Publiée par Refinery29 (), cette vidéo YouTube est destinée aux passionnés du thème «masturbate ».
YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités. »
YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités.
Cette vidéo, que nous avons récemment découverte (le ), présentait déjà des informations intéressantes. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 24368.
Refinery29), pour une vue d’ensemble complète, ainsi que la présentation faite par l’auteur :« Les femmes parlent de découvrir la masturbation et de partager leurs contes dignes mais dignes de grincer des dents. Pour en savoir plus sur notre série de masturbations, allez à: abonnez-vous à la chaîne de raffinery29: pour les dernières tendances et vidéos, visitez: http: / / comme Refinery29 sur Facebook: Suivez Refinery29 sur Twitter: Heart Refinery29 sur Instagram: (Tagstotranslate) Masturbation Mois ».
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Peser les avantages d’une réussite dans l’abstinence
Expliquer le trajet vers une joie persistante
Réduire la dépendance peut offrir des avantages à long terme dans les aspects personnels, professionnels et sociaux.
Souligner les progrès dans la qualité des interactions sociales
Les relations de couple gagnent en intensité, avec une meilleure connexion émotionnelle et physique.
Présenter l’évolution vers un mieux-être mental
Lorsque l’on cesse, l’énergie augmente, l’humeur s’améliore et la concentration devient plus claire.
Comprendre les motifs derrière la croissance de cette pratique
Disserter sur les aspects psychologiques et émotionnels
L’anxiété, le stress ou des insatisfactions ailleurs dans la vie peuvent conduire à l’excès de cette pratique.
Réfléchir au rôle de l’isolement et du désir
La solitude et l’insatisfaction dans les relations ou la vie personnelle sont également des facteurs contribuant à cette pratique.
Observer les changements comportementaux induits par la pornographie
La pornographie est un élément majeur. Elle renforce souvent le besoin de se masturber et peut distordre la perception de la sexualité.
Comprendre la masturbation : un défi pour transformer votre sexualité
Nombreux sont ceux qui trouvent difficile d’arrêter la masturbation, une pratique habituellement perçue comme normale et bénéfique pour la sexualité. Pourtant, quand elle devient instinctive ou addictive, elle peut perturber des aspects importants de la vie, comme le travail, la stabilité émotionnelle ou les interactions sociales.
Construire un plan d’action pour rompre avec cette habitude
Proposer des solutions pratiques pour réduire cette activité
- Fixer des objectifs clairs : Adoptez des stratégies progressives ou le mouvement « nofap » pour une abstinence totale.
- Identifier les sources de déclenchement : Faites attention à ce qui vous incite à agir.
- Remplacer par de nouvelles activités : Faites du sport ou explorez de nouveaux intérêts.
Proposer un guide pour éviter de rechuter
- Mettre en place une routine structurée : Remplissez vos journées d’activités planifiées.
- Restreindre l’accès à la pornographie : Mettez en place des bloqueurs pour empêcher l’accès aux contenus indésirables.
Mettre en évidence l’impact du soutien social sur le bien-être
- Prendre rendez-vous avec un sexologue : Il est capable de fournir des conseils sur mesure.c’est le cas de www.chastete.frinstallé en France.
- Rejoindre des groupes de soutien : L’échange avec d’autres participants stimule la motivation.
Identifier les signes et les impacts de la dépendance à la masturbation
Observer les manifestations d’une dépendance
Une personne qui se masturbe fréquemment peut ressentir une perte de contrôle, ce qui peut impacter négativement ses interactions avec son ou sa partenaire.
Rechercher les effets de ces changements sur la santé mentale et physique
L’addiction à la masturbation, liée à une surconsommation de pornographie, génère une sollicitation instinctive du système dopaminergique, ce qui peut entraîner des symptômes comme une éjaculation précoce, un épuisement énergétique ou une insatisfaction dans la vie sexuelle.
Analyser ce qu’est la masturbation et les comportements associés
La masturbation est une activité sexuelle qui, dans des limites raisonnables, contribue à réduire le stress et à améliorer la connaissance de soi. Cependant, une pratique habituelle peut être source de difficultés.
En dernière analyse
L’arrêt de la masturbation excessive implique un parcours long et exigeant. Grâce à un plan détaillé et un soutien approprié, il devient possible de franchir cette étape et de savourer les bienfaits d’une vie plus équilibrée, centrée sur des projets plus gratifiants.
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la source: Cliquer ici
#Comment #avezvous #appris #masturbation #Parlons #masturbation #Raffinerie29
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: I remember actually very specifically being at a sleepover with my friend Christina and we were reading this handbook that she had gotten from her Girl Scout troop well the first thing was that the handbook explained what a tampon was and I had never heard of that before so I was like processing all of that information and then Christina was like yo by the way if you put a pillow in between your legs and like rub it a bunch that feels really really good and I was like solid advice Christina thank you I’m gonna start doing that and then I started doing that it was probably about fifth grade so I had been masturbating for a while but I didn’t realize that what I was doing was masturbating or that the like final thing that was happening was an orgasm and I was on a plane sitting in coach in probably about the fifth grade and I had masturbated on the plane so I’d already masturbated on the plane not knowing that that’s what it was and I was casually reading a Seventeen magazine in which someone had written in and asked please explain what masturbation and an orgasm is and as I was reading the magazine I started realizing not only had I been doing this but I had been doing this everywhere and had no idea that I was just publicly masturbating all over the place because I didn’t know what it was and I had this like moment on the plane where I was just absolutely horrified at school in the car like with my parents just like this is very chill this is real cool like as if I was eating a snack I was masturbating and then I realized afterwards like oh this is actually supposed to be private I do have a vibrator I don’t always use it that’s not so necessary for me to have one simple clitoral stimulation works pretty well by hand I think the toys are maybe a little more fun when you have someone else involved I don’t really need them when I was 13 so by then all the girls were pretty comfortable with each other and they’d practice making out through saran wrap and all of this stuff and there were just these nights where girls would be like all right I’m gonna go masturbate and everybody would get under their covers and be like like you would hear all these sounds and I think that the goal was to get off but obviously at 13 nobody knows how to do that so like you’d hear like fake sounds and like yeah yeah that was great but I just thought it was so bizarre that we were all in the same room so I stopped and then I just like whipped out my little contraband phone and started playing snake on my Nokia not into the group masturbation thing I remember trying to macerate when I was like 11 but I didn’t understand what it was and I by I had heard about it so it’s like this very weird thing where I was like I’m going to masturbate and I tried but like I wasn’t turned on or in anyway like sexual or anything so I was like this like weird like determined as if I was gonna do my homework I guess I tried about 50 minutes and then I forgot about it for about five years I don’t know why I it was just like well I tried it I could like just like running the mile in gym I’m like well I tried it I terrible at it I don’t want to do it again and so it wasn’t really until high school that I tried masturbating again and that actually worked because I like understood what I was even doing I think I was 15 and I was reading not to date myself I was ringing Spin Magazine and on the back there was like this SAS – right like a different essay every month and one essay was just like a weird like erotica story about like a woman masturbating in a bathtub and she was fantasizing about like a fire fire and that a firefighter came in and had sex with her and that was the first time where I was like wait a minute I’m turned on I bet I could masturbate right now and I did and I will say I remember masturbating and it wasn’t exactly like what I had read it would be like it wasn’t that so I didn’t know if I succeeded until I did it again I’m like oh this has to be it because it’s like this very new physical sensation that like nothing else really compares to it and then you have it you’re like the [ __ ] was that like you don’t even know how to describe it really [Music] .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0 I remember actually very specifically
0 being at a sleepover with my friend
0 Christina and we were reading this
0 handbook that she had gotten from her
0 Girl Scout troop well the first thing
0 was that the handbook explained what a
0 tampon was and I had never heard of that
0 before so I was like processing all of
0 that information and then Christina was
0 like yo by the way if you put a pillow
0 in between your legs and like rub it a
0 bunch that feels really really good and
0 I was like solid advice Christina thank
0 you I&;m gonna start doing that and then
0 I started doing that it was probably
0 about fifth grade so I had been
0 masturbating for a while but I didn&;t
0 realize that what I was doing was
0 masturbating or that the like final
0 thing that was happening was an orgasm
0 and I was on a plane sitting in coach in
0 probably about the fifth grade and I had
0 masturbated on the plane so I&;d already
0 masturbated on the plane not knowing
0 that that&;s what it was and I was
0 casually reading a Seventeen magazine in
0 which someone had written in and asked
0 please explain what masturbation and an
0 orgasm is and as I was reading the
0 magazine I started realizing not only
0 had I been doing this but I had been
0 doing this everywhere and had no idea
0 that I was just publicly masturbating
0 all over the place because I didn&;t know
0 what it was and I had this like moment
0 on the plane where I was just absolutely
0 horrified at school in the car like with
0 my parents just like this is very chill
0 this is real cool like as if I was
0 eating a snack I was masturbating and
0 then I realized afterwards like oh this
0 is actually supposed to be private I do
0 have a vibrator I don&;t always use it
0 that&;s not so necessary for me to have
0 one simple clitoral stimulation
0 works pretty well by hand I think the
0 toys are maybe a little more fun when
0 you have someone else involved I don&;t
0 really need them when I was 13 so by
0 then all the girls were pretty
0 comfortable with each other and they&;d
0 practice making out through saran wrap
0 and all of this stuff and there were
0 just these nights where girls would be
0 like all right I&;m gonna go masturbate
0 and everybody would get under their
0 covers and be like like you would hear
0 all these sounds and I think that the
0 goal was to get off but obviously at 13
0 nobody knows how to do that so like
0 you&;d hear like fake sounds and like
0 yeah yeah that was great but I just
0 thought it was so bizarre that we were
0 all in the same room so I stopped and
0 then I just like whipped out my little
0 contraband phone and started playing
0 snake on my Nokia not into the group
0 masturbation thing I remember trying to
0 macerate when I was like 11 but I didn&;t
0 understand what it was and I by I had
0 heard about it so it&;s like this very
0 weird thing where I was like I&;m going
0 to masturbate and I tried but like I
0 wasn&;t turned on or in anyway like
0 sexual or anything so I was like this
0 like weird like determined as if I was
0 gonna do my homework I guess I tried
0 about 50 minutes and then I forgot about
0 it for about five years I don&;t know why
0 I it was just like well I tried it I
0 could like just like running the mile in
0 gym I&;m like well I tried it I terrible
0 at it I don&;t want to do it again and so
0 it wasn&;t really until high school that
0 I tried masturbating again and that
0 actually worked because I like
0 understood what I was even doing I think
0 I was 15 and I was reading not to date
0 myself I was ringing Spin Magazine and
0 on the back there was like this SAS –
0 right like a different essay every month
0 and one essay was just like a weird like
0 erotica story about like a woman
0 masturbating in a bathtub and she was
0 fantasizing about like a fire fire and
0 that a firefighter came in and had sex
0 with her and that was the first time
0 where I was like wait a minute I&;m
0 turned on I bet I could masturbate right
0 now and I did and I will say I remember
0 masturbating and it wasn&;t exactly like
0 what I had read it would be like it
0 wasn&;t that so I didn&;t know if I
0 succeeded until I did it again I&;m like
0 oh this has to be it because it&;s like
0 this very new physical sensation that
0 like nothing else really compares to it
0 and then you have it you&;re like the
0 [ __ ] was that like you don&;t even know
0 how to describe it really
0 [Music]
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