Youtube (controlled male chastity): Q & A Part 3: Are Women Really Into Male Chastity? – Answering Your BDSM Questions!|controlled male chastity,Q & A Part 3: Are Women Really Into Male Chastity? – Answering Your BDSM Questions! sur Youtube

Un film sur le thème « controlled male chastity » présentée par Morgan Thorne

Signée par Morgan Thorne, une vidéo publiée sur YouTube (le ) aborde le sujet de controlled male chastity.

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#Part #Women #Male #Chastity #Answering #BDSM #Questions

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: hey guys we’ve got another installation of our Q&A and today’s question comes from Tony Norton and he’s got two questions one of which I won’t be able to answer here on YouTube and that has to do with the most extreme femme Dom BDSM relationship or steam that I’ve ever seen so that’s something that interests you pop on over to patreon everybody who donates to my patreon will get to see the video that will answer that particular question but the one that I am gonna answer here on YouTube is it’s a bit of a long one here have you ever met a woman that was truly into male chastity or do they feel like it’s kind of fake I mean it’s supposed to be all about handing over the key dick and control to the woman because now she’s in control but instead it’s the male that’s the focus 90% of the time penis penis penis cage orgasm look at my penis what’s your take on the topic is it mostly to indulge the man that so many women go along with the whole chastity thing well Tony um first off you are a man after my own heart while a lot of chastity clay does seem to be very penis centric like as in its focused on the penis that’s not the way I prefer to do chastity and for the record I am a fan of chastity myself well do some videos talking about these devices and on our system she has to be and everything else but this is the only device I have at the moment hopefully I will be getting a few more in soon too so I can talk about different styles of devices now as for women that are actually into it I think you’re gonna find a mix of people there are some women’s that are really totally into the idea of chastity and we love it and it can be a really good thing to add to a relationship and I mean this doesn’t necessarily have to be always heteronormative relationships with you know man and a woman it could be queer relationships or anything else and it doesn’t necessarily need to be romantic relationships a lot of people will engage in Dee’s relationships without a romantic component now I think if you are finding a lot of women online that sort of take the role of a keyholder or that type of thing then you are going to find really penis focused chastity stuff because a lot of those women first off we want to pay you do they are doing it as a professional service and once you kind of cross that line things can get a little blurry now I have done she has to be as a professional dominant but it’s few and far between because a lot of the clients that I saw that one in chastity play wanted that he’s focused she has to be I am like you said in your question I prefer to lock things out and weak alone I actually prefer to use the honor system because I find that even chastity devices bring attention to penis a little more than I would prefer and if I can’t trust my partner to follow through on the agreements we’ve made then what am I really doing with that person in the first place both my current partner and previous partners we’ve engaged in chastity play before and sometimes that will include a high level of arousal for them other times it won’t it really depends on the person and how we agree to go about our chastity now I like what I said to do the honor system devices are nice we will use a device if we’re going to do a scene like have some playtime and I want to use that or if we’re going to go out to say a kink party and I want them to be thinking about the fact that I have their dick locked up in a cage then you know intend device is great for those times but if it’s just day to day stuff I expect to be able to say to my partner no touching yourself no masturbation no none of that no self-pleasure and I expect them to follow that so there are a lot of minute there like me I run a class that involves trustee discussions as well as some other aspects of orgasm control surgeries I’ve got left there some other aspects of orgasmic control and I have to say that those classes are probably 70% female dominance that show up and of those 70% I’d say it’s probably pretty close down the middle between those who are in it for their own pleasure and enjoyment as well as that of their partners but mainly focused on the type of chastity that you’re talking about versus the other 50% who are there because they basically are just wanting something to add to their repertoire to meet their partner happy their partner has brought up this idea of chastity now that said once we go through the class and we talk about chastity some of them go from that very penis centered version of chastity and they start making their way over to the other slide so I think what it is it’s a matter of finding people that are just like anything else that are compatible you know if you want to do chassis that is very penis center that’s totally fine and absolutely a legitimate way to do chastity play when we deny something we want more think about like the last time that you wanted to go on a diet and you were like that’s it no more chocolate cake for me I’m done and then for the next two weeks all you think about is chocolate cake until he finally cave and you you eat a whole chocolate cake instead of just one small slice right so there is that aspect to it and it’s very very common so it’s again just finding people that are compatible with your ideas of chastity and I wouldn’t say that people that are into a more penis focused chastity or genital focused Chesky because this will extend to people that beyond you know just women it will expand to everybody but people that are more focused on general focused Chesapeake there no Wes into it then anybody else it’s just a different style of it it’s similar to when aiwei’s I did videos on caning we have Keene it will feel good that will hurt a little bit not feel that bad and then we have things like cold caning and hairy severe caning which you know are much more intense and would be generally used for punishment or for very extreme masochist so it’s the same kind of I deal with tress be some people are going to prefer having you know that constant arousal and that reminder that they’re not allowed to self-pleasure versus people that are kind of lock it up and forget about it if I want to talk about your genitals I’ll bring it up and go deal with it at that point so again just a matter of finding compatible partners and I think you are much more likely and I say this all the time you’re much more likely to find compatible partners in the community rather than online especially I think when it comes to female dominant male submissive and chaste really very specifically because there are so many men out there who have this idea that would be a great thing to do in the innovate a lot of the women and so then you get a lot of these sort of I mean obviously you’ll have lots of professional dominance out there and I think that they serve a very important purpose having being one and probably you’ll be one again um but also you find the people that are like well if twenty guys are going to bug me about this I might as well start charging they aren’t you know necessarily professionals but they’re sort of trying to like play both sides of things so I think if you’re exchanging money for chastity it’s going to be very genital focused if that’s not what you’re interested in I think you’ll have a much harder time finding a partner but if you go to the community you will more likely find a partner that is into a mutually enjoyable and satisfying form of chess speed combined so I think this is a great question I could seriously go on for hours about it because chesty is the personal peak of mine and I will do some more videos on trans to be reviewing different chesty devices and all kinds of fun stuff like that so please do stick around for those in the hopefully New York future but I mean I’ll leave it there because otherwise I’m just gonna talk forever but thank you so much for your question Tony I really appreciate that and so that was one of my patreon questions that I wanted to get to you right away and yeah we’ll have another question next week thanks very much for checking this one out guys and I’ll see you in the next video .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.24 hey guys we&;ve got another installation
of our Q&A and today&;s question comes
0.24 from Tony Norton and he&;s got two
questions one of which I won&;t be able
0.24 to answer here on YouTube and that has
to do with the most extreme femme Dom
0.24 BDSM relationship or steam that I&;ve
ever seen so that&;s something that
0.24 interests you pop on over to patreon
everybody who donates to my patreon will
0.24 get to see the video that will answer
that particular question but the one
0.24 that I am gonna answer here on YouTube
is it&;s a bit of a long one here have
0.24 you ever met a woman that was truly into
male chastity or do they feel like it&;s
0.24 kind of fake I mean it&;s supposed to be
all about handing over the key dick and
0.24 control to the woman because now she&;s
in control but instead it&;s the male
0.24 that&;s the focus 90% of the time penis
penis penis cage orgasm look at my penis
0.24 what&;s your take on the topic is it
mostly to indulge the man that so many
0.24 women go along with the whole chastity
thing well Tony um first off you are a
0.24 man after my own heart while a lot of
chastity clay does seem to be very penis
0.24 centric like as in its focused on the
penis that&;s not the way I prefer to do
0.24 chastity and for the record I am a fan
of chastity myself well do some videos
0.24 talking about these devices and on our
system she has to be and everything else
0.24 but this is the only device I have at
the moment hopefully I will be getting a
0.24 few more in soon too so I can talk about
different styles of devices now as for
0.24 women that are actually into it I think
you&;re gonna find a mix of people there
0.24 are some women&;s that are really totally
into the idea of chastity and we love it
0.24 and it can be a really good thing to add
to a relationship and I mean this
0.24 doesn&;t
necessarily have to be always
0.24 heteronormative relationships with you
know man and a woman it could be queer
0.24 relationships or anything else and it
doesn&;t necessarily need to be romantic
0.24 relationships a lot of people will
engage in Dee&;s relationships without a
0.24 romantic component now I think if you
are finding a lot of women online that
0.24 sort of take the role of a keyholder or
that type of thing then you are going to
0.24 find really penis focused chastity stuff
because a lot of those women first off
0.24 we want to pay you do they are doing it
as a professional service and once you
0.24 kind of cross that line things can get a
little blurry now I have done she has to
0.24 be as a professional dominant but it&;s
few and far between because a lot of the
0.24 clients that I saw that one in chastity
play wanted that he&;s focused she has to
0.24 be I am like you said in your question I
prefer to lock things out and weak alone
0.24 I actually prefer to use the honor
0.24 because I find that even chastity
devices bring attention to penis a
0.24 little more than I would prefer and if I
can&;t trust my partner to follow through
0.24 on the agreements we&;ve made then what
am I really doing with that person in
0.24 the first place both my current partner
and previous partners we&;ve engaged in
0.24 chastity play before and sometimes that
will include a high level of arousal for
0.24 them other times it won&;t it really
depends on the person and how we agree
0.24 to go about our chastity now I like what
I said to do the honor system devices
0.24 are nice we will use a device if we&;re
going to do a scene like have some
0.24 playtime and I want to use that or if
we&;re going to go out to say a kink
0.24 party and I want them to be thinking
about the fact that I have their dick
0.24 locked up in a cage then you know intend
device is great for those times but if
0.24 it&;s just day to day stuff I expect to
be able to say to my partner no touching
0.24 yourself no masturbation
no none of that no self-pleasure and I
0.24 expect them to follow that so there are
a lot of minute there like me I run a
0.24 class that involves trustee discussions
as well as some other aspects of orgasm
0.24 control surgeries I&;ve got left there
some other aspects of orgasmic control
0.24 and I have to say that those classes are
probably 70% female dominance that show
0.24 up and of those 70% I&;d say it&;s
probably pretty close down the middle
0.24 between those who are in it for their
own pleasure and enjoyment as well as
0.24 that of their partners but mainly
focused on the type of chastity that
0.24 you&;re talking about versus the other
50% who are there because they basically
0.24 are just wanting something to add to
their repertoire to meet their partner
0.24 happy their partner has brought up this
idea of chastity now that said once we
0.24 go through the class and we talk about
chastity some of them go from that very
0.24 penis centered version of chastity and
they start making their way over to the
0.24 other slide so I think what it is it&;s a
matter of finding people that are just
0.24 like anything else that are compatible
you know if you want to do chassis that
0.24 is very penis center that&;s totally fine
and absolutely a legitimate way to do
0.24 chastity play when we deny something we
want more think about like the last time
0.24 that you wanted to go on a diet and you
were like that&;s it no more chocolate
0.24 cake for me I&;m done and then for the
next two weeks all you think about is
0.24 chocolate cake until he finally cave and
you you eat a whole chocolate cake
0.24 instead of just one small slice right so
there is that aspect to it and it&;s very
0.24 very common so it&;s again just finding
people that are compatible with your
0.24 ideas of chastity and I wouldn&;t say
that people that are into a more penis
0.24 focused chastity or genital focused
Chesky because this will extend to
0.24 people that beyond you know just
women it will expand to everybody but
0.24 people that are more focused on general
focused Chesapeake there no Wes into it
0.24 then anybody else it&;s just a different
style of it it&;s similar to when aiwei&;s
0.24 I did videos on caning we have Keene it
will feel good that will hurt a little
0.24 bit not feel that bad and then we have
things like cold caning and hairy severe
0.24 caning
which you know are much more intense and
0.24 would be generally used for punishment
or for very extreme masochist
0.24 so it&;s the same kind of I deal with
tress be some people are going to prefer
0.24 having you know that constant arousal
and that reminder that they&;re not
0.24 allowed to self-pleasure versus people
that are kind of lock it up and forget
0.24 about it if I want to talk about your
genitals I&;ll bring it up and go deal
0.24 with it at that point so again just a
matter of finding compatible partners
0.24 and I think you are much more likely and
I say this all the time you&;re much more
0.24 likely to find compatible partners in
the community rather than online
0.24 especially I think when it comes to
female dominant male submissive and
0.24 chaste really very specifically because
there are so many men out there who have
0.24 this idea that would be a great thing to
do in the innovate a lot of the women
0.24 and so then you get a lot of these sort
of I mean obviously you&;ll have lots of
0.24 professional dominance out there and I
think that they serve a very important
0.24 purpose having being one and probably
you&;ll be one again um but also you find
0.24 the people that are like well if twenty
guys are going to bug me about this I
0.24 might as well start charging they aren&;t
you know necessarily professionals but
0.24 they&;re sort of trying to like play both
sides of things so I think if you&;re
0.24 exchanging money for chastity it&;s going
to be very genital focused if that&;s not
0.24 what you&;re interested in I think you&;ll
have a much harder time finding a
0.24 partner but if you go to the community
you will more likely find a partner that
0.24 is into a mutually enjoyable and
satisfying form of chess speed
0.24 combined so I think this is a great
0.24 I could seriously go on for hours about
it because chesty is the personal peak
0.24 of mine and I will do some more videos
on trans to be reviewing different
0.24 chesty devices and all kinds of fun
stuff like that
0.24 so please do stick around for those in
the hopefully New York future but I mean
0.24 I&;ll leave it there because otherwise
I&;m just gonna talk forever but thank
0.24 you so much for your question Tony I
really appreciate that and so that was
0.24 one of my patreon questions that I
wanted to get to you right away
0.24 and yeah we&;ll have another question
next week thanks very much for checking
0.24 this one out guys and I&;ll see you in
the next video

La direction de la chasteté masculine.

Dans la pratique de la chasteté masculine contrôlée, un homme choisit de bloquer ses tâches charnelles par le biais d’accessoires spécifiques comme des cages de chasteté, en déléguant le contrôle à un partenaire.

La chasteté masculine contrôlée repose sur diverses méthodes et techniques pour limiter les comportements sexuels.

Pour restreindre la manipulation ou la masturbation du pénis, une cage de chasteté est utilisée. Pour que la chasteté contrôlée fonctionne, il faut une véritable confiance et un abandon de soi au contrôle de l’autre. Pour une chasteté contrôlée réussie, il est préférable que le détenteur de la clé soit une personne extérieure, neutre et sans implication sentimentale.Si vous êtes prêt à franchir le pas et à transformer votre vie, ne laissez pas le doute s’installer. Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour découvrir plus en détail la pratique de la Chasteté Masculine Contrôlée et vous inscrire au programme CCC. En savoir plus sur la pratique de la Chasteté Masculine Contrôlée

Cette méthode présente plusieurs avantages et bénéfices.

Opter pour la chasteté contrôlée apporte un soulagement. La pratique de la chasteté entraîne une réduction des préoccupations sentimentales pour le bénéficiaire. Son chemin est balisé et il doit seulement appliquer la discipline nécessaire. En éliminant certaines impulsions, les garçons peuvent être moins distraits par des pensées liées au sexe. La pornographie et les rencontres amoureuses sont des secteurs qui, dans le monde actuel, exploitent les individus à des fins commerciales. La baisse de l’activité charnelle peut permettre d’établir des relations plus profondes et plus riches. Cela permet d’explorer de nouvelles avenues. Il devient faisable d’engager des projets et de se dédier à de nouveaux défis. En résumé, la chasteté masculine contrôlée est une approche consciente et volontaire visant à optimiser le bien-être personnel et relationnel des garçons. Elle est la plus efficace lorsqu’elle est réalisée sous la guidance d’un coach professionnel. La chasteté masculine contrôlée annule les inconvénients du sexe et permet de se recentrer sur des buts ou projets alternatifs. Les sportifs, les étudiants et les cadres peuvent se mettre en condition de réussite grâce à cette pratique. Il est du rôle du coach de garantir le bon fonctionnement en ajustant les périodes de libération selon les objectifs.

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