Une vidéo sur le thème « nofap » par Dopamine Focused Warriors (DFW)
Sur YouTube, publié par Dopamine Focused Warriors (DFW) (), une vidéo se concentre sur le thème « nofap », apportant des éléments de réflexion intéressants.
Avec ses algorithmes de recommandation sophistiqués, YouTube personnalise votre expérience en vous suggérant des vidéos correspondant à nos intérêts et à notre historique de visionnage.
À l’instant où nous avons visionné la vidéo (), elle comptait déjà plusieurs interactions cumulées. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 4200.
Nous retranscrivons ici la durée (00:06:08s), le titre (NoFap LEVELS (When does NoFap get easier?)), et les commentaires fournis par l’auteur :
« Les niveaux de difficulté NOFAP que je partage dans cette vidéo vous montrent quand le NOFAP est devenu plus facile pour moi. N’oubliez pas: votre kilométrage peut varier! Mon site Web No PMO👉https: //pmoflatline.com scandinavian bob son salut, quand le nofap devient-il plus facile? Eh bien, jetons un coup d’œil à différents niveaux de NOFAP en termes de zones de danger et de niveaux de difficulté. Avertissement: cette vidéo est uniquement des informations et n’est pas des conseils professionnels. Si vous avez besoin de tels conseils, veuillez consulter un expert. Je ne suis pas un expert. Je suis juste un gars qui aime lire et apprendre beaucoup, et dans mes vidéos, je partage simplement mes expériences et ce que j’ai appris avec mes téléspectateurs. Si vous décidez d’essayer quelque chose dont je parle vous-même dans mes vidéos, vous acceptez de prendre une responsabilité à 100% pour toutes les conséquences. ————————————————– ————————– Consultez mon site Web de redémarrage de PMO: Ici ►► https://pmoflatline.com ——- ————————————————– ————— ————————————————– ——————– Intéressé par 1 sur 1 coaching ou simplement avoir quelque chose en tête? Contactez-moi .. ici ►► https://pmoflatline.com/contact-me/ ——————————- ——————————————— (TagStotranslate) Niveaux NOFAP ».
La vidéo se trouve juste en dessous de cette phrase
[embedded content]
Conseils pratiques pour réussir dans NoFap
Rester motivé sur NoFap : les meilleurs conseils
Le succès passe par des habitudes saines, comme le sport et la méditation, pour se concentrer sur ses objectifs tout en restant motivé.
Il est crucial de développer des stratégies pour éviter les rechutes.
Les rechutes ne sont pas un échec, mais un défi normal dans NoFap, comme le montre une étude scientifique. Les participants doivent analyser leurs erreurs, comprendre ce qui a causé la rechute et utiliser le soutien de la communauté pour progresser.
Consulter des forums et ouvrages pour en savoir plus sur NoFap.
Des recherches approfondies et des articles scientifiques, y compris les travaux de Nicole Prause, éclairent l’impact de la pornographie et de la masturbation sur la santé, tout en proposant des approches pour les traiter scientifiquement.
NoFap : un outil pour les hommes en quête d’épanouissement
Analyser l’impact de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique de l’homme est essentiel.
Des études scientifiques ont démontré que la pornographie peut avoir des conséquences graves, notamment la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression, les troubles émotionnels et l’addiction. Nicole Prause, par exemple, a publié une étude sur les effets négatifs de la masturbation et de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.
NoFap propose de remplacer ces habitudes par des pratiques favorisant l’équilibre.
Le principe du mouvement NoFap est simple : s’abstenir de pornographie et de masturbation pour retrouver un contrôle de soi. Cette méthode aide les hommes à combattre la dépendance tout en améliorant leur bien-être.
Comprendre ce qui pousse les individus à adopter NoFap permet de mieux saisir ses effets sur le corps et l’esprit.
La communauté NoFap se bat contre les méfaits de la pornographie, cherche à améliorer la performance érectile et à réduire l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés ont rapporté une diminution de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après avoir arrêté la pornographie.
La communauté NoFap offre des ressources et un soutien pour les hommes cherchant à améliorer leur vie.
Naviguer sur les forums NoFap permet de mieux comprendre les expériences des membres.
Les forums sont des ressources précieuses, où les hommes échangent sur leurs défis et trouvent des études scientifiques adaptées à leurs besoins.
Mettre en lumière l’importance du soutien social et émotionnel dans le parcours d’abstinence.
Les forums de la communauté Nofap aident les hommes à surmonter les défis liés à l’anxiété, à la dépression et à l’abstinence, en favorisant le partage d’idées et de stratégies pour gérer les risques de rechutes. Une intervention professionnelle peut être nécessairec’est le cas de l’équipe de chastete.frpour le monde entier.
Étudier l’impact des forums et des groupes de soutien sur les participants.
Les forums de la communauté NoFap, soutenus par des recherches scientifiques, sont essentiels pour surmonter l’anxiété et la dépression. Ces groupes favorisent une approche solidaire pour lutter contre la dépendance à la masturbation de manière scientifique.
L’abstinence transforme la vie des hommes, notamment en améliorant leur énergie et humeur.
Observer la réduction de l’anxiété et de la dépression après l’arrêt de la masturbation, et ses effets bénéfiques sur la santé mentale.
Chez l’homme, l’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation est une source d’anxiété. L’abstinence permet généralement de réduire la dépression et de retrouver une meilleure maîtrise des comportements.
Les bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence pour l’homme sont nombreux et méritent d’être étudiés.
En pratiquant l’abstinence, les hommes constatent une diminution de l’anxiété et de la dépression, ainsi qu’une meilleure confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap en témoignent.
Étudier l’impact de l’abstinence sur l’érection.
Les problèmes érectiles associés à la masturbation sont courants chez l’homme, mais l’abstinence offre des solutions.
Voici le lien pour visionner la vidéo directement sur YouTube :
le post original: Cliquer ici
#Niveaux #NOFAP #quand #NOFAP #devientil #facile
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: scandinavian bob here hi so when does nofap get easier well let’s take a look at some different nofap levels in terms of danger zones and levels of difficulty now big disclaimer the levels you are about to see are mostly created from my own experiences with all the streaks i had back when i was rebooting however friends of mine have also said that these levels seem to be pretty accurate for them as well but you should always remember that the nofap journey is different for everyone since we are all unique so your mileage may vary so you need to take this video with a grain of salt all right so if you understand that let’s jump in and have some fun level one now day one was never the hardest day for me the withdrawals had not yet kicked in and besides the self-blame of relapsing day one was never that problematic for me but then i usually started to feel bad on day 2 and during my first year of trying nofap day 3 4 and 5 were really nasty during this phase i also used to have really strong cravings for junk food alcohol or just some other form of instant gratification and this is so typical when your brain is screaming for a dopamine fix however if i managed to not relapse during these five days i had passed the first danger point level two alright so the next level was already a little bit easier but don’t get me wrong it was still plenty hard and most of you know by now that there is a big spike in testosterone around day 7 which is also why this is the next danger zone but if i managed to stay strong during this phase i could climb up to the next level level three if you made it past 14 days you should congratulate yourself because the first two weeks of an opmo journey is the absolute hardest part that said it is common to descend into a flat line sometime during the second week however the flatline does not necessarily make it more difficult in terms of relapse risks it’s just that the flatline sucks level four now my cravings for junk food and short-term gratification were already a bit lower and the cravings to watch adult sites became less aggressive now that makes it a bit easier but it was still very difficult for me because instead of urges being very aggressive and sharp during this phase they became more dark instead so i used to call this phase devoid and yes most of the time i was deep into a flat line around here another interesting thing to note is that in the first years of me trying to overcome my addiction level 1 was actually the hardest part for me but during the last year of my reboot when i was really close to overcoming this whole mess then level 3 was actually the hardest period for me so that just goes to show that it also depends on how much your brain has healed between relapses during your stress and that these levels may be more accurate if you are starting from the bottom or close to it level 5 now if i made it past 30 days then it always started to get easier for me now don’t get me wrong it was still hard especially some of the time but the difference in difficulty was really noticeable once i got past 30 days yes it was like someone had lifted at least a few of the burdens of my shoulders level 6 and if i made it past day 60 then i reached yet another level in terms of how easy it felt i remember the first time i reached 60 plus days there was a specific day i think it could have been day 74. now don’t quote me on that my memory could deceive me here but i remember thinking how the thought of using adult sites just didn’t really do anything for me i almost found it difficult to understand why i had been so drawn to it before i had clearly reached another level in terms of how easy i found it now a word of warning here if you made it this far don’t think you’re out of the woods yet because relapses can still happen i certainly did relapse even here myself in fact just a few days after me thinking those thoughts i remember having a really really stressful day and at the end of that day when i was lying in my sofa flipping between the tv channels on one channel there was an r-rated movie which i didn’t know would be playing that night and even though it was not fully explicit something snapped in my brain and all those old addiction pathways lit up and i just relapsed once again i have to remind you of the dangers of stress when rebooting i would probably have managed to shut it down if i hadn’t had such a stressful day so a part of me wanted to escape and get some form of relief and that in combination with the addiction pathways firing up damn it was just too much now luckily i did overcome my addiction in the end but only after years of trial and error and if you want to speed up your own journey then take a look at my last video where i review an online course for quitting adult sites you can see that video on the screen right here just click on that and it’ll take you there this is candy navy and bob signing out for today consider subscribing for more helpful videos and remember like winston churchill used to say if you are going through hell keep going .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0 scandinavian bob here hi so when does
0 nofap get
0 easier well let&;s take a look at some
0 different nofap levels in terms of
0 danger zones and levels of difficulty
0 now big disclaimer the levels you are
0 about to see
0 are mostly created from my own
0 experiences with
0 all the streaks i had back when i was
0 rebooting however
0 friends of mine have also said that
0 these levels seem to be pretty accurate
0 for them
0 as well but you should always remember
0 that the nofap journey is
0 different for everyone since we are all
0 unique
0 so your mileage may vary so you need to
0 take this video with a grain
0 of salt all right so if you understand
0 that
0 let&;s jump in and have some fun
0 level one now day one was never the
0 hardest day for me
0 the withdrawals had not yet kicked in
0 and
0 besides the self-blame of relapsing day
0 one was never that problematic for me
0 but then i usually started to feel bad
0 on day 2
0 and during my first year of trying nofap
0 day 3
0 4 and 5 were really nasty
0 during this phase i also used to have
0 really strong cravings for junk food
0 alcohol or just some other form of
0 instant gratification and
0 this is so typical when your brain is
0 screaming for a dopamine fix
0 however if i managed to not relapse
0 during these five days i had passed the
0 first
0 danger point level two alright so the
0 next level was
0 already a little bit easier but don&;t
0 get me wrong
0 it was still plenty hard and most of you
0 know by now
0 that there is a big spike in
0 testosterone around day
0 7 which is also why this is the next
0 danger zone
0 but if i managed to stay strong during
0 this phase
0 i could climb up to the next level
0 level three if you made it past 14 days
0 you should congratulate yourself because
0 the first
0 two weeks of an opmo journey is the
0 absolute hardest part
0 that said it is common to descend into a
0 flat line
0 sometime during the second week however
0 the flatline does not necessarily make
0 it more difficult
0 in terms of relapse risks it&;s just that
0 the flatline
0 sucks level four now my cravings for
0 junk food and short-term gratification
0 were already a bit lower
0 and the cravings to watch adult sites
0 became less
0 aggressive now that makes it a bit
0 easier
0 but it was still very difficult for me
0 because instead of
0 urges being very aggressive and sharp
0 during this phase
0 they became more dark instead so i used
0 to call this phase
0 devoid and yes most of the time
0 i was deep into a flat line around here
0 another interesting thing to note is
0 that in the first
0 years of me trying to overcome my
0 addiction
0 level 1 was actually the hardest part
0 for me but during the last year of my
0 reboot when i was really close to
0 overcoming this whole mess
0 then level 3 was actually the hardest
0 period for me
0 so that just goes to show that it also
0 depends on how much your brain has
0 healed between relapses during your
0 stress and that these levels may be more
0 accurate if you are starting from the
0 bottom or
0 close to it level 5 now if
0 i made it past 30 days then it always
0 started to get
0 easier for me now don&;t get me wrong it
0 was still
0 hard especially some of the time but the
0 difference in difficulty was
0 really noticeable once i got past 30
0 days
0 yes it was like someone had lifted at
0 least a few of the burdens
0 of my shoulders level 6
0 and if i made it past day 60 then
0 i reached yet another level in terms of
0 how easy it felt
0 i remember the first time i reached 60
0 plus
0 days there was a specific day i think it
0 could have been day
0 74. now don&;t quote me on that my memory
0 could deceive me here
0 but i remember thinking how the thought
0 of using adult sites
0 just didn&;t really do anything for me i
0 almost found it difficult to understand
0 why i had been so drawn to it before i
0 had clearly
0 reached another level in terms of how
0 easy i found it now a word of warning
0 here
0 if you made it this far don&;t think
0 you&;re out of the woods yet because
0 relapses can
0 still happen i certainly did relapse
0 even here myself
0 in fact just a few days after me
0 thinking those thoughts
0 i remember having a really really
0 stressful day
0 and at the end of that day when i was
0 lying in my sofa
0 flipping between the tv channels on one
0 channel there was an
0 r-rated movie which i didn&;t know would
0 be playing that night and
0 even though it was not fully explicit
0 something snapped in my brain
0 and all those old addiction pathways lit
0 up
0 and i just relapsed once again i
0 have to remind you of the dangers of
0 stress when rebooting
0 i would probably have managed to shut it
0 down if
0 i hadn&;t had such a stressful day so a
0 part of me wanted to escape and get some
0 form of relief
0 and that in combination with the
0 addiction pathways firing up
0 damn it was just too much now luckily i
0 did
0 overcome my addiction in the end but
0 only after years of trial
0 and error and if you want to speed up
0 your
0 own journey then take a look at my last
0 video where i
0 review an online course for quitting
0 adult sites you can see that video on
0 the screen
0 right here just click on that and it&;ll
0 take you there
0 this is candy navy and bob signing out
0 for today consider subscribing for more
0 helpful
0 videos and remember like winston
0 churchill used to say
0 if you are going through hell keep
0 going
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