Garage Strength développe le thème « no fap »
Cette vidéo, partagée par Garage Strength sur YouTube ( ), est intéressante pour ceux qui s’intéressent au thème «no fap ».
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Il est important de prendre en compte la durée (00:08:06s), le titre (NoFap and Athletic Performance « Nous sommes ici pour découvrir la vérité sur le NOFAP et découvrir s’ils ne se masturbent pas, avoir un orgasme ou une rétention de sperme pour les hommes améliore réellement les performances du sport et augmente la force. Inscrivez-vous gratuitement pendant 7 jours à notre application d’entraînement de force d’athlète – Pépel Strength 💪 👉 Lire l’article complet 👉 https: //www.researchgate. net / publication / 334627513_effects_of_sexual_activité_on_several_measures_of_physical_performance_in_young_adult_males #nofap #athleticperformance #sex thfarm https : // (tagstotranslate) nofap ».
La vidéo est prête à être regardée directement ci-dessous
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L’abstinence impacte la vie des hommes en améliorant leur bien-être global.
Analyser les bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence pour l’homme révèle des résultats significatifs.
En pratiquant l’abstinence, les hommes constatent une diminution de l’anxiété et de la dépression, ainsi qu’une meilleure confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap en témoignent.
Discuter des effets positifs de l’abstinence sur la santé mentale, notamment la réduction de l’anxiété et de la dépression liées à la masturbation.
Pour les hommes, l’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation génère une anxiété considérable. Après avoir arrêté ces comportements, beaucoup observent une réduction de la dépression et un meilleur contrôle de leurs actions.
Analyser l’effet de l’abstinence sur la performance érectile.
Les troubles de l’érection causés par la masturbation sont souvent corrigés par une pratique d’abstinence, selon les chercheurs.
Hommes et NoFap : une approche moderne du bien-être
Analyser les raisons qui poussent à s’engager dans NoFap permet d’en comprendre les bénéfices à long terme.
Les membres de la communauté NoFap sont motivés par la volonté de combattre les effets néfastes de la pornographie, d’améliorer leur performance érectile et de réduire l’anxiété. De nombreux hommes sondés ont rapporté une diminution de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après avoir cessé ces comportements.
Étudier l’impact de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes est important.
Les chercheurs ont analysé l’impact de la pornographie sur la santé, mettant en évidence des effets négatifs comme la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a réalisé une étude sur l’impact de la masturbation excessive et de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes.
Ce mouvement vise à aider à reprendre le contrôle sur ses habitudes personnelles.
NoFap repose sur une abstinence volontaire de pornographie et de masturbation, offrant aux hommes un moyen de surmonter leur dépendance. Cette approche favorise un équilibre émotionnel et une vitalité accrue.
Conseils pratiques pour réussir dans NoFap
Des lectures et plateformes en ligne pour approfondir le mouvement.
Pour une meilleure compréhension, des études scientifiques, comme celles de Nicole Prause, offrent des éclairages sur les effets de la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation ainsi que les solutions possibles.
Les secrets pour tenir sur NoFap selon la communauté
L’adoption d’habitudes saines, comme l’exercice physique et la méditation, est indispensable pour garder un esprit clair et éviter les tentations.
Maîtriser la gestion des rechutes est essentiel pour réussir dans NoFap.
Les rechutes font partie intégrante de NoFap, et les études montrent que le processus n’est pas toujours linéaire. Il est important de se concentrer sur ses objectifs et d’analyser les causes pour avancer avec l’aide de la communauté Nofap.
La plateforme NoFap offre un soutien crucial aux hommes qui souhaitent améliorer leur bien-être.
Les plateformes d’échange NoFap sont une ressource pour les hommes cherchant des conseils sur l’abstinence.
Dans les forums, les hommes peuvent échanger des conseils, trouver du soutien et accéder à des recherches scientifiques qui les aident à comprendre l’impact de l’abstinence.
Analyser les effets des forums et des groupes de soutien sur la réussite des participants dans leurs parcours.
Des études ont prouvé que les forums de soutien en ligne, tels que ceux de la communauté NoFap, augmentent les chances de succès dans la lutte contre des comportements comme la dépression et l’anxiété. Les recherches scientifiques soulignent l’importance de la solidarité au sein de la communauté NoFap pour lutter contre la masturbation de manière efficace.
Mettre l’accent sur l’aide sociale et émotionnelle qui accompagne le parcours de l’abstinence.
Les forums de Nofap constituent un outil précieux pour les hommes, leur permettant de surmonter l’anxiété, la dépression, et les défis du parcours d’abstinence en partageant des conseils et des solutions pour éviter les rechutes. Un soutien professionnel peut être requis c’est le cas de pour le monde entier.
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#Nofap #performance #sportive #dit #science
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: we’re gonna figure out if masturbation has a negative impact on strength in specifically the male population and we’re gonna start right now what’s up everybody it’s dave miller from and if this is your first time to the channel and you’re interested in becoming a freak athlete you want to get stronger you want to be more explosive and you want to run faster make sure you like you subscribe and you ring that notification bell so that we can help you become a champion so for the last decade we’ve worked with high level athletes in multiple different sports we’ve had power five football players come out of our gym we’ve had world championship medalists and olympic weightlifting and in freestyle wrestling and we’ve had multiple throwers make the world championships and the olympics in discus and shotput and a lot of these males specifically have something in common they’re very very aggressive they’re very very sexually driven and a lot of these individuals a lot of these elite athletes have asked us questions over the years of whether or not sex or masturbation has a negative impact on their power output does it have a negative impact on their sports performance and this is a topic that hasn’t really been covered too much in science or even in the realm of high performance sport [Music] so let’s dive right into what happens when males achieve an orgasm so we’ve got to recognize and we’ve got to understand what happens from a hormonal response okay so we know that after a three-week period of abstinence we know that seeing the studies that zavorsky has put out recently that when there’s a period of absent a shorter period of abstinence from sex or from masturbation there’s a slight increase in testosterone very slight but enough that it’s notable we also know that when an orgasm is achieved by a male whether it’s through masturbation or through sexual activity there is almost zero impact on testosterone levels and so we recognize immediately that testosterone has almost no response correlated to orgasms so testosterone is going to actually have a slight impact on sexual desire and those with higher levels of testosterone might have more of a sexual desire but when they’re achieving orgasm they will not have a negative impact they will not feel a negative impact that’s correlated to lower levels of testosterone and we know that testosterone is very important for lean muscle mass we know it’s very important for the way our brain functions we know it’s very important for bone density we know it has a huge impact on physical performance on sports performance now we also know from a hormonal response that when you have an orgasm when a male has an orgasm there’s typically a time frame where they have this euphoric response they they orgasm and for five to ten minutes the the male individual is in this state of euphoria and that’s why males love having sex that’s why males love to orgasm right that’s that’s part of the gig and a lot of that that euphoric response is stimulated by very high levels of prolactin okay so prolactin for about 10 to 20 minutes will be very high and then it starts to drop around 15 to 20 minutes and when prolactin is high when it’s heightened it it destroys sexual desire which makes it very difficult to orgasm multiple times in a row unless there’s some type of disorder so it’s very hard for an individual to masturbate multiple times within an hour or two hours so we know that that’s related to directly prolactin we also understand that when prolactin increases dopamine is decreasing so dopamine is correlated tremendously with sexual desire so sexual desire is stimulated by dopamine and also from catecholamine levels okay so if we can think about as you’re starting to have that sexual urge and you’re you you either want to masturbate or you want to go hav participate in sexual activity your heart rate will start to increase when your heart rate starts to increase that’s when our catecholamine levels will start to increase so our noradrenaline and our adrenaline will increase now our dopamine starts to increase as well then we participate or in sexual activity or we masturbate and when you have that orgasm the response from a hormonal aspect is a dramatic increase in prolactin that diminishes your sexual desire then you recover after that 15 to 20 minute euphoric period and then you resume the rest of your day essentially is what happens so we understand what the hormonal response is directly related to masturbation and orgasm specifically so the question remains does masturbation have a negative impact on physical performance this is a little bit of a gray area response but the response would be if you were to masturbate directly within you know 30 minutes to 60 minutes prior to physical resistance training or physical activity you likely will experience a slight dip in your training or in your activity whatever it is that you would be you would be participating in because you would still be coming down from that those higher levels of prolactin you’ll have lower levels of dopamine and lower levels of the catecholamine and your heart rate will have been elevated for a long period of time so you’re there’s gonna be about an hour to two hour recovery period so in a very acute setting where it’s a direct 30 to 90 minute time frame after masturbation you will see a negative impact on your physical performance on your physical strength levels on your resistance training now if we’re outside that three to five hour window there won’t be a negative impact on performance and if this is something that happens once a day or once every two days there’s never going to be a chronic negative impact caused by masturbation and caused by orgasm instead what we know that happens from a hormonal response with orgasms just has to be taken into account when we’re dealing with a very short time frame ideally 30 to 90 minutes avoid resistance training after masturbation we know what happens from a hormonal response when an orgasm is achieved we know that for about 30 to 90 minutes we should avoid any type of physical activity or strenuous activity or a competition and instead we should try to remain outside a three to five hour window to avoid that increase in prolactin and that decrease in dopamine and ultimately try to even avoid doing it on the same day as a competition or as your strength training or wait to do it until after you’re done strength training so if you want more information about sex and what sexual activity can do on your physical performance you can click on this video right here until next time guys peace .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.16 we&;re gonna figure out if masturbation
0.16 has a negative
0.16 impact on strength in specifically
0.16 the male population and we&;re gonna
0.16 start right
0.16 now
0.16 what&;s up everybody it&;s dave miller
0.16 from and if this is your
0.16 first time to the channel and you&;re
0.16 interested in becoming a freak athlete
0.16 you want to get stronger you want to be
0.16 more explosive and you want to run
0.16 faster make sure you like you subscribe
0.16 and you ring that notification bell so
0.16 that we can help
0.16 you become a champion so for the last
0.16 decade we&;ve worked with
0.16 high level athletes in multiple
0.16 different sports
0.16 we&;ve had power five football players
0.16 come out of our gym we&;ve had
0.16 world championship medalists and olympic
0.16 weightlifting
0.16 and in freestyle wrestling and we&;ve had
0.16 multiple
0.16 throwers make the world championships
0.16 and the olympics in discus
0.16 and shotput and a lot of these males
0.16 specifically have something in common
0.16 they&;re very very aggressive they&;re
0.16 very very
0.16 sexually driven and a lot of these
0.16 individuals a lot of these elite
0.16 athletes have asked us questions over
0.16 the years of
0.16 whether or not sex or masturbation
0.16 has a negative impact on their power
0.16 output does it have a negative impact on
0.16 their sports
0.16 performance and this is a topic that
0.16 hasn&;t
0.16 really been covered too much in science
0.16 or
0.16 even in the realm of high performance
0.16 sport
0.16 [Music]
0.16 so let&;s dive right into what happens
0.16 when males achieve an orgasm so we&;ve
0.16 got to
0.16 recognize and we&;ve got to understand
0.16 what happens from a hormonal response
0.16 okay
0.16 so we know that after a three-week
0.16 period of
0.16 abstinence we know that seeing the
0.16 studies that zavorsky has put out
0.16 recently that when there&;s a period of
0.16 absent a shorter period of abstinence
0.16 from sex or from masturbation there&;s a
0.16 slight
0.16 increase in testosterone very slight but
0.16 enough that it&;s notable
0.16 we also know that when an orgasm
0.16 is achieved by a male whether it&;s
0.16 through masturbation or
0.16 through sexual activity there is
0.16 almost zero impact on testosterone
0.16 levels
0.16 and so we recognize immediately that
0.16 testosterone has almost
0.16 no response correlated to
0.16 orgasms so testosterone is going to
0.16 actually
0.16 have a slight impact on sexual desire
0.16 and those with
0.16 higher levels of testosterone might have
0.16 more of a sexual desire
0.16 but when they&;re achieving orgasm they
0.16 will not have a negative
0.16 impact they will not feel a negative
0.16 impact
0.16 that&;s correlated to lower levels of
0.16 testosterone and we know that
0.16 testosterone is very important for lean
0.16 muscle mass
0.16 we know it&;s very important for the way
0.16 our brain functions we know it&;s very
0.16 important for bone density
0.16 we know it has a huge impact
0.16 on physical performance on sports
0.16 performance
0.16 now we also know from a hormonal
0.16 response
0.16 that when you have an orgasm when a male
0.16 has an
0.16 orgasm there&;s typically a time frame
0.16 where they have this euphoric response
0.16 they
0.16 they orgasm and for five to ten minutes
0.16 the the male
0.16 individual is in this state of euphoria
0.16 and that&;s why males love having sex
0.16 that&;s why males
0.16 love to orgasm right that&;s that&;s part
0.16 of the gig
0.16 and a lot of that that euphoric response
0.16 is stimulated by very high levels of
0.16 prolactin
0.16 okay so prolactin for about 10 to 20
0.16 minutes will be
0.16 very high and then it starts to drop
0.16 around 15 to 20 minutes
0.16 and when prolactin is high when it&;s
0.16 heightened
0.16 it it destroys sexual desire which makes
0.16 it very difficult
0.16 to orgasm multiple times in a row unless
0.16 there&;s some type of disorder so it&;s
0.16 very hard for an individual
0.16 to masturbate multiple times within an
0.16 hour or two hours
0.16 so we know that that&;s related
0.16 to directly prolactin we also
0.16 understand that when prolactin increases
0.16 dopamine is decreasing so dopamine
0.16 is correlated tremendously with sexual
0.16 desire
0.16 so sexual desire is stimulated by
0.16 dopamine
0.16 and also from catecholamine
0.16 levels okay so if we can think about as
0.16 you&;re starting to have that
0.16 sexual urge and you&;re you you either
0.16 want to masturbate or you want to go
0.16 hav participate in sexual activity your
0.16 heart rate
0.16 will start to increase when your heart
0.16 rate starts to increase
0.16 that&;s when our catecholamine levels
0.16 will start to increase so our
0.16 noradrenaline and our adrenaline will
0.16 increase now our dopamine starts to
0.16 increase
0.16 as well then we participate or in
0.16 sexual activity or we masturbate and
0.16 when you have that orgasm the response
0.16 from a hormonal
0.16 aspect is a dramatic increase in
0.16 prolactin
0.16 that diminishes your sexual desire then
0.16 you recover after that 15 to 20 minute
0.16 euphoric period
0.16 and then you resume the rest of your day
0.16 essentially is what happens so we
0.16 understand what the hormonal response
0.16 is directly related to masturbation and
0.16 orgasm
0.16 specifically so the question remains
0.16 does masturbation have a negative impact
0.16 on physical performance
0.16 this is a little bit of a gray area
0.16 response but the response would be
0.16 if you were to masturbate directly
0.16 within you know
0.16 30 minutes to 60 minutes prior to
0.16 physical
0.16 resistance training or physical activity
0.16 you likely will experience a slight dip
0.16 in your training or in your activity
0.16 whatever it is that you would be
0.16 you would be participating in because
0.16 you would still be coming down
0.16 from that those higher levels of
0.16 prolactin you&;ll have
0.16 lower levels of dopamine and lower
0.16 levels of the catecholamine
0.16 and your heart rate will have been
0.16 elevated for a long period of time so
0.16 you&;re there&;s gonna be about
0.16 an hour to two hour recovery period
0.16 so in a very acute setting where it&;s a
0.16 direct
0.16 30 to 90 minute time frame after
0.16 masturbation
0.16 you will see a negative impact on your
0.16 physical
0.16 performance on your physical strength
0.16 levels on your resistance training
0.16 now if we&;re outside that three to five
0.16 hour window
0.16 there won&;t be a negative impact
0.16 on performance and if this is something
0.16 that happens once a day or once every
0.16 two days
0.16 there&;s never going to be a chronic
0.16 negative impact caused by masturbation
0.16 and caused by orgasm
0.16 instead what we know that happens from a
0.16 hormonal response
0.16 with orgasms just has to be taken into
0.16 account when we&;re dealing with a very
0.16 short time frame ideally 30 to 90
0.16 minutes
0.16 avoid resistance training after
0.16 masturbation
0.16 we know what happens from a hormonal
0.16 response when an orgasm is achieved
0.16 we know that for about 30 to 90 minutes
0.16 we should avoid
0.16 any type of physical activity or
0.16 strenuous activity or a competition
0.16 and instead we should try to remain
0.16 outside a three
0.16 to five hour window to avoid
0.16 that increase in prolactin and that
0.16 decrease
0.16 in dopamine and ultimately try to even
0.16 avoid
0.16 doing it on the same day as a
0.16 competition or as
0.16 your strength training or wait to do it
0.16 until after
0.16 you&;re done strength training so if you
0.16 want more information about sex and what
0.16 sexual activity can do on your physical
0.16 performance you can click on this video
0.16 right here
0.16 until next time guys peace
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