Le thème « nofap » en vidéo par Gerbert Johnson
Cette vidéo, partagée par Gerbert Johnson sur YouTube (depuis le ),
se concentre sur le thème « nofap », apportant des éléments de réflexion intéressants.
YouTube offre une plateforme dynamique où chacun peut découvrir et partager des contenus variés, allant des vidéos simples aux discussions approfondies.
Lors de notre consultation de la vidéo (), quelques interactions avaient déjà été accumulées. Le nombre de Likes indiquait: 18082.
Vous noterez la durée (00:10:23s), le titre (My 90 day Nofap / Seed Retention Progress), et les commentaires ajoutés par l’auteur :« Je n’ai pas tiré, je ne faisais pas de la manivelle ou je ne faisais rien de la même chose pendant 90 jours, et je n’ai pas l’intention de revenir en arrière. Voici mes progrès NOFAP / rétention de semences de 90 jours. Liens: Second Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucanvw2kpc1nxlsbpjllgnq rejoignez la discorde – https://discord.gg/a5ydvpck Instagram – https://www.instagrame.com/gerbert_johson – nofap, semi-sabre Rétention, avantages sociaux NOFAP, science du NOFAP, auto-développement, auto-amélioration, rétention de sperme du jour 90, NOFAP 90 jours, NOFAP ATTRACTION (TAGSTOTRANSLATE) NOFAP (T) Rétention de semences (T) Rétention du sper Rétention (T) IceCold Jt ».
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Les hommes bénéficient d’un soutien précieux grâce à la communauté NoFap dans leur lutte pour la sobriété.
Les forums NoFap sont un lieu où l’on peut trouver des stratégies pratiques et des encouragements.
Ces forums offrent un environnement où les participants se soutiennent mutuellement, trouvent des conseils pratiques et accèdent à des données scientifiques sur l’abstinence.
Mettre l’accent sur l’aide sociale et émotionnelle qui accompagne le parcours de l’abstinence.
Les forums de la communauté Nofap aident les hommes à surmonter les défis liés à l’anxiété, à la dépression et à l’abstinence, en favorisant le partage d’idées et de stratégies pour gérer les risques de rechutes. Un soutien professionnel peut être requiscomme ce leader du Nofap.
Étudier l’impact des forums et des groupes de soutien sur les participants.
Les études scientifiques ont révélé que la participation aux forums de la communauté NoFap aide à surmonter les comportements problématiques, notamment l’anxiété et la dépression. Ces groupes de soutien augmentent les chances de succès grâce à la solidarité entre les membres.
Planifier son succès sur NoFap
Livres et ressources en ligne pour mieux comprendre NoFap.
Des études scientifiques et des recherches menées par des spécialistes tels que Nicole Prause offrent une compréhension plus profonde des effets de l’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation et des moyens pour y faire face.
Stratégies de la communauté NoFap pour éviter la masturbation
L’adoption d’habitudes saines, comme l’exercice physique et la méditation, est indispensable pour garder un esprit clair et éviter les tentations.
Les techniques pour surmonter les rechutes renforcent le parcours NoFap.
L’étude scientifique montre que les rechutes sont fréquentes dans NoFap. Les hommes doivent prendre du recul pour comprendre les causes de l’échec et solliciter l’aide de la communauté pour se remettre sur la bonne voie.
Les effets de l’abstinence se manifestent de manière significative dans la vie des hommes.
L’abstinence offre des bénéfices psychologiques que l’on doit évaluer pour en mesurer l’efficacité.
L’abstinence réduit l’anxiété et la dépression, tout en améliorant la confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap regorgent de témoignages montrant de réels progrès psychologiques.
Étudier l’impact de l’abstinence sur l’érection.
De nombreuses études révèlent que l’abstinence peut restaurer des fonctions érectiles saines chez les hommes.
Évaluer comment la réduction de la masturbation peut atténuer les symptômes d’anxiété et de dépression.
Pour les hommes, l’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation génère une anxiété considérable. Après avoir arrêté ces comportements, beaucoup observent une réduction de la dépression et un meilleur contrôle de leurs actions.
NoFap : un guide pour les hommes vers un mieux-être
Analyser les conséquences de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes.
Des études scientifiques ont démontré que la pornographie peut avoir des conséquences graves, notamment la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression, les troubles émotionnels et l’addiction. Nicole Prause, par exemple, a publié une étude sur les effets négatifs de la masturbation et de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.
NoFap encourage à s’éloigner de la pornographie pour améliorer le bien-être global.
Avec NoFap, les hommes s’engagent dans une démarche d’abstinence pour réduire leur addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation. Ce mouvement met l’accent sur les bienfaits pour la santé mentale, physique et émotionnelle.
Comprendre pourquoi les gens choisissent NoFap aide à mieux appréhender ses effets positifs sur la santé mentale et physique.
Le mouvement NoFap vise à lutter contre les effets négatifs de la pornographie, améliorer la fonction érectile et diminuer l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés signalent une réduction de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après l’abandon de ces pratiques.
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#Mes #progrès #nofap #rétention #semences #jours
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: [Music] whacking off is good jacking off is healthy this is what the google search told me i never would have guessed that busting a nut could be wrong so i yanked and yanked and spanked away every day from dusk till dawn from brazzers to bang bust the lust was strong tugging on my nuts till i bust to slits on a screen or touching somebody else’s wean busty latinas sucking their stepbrother clean how the [ __ ] do you get stuck in a washing machine i don’t really care though i’m just here to cream [Music] on valentine’s day i never had a partner but premium was free the hub was always there for me fake taxi bratty sis all the days of life i missed instead of building up the courage to text her phone i stayed alone stroking to a metronome after six years of addiction i realized it was a deadly trap a multi-billion dollar industry profiting off the minds of people like me so i toughened up and decided to quit i closed down the incognito browser pulled up my trousers and threw the fleshlight in the bin goodbye old friend all the long nights of fapping the ads for pills and games fake taxi vixen hentai haven real estate agent milf overwatch animations that are somehow pixar quality in a strange way you will be missed but i’m never going back again i just hit 90 days baby haven’t touched my rod haven’t sucked my own rod haven’t done any devious activities for 90 days haven’t nutted except for in my sleep and it’s been a long journey man i remember i used to hit three to four times a day consistently my johnson has truly been through the ringer i’ve put that little homie through a lot of turmoil you know my dick has post-traumatic stress disorder sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night and my dick is shivering because it has the cold sweats because it’s remembering one of the horrors that i’ve put it through i have to feed my dick’s cbd oil through the urethra to just to calm him down it’s really i i mean it’s really dubious ever since i was 12 or 13 racking up numbers multiple times a day and back in my glory days they weren’t even short nuts either i they would be extended i’d do those ones where you jack off to the beat it’d be like and i’d you know you’d stroke to the beat and that would make you edge so sometimes you’d just be jacking for like hours on end it’s really awful when i think about it i’m smiling about it now but it’s truly horrific i learned about nofap in june of 2020 and it took me an entire year of messing up of relapsing of doubting myself of denouncing nofap and then getting back into it until i finally got it down and at this point i think i finally got it to where i’m confident i’m never going back again i’ve discovered the secret and i’m going to tell you right now no wasting time you have to have a plan and by a plan i mean not just not to jack off or to do push-ups or whatever i have like a detailed five-point plan whenever an urge comes because when an urge comes it’s not like you immediately give in there’s always this little point this period of hesitation where you know you you end up choosing the dark side because your mind just takes over but if you had a plan to execute that’s what will save it so my plan i immediately go outside in the outdoors and i hit pull-ups push-ups never worked for me because my dick would poke the ground and it would just it made it worse honestly but pull-ups there the intensity is much higher my boner goes away immediately after pull-ups but yeah it took me a year to develop this plan and then finally quit for good but even then i still have a long way to go because my problem was so bad it’s gonna take a long ass time for my brain to completely reset so i’m just checking in after about three months because there has been progress but for people like me it’s going to take a while but besides all of that let’s get into the benefits the results after 90 days what i know is that ography is an addiction [Music] and it’s a very nefarious addiction that preys on your reward circuit the neurological data on this is conclusive and there is a lot of it find me one good study that proves the hub is good for your brain or even indifferent and i mean good study you can’t at this point if you’re pro-prawn you’re just ignorant but there are a lot of charlatans out there that’ll say no it’s healthy it reduces prostate cancer yadda they are not well researched this addiction decreases the gray matter in your reward circuit over time and it comes with all the other issues with any other behavioral disorder addiction you lose time you have you know withdrawal cravings all this [ __ ] that [ __ ] up your mental state gives you brain fog it’s no surprise that when people break this addiction it can start a domino effect of a plethora of other positive changes to their life it’s not like it’s completely debilitating this this addiction right but it’s like it’s like a cinder block tied to your ankle it stunts your growth and when you stop you know something like this can really be a breakthrough for you but here’s the thing when people talk about the results of nofap it’s all about testosterone and attracting women and all this sigma male [ __ ] when it should just be about feeling better having an addiction like this is seriously detrimental to your mental health it can make you depressed it can make you anxious it’s not about testosterone it’s about feeling good it’s about feeling happy it’s about decreasing your stress and in turn when you feel better when your stress is decreased that gives room for your testosterone to rise because stress is the number one killer of that [ __ ] but seriously here’s the real scientifical evidence about it when you stop nutting the [ __ ] shoots straight up to your brain and it starts fusing with all your neurons but the craziest part is that once you reach this level of enlightenment you can just walk right into king supers and steal [ __ ] and walk away and nobody will care trust me i’ve tried it i can confidently say that i feel way happier now i’m much less depressed why does nobody talk about that because that is the number one benefit that is the thing that will completely change your life and i think in the same vein of this increase in happiness i’m getting this you know recovery of my reward system i’m more motivated the moment i wake up my nuts are full and i’m ready to go [ __ ] get on my grind set and i have also noticed a big decrease in my stress and this stress overall also applies to social anxiety and when i did research for this other video i made about this addiction i found that social anxiety in particular is something that is increased with this addiction and i have noticed it gradually getting better for me but you know mostly just stress in general because i used to be stressed about nothing i didn’t even have to have something to be stressed about when i was cranking it all the time and speaking of cranking it all the time time is also a very big factor and you know most of my nuts were fast but number one that [ __ ] really does build up and number two it’s not just about the time you actually spend whacking there’s this whole setup involved and also you’re you’re thinking about it a lot there’s also this idea of sexual transmutation where you know there’s a lot of energy involved in your drive to bust and create offspring and when you cut that off it’s possible to channel it in other ways transmute this energy into doing other things like fulfilling your sigma purpose i definitely that have felt that this is real physically i can transmute this energy physically like i have more energy while working out or doing things like that i haven’t felt it creatively or anything like that but i do think it is possible i think it’ll take more time and more mastery of the [ __ ] hermetic art and the moment you all been waiting for the hose the female attraction [Music] um you know i’ve always been a strapping young lad blisteringly attractive so i don’t know i don’t know if that’s real because these hoes always just be orbiting around my meat like a [ __ ] in actuality ever since i started nofap i’ve been astral projecting so hard that it’s been scaring all the hoes away so it’s actually been a hoe deterrent but i don’t care because like i’m reaching the next plane no but actually for real this time i bet you i could walk up to any woman and i could say drop down and suck my [ __ ] and she’d probably do it [Music] you .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
1.56 [Music]
1.56 whacking off is good
1.56 jacking off is healthy
1.56 this is what the google search told me
1.56 i never would have guessed that busting
1.56 a nut could be wrong so i yanked and
1.56 yanked and spanked away every day from
1.56 dusk till dawn
1.56 from brazzers to bang bust the lust was
1.56 strong tugging on my nuts till i bust to
1.56 slits on a screen or touching somebody
1.56 else&;s wean busty latinas sucking their
1.56 stepbrother clean how the [ __ ] do you
1.56 get stuck in a washing machine
1.56 i don&;t really care though i&;m just here
1.56 to cream
1.56 [Music]
1.56 on valentine&;s day i never had a partner
1.56 but premium was free
1.56 the hub was always there for me
1.56 fake taxi bratty sis
1.56 all the days of life i missed
1.56 instead of building up the courage to
1.56 text her phone i stayed alone stroking
1.56 to a metronome
1.56 after six years of addiction i realized
1.56 it was a deadly trap
1.56 a multi-billion dollar industry
1.56 profiting off the minds of people like
1.56 me
1.56 so i toughened up and decided to quit i
1.56 closed down the incognito browser pulled
1.56 up my trousers and threw the fleshlight
1.56 in the bin goodbye old friend all the
1.56 long nights of fapping the ads for pills
1.56 and games fake taxi vixen hentai haven
1.56 real estate agent milf overwatch
1.56 animations that are somehow pixar
1.56 quality
1.56 in a strange way you will be missed
1.56 but
1.56 i&;m never going back again
1.56 i just hit 90 days baby haven&;t touched
1.56 my rod haven&;t sucked my own rod haven&;t
1.56 done any devious activities for 90 days
1.56 haven&;t nutted except for in my sleep
1.56 and it&;s been a long journey man
1.56 i remember
1.56 i used to
1.56 hit three to four times a day
1.56 consistently my johnson has truly been
1.56 through the ringer
1.56 i&;ve put that little homie through a lot
1.56 of
1.56 turmoil
1.56 you know
1.56 my dick has post-traumatic stress
1.56 disorder
1.56 sometimes i wake up in the middle of the
1.56 night and my dick is shivering because
1.56 it has the cold sweats because it&;s
1.56 remembering one of the horrors that i&;ve
1.56 put it through i have to feed my dick&;s
1.56 cbd oil through the urethra to just to
1.56 calm him down
1.56 it&;s really i i mean it&;s really dubious
1.56 ever since i was 12 or 13
1.56 racking up numbers multiple times a day
1.56 and back in my glory days they weren&;t
1.56 even short nuts either
1.56 i they would be extended i&;d do those
1.56 ones where you jack off to the beat it&;d
1.56 be like
1.56 and i&;d you know you&;d stroke to the
1.56 beat and that would make you edge
1.56 so sometimes you&;d just be jacking for
1.56 like hours on end
1.56 it&;s really awful when i think about it
1.56 i&;m smiling about it now but it&;s truly
1.56 horrific
1.56 i learned about nofap in june of 2020
1.56 and it took me an entire year
1.56 of messing up of relapsing
1.56 of doubting myself
1.56 of
1.56 denouncing nofap and then getting back
1.56 into it
1.56 until i finally
1.56 got it down
1.56 and at this point i think i finally got
1.56 it to where i&;m confident i&;m never
1.56 going back again i&;ve discovered the
1.56 secret and i&;m going to tell you right
1.56 now
1.56 no wasting time
1.56 you have to have a plan
1.56 and by a plan i mean not just not to
1.56 jack off or to do push-ups or whatever
1.56 i have like
1.56 a detailed
1.56 five-point plan
1.56 whenever an urge comes because when an
1.56 urge comes
1.56 it&;s not like you immediately give in
1.56 there&;s always this little point this
1.56 period of hesitation
1.56 where you know you you end up choosing
1.56 the dark side because your mind just
1.56 takes over but if you had a plan to
1.56 execute that&;s what will save it so my
1.56 plan i immediately go outside in the
1.56 outdoors and i hit pull-ups push-ups
1.56 never worked for me because my dick
1.56 would poke the ground and it would just
1.56 it made it worse honestly but pull-ups
1.56 there the intensity is much higher my
1.56 boner goes away immediately after
1.56 pull-ups but yeah it took me a year to
1.56 develop this plan
1.56 and then finally quit for good
1.56 but
1.56 even then i still have a long way to go
1.56 because my problem was so bad it&;s gonna
1.56 take a long ass time for my brain to
1.56 completely reset
1.56 so i&;m just checking in after about
1.56 three months
1.56 because there has been progress
1.56 but
1.56 for people like me
1.56 it&;s going to take a while but besides
1.56 all of that let&;s get into the benefits
1.56 the results after 90 days
1.56 what i know is that
1.56 ography is an addiction
1.56 [Music]
1.56 and it&;s a
1.56 very nefarious addiction that preys on
1.56 your reward circuit the neurological
1.56 data on this is conclusive and there is
1.56 a lot of it find me
1.56 one good study
1.56 that proves the hub is
1.56 good for your brain or even indifferent
1.56 and i mean good study you can&;t at this
1.56 point if you&;re pro-prawn
1.56 you&;re just ignorant
1.56 but there are a lot of charlatans out
1.56 there that&;ll say no it&;s healthy it
1.56 reduces prostate cancer yadda they are
1.56 not well researched this addiction
1.56 decreases the gray matter in your reward
1.56 circuit over time
1.56 and it comes with all the other issues
1.56 with any other behavioral disorder
1.56 addiction you lose time you have you
1.56 know withdrawal cravings all this [ __ ]
1.56 that [ __ ] up your mental state gives
1.56 you brain fog it&;s no surprise that when
1.56 people break this addiction it can start
1.56 a domino effect of a plethora of other
1.56 positive changes to their life
1.56 it&;s not like it&;s completely
1.56 debilitating this this addiction right
1.56 but it&;s like it&;s like a cinder block
1.56 tied to your ankle it stunts your growth
1.56 and when you stop
1.56 you know something like this can really
1.56 be a breakthrough for you but here&;s the
1.56 thing when people talk about the results
1.56 of nofap it&;s all about testosterone and
1.56 attracting women and all this sigma male
1.56 [ __ ] when it should just be about
1.56 feeling better having an addiction like
1.56 this is seriously detrimental to your
1.56 mental health
1.56 it can make you depressed it can make
1.56 you anxious
1.56 it&;s not about testosterone it&;s about
1.56 feeling good
1.56 it&;s about feeling happy it&;s about
1.56 decreasing your stress and in turn when
1.56 you feel better when your stress is
1.56 decreased that gives room for your
1.56 testosterone to rise because stress is
1.56 the number one killer of that [ __ ] but
1.56 seriously here&;s the real scientifical
1.56 evidence about it when you stop nutting
1.56 the [ __ ] shoots straight up to your brain
1.56 and it starts fusing with all your
1.56 neurons but the craziest part is that
1.56 once you reach this level of
1.56 enlightenment you can just walk right
1.56 into king supers and steal [ __ ] and walk
1.56 away and nobody will care
1.56 trust me i&;ve tried it i can confidently
1.56 say
1.56 that i feel way happier now
1.56 i&;m much less depressed
1.56 why does nobody talk about that because
1.56 that is the number one benefit
1.56 that is the thing that will completely
1.56 change your life and i think in the same
1.56 vein of this increase in happiness i&;m
1.56 getting this you know recovery of my
1.56 reward system i&;m more motivated the
1.56 moment i wake up my nuts are full and
1.56 i&;m ready to go [ __ ] get on my grind
1.56 set and i have also noticed a big
1.56 decrease in my stress and this stress
1.56 overall also applies to social anxiety
1.56 and when i did research for this other
1.56 video i made
1.56 about
1.56 this addiction i found that social
1.56 anxiety in particular is something that
1.56 is increased with this addiction and i
1.56 have noticed it gradually getting better
1.56 for me but you know
1.56 mostly just stress in general because i
1.56 used to be stressed about nothing i
1.56 didn&;t even have to have something to be
1.56 stressed about when i was cranking it
1.56 all the time and speaking of cranking it
1.56 all the time time is also
1.56 a very big factor and you know most of
1.56 my nuts were fast but number one that
1.56 [ __ ] really does build up and number two
1.56 it&;s not just about the time you
1.56 actually spend whacking there&;s this
1.56 whole setup involved and also you&;re
1.56 you&;re thinking about it a lot there&;s
1.56 also this idea of sexual transmutation
1.56 where you know there&;s a lot of energy
1.56 involved in your drive to bust and
1.56 create offspring and when you cut that
1.56 off it&;s possible to channel it in other
1.56 ways transmute this energy into doing
1.56 other things like fulfilling your sigma
1.56 purpose i definitely that have felt that
1.56 this is real
1.56 physically i can transmute this energy
1.56 physically like i have more energy while
1.56 working out or doing things like that i
1.56 haven&;t felt it creatively or
1.56 anything like that but i do think it is
1.56 possible
1.56 i think it&;ll take more time and more
1.56 mastery of the [ __ ] hermetic art and
1.56 the moment you all been waiting for the
1.56 hose the female attraction
1.56 [Music]
1.56 um you know i&;ve always been a strapping
1.56 young lad blisteringly attractive so
1.56 i don&;t know i don&;t know if that&;s real
1.56 because these hoes always just be
1.56 orbiting around my meat like a [ __ ]
1.56 in actuality ever since i started nofap
1.56 i&;ve been astral projecting so hard that
1.56 it&;s been scaring all the hoes away so
1.56 it&;s actually been a hoe deterrent but i
1.56 don&;t care because like i&;m reaching the
1.56 next plane no but actually for real this
1.56 time i bet you i could walk up to any
1.56 woman
1.56 and i could say
1.56 drop down and suck my [ __ ] and she&;d
1.56 probably do it
1.56 [Music]
1.56 you
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