Le thÚme « chastity » abordé sur youtube par Beauty Ray
Signée par Beauty Ray, cette vidéo publiée sur YouTube (le ) se concentre sur le thÚme « chastity », apportant des éléments de réflexion intéressants.
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La durĂ©e (00:06:27s), le titre (Intermittent Chastity đ), fournis par lâauteur sont des Ă©lĂ©ments Ă noter, ainsi que la description :« https://x.com/b_gonebad ».
La vidéo est disponible pour visionnage directement ci-dessous
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Approches et techniques de la chasteté masculine contrÎlée :
Accessoires de chastetĂ© : Une cage de chastetĂ© est mise en place pour empĂȘcher physiquement la manipulation ou la masturbation du pĂ©nis. La cage reprĂ©sente la maĂźtrise des pulsions exercĂ©e par le partenaire, maĂźtre ou maĂźtresse.Confiance avec un partenaire : La rĂ©ussite de la chastetĂ© contrĂŽlĂ©e dĂ©pend dâune confiance rĂ©elle et dâune dynamique dâabandon au pouvoir de lâautre. Le mandataire, qui dĂ©tient la clĂ© ou enferme le pĂ©nis, rĂ©gule la libido et sâoccupe des prĂ©occupations qui en dĂ©coulent. La clĂ© confiĂ©e Ă une personne extĂ©rieure non impliquĂ©e Ă©motionnellement assure une chastetĂ© contrĂŽlĂ©e optimale. Les coachs professionnels et les sexologues offrent ce service avec des obligations contractuelles claires. Les keyholders bĂ©nĂ©voles peuvent gĂ©rer la clĂ©, mais leur plaisir prime souvent sur celui de lâhomme en chastetĂ©.
Les bénéfices de la chasteté contrÎlée se manifestent de différentes maniÚres.
Sâimpliquer dans la chastetĂ© contrĂŽlĂ©e permet de ressentir un apaisement profond. La personne engagĂ©e dans la chastetĂ© contrĂŽlĂ©e se sent allĂ©gĂ©e des prĂ©occupations Ă©motionnelles et bien encadrĂ©e. Son chemin est tracĂ© et il nâa plus quâĂ suivre la discipline imposĂ©e. En Ă©liminant certaines impulsions, les hommes peuvent rĂ©duire les distractions liĂ©es au sexe. Les individus sont en permanence sollicitĂ©s par les industries de la pornographie et des rencontres amoureuses. Diminuer lâactivitĂ© sexuelle peut conduire Ă des relations plus intenses et plus significatives. Cela offre la chance de dĂ©couvrir de nouvelles opportunitĂ©s. Cela permet de dĂ©marrer des projets et de se focaliser sur de nouveaux dĂ©fis.
La pratique de la chastetĂ© masculine contrĂŽlĂ©e est courante. On utilise frĂ©quemment des dispositifs comme les cages ou ceintures pour maintenir la chastetĂ©. La gestion des pulsions sexuelles permet de diriger lâĂ©nergie vers dâautres objectifs.
La chastetĂ© masculine contrĂŽlĂ©e consiste Ă ce quâun homme restreigne ses activitĂ©s sexuelles Ă lâaide dâaccessoires spĂ©cialisĂ©s tels que les cages de chastetĂ©, en donnant le contrĂŽle Ă un partenaire. Voici quelques caractĂ©ristiques de cette pratique : Une section entiĂšre est consacrĂ©e Ă lâĂ©tude de la chastetĂ© controlĂ©e dans ce dossier qui aborde le sujet de la chastetĂ© controlĂ©e.
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#Chasteté #intermittente
Retranscription des paroles de la vidĂ©o: hello everyone my name is Bella welcome back to the best channel in the world so if youâre new here and you donât want to risk losing the best channel in the world youâre going to go and subscribe right now Iâm going to watch like Iâm literally watching here until you subscribe okay now that we are done with that we can start with the topic for our video which is intermittent chasy okay I made up this phrase okay I have not heard anyone else use it but you know this is going to be my concept all right I made a video about permanent Chasity so in this video we are going to be talking about intermittent tcity and um what it is and how you can apply to your life okay so intermittent Chastity means wearing chesty cage or like of straining from from any type of pleasure for certain periods of time and then having a little break where you can do that and then youâre again having certain amount of hours or days that you are back in Chastity okay and because I understand that itâs not possible for everyone to wear Chastity all the time you know like maybe you have this typ type of a job maybe you work as the Lifeguard hard in the swimming pool or something and you have to be jumping in pool and saving people you know like you cannot have a chassity cage there or maybe you just travel with airplane you know you just go to the airport every day and you go through the security and itâs going to start beeping because itâs metal okay a lot of you guys donât realize this but itâs going to start beeping on the security if you if itâs metal of course if you have the plastic one then no but obviously but um if itâs going to start beep okay then you have to explain yourself so I understand that itâs not possible for everyone to wear it all the time or maybe just some people are not used to the feeling of it you know they just have to get accustomed to it they have to um you know get the hang of it or maybe they just donât find it so comfortable maybe it feels heavy and for some reason they just cannot get themselves to do permanent chassis noobs anyways um so how you can do intermittent Chastity what I recommend or one of my one of the basic ones is for for example you only wear it during your sleep time in the evening you put it on in the evening iom a before shower to you know not risk doing anything in the shower and then putting it off for the day so uh I recommend this for for for you if you are having a job that you cannot wear it for you just donât like moving with it if you just lay down with it when you sleep itâs still going to do its job because youâre still going to feel like there is something and like you you know youâre not able to grow right like it has to stay locked right so I recommend this for beginners but itâs like this is a very simple way of chassity because thereâs not so much like stimulus going around because youâre literally just sleeping in the worst case you might just have like you know wet dreams but you are not actually facing any stimulus right so this is perfect for beginners just for the night during the day during the day you take it off what you could also do is certain amount of hours per day and take it all for the night maybe like you like to sleep on your belly and itâs not you know itâs hurting you you donât like to feel it there so itâs in that case I recommend to wear it only certain time of the day for example from 12: till 5: in the afternoon or when you are when you want to challenge yourself I like to actually challenge my slav for example you are going to be going out to um the beach and thereâs going to be a lot of hot women you donât want to risk anything happening down there you donât want to risk that somebodyâs going to see that I mean not not not like thereâs anything to see but you know what I mean like you donât want to risk that then you can put that just for that time right or youâre going to have youâre you you oh my God Iâm stuttering so much today you are going to watch pee so youâre going to put it on just to challenge yourself for that time right until you learn how to not react to any kind of stimulus right so thatâs another way of um intermittent chassity what you can also do is one day on one day off so youâre going to keep it on off on off on off or youâre are going to keep it one way uh one week on one week off one month on one month off or maybe you can you can do whole week on then the weekend off or just the weekend on and the whole week off whatever fits for you let me know if you have tried intermittent um chass did before Iâm really curious about your schedule because I feel like itâs the great itâs a really great way to start and as you know I really encourage all of my slaves to not just slaves okay I have to take a video about benefits for Chasity even for people who are not slaves because I feel like chassity is really helpful okay so let me know down in the comments if you like chassity what is your schedule and uh if you try out some of my tips I will be really happy to hear more about your experience thank you so much everybody for watching and I will see you next time bye .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.96 hello everyone my name is Bella welcome
0.96 back to the best channel in the world so
0.96 if you&;re new here and you don&;t want to
0.96 risk losing the best channel in the
0.96 world you&;re going to go and subscribe
0.96 right now I&;m going to watch like I&;m
0.96 literally watching here until you
0.96 subscribe okay now that we are done with
0.96 that we can start with the topic for our
0.96 video which is intermittent chasy
0.96 okay I made up this phrase okay I have
0.96 not heard anyone else use it but you
0.96 know this is going to be my concept all
0.96 right I made a video about permanent
0.96 Chasity so in this video we are going to
0.96 be talking about intermittent tcity and
0.96 um what it is and how you can apply to
0.96 your life okay so intermittent Chastity
0.96 means wearing chesty cage or like of
0.96 straining from from any type of pleasure
0.96 for certain periods of time and then
0.96 having a little break where you can do
0.96 that and then you&;re again having
0.96 certain amount of hours or days that you
0.96 are back in Chastity
0.96 okay and because I understand that it&;s
0.96 not possible for everyone to wear
0.96 Chastity all the time you know like
0.96 maybe you have this typ type of a job
0.96 maybe you work as the Lifeguard hard in
0.96 the swimming pool or something and you
0.96 have to be jumping in pool and saving
0.96 people you know like you cannot have a
0.96 chassity cage there or maybe you just
0.96 travel with airplane you know you just
0.96 go to the airport every day and you go
0.96 through the security and it&;s going to
0.96 start beeping because it&;s metal okay a
0.96 lot of you guys don&;t realize this but
0.96 it&;s going to start beeping on the
0.96 security if you if it&;s metal of course
0.96 if you have the plastic one then no but
0.96 obviously but um if it&;s going to start
0.96 beep okay then you have to explain
0.96 yourself so I understand that it&;s not
0.96 possible for everyone to wear it all the
0.96 time or maybe just some people are not
0.96 used to the feeling of it you know they
0.96 just have to get accustomed to it they
0.96 have
0.96 to um you know get the hang of it or
0.96 maybe they just don&;t find it so
0.96 comfortable maybe it feels heavy and for
0.96 some reason they just cannot get
0.96 themselves to do permanent chassis noobs
0.96 anyways um
0.96 so how you can do intermittent
0.96 Chastity what I recommend or one of my
0.96 one of the basic ones is for for example
0.96 you only wear it during your sleep time
0.96 in the evening you put it on in the
0.96 evening iom a before shower to you know
0.96 not risk doing anything in the shower
0.96 and then putting it off for the
0.96 day so uh I recommend this for for for
0.96 you if you are having a job that you
0.96 cannot wear it for you just don&;t like
0.96 moving with it if you just lay down with
0.96 it when you sleep it&;s still going to do
0.96 its job because you&;re still going to
0.96 feel like there is something and like
0.96 you you know you&;re not able to grow
0.96 right like it has to stay locked right
0.96 so I recommend this for beginners but
0.96 it&;s like this is a very simple way of
0.96 chassity because there&;s not so much
0.96 like stimulus going around because
0.96 you&;re literally just sleeping
0.96 in the worst case you might just have
0.96 like you know wet dreams but you are not
0.96 actually facing any stimulus right so
0.96 this is perfect for beginners just for
0.96 the night during the day during the day
0.96 you take it off what you could also do
0.96 is certain amount of hours per day and
0.96 take it all for the night maybe like you
0.96 like to sleep on your belly and it&;s not
0.96 you know it&;s hurting you you don&;t like
0.96 to feel it there so it&;s in that case I
0.96 recommend to wear it only certain time
0.96 of the day for example
0.96 from 12: till 5: in the afternoon or
0.96 when you are when you want to challenge
0.96 yourself I like to actually challenge my
0.96 slav for example you are going to be
0.96 going out to um the beach and there&;s
0.96 going to be a lot of hot women you don&;t
0.96 want to risk anything happening down
0.96 there you don&;t want to risk that
0.96 somebody&;s going to see that I mean not
0.96 not not like there&;s anything to see but
0.96 you know what I mean like you don&;t want
0.96 to risk that then you can put that just
0.96 for that time
0.96 right or you&;re going to have you&;re you
0.96 you oh my God I&;m stuttering so much
0.96 today you are going to watch pee so
0.96 you&;re going to put it on just to
0.96 challenge yourself for that time right
0.96 until you learn how to not react to any
0.96 kind of stimulus
0.96 right so that&;s another way of um
0.96 intermittent
0.96 chassity what you can also do is one day
0.96 on one day off so you&;re going to keep
0.96 it on off on off on off or you&;re are
0.96 going to keep it one way uh one week on
0.96 one week off one month on one month off
0.96 or maybe you can you can do whole week
0.96 on then the weekend off
0.96 or just the weekend on and the whole
0.96 week off whatever fits for you let me
0.96 know if you have tried intermittent um
0.96 chass did before I&;m really curious
0.96 about your schedule because I feel like
0.96 it&;s the great it&;s a really great way
0.96 to start and as you know I really
0.96 encourage all of my slaves to not just
0.96 slaves okay I have to take a video about
0.96 benefits for Chasity even for people who
0.96 are not slaves because I feel like
0.96 chassity is
0.96 really
0.96 helpful okay so let me know down in the
0.96 comments if you like chassity what is
0.96 your
0.96 schedule and uh if you try out some of
0.96 my tips I will be really happy to hear
0.96 more about your
0.96 experience thank you so much everybody
0.96 for watching and I will see you next
0.96 time bye
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