Le thème « nofap » par Captain Sinbad
Signée par Captain Sinbad, une vidéo publiée sur YouTube (le ) offre un angle nouveau dans le thème « nofap ».
YouTube permet à tous dans le monde entier de partager leurs passions, leurs talents et leurs idées, offrant une plateforme unique pour s’exprimer.
Au moment où nous avons consulté la vidéo (), elle avait déjà cumulé quelques interactions. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 9324.
Il est important de prendre en compte la durée (00:12:29s), le titre (NOFAP 90 DAYS! « Premièrement, j’aimerais reconnaître que je traversais un peu une poussée arrogante au moment de cette vidéo – et dans des vidéos environnantes. Ce n’est pas parce que j’essayais d’être un douchebag, je parlais du cœur. C’est plus le fait que j’ai été propulsé par mon enthousiasme pour les avantages que j’ai connus sur cette voie. Voici les avantages énumérés dans la vidéo: ma dépression et mon anxiété ont disparu. Mon cerveau a disparu. Je suis moins sensible à la faim, au froid, à la chaleur et à la dureté des éléments. Énergie énorme d’énergie – propre et forte. Les gens, les bébés, les chiens, les animaux sont tous plus attirés par mon énergie. Mes méditations sont plus nettes, tout comme mes visualisations. La loi de l’attraction fonctionne mieux. Il y a plus de propreté et d’ordre dans ma vie. Je suis plein de courage. Ma créativité et mon ingéniosité dans la poursuite de mes objectifs sont beaucoup plus importantes. ——– mon portefeuille de moulinet et d’acteur: – https: //www.youtube.com/watch? V = wc5yt … – https://www.backstage.com/u/nickraja/ Instagram .com / nrajapandey twitter: @ np1ndey https://www.facebook.com/nrajapandey/ (tagstotranslate) Avantages de nofap ».
La vidéo est affichée juste en dessous pour votre consultation
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NoFap : un défi pour les hommes d’aujourd’hui
Analyser les impacts de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.
Des chercheurs ont mis en évidence que la pornographie peut avoir un effet néfaste sur la santé des hommes, notamment en causant la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a publié des études approfondies sur les conséquences de la masturbation excessive et de la pornographie sur le bien-être mental et physique.
NoFap repose sur l’idée de renoncer à la masturbation pour mieux se concentrer sur soi.
NoFap repose sur une abstinence volontaire de pornographie et de masturbation, offrant aux hommes un moyen de surmonter leur dépendance. Cette approche favorise un équilibre émotionnel et une vitalité accrue.
Comprendre pourquoi les gens choisissent NoFap aide à mieux appréhender ses effets positifs sur la santé mentale et physique.
Le mouvement NoFap vise à lutter contre les effets négatifs de la pornographie, améliorer la fonction érectile et diminuer l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés signalent une réduction de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après l’abandon de ces pratiques.
Stratégies gagnantes pour surmonter NoFap
Des articles, vidéos et livres pour découvrir les effets du NoFap.
Pour mieux cerner les effets de la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation, des études scientifiques et des travaux comme ceux de Nicole Prause sont des ressources précieuses.
Astuces et stratégies de NoFap pour l’abstinence durable
Pour réussir, il est essentiel de maintenir des habitudes positives, comme le sport et la méditation, afin de renforcer sa concentration et sa motivation.
Maîtriser la gestion des rechutes est essentiel pour réussir dans NoFap.
Une étude scientifique a révélé que les rechutes font partie du processus NoFap. Pour les surmonter, les participants doivent se concentrer sur leurs objectifs et utiliser le soutien de la communauté pour persévérer.
Au sein de NoFap, la communauté devient un appui fondamental pour les hommes cherchant à se libérer de leurs addictions.
Explorer les forums NoFap pour découvrir des récits et des conseils pratiques.
Les forums servent de points d’échange cruciaux, où les hommes peuvent recevoir du soutien, partager leurs réussites et accéder à des recherches scientifiques pertinentes.
Mettre en évidence la contribution du soutien social et émotionnel dans le processus d’abstinence.
La communauté Nofap et ses forums sont essentiels pour les hommes qui cherchent à combattre l’anxiété et la dépression, tout en fournissant un espace d’échange pour prévenir les rechutes et partager des solutions. Une assistance spécialisée est souvent utilecomme www.chastete.fr.
Analyser les effets des forums et des groupes de soutien sur la réussite des participants dans leurs parcours.
Les études scientifiques ont révélé que la participation aux forums de la communauté NoFap aide à surmonter les comportements problématiques, notamment l’anxiété et la dépression. Ces groupes de soutien augmentent les chances de succès grâce à la solidarité entre les membres.
L’abstinence modifie divers aspects de la vie des hommes, qu’ils soient émotionnels ou physiques.
Analyser les résultats de l’abstinence sur la performance érectile.
Les troubles de l’érection dus à la masturbation sont fréquents, mais des études suggèrent que l’abstinence aide à y remédier.
Analyser les bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence pour l’homme révèle des résultats significatifs.
L’abstinence réduit l’anxiété et la dépression, tout en améliorant la confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap regorgent de témoignages montrant de réels progrès psychologiques.
Discuter de la réduction de l’anxiété et de la dépression provoquées par la dépendance à la masturbation.
La dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation chez l’homme provoque souvent une anxiété importante. En cessant ces comportements, il est courant de voir une réduction de la dépression et une meilleure gestion des actions personnelles.
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la source: Cliquer ici
#Nofap #jours #avantages #qui #changent #vie #rétention #sperme
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: what up what up it’s your boy captain Sinbad and I’m here to give you my 90-day report I’ve completed completed no fab hardmode for 90 days aka semen retention and I feel I’ve evolved from a Charmander to a Charmeleon today and my life is going incredibly well I’m so excited about all the good things that are still to come and I want to motivate you inspire you and vigor at you to join me on this journey or maintain your streak on this journey if you’re already if you’re already a believer let’s get started benefit number one my depression and anxiety are gone you know I’ve always had good habits when it comes to working out meditating eating well I used to work out maybe twice a day but I would still go to work tired and kind of depressed I used to be a chemistry teacher and I would find myself in the middle of class just feeling nervous and and scared and and feeling as if life was slipping away my life was leaving me and I would feel so much shame and guilt and just grow sness with myself after a session of PMO just you know like as if I’ve just stripped myself of my manliness I could sense it but I still couldn’t place that connection because I there was no evidence that I had known about of PMO being bad for you and it was just such an easy access to such a high pleasure but ever since I’ve gotten on this streak and ever since I’ve felt the power of semen retention that’s all gone I just feel clean and good and happy happier than I’ve ever been benefit number two my dead head is gone dead head or brain fog after a day of work you know like a nine-to-five on my nine-to-five job I would just feel exhausted I mean generally speaking I felt I was just walking around being confused like minutes of my life days of my life were slipping away and I couldn’t sense that the time was going and I always felt behind you know just not on top of my work and what I wanted to pursue my artistic ambitions I just didn’t have the energy to go after them I was just so tired and and just I just didn’t have clarity in my brain most of all and I realize now is just because my brain was lacking nourishment you know the cerebrospinal fluid nourishment to just feel healthy and that’s gone now I have complete clarity in my thinking benefit number three I’m less susceptible to hunger and on top of that I’ll add I’m less susceptible to hunger cold heat the harshness of the elements they just don’t bother me as much okay so I can just handle whatever circumstance I’m in much better I don’t want like a little [ __ ] if I haven’t eaten for like two hours and I don’t feel like I need to have the AC on or anything I can just plunge forward conduct myself like a man anyway benefit number four and I’ve already alluded to this in the previous benefits but I just have a tremendous amount of energy and it’s not nervous energy like the kind you get after drinking coffee it’s just clean and strong I wake up between 6:00 and 7:30 a.m. boom instantly jump into a cold shower I’m not even worried about the cold shower anymore I’ve taken so many at this point that I just feel great in them I’m like Batman just allowing the darkness to fall on me like I don’t care give me the cold water I love this and then I immediately go to the gym get a great workout in I come home I meditate I do my affirmations I review my goals and I get straight to work benefit number 5 people are attracted to me people dogs cats babies I can just give a little baby a tiny smile and he’ll go from crying to giggling like an idiot so I’m just an attractive personality even in my arrogance I mean I think you could probably sense this you know my confidence is making me a little arrogant almost but I’m still attractive despite it and you know I was at a party last week a party at a friend I just met at a wedding reception you know this is like this girl I just met she invited me immediately to her party of like 3040 people listen guys that was the most exciting person at that party everyone I talked to man or woman where they were laughing at my jokes they were following me around like as I was moving from circle to circle they wanted to be around my energy because I was the party and if you weren’t around me then you were just in a more lifeless section of the crowd because you were around other men who were just draining their seed and I’m not that way I’m like a [ __ ] Jedi Master with access to Qi and the ability to move the force and manipulate the room to create joy and that’s what I was doing at this party and yeah I’m just an attractive force benefit number six my meditations are sharper and so are my visualizations so it’s very easy for me to now go into a deep meditative state and so I do Transcendental Meditation I repeat a mantra over and over again and yeah I just find myself just falling into the into the gap so to speak I’m just in the void of complete silence and when I come out of it it’s as if time is slow like I’m a ninja walking through my day with complete clarity of mind and I’ve been meditating for years now so I’m not this isn’t new to me but I just have access to a deeper level of meditation now benefit number seven the law of attraction works better the law of attraction simply states that everything exists on a vibratory level and even your thoughts are our vibrations so you could influence the world and you can co-create your reality with the universe if you focus on the things you want as opposed to the two things you don’t want and some habits that kind of accompany the law of attraction or meditation visualization affirmations gratitude writing out your goals and eating clean foods and I was doing a lot of these activities before but when I mix them in with sexual transmutation with clarity of thought with cleanliness of thinking yeah just things are things are easier for me things I want come more readily into my life and yeah I have other benefits to list but I’ll get to them in accordance with the law of attraction benefit number eight there is more cleanliness and order in my life I you know I have the feeling that I was always cleaning my room like I was always cleaning my room doing my laundry cleaning my bathroom wiping down the kitchen cabinets or sorry Island table and I don’t have to do as much of that anymore I’m just like there is more cleanliness around me and that makes sense like if you just have your pants down and you’re jerking it every day it just that kind of guy it makes sense that he would have a messy room but now my bed is made every day and it’s I’m not really consciously trying to keep things clean they’re just they’re just [ __ ] clean like I attract order in my life because I’m going against nature I’m shooting my stuff upstream and I’m transmuting my energy so I’m kind of bending the universes I’m there isn’t chaos anymore and so the great thing about that is that there’s just things are just nice and clean and it’s just wonderful to live in my home space because everything is so beautiful beautifully arranged benefit number nine I am full of courage and I have no problem asking for the things I want if I see a cute girl sitting at the bar like it is a gift for her to speak to me like the fact that I would approach her and even find her attractive like lucky her because she gets to talk to me that’s how that’s how insanely courageous and confident I am and not just not just with romance but with you know sending out emails shaking hands networking with people it just comes effortlessly and people like I here know a lot and it doesn’t bother me as much and I also hear yes a lot more because I am out there putting myself out there and asking for the things I want and even if I do feel afraid about trying something oh I just go for it anyway like my urge to get the things I want in my life is stronger than any fear I feel on and day and that’s just because I’m a more desirous man in general you know and it makes sense I I’m not fulfilling my desires through any artificial means and I’m just keeping myself in a state of hunger you know I was Arnold Schwarzenegger said in his book Total Recall it’s one of the great books of our of the modern world actually I highly recommend checking that book out but he said one of his keys to success is stay hungry and if you’re gone no effect you’re kind of always hungry like you’re hungry for the next thing you can’t ever stop and so yes benefit number nine I’m full of courage and the final benefit that I list my creativity and resourcefulness in the pursuit of my goals is far more significant I’ll give an example so I just started production on a new play and I’ve been trying to sign with a great agent for some time now and hasn’t been coming through so I saw that the person who wrote this play is represented by William Morris Endeavor which is one of the if not the best the second best talent agency in the world right up there with CAA and so I decided to reach out to this this agent because one of his clients wrote the play that I’m in and so I have an in to talk to this person and listen I would not have there was no way I would have thought to connect with the talent agent through a play that I’m in earlier but it makes total sense now and not just not that but like clearly in so many aspects of my life like I’m just starting this job at Thomson Reuters and digital marketing I have total clarity about about what I need to study next to get the next job that’ll make me a lot more money which in case you’re wondering is marketing automation tools and I have clarity about who I need to reach out to on linked-in how I should go about putting my demo reel together like all these these benefits they’re all completely in tangent with each other but I have my goals on my mind and I’m just getting so much more creativity to express myself and to go after the things that I desire my goals in life and so it’s all happening so much faster and all these benefits are in tandem with each other you know benefit of having more energy allows me to chase my goals and the benefit of having creativity alongside courage is helping me reach out to people in creative courageous ways the benefit that I’m already more attractive means people already want us they’re more receptive to speaking with me the benefit of not having dead head or brain fog and the benefit of not having depression and anxiety anymore it just means I have so much more to offer when I’m engaging with people and the benefit of having sharper meditations and deeper visualizations it just means that the law of attraction is working faster so all these benefits are just completely in line with each other and they are the reason why nofap works and these are these are the benefits I wanted to give you guys on my 90-day report and I hope it’s helped you I hope it’s inspiring you to stay strong on this journey like you shouldn’t even need to feel they need to stay strong like my god like imagine what I’ve just described being in your life as opposed to the to the mind just a filthiness that is PMO and how does it leave you completely drained and empty this is the path to glory happiness excitement romance Fame so get on it and stay on it and I’ll see you guys in the next video Cheers .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0 what up what up it&;s your boy captain
0 Sinbad and I&;m here to give you my
0 90-day report I&;ve completed completed
0 no fab hardmode for 90 days
0 aka semen retention and I feel I&;ve
0 evolved from a Charmander to a
0 Charmeleon today and my life is going
0 incredibly well I&;m so excited about all
0 the good things that are still to come
0 and I want to motivate you inspire you
0 and vigor at you to join me on this
0 journey or maintain your streak on this
0 journey if you&;re already if you&;re
0 already a believer let&;s get started
0 benefit number one my depression and
0 anxiety are gone you know I&;ve always
0 had good habits when it comes to working
0 out meditating eating well I used to
0 work out maybe twice a day but I would
0 still go to work tired and kind of
0 depressed I used to be a chemistry
0 teacher and I would find myself in the
0 middle of class just feeling nervous and
0 and scared and and feeling as if life
0 was slipping away my life was leaving me
0 and I would feel so much shame and guilt
0 and just grow sness with myself after a
0 session of PMO just you know like as if
0 I&;ve just stripped myself of my
0 manliness I could sense it but I still
0 couldn&;t place that connection because I
0 there was no evidence that I had known
0 about of PMO being bad for you and it
0 was just such an easy access to such a
0 high pleasure but ever since I&;ve gotten
0 on this streak and ever since I&;ve felt
0 the power of semen retention that&;s all
0 gone I just feel clean and good and
0 happy happier than I&;ve ever been
0 benefit number two my dead head is gone
0 dead head or brain fog after a day of
0 work you know like a nine-to-five on my
0 nine-to-five job I would just feel
0 exhausted I mean generally speaking I
0 felt I was just walking around being
0 confused like minutes of my life days of
0 my life were slipping away and I
0 couldn&;t sense that the time was going
0 and I always felt behind
0 you know just not on top of my work and
0 what I wanted to pursue my artistic
0 ambitions I just didn&;t have the energy
0 to go after them I was just so tired and
0 and just I just didn&;t have clarity in
0 my brain most of all and I realize now
0 is just because my brain was lacking
0 nourishment you know the cerebrospinal
0 fluid nourishment to just feel healthy
0 and that&;s gone now I have complete
0 clarity in my thinking benefit number
0 three I&;m less susceptible to hunger and
0 on top of that I&;ll add I&;m less
0 susceptible to hunger cold heat the
0 harshness of the elements they just
0 don&;t bother me as much okay
0 so I can just handle whatever
0 circumstance I&;m in much better I don&;t
0 want like a little [ __ ] if I haven&;t
0 eaten for like two hours and I don&;t
0 feel like I need to have the AC on or
0 anything I can just plunge forward
0 conduct myself like a man anyway benefit
0 number four and I&;ve already alluded to
0 this in the previous benefits but I just
0 have a tremendous amount of energy and
0 it&;s not nervous energy like the kind
0 you get after drinking coffee it&;s just
0 clean and strong
0 I wake up between 6:00 and 7:30 a.m.
0 boom instantly jump into a cold shower
0 I&;m not even worried about the cold
0 shower anymore I&;ve taken so many at
0 this point that I just feel great in
0 them I&;m like Batman just allowing the
0 darkness to fall on me like I don&;t care
0 give me the cold water I love this and
0 then I immediately go to the gym get a
0 great workout in I come home I meditate
0 I do my affirmations I review my goals
0 and I get straight to work benefit
0 number 5 people are attracted to me
0 people dogs cats babies I can just give
0 a little baby a tiny smile and he&;ll go
0 from crying to giggling like an idiot so
0 I&;m just an attractive personality even
0 in my arrogance I mean I think you could
0 probably sense this you know my
0 confidence is making me a little
0 arrogant almost but I&;m still attractive
0 despite it and you know I was at a party
0 last week a party at a friend I just met
0 at a wedding reception you know this is
0 like this girl I just met
0 she invited me immediately to her party
0 of like 3040 people listen guys that was
0 the most exciting person at that party
0 everyone I talked to man or woman where
0 they were laughing at my jokes they were
0 following me around like as I was moving
0 from circle to circle they wanted to be
0 around my energy because I was the party
0 and if you weren&;t around me then you
0 were just in a more lifeless section of
0 the crowd because you were around other
0 men who were just draining their seed
0 and I&;m not that way I&;m like a [ __ ]
0 Jedi Master with access to Qi and the
0 ability to move the force and manipulate
0 the room to create joy and that&;s what I
0 was doing at this party and yeah I&;m
0 just an attractive force benefit number
0 six my meditations are sharper and so
0 are my visualizations so it&;s very easy
0 for me to now go into a deep meditative
0 state and so I do Transcendental
0 Meditation I repeat a mantra over and
0 over again and yeah I just find myself
0 just falling into the into the gap so to
0 speak I&;m just in the void of complete
0 silence and when I come out of it it&;s
0 as if time is slow like I&;m a ninja
0 walking through my day with complete
0 clarity of mind and I&;ve been meditating
0 for years now so I&;m not this isn&;t new
0 to me but I just have access to a deeper
0 level of meditation now benefit number
0 seven the law of attraction works better
0 the law of attraction simply states that
0 everything exists on a vibratory level
0 and even your thoughts are our
0 vibrations so you could influence the
0 world and you can co-create your reality
0 with the universe if you focus on the
0 things you want as opposed to the two
0 things you don&;t want and some habits
0 that kind of accompany the law of
0 attraction or meditation visualization
0 affirmations gratitude writing out your
0 goals and eating clean foods and I was
0 doing a lot of these activities before
0 but when I mix them in with sexual
0 transmutation with clarity of thought
0 with cleanliness of thinking yeah just
0 things are things are easier for me
0 things I want come more readily into my
0 life
0 and yeah I have other benefits to list
0 but I&;ll get to them in accordance with
0 the law of attraction benefit number
0 eight there is more cleanliness and
0 order in my life I you know I have the
0 feeling that I was always cleaning my
0 room like I was always cleaning my room
0 doing my laundry cleaning my bathroom
0 wiping down the kitchen cabinets or
0 sorry Island table and I don&;t have to
0 do as much of that anymore I&;m just like
0 there is more cleanliness around me and
0 that makes sense like if you just have
0 your pants down and you&;re jerking it
0 every day it just that kind of guy it
0 makes sense that he would have a messy
0 room but now my bed is made every day
0 and it&;s I&;m not really consciously
0 trying to keep things clean they&;re just
0 they&;re just [ __ ] clean like I
0 attract order in my life because I&;m
0 going against nature I&;m shooting my
0 stuff upstream and I&;m transmuting my
0 energy so I&;m kind of bending the
0 universes I&;m there isn&;t chaos anymore
0 and so the great thing about that is
0 that there&;s just things are just nice
0 and clean and it&;s just wonderful to
0 live in my home space because everything
0 is so beautiful beautifully arranged
0 benefit number nine I am full of courage
0 and I have no problem asking for the
0 things I want if I see a cute girl
0 sitting at the bar like it is a gift for
0 her to speak to me like the fact that I
0 would approach her and even find her
0 attractive
0 like lucky her because she gets to talk
0 to me that&;s how that&;s how insanely
0 courageous and confident I am and not
0 just not just with romance but with you
0 know sending out emails shaking hands
0 networking with people it just comes
0 effortlessly and people like I here know
0 a lot and it doesn&;t bother me as much
0 and I also hear yes a lot more because I
0 am out there putting myself out there
0 and asking for the things I want and
0 even if I do feel afraid about trying
0 something oh I just go for it anyway
0 like my urge to get the things I want in
0 my life is stronger than any fear I feel
0 on
0 and day and that&;s just because I&;m a
0 more desirous man in general you know
0 and it makes sense I I&;m not fulfilling
0 my desires through any artificial means
0 and I&;m just keeping myself in a state
0 of hunger you know I was Arnold
0 Schwarzenegger said in his book Total
0 Recall it&;s one of the great books of
0 our of the modern world actually I
0 highly recommend checking that book out
0 but he said one of his keys to success
0 is stay hungry and if you&;re gone no
0 effect you&;re kind of always hungry like
0 you&;re hungry for the next thing you
0 can&;t ever stop
0 and so yes benefit number nine I&;m full
0 of courage and the final benefit that I
0 list my creativity and resourcefulness
0 in the pursuit of my goals is far more
0 significant I&;ll give an example so I
0 just started production on a new play
0 and I&;ve been trying to sign with a
0 great agent for some time now and hasn&;t
0 been coming through so I saw that the
0 person who wrote this play is
0 represented by William Morris Endeavor
0 which is one of the if not the best the
0 second best talent agency in the world
0 right up there with CAA and so I decided
0 to reach out to this this agent because
0 one of his clients wrote the play that
0 I&;m in and so I have an in to talk to
0 this person and listen I would not have
0 there was no way I would have thought to
0 connect with the talent agent through a
0 play that I&;m in earlier but it makes
0 total sense now and not just not that
0 but like clearly in so many aspects of
0 my life like I&;m just starting this job
0 at Thomson Reuters and digital marketing
0 I have total clarity about about what I
0 need to study next to get the next job
0 that&;ll make me a lot more money which
0 in case you&;re wondering is marketing
0 automation tools and I have clarity
0 about who I need to reach out to on
0 linked-in how I should go about putting
0 my demo reel together like all these
0 these benefits they&;re all completely in
0 tangent with each other but I have my
0 goals on my mind and I&;m just getting so
0 much more creativity to express myself
0 and to go after the things that I desire
0 my goals in life and so it&;s all
0 happening so much faster and all these
0 benefits are in tandem with each other
0 you know
0 benefit of having more energy allows me
0 to chase my goals and the benefit of
0 having creativity alongside courage is
0 helping me reach out to people in
0 creative courageous ways the benefit
0 that I&;m already more attractive means
0 people already want us they&;re more
0 receptive to speaking with me the
0 benefit of not having dead head or brain
0 fog and the benefit of not having
0 depression and anxiety anymore it just
0 means I have so much more to offer when
0 I&;m engaging with people and the benefit
0 of having sharper meditations and deeper
0 visualizations it just means that the
0 law of attraction is working faster so
0 all these benefits are just completely
0 in line with each other and they are the
0 reason why nofap works and these are
0 these are the benefits I wanted to give
0 you guys on my 90-day report and I hope
0 it&;s helped you I hope it&;s inspiring
0 you to stay strong on this journey like
0 you shouldn&;t even need to feel they
0 need to stay strong like my god like
0 imagine what I&;ve just described being
0 in your life as opposed to the to the
0 mind just a filthiness that is PMO and
0 how does it leave you completely drained
0 and empty this is the path to glory
0 happiness excitement romance Fame so get
0 on it and stay on it and I&;ll see you
0 guys in the next video
0 Cheers
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