
7.16 energy you do a little bit of
7.16 retaining then the spirits come after
7.16 you because they want your seed they
7.16 want to drain you of your life force
7.16 because it&;s a deeply spiritual
7.16 process and you increase your attraction
7.16 you&;re also attracting negative spirits
7.16 that want to knock you off your Sigma
7.16 grind set take your seed your precious
7.16 seed that gives you energy that you can
7.16 direct and
7.16 transmute and I I suppose these these
7.16 Temptations come in the form of your
7.16 dreams or also real women it could be so
7.16 this is where you know noof fap
7.16 attraction is perceived differently
7.16 depending on people&;s beliefs it could
7.16 be that these women are uh are sort of
7.16 succu by or it could be that they are
7.16 naturally attracted to you in in an
7.16 innocent and feminine way because of
7.16 your increased energy profile what
7.16 happen to you when you are on seing
7.16 retention number one guys is that you
7.16 will start to have sexual dreams you are
7.16 starting to notice that the women you
7.16 might have slept with in the past true
7.16 man this does even your favorite corn
7.16 Stars they&;re going to start to appear
7.16 in your dreams and the reason why this
7.16 is guys is because when you retain your
7.16 energy you know what I&;m saying it is
7.16 very spiritual the demons around you
7.16 that have been feeding off you
7.16 lusting they know that if you stop doing
7.16 it they have to vanish and
7.16 so this is off topic but how do these
7.16 kind of like hairlines work you know I
7.16 see some African-American gentlemen with
7.16 these kind of lineups and there&;s like a
7.16 it&;s like the hairline has a stroke on
7.16 it or it&;s like underlined or some [ __ ]
7.16 with a white marker or maybe that&;s just
7.16 his oric field highlighting his features
7.16 they&;re going to start tempting you
7.16 leading you into temptation these guys
7.16 is your desire for sex would just plumm
7.16 it it&;ll just completely go away dude
7.16 well here&;s how I would explain it see
7.16 people
7.16 if you&;ve never done it before you think
7.16 you&;re just going to start turning into
7.16 a beast wanting to bang everything that
7.16 walks what really happens is it does
7.16 like go away and then comes back pretty
7.16 intense
7.16 intensely uh in in specific moments but
7.16 I it&;s it&;s overall more healthy it
7.16 won&;t come back in intense moments like
7.16 when you&;re in math class and [ __ ]
7.16 because when I used to goon all the time
7.16 that&;s when you get the Hardies and math
7.16 class when you
7.16 stop you it&;s like more normal and in
7.16 more appropriate times and last guys is
7.16 you develop
7.16 some abnormal strength for yourself okay
7.16 a lot of y&;all might be struggling to
7.16 bench press 185 lbs and you
7.16 230 or you might be struggling [ __ ] 185
7.16 lbs and you 200 flat you know what I&;m
7.16 saying or some of y&;all struggling with
7.16 225 250 and y&;all are well over that
7.16 weight listen y&;all a lot of y&;all want
7.16 to know like how are you benching that
7.16 much guys I&;m 47 lbs and I be working
7.16 out with 260 250 damn you know what I&;m
7.16 saying that&;s impressive my Max is you
7.16 know what I&;m saying almost superhuman
7.16 strength okay okay so this is the first
7.16 claim of of uh some sort of uh Power you
7.16 know basically like super I mean see
7.16 here&;s the thing it&;s probably fake but
7.16 just the chance that all this [ __ ] is
7.16 real
7.16 you like just go for it dude like it
7.16 might be delusional but imagine that&;s
7.16 real bro it&;s a good cope to have you
7.16 know thinking that keeping it in gives
7.16 you like abnormal
7.16 strength it&;s it&;s just it&;s good to
7.16 believe in stuff like this to get a
7.16 break from this cruel joke we call Life
7.16 retention it does so many great things
7.16 for the body because the one that keeps
7.16 you in tune with the universe it help
7.16 you in tune the univers to and lock in
7.16 whatever you trying to do the seen is a
7.16 treasure it
7.16 is listen all right dude these guys are
7.16 jacked as
7.16 [ __ ] are you telling me they&;re Natty
7.16 and they&;re just they got that
7.16 natural they got that natural nut gains
7.16 hold up you have to realize that you
7.16 need that you need that to be able to
7.16 create yes that&;s what it&;s utilized for
7.16 right the jealousy you&;re going to
7.16 encounter when you on SE attention I&;ve
7.16 been on SE attention over 170 days and
7.16 you might run into this chances are very
7.16 very high you are practicing sexual
7.16 discipline you are fleeing from sexual
7.16 immorality which n naturally is going to
7.16 set you apart from a lot of people so
7.16 men and women are both going to be
7.16 jealous of you I&;m going to tell you
7.16 what it look like where it stem from and
7.16 how you go about that what it look like
7.16 when a man is jealous of you he going to
7.16 try to Puff his chest up he going to try
7.16 to compete with you he going to say
7.16 little slick stuff you know sometimes
7.16 he&;ll even avoid you and most of the
7.16 time they can&;t look you in your eyes
7.16 they can&;t because what you&;re doing is
7.16 you standing on business as far as
7.16 sexual discipline goes a lot of men know
7.16 that they are slaves to their lust you
7.16 know but this and this is why they got
7.16 to hang around each other so they don&;t
7.16 got to adhere to that they don&;t got to
7.16 succumb to that they don&;t got to focus
7.16 on that they can just be like that with
7.16 one another when they get around a man
7.16 that&;s standing on bu that they know
7.16 they supposed to be standing on it&;s
7.16 going to make them feel a kind of way
7.16 you see what I&;m saying okay yeah so now
7.16 I&;ve I&;ve seen this this concept A
7.16 couple of times
7.16 now you got this nut you got got this
7.16 oric nutfield right this Kundalini sperm
7.16 simal cream energy it has some benefits
7.16 in that it can attract certain people to
7.16 you but others it&;ll make them feel some
7.16 type of way because somec consciously
7.16 they&;ll go man this guy is mogging me
7.16 with his oric vibration
7.16 you&;re mogging them in terms of your nin
7.16 your chakra you do not have to go months
7.16 and years retaining this energy in order
7.16 to manifest something what matters the
7.16 most is what you do in the time when you
7.16 are retaining this energy the spiritual
7.16 practices that you&;re doing who you are
7.16 being what you&;re putting into your mind
7.16 body and spirit it&;s a life force it&;s
7.16 the creative
7.16 Force you have
7.16 to alchemize this energy to be able to
7.16 rise up from your lower self to your
7.16 higher self to the Divine part of
7.16 yourself so that way you can rise out of
7.16 your materialistic or your animalistic
7.16 nature to be able to become Divine so if
7.16 you&;re retaining this energy without
7.16 this understanding without practicing
7.16 certain spiritual practices in order to
7.16 become more
7.16 Divine then what&;s going to happen is
7.16 you&;re going to be magnetizing things
7.16 toward you that aren&;t for you cuz
7.16 you&;re just becoming more of your lower
7.16 self you&;re not really Rising you&;re not
7.16 really raising the energy up and
7.16 becoming more Divine you&;re just
7.16 becoming more of the lower version of
7.16 yourself right so here&;s the idea that
7.16 you have this Sexual Energy but you have
7.16 to utilize it you can&;t just let it sit
7.16 there the way he describes it is it&;s
7.16 like an amplifier of what you already
7.16 are so it could actually be harmful to
7.16 retain because the the energy could work
7.16 against you if you already have
7.16 something bad going
7.16 on so the idea here involves something
7.16 called sexual
7.16 transmutation in which you take this
7.16 energy and through certain means you
7.16 direct it or transmute it into a desired
7.16 outcome I mean you&;re messing with some
7.16 powerful forces here player you don&;t
7.16 know with what with what energies you
7.16 dabble your [ __ ] balls are going to
7.16 explode the consensus is that the best
7.16 way to transmute this energy is to
7.16 simply be on your grind working out
7.16 fulfilling your purpose being creatively
7.16 ambitious uh building a
7.16 business uh buying a few rental
7.16 properties taking cold
7.16 showers uh wake up 5:00 a.m. every
7.16 morning go on a run uh trade meme coins
7.16 at low market caps lose all of your
7.16 money uh Drop Shipping
7.16 products uh getting into arguments with
7.16 women online starting a white
7.16 supremacist X account even though you&;re
7.16 not even white uh going to Home Depot
7.16 raising rent on single mothers uh
7.16 maladaptively daydreaming while
7.16 listening to De tones you get the idea
7.16 which is that the more you are locked in
7.16 the more you are passively transmuting
7.16 this energy and the less you indulge in
7.16 other passions or bad habits you may
7.16 have the more you&;re you&;re transmuting
7.16 uh another proposed way you can
7.16 transmute is through certain meditation
7.16 or breathing exercises and by
7.16 transmuting this energy you supercharge
7.16 your success this Creative Energy is
7.16 directed outwards it&;s also used in the
7.16 context of
7.16 manifestation you have this extra creat
7.16 a ative mental energy and you&;re now
7.16 able to direct this extra energy this
7.16 extra Creative Energy and manifest
7.16 positive outcomes direct yourself
7.16 towards um beneficial lifelines the idea
7.16 of sexual transmutation is is found in
7.16 certain
7.16 self-improvement books namely Napoleon
7.16 Hill Think and Grow Rich talks about
7.16 sexual transmutation and this is where a
7.16 lot of the ideas come from but It
7.16 ultimately it is kind of like an
7.16 esoteric
7.16 idea it&;s also talked about by Albert
7.16 Pike quick do all right an this is going
7.16 sound but it&;s true it&;s real too and
7.16 all men need to pay
7.16 attention going into New Year we all
7.16 need to practice seing
7.16 retention all the greatest minds of our
7.16 time to Steve Jobs the Einstein the
7.16 Nikolai Teslas the Mike Tyson all the
7.16 greatest people who performed their
7.16 highest peak did it with seing retention
7.16 because it helps you home in on your
7.16 focus it helps you motivate it helps you
7.16 stay on the task it helps you uh build
7.16 energy it builds your
7.16 testosterone um and we need to build the
7.16 energy we have sexual energy that&;s
7.16 Creative Energy we need to use that
7.16 energy to create and use it up here and
7.16 create with 2023 should be focused on
7.16 that I&;m just helping out okay so more
7.16 transmutation more using the the Sexual
7.16 Energy turning into Creative Energy
7.16 energ to focus on your creative goals
7.16 one of I I think one of the main um sort
7.16 of validating points of evidence
7.16 adherence of
7.16 retention uh reference a lot are these
7.16 uh very successful famous men in their
7.16 relative Fields there are there are a
7.16 lot of successful guys at the very top
7.16 of their field who seem to be interested
7.16 in keeping that
7.16 keeping that juice in their nuts so the
7.16 obvious problem is that there are
7.16 exceptions in the realm of fighting for
7.16 example sure there&;s Mike Tyson there&;s
7.16 Muhammad Ali by all
7.16 accounts they don&;t like busting they&;re
7.16 not a big fan of busting especially
7.16 within close proximity their fight but
7.16 Jon Jones I mean I&;m pretty sure that
7.16 guy goes and just bangs a bunch of
7.16 hookers and he wins every fight so I
7.16 don&;t know I&;ve been on like a 5e SE
7.16 retention Journey now see what most
7.16 people don&;t you going to release every
7.16 now and then oh like you going to have a
7.16 wet dream here and there you going to
7.16 release but you don&;t beat yourself up
7.16 about it because anything that&;s in your
7.16 body that need to come out going to
7.16 naturally come out but I don&;t watch
7.16 porn and masturba and even when I&;m with
7.16 a woman once she get off I&;m
7.16 done you just you chilling
7.16 yeah that&;s see here is where we enter
7.16 the idea where even if you
7.16 start going into it you just don&;t you
7.16 still
7.16 retain you just I guess he just goes to
7.16 the end and then stops Zach can you
7.16 speak on why it&;s important to retain
7.16 your semen yes so if you retain your
7.16 semen your stem cell production goes It
7.16 goes insane your stem cell production
7.16 goes up your cellular repair ex goes
7.16 nuts like if you really want to heal
7.16 yourself as a man Sean retention don&;t
7.16 squander your essence I promise you
7.16 right now give yourself 3 months of
7.16 semen retention fasting and eating clean
7.16 and just after the three the 3 months
7.16 check out how you feel this is this is
7.16 this is just like from a histo okay so
7.16 right here he&;s claiming Health stem
7.16 cells I feel like maybe I&;ve heard that
7.16 before Delvin into this stuff steem
7.16 Stell production
7.16 huh so you&;re like you grant you give
7.16 yourself some sort of immunity your nut
7.16 your nut gives you a protective film of
7.16 against uh disease orical and um
7.16 everything that I&;ve learned through
7.16 like Tantra and sexual exchange energy
7.16 exchange women if your man is eating
7.16 clean swallow your man&;s seed and Men
7.16 there&;s a there&;s a secretion that a
7.16 woman releases swallow that though
7.16 that&;s the real intimacy part the
7.16 closest to God that&;s gross
7.16 dude this is getting gross
7.16 man I didn&;t want to what the [ __ ] your
7.16 semen is essentially life force the more
7.16 that we retain archi and it&;s not to say
7.16 say we don&;t ejaculate or we don&;t have
7.16 sex or we don&;t get hard you still do it
7.16 but don&;t let it out as often what that
7.16 Chi does is you can use that energy and
7.16 life force and you can still have
7.16 orgasms you can have multi- orgasms and
7.16 you bring this life force this Chi to
7.16 your brain and you do this during sex
7.16 kind of before you ejaculate squeeze
7.16 your perenium bring it all up imagine
7.16 the energy going up from your spine as
7.16 you exhale and it&;s like an explosion
7.16 there&;s also this sense of ridiculous
7.16 self-control and discipline and they
7.16 just sense it it&;s like a smell in the
7.16 air it&;s like wow I&;m able to manifest
7.16 better because if you can create life
7.16 with your seing what else can you create
7.16 that&;s how we create the field it&;s kind
7.16 of like a positive and negative battery
7.16 and that&;s how we charge the field when
7.16 we squeeze and we bring to the brain and
7.16 now your field is so strong and when
7.16 you&;re in the field then you can bring
7.16 things to you that you always wanted
7.16 your okay yeah this man this man went
7.16 down a lot of different paths what he
7.16 talked about regarding the
7.16 uh you know doing it but not ejaculating
7.16 and somehow controlling it this is
7.16 generally referred to as Tantra here we
7.16 get into the next level of retaining
7.16 your CL your Celestial seed when here&;s
7.16 the question you got to ask yourself
7.16 what happens once you meet a lady right
7.16 so you&;re retaining you have this
7.16 attraction
7.16 you find the girl of your dreams you get
7.16 into a committed relationship what do
7.16 you do now do you just retain forever
7.16 you don&;t do anything no no no my friend
7.16 you got to dig
7.16 deeper down in the rabbit hole and you
7.16 got to figure out the ancient
7.16 methods
7.16 of hitting it but not spitting it out of
7.16 your wiener and in the clip I I just
7.16 watched the guy talks about
7.16 squeezing your pelvic floor and somehow
7.16 breathing the energy up I I recently
7.16 read a book called way of the superior
7.16 man where it also talks about this I&;ll
7.16 play that clip there&;s a specific
7.16 exercise you can perform throughout sex
7.16 and also during the approach to orgasm
7.16 by doing this exercise you will convert
7.16 the direction of the orgasm so instead
7.16 of ejaculating out your penis you will
7.16 ejaculate up your spine experiencing in
7.16 intense bodily Bliss and emotional
7.16 openness far beyond the quick pleasure
7.16 and depleted peace following an ejacula
7.16 of
7.16 orgasm to practice this exercise you
7.16 must learn to consciously contract the
7.16 muscles of the floor of your pelvis this
7.16 kind of thing it it gets it gets a
7.16 little too deep for me cuz it&;s at a
7.16 certain point you&;re just nut bending
7.16 like you&;re actually like somehow
7.16 directing the flow of your nut so yeah
7.16 it&;s like you edge and it just like
7.16 directs the seminal energy all across
7.16 your body by the way I came up with a
7.16 good a video idea the other day edging
7.16 for 48 hours straight like it&;s one of
7.16 those old Mr Beast videos where he said
7.16 something for a long time but this time
7.16 it&;ll be
7.16 edging so I don&;t know comment down
7.16 below if you want to see that one of the
7.16 big problems people point out in regards
7.16 to the whole idea of retaining is this
7.16 this large study conducted about
7.16 prostate cancer and you could contest it
7.16 in certain ways but it follows if you&;re
7.16 doing these kind of things
7.16 you are putting unnecessary strain on
7.16 the old prop so there are different
7.16 approaches um some try to reach multiple
7.16 orgs other types they stay well away
7.16 from it it&;s different they do it slow
7.16 and it still somehow relieves the
7.16 tension there&;s an interesting book
7.16 about this called Cupid&;s poisoned arrow
7.16 and the theory goes that there are
7.16 two different types of love making one
7.16 for for bonding and one for
7.16 procreation and the the big lie the big
7.16 scheme is that most people think the
7.16 only way they
7.16 can uh have sex is to full completion
7.16 full splooge but really what that does
7.16 is it speeds up
7.16 habituation and it causes this
7.16 cycle uh it it kicks in our underlying
7.16 mamillion Ma program which isn&;t
7.16 naturally monogamous but it claims that
7.16 if you take a different
7.16 approach um in this book they call it
7.16 kza you&;re able to extend this this sort
7.16 of honeymoon period of a relationship
7.16 indefinitely because you don&;t trigger
7.16 this habituation so it&;s interesting you
7.16 can look deeper into this stuff if
7.16 you&;re so inclined I don&;t think it&;s
7.16 really dangerous is the thing so you
7.16 know have fun figure it out maybe it is
7.16 super powerful maybe it&;s fake I haven&;t
7.16 tried you know I&;m a certified shut
7.16 another thing I&;ve noticed after being
7.16 on Sean retention for so long is that
7.16 with new levels there are new Devils 30
7.16 days 60 days 90 days 120 days that I&;m
7.16 at right now each level has brought with
7.16 it a new set of challenges The Matrix
7.16 program that we&;re in will send agents
7.16 at me it&;ll send beautiful women at me
7.16 it&;ll send men at me who might want to
7.16 challenge me in some realm of of the
7.16 world and it&;s important that you know
7.16 this as you go on this journey of
7.16 self-improvement and Spiritual
7.16 Development because we are part of
7.16 something and as you get higher you
7.16 reach higher Heights you will continue
7.16 to be tested because with great power
7.16 comes great responsibility I just want
7.16 to put that out there for you guys who
7.16 are on the same path the same Journey
7.16 that I&;m on you want all right so I mean
7.16 you stop nothing and
7.16 uh I mean it it becomes the Devil&;s goal
7.16 to start messing with you cuz he&;s going
7.16 oh this white boy is generating a lot of
7.16 Swag this right this white boy is
7.16 procuring his Aura we cannot allow this
7.16 to happen we have to knock a brother off
7.16 his grind we got to send you know five2
7.16 thick big booty Latinas after him to
7.16 deplete his seminal storage in order to
7.16 knock him off of his Cosmic life force
7.16 energy
7.16 grind and I&;m making fun of it I don&;t
7.16 know dude this [ __ ] might be real I
7.16 swear I do have a decent amount of wet
7.16 dreams if I go for a
7.16 while I keep on getting them one time I
7.16 had like a wet dream three nights in a
7.16 row there&;s no way that&;s normal that
7.16 had to be like a spirit coming into my
7.16 room and sucking me off in the dead of
7.16 night when you finish watching that porn
7.16 what are you sacrificing your
7.16 seed can&;t catch this in the spirit
7.16 we&;ll never be used by God so let&;s talk
7.16 about what happens when you watch the
7.16 porn take the phone out right go to the
7.16 bathroom try to hide what&;s that now
7.16 that&;s your secret place cuz you don&;t
7.16 do that in public right you seek the
7.16 demons in private you got to go to the
7.16 secret place now you&;ve created an altar
7.16 onto that demon you have Spirits inabus
7.16 succubus jezy right and I&;m not talking
7.16 about Je and K I&;m talking about Jezebel
7.16 and what does Jezebel do sacrifice what
7.16 children onto who bow so man of God when
7.16 you finish watching that porn what are
7.16 you sacrificing your seed onto a demon
7.16 you&;re giving power to that demon to
7.16 have legal right over your
7.16 life okay all right I like this this is
7.16 good stuff right here this man&;s given a
7.16 some sort of a onstage presentation at a
7.16 seminar or something this is great uh
7.16 you know it&;s an interesting comparison
7.16 comparing eight ancient sort of uh Pagan
7.16 deity rituals in which child sacrifice
7.16 are involved these Pagan deities he
7.16 would see as demons so people used to
7.16 sacrifice children onto these demons
7.16 he&;s also looking at it in a symbolic
7.16 sense when you whack off when you spray
7.16 your seed they&;re kind of like children
7.16 you know your little nuts are like
7.16 future
7.16 children so and uh you know not trying
7.16 to go Jonathan Paso on your ass but you
7.16 you could
7.16 say addictions are kind of like demons
7.16 influence uencing your mind that&;s a way
7.16 you could look at it psychologically so
7.16 by whacking off by spilling your
7.16 seed in a private place you&;re doing
7.16 some sort of
7.16 Satanic ritual unbeknownst to you and
7.16 you&;re giving demons control of your
7.16 life interesting this shit&;s you can&;t
7.16 be jacking off my [ __ ] like I said cuz
7.16 when you jacking off that&;s spilling
7.16 your cup of
7.16 Hermes you know what I&;m saying you got
7.16 to keep your cup full full because when
7.16 your cup is full by way of seing
7.16 retention that is your Cosmic fuel to
7.16 get to the next
7.16 level like this is this is the thing
7.16 though a lot of people don&;t understand
7.16 on how you activate the Calin energy the
7.16 Calin energy is activated by way of
7.16 restricting your Sexual Energy because
7.16 your sexual energy is your creative so
7.16 it&;s kind of like like it&;s like you
7.16 having a car how you going to you got a
7.16 bend and you ain&;t got no gas in it
7.16 that&;s your body that&;s your vessel you
7.16 spilling all your Sexual Energy out how
7.16 you going to get to the gas station how
7.16 you going to get to the gas station in
7.16 the Orion in the Orion star
7.16 consolation right you need that Cosmic
7.16 fuel the gas station can&;t like I said
7.16 man like you can&;t be masturbating you
7.16 can&;t be doing all that stuff man that&;s
7.16 where your energy comes from right
7.16 because it&;s connected to the frequency
7.16 of the Soul right what&;s the frequency
7.16 of the Soul what&;s the four elements of
7.16 the soul is thinking reasoning
7.16 understanding and willpower if you don&;t
7.16 have the willpower to subjugate your
7.16 Sexual Energy you in a low vibrational
7.16 State because you&;re acclimated to the
7.16 root chakra right you out of balance
7.16 this is why you know the Democrats they
7.16 push that hedonistic Concepts to you
7.16 know to the masses when you look at the
7.16 LGBT flag it&;s a reversal frequency it&;s
7.16 got the root chakra at the top and the
7.16 crown chakra at the bottom right because
7.16 they want your mind to be uh succumbed
7.16 by um uh sexual Gra
7.16 ification but you got to control
7.16 that like I said it&;s all acclimated to
7.16 the illusionary concepts of democracy
7.16 you know what I&;m
7.16 saying okay all right this
7.16 guy&;s this this [ __ ] is on
7.16 another plane of
7.16 existence not democracy bro well he
7.16 referenced many different crosscultural
7.16 symbols regarding Kundalini Shakra
7.16 the cup of Hermes all of these these
7.16 sort of esoteric symbols and I guess
7.16 what this leads me to is the
7.16 idea that these Concepts and the concept
7.16 of retention is a sort of crosscultural
7.16 in different religious spiritual belief
7.16 systems all around the world they all
7.16 share this sort of thing this sort of
7.16 reverence and there are a bunch of very
7.16 specific themes against not busting I
7.16 mean it is wild when you look at all the
7.16 different religions there&;s the
7.16 abrahamic religions of course save
7.16 yourself until marriage masturbation is
7.16 a sin you can look at the East you can
7.16 look at dosm the teachings of laa he has
7.16 a book called huu Ching if you wish to
7.16 unite with her heart and mind you must
7.16 integrate yin and yang and refine their
7.16 fire upward this is in reference to a a
7.16 different form of of love making and you
7.16 can find other laa works that hint
7.16 towards retention and you can look at
7.16 gnosticism the alternative more wacky
7.16 esoteric version of Christianity that we
7.16 now have more insight into after
7.16 discovery of the nag hamadi Library just
7.16 within the last century who believe that
7.16 uh this world is the product not of an
7.16 all loving all good all powerful God but
7.16 a demi urge sort of an uh a more
7.16 nefarious entity in the gospel of philli
7.16 for example it says seek the experience
7.16 of the pure embrace it has great power
7.16 you look at Hinduism and of course
7.16 that&;s where Tantra comes from all these
7.16 brahans all these yogis they be on that
7.16 freaky [ __ ] there there&;s hints of it in
7.16 Buddhism too the current Dalai Lama I
7.16 believe he talked about it he talked
7.16 about nothing he said something about
7.16 your come light the igniting fire
7.16 there&;s theories that this is the true
7.16 meaning of alchemy transmutation of your
7.16 internal Sexual Energy through certain
7.16 means and you can find parts of it in
7.16 the
7.16 cabala which is connected to all sorts
7.16 of [ __ ] so yo it&;s all going on all
7.16 around the world they&;re all saying hey
7.16 man this nut there&;s something to this
7.16 there&;s something to this cream it&;s not
7.16 just this nut you come out of your
7.16 Winger willy-nilly oh blasted here
7.16 blasted there in shamanic Traditions
7.16 like the Nagal in
7.16 Mexico um and in other places it&;s
7.16 referred to as the the rainbow serpent
7.16 which is also likened to the Kundalini
7.16 of
7.16 Hinduism it&;s a snake symbolism which I
7.16 suppose is phallic but it also
7.16 represents a a spine and the movement of
7.16 this energy up the spine it goes up your
7.16 spine and it reaches your Pinal gland
7.16 penal gland cuz the pen gland and uh at
7.16 which point you get the telekinetic
7.16 ability and it can get very strong I
7.16 mean my buddy Eric picked up a pregnant
7.16 lady he threw that [ __ ] 48 miles when
7.16 you produce semen right when you
7.16 ejaculate what you&;re doing is you&;re
7.16 extracting the best minerals vitamins
7.16 and energy in order for the baby that
7.16 you create to be healthy do you see the
7.16 Alchemy do you see the biology behind
7.16 that so with that being said do you not
7.16 see how on top of that let me bounce let
7.16 me bounce off your SE your seen your
7.16 sexual energy right this is what gives
7.16 you that powerful dominance that Poise
7.16 your your voice is deeper your aura is
7.16 crazy bro when a woman pulls up on yeah
7.16 so it&;s just the same [ __ ] it it there
7.16 is a lot of corroboration so it&;s either
7.16 kind of like
7.16 a a hive mind of insanity hey maybe it&;s
7.16 maybe they&;re cooking here maybe they&;re
7.16 just telling their truth man and they&;re
7.16 all independently coming to these same
7.16 conclusions in which case you better
7.16 retain bro cuz you got there&;s like some
7.16 crazy ass Powers you get but yeah I
7.16 suppose maybe this is where the super
7.16 strength comes in cuz if all your nut
7.16 has vitamins and minerals then uh then
7.16 all the vitamins go into your
7.16 bloodstream and you&;ll be able to lift
7.16 more weights right techn technologically
7.16 speaking but hey that&;s what it is man
7.16 you nut you don&;t nut the cycle
7.16 continues the problem is I keep on
7.16 nutting in my sleep so I don&;t feel like
7.16 I&;m getting any any of these real
7.16 benefits maybe I need to get start some
7.16 practices to ward off the evil spirits
7.16 that are jacking me off in my sleep but
7.16 uh yeah I don&;t know comment below if
7.16 you think any of this [ __ ] is real or
7.16 not but yeah I&;m not really making a
7.16 point of this video I&;m just talking
7.16 about things that are interesting and
7.16 and fun and uh hopefully I&;m able to
7.16 keep your attention and you you are
7.16 entertained and then I get money that&;s
7.16 kind of the exchange that&;s going on
7.16 here so pretty cool pretty awesome I&;m
7.16 sure some people are wondering maybe for
7.16 some advice on how to not relapse on
7.16 their nofap Journey as often or how to
7.16 retain and I feel like I have a a a just
7.16 a a lowkey nice little tidbit I can end
7.16 off the video here for you so if you&;re
7.16 having
7.16 problems stopping yourself from whacking
7.16 off that means you have a problem of
7.16 impulse control your hand&;s not
7.16 involuntarily going down to your worm
7.16 and and going down to your search bar
7.16 and and typing in you know big tit none
7.16 of this none of this is happening
7.16 against your
7.16 will you&;re doing it you&;re choosing to
7.16 do it so the problem is of impulse
7.16 control you&;re not able to control the
7.16 impulse what&;s the what&;s the what&;s one
7.16 of the only proven ways of increasing
7.16 your impulse control
7.16 mindfulness so there is a you know you
7.16 could make it spiritual you could make
7.16 it practical empirical you need to
7.16 meditate or pray every single day so
7.16 long as it fulfills this this
7.16 mindfulness
7.16 category so long as you&;re ceasing your
7.16 thoughts or directing your thoughts in a
7.16 certain way where you&;re not being
7.16 completely controlled by the constant
7.16 noise of your
7.16 minds need to do something like this
7.16 every single day your impulse control
7.16 will passively increase and you should
7.16 fear way
7.16 better um in kicking bad habits like
7.16 this so that&;s the last piece of advice
7.16 like subscribe
7.16 do all that
7.16 [Music]
7.16 [Music]
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