Youtube (no fap): Nofap

Seb Jones développe le thème « no fap »

Disponible sur YouTube (), cette vidéo créée par Seb Jones aborde le sujet de « no fap ».

YouTube offre une plateforme dynamique où chacun peut découvrir et partager des contenus variés, allant des vidéos simples aux discussions approfondies.

Lorsque nous avons examiné la vidéo (), elle avait déjà cumulé quelques interactions.
Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 4099.

Notez la durée de la vidéo (00:13:46s), le titre (NoFap « Souhaitez-vous le coaching 1-1 pour aller plus loin avec votre croissance personnelle? Vous voulez soutenir mon travail? Vous voulez m’envoyer un e-mail? Timestamps: 0:00 – Intro 0:29 – My Early Experience 1:13 – The Addict Version of Me 2:47 – ça valait la peine (à l’époque) 4:10 – Ma réalisation 5:00 – Mon voyage de PMO 5:40 – Quitter P * RN pour toujours ?! 7:07 – Comment savez-vous que vous ne reviendriez pas? 9:34 – Pourquoi était-ce la meilleure décision de votre vie? 12:08 – Rappelez-vous ce message important 13:13 – Je peux vous aider personnellement à aimer le coaching 1-1? My Patreon: Vous voulez soutenir mon travail? Vous voulez m’envoyer un e-mail? #nofap #nopmo (tagstotranslate) nofap ».

Vous pouvez regarder la vidéo juste en dessous
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Le rôle central de la communauté NoFap est d’accompagner les hommes dans leur démarche de sevrage.

Explorer les forums NoFap permet de se nourrir d’expériences partagées par ceux qui ont surmonté la dépendance.

Les forums de la communauté NoFap permettent aux hommes de partager leurs expériences et de trouver des ressources scientifiques pour mieux comprendre leur parcours.

Analyser comment les forums et les groupes de soutien aident à surmonter les obstacles rencontrés par les individus.

Les forums de la communauté NoFap, soutenus par des recherches scientifiques, sont essentiels pour surmonter l’anxiété et la dépression. Ces groupes favorisent une approche solidaire pour lutter contre la dépendance à la masturbation de manière scientifique.

Explorer les bénéfices du soutien émotionnel et social dans l’adoption de l’abstinence.

Les forums de Nofap sont une ressource indispensable pour les hommes cherchant à lutter contre l’anxiété et la dépression, en facilitant les échanges sur les défis du parcours d’abstinence et les stratégies de prévention des rechutes. Un encadrement professionnel est parfois crucial comme ce spécialiste de la chasteté installé en France.

Les effets de l’abstinence se manifestent de manière significative dans la vie des hommes.

Observer les changements dans la performance érectile après l’abstinence.

Les hommes souffrant de dysfonctions érectiles dues à la masturbation peuvent observer une amélioration grâce à l’abstinence.

Évaluer les bienfaits psychologiques liés à l’abstinence de la masturbation, en particulier pour réduire l’anxiété et la dépression.

L’anxiété est souvent exacerbée chez l’homme par la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation. En s’abstenant, les hommes remarquent une baisse de la dépression et une plus grande maîtrise de leurs comportements.

Les bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence chez l’homme se manifestent de manière positive.

L’abstinence favorise la diminution de l’anxiété et de la dépression, tout en boostant la confiance en soi. Les forums de la communauté NoFap sont riches en témoignages positifs.

Comment réussir sur NoFap : stratégies essentielles

Livres et ressources en ligne pour mieux comprendre NoFap.

Pour mieux cerner les effets de la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation, des études scientifiques et des travaux comme ceux de Nicole Prause sont des ressources précieuses.

Soutien de NoFap pour rester sur la voie de l’abstinence

L’exercice, la méditation et l’évitement des déclencheurs sont des habitudes efficaces pour maintenir la motivation et atteindre ses objectifs.

Il est crucial de développer des stratégies pour éviter les rechutes.

Les rechutes sont inévitables dans le processus NoFap, mais une étude prouve qu’elles peuvent être surmontées en se concentrant sur les objectifs et en demandant le soutien de la communauté pour éviter de se laisser décourager.

L’impact positif de NoFap sur les hommes modernes

Ce mouvement invite à éviter la pornographie et la masturbation pour un mode de vie sain.

Avec NoFap, les hommes s’engagent dans une démarche d’abstinence pour réduire leur addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation. Ce mouvement met l’accent sur les bienfaits pour la santé mentale, physique et émotionnelle.

Examiner les conséquences de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes.

Les chercheurs ont analysé l’impact de la pornographie sur la santé, mettant en évidence des effets négatifs comme la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a réalisé une étude sur l’impact de la masturbation excessive et de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes.

Explorer les motivations qui sous-tendent NoFap est une étape clé pour en comprendre l’impact sur la vie des pratiquants.

La communauté NoFap se distingue par son engagement à éradiquer les effets négatifs de la pornographie sur les hommes, tout en visant une amélioration de la performance érectile et de la gestion de l’anxiété. De nombreux participants ont noté une réduction de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après l’abandon de ces comportements.

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#Nofap #Arrêter #été #meilleure #décision #vie #mon #histoire

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: hey guys so this is probably the most important video that I’ve ever shot the reason I say that is because I’m going to share with you the best decision that I’ve ever made in my entire life and I know that sounds kind of crazy but I’ve thought about this a lot what I want to do is be really open with you and share what has gone on for me and what happened when I decided to quit pornography for good now this is going to involve me being a little bit vulnerable I don’t mind I think that’s actually necessary I think the the best stuff is going to come through if I am like that so let’s do it and let’s dive in so when I was younger guys in my like early teenage years I’d use pornography a lot right and like a lot of other people I’d use it to escape to self-medicate and to ease the pressure of life but interestingly within the first few years what I noticed was that pornography can actually be more enjoyable than sex so how I would describe this is that the ceiling of the pleasure that you can feel with pornography actually goes a lot higher than sex and so it didn’t take me long to realize oh man this is strong this is actually a really strong drug and I also realized oh crap it’s my drug of choice and the thing is guys I wasn’t trying to mess around I knew that if I was going to do this I was going to be all in that’s just how I was so to explain what this was like for me if you’ve ever been addicted to something you know that your mind can become like weirdly clever creative and resourceful if it means you can get high or prolong your addiction so that was what my mom was like guys it was super creative in fact it was always thinking things like how can I get the maximum pleasure here how can I make this you know the best it can be are there any substances that I could bring in here to make this extra intense to enhance the experience right because my thinking guys was if you’re gonna be a drug drug addict you may as well do it properly right and that’s how I was I took my job very seriously I would have a kind of schedule I’d save myself good images good videos for the future I’d consider Windows of opportunity to use I’d be tactical about how I’m gonna fit this in if I’m traveling now I’m not talking about you know what on an airplane I don’t think I ever did that but it’s more about access opportunity how long do I need to wait does this hotel have Wi-Fi or do I need to download something in advance or do I need to use this time as a deliberate fast from pmo so that when I get back it’s going to be extra good right or is that like a seven minute window where I can get some internet connection and potentially make something happen right this is how messed up the mind was and how much I developed like an addict intelligence and an intuitive ability to plan ahead to get the most out of each experience and to just think incredibly selfishly man all because I was under the spell of this drug called pornography so I knew what this thing was guys I knew what it was doing to me and yeah for a good period of time and this is going to sound really strange I actually felt like it was worth it right it sounds almost forbidden for me to say this in a self-development space but I actually really enjoyed the Bliss the Ecstasy and the escapism during this period of my life I actually really enjoyed it right it was so good that for a while I’d actually take it over a good life or over feeling normal and healthy right so pornography like anything it’s a game of trade-offs and for me where I was at this time I didn’t have much responsibility so for me guys I was cool with those trade-offs but here’s the thing I knew deep down that I wasn’t going to be there for long it was sort of like let me do this for as long as I can and then as soon as I need to take some responsibility you know sure I’ll change things right and I’ll be honest guys I knew that I was capable of doing a lot with my life but I also knew to appreciate and to kind of enjoy uh the sadness at certain points in life right so if I’m really honest you know it’s kind of enjoyable to be depressed to smoke a cigarette and to listen to Alice in Chains right there’s a certain Melancholy to that but here’s the thing it’s not nice to stay there for your entire life right so when I was like 15 what I saw was I had things like exams coming up girlfriend opportunities bigger life events and I was kind of just like man if I’m gonna live I may as well live life properly and then shortly afterwards it hit me oh [ __ ] I don’t even have a choice in this man I can’t actually live in any other way than this clean way where I’m not using pmo and the reason being is because the universe doesn’t let me right so anytime I go back to that old lifestyle I always burned and scolded by the universe so badly it forced me to stay away right and being burned like this and what it did for me is it woke me up right so what I realized is that life is a game of awareness and that pornography puts you in these stupidly low states of awareness where you’re thinking just dumb delusional self-protective thoughts and I was just like man I can’t do this anymore I gotta move on okay so what I did is I started to cut back and this was hard man it was really tempting to go back and sometimes I did and that was okay I just kept working at it because I knew that I was committed to the long game you know so I forgave myself when I did slip up but generally speaking I did my best to remain consistent and to slowly increase the days in between these relapse and then I remember like my first big streak was something like five months and I was like man this is amazing I’m super proud of this and what it showed me is that you can actually live without pmo right so this this right here is actually one of the most important things of this video if I can leave you with something today it’s this it is actually possible to quit pornography forever and the reason I say that is because I get it I totally totally get it man for so many of us myself included we kind of think yeah I could do a week I could do a month maybe even like three months or six months forever and I’d have to think about that one that sounds like kind of a big deal to never be able to go back to pmo to never be able to have that there if you need it man that sounds like a big one you know that sounds almost unrealistic you know maybe we should just take it slow and see how we get on well here’s the thing guys when I saw my mind thinking like this do you know what I said to myself I said [ __ ] man there’s no way there’s no way that I’m seriously gonna identify with this lower ego voice and not live my life to the fullest right there’s just no way that my higher self doesn’t think that’s completely ridiculous so for me guys uh the answer was pretty clear stop thinking about this forever thing and become really present and then just win the battles that come up in the moment because battles man they never occur in the future they only occur now so this idea of forever it became way easier for me to manage when I just realized ah the present moment is is the only place that there is okay and if you can just win battles in the here and now you’re going to be all right now here’s a question that I asked myself how do you know you wouldn’t go back and this is a really important question to ask because we know what the mind can be like you know we know how certain thoughts and certain lower Consciousness States and can lure us back to pmo you know so what about this what do we do here well when you get serious when you study your own mind your own self and your own behavior when you know yourself inside out you can see patterns you can see if and when you would ever let yourself slip up and because I’d done this work on myself I knew the times where I would be vulnerable right I knew when I went to expect the difficult moments so I had an awareness of this going in the difference though was that I had shifted who I was so the old addict self is no longer there he’d been let go of and so what showed up when Cravings happened was a different thing it was the higher self and do you know what the higher self does in my experience when Cravings come up it laughs Chuckles it finds it funny it says come on man you don’t seriously think I’m going to be tempted to do because the higher self man it’s not fooled by the illusion like we are okay the higher self is the wisest part of you it’s just too conscious so when you when you shift who you are internally and you use your higher self like this okay instead of your lower self it’s like you’re sitting there but you’re not in any actual Danger because not only do you have your higher self it’s the way that you think now that is so deeply rooted in a promise to yourself that mentally you don’t even have the option to use pmo it’s not even there as an option man and then physically you could even you couldn’t even bring yourself to do the actions that would lead up to a relapse for example you couldn’t physically type in certain stuff or physically load certain websites because that’s just not what you do anymore okay so the only way I was able to do this guys is because I had shifted who I am I’d shifted the way I think and so I made pmo no longer be an option because when it’s an option it’s hard you know we’ve got a choice to make but when you decide and commit like how I’m describing here there’s no struggle because it’s not an option it’s not what you do and it’s not who you are so what I want to do now is answer this question very directly so why was this the best decision of my entire life well for me guys it just comes down to this okay when you quit pornography for good what happens is eventually it leaves you it leaves you alone you don’t have the images playing in your head anymore your mind heals your soul heals you feel more normal again you start to live in a headspace which is pure and you’re not thinking silly and stupid thoughts I’ll put it like this upon the removal of pmo do you become free you become free to think how you want to think to act how you want to act and to be how you want to be me personally I could just never fully do this if pmo is in my life because it created resist resistance which meant that I couldn’t be myself fully whereas because I’ve committed to this like it’s like life or death man I’m not blocking myself anymore okay I’m out of my own way I’m not holding myself back anymore for my Highest Potential this means my mind is you know it’s not lagging or suffering from the brain frog it it means my mood and emotions are stable it means my perceptions are pure and clean you know one thing I’d always see when I was using PM I was that people would appear way more intimidating than they actually are and it’s annoying man because you know that they’re not actually a threat but the mind doesn’t care okay it makes you think some nonsense about them right and I always hated this man I hated having perception that perception so what I did is I flipped it on its head as I quit pmo I immersed myself in spiritual practice and spiritual awakening and so now if I look at people you know what I see I see love I see a bunch of love man okay the deeper reason that this was the best decision of my entire life is because it let me love it Let Me Be Love and let me see love it let me embody love myself because when we use pmo man it sours our soul it makes us recoil from love whereas being pmo free makes us warm it makes us forgiving it makes us understanding and conscious now of course you’re not always going to feel like this that’s okay as we know suffering is going to be there no matter what as it always is you know but if you can feel like this even just some of the time you’re gonna live a life that is just so much more happy and if you’re an intuitive person like I am for you this is just a complete no-brainer so to start wrapping up guys I want to say this wisdom is about using the right perspectives at the right time so remember this idea of quitting pmo forever it’s just one perspective that you can take okay you don’t need to do it don’t feel bad if you’ve got plenty more karma to burn through okay don’t worry if you need to stay asleep for a few more years cool man respect that move through that don’t repress any of your desires you’ve got to be honest with yourself and you’ve got to be honest with where you are okay I would not be here saying any of this saying any of this if I hadn’t relapsed dozens and dozens of times and burnt through all that Karma okay so always remember to keep your perspective and if if in doubt Man play the long game okay I really wouldn’t worry about like short-term motivation it’s just not that effective okay you can try I did it for years but again the whole point of this video is to emphasize commitment right long-term commitment no not like motivation okay so bear that in mind and good luck finally if you feel inspired by this and you like my help personally I do coach people and Mentor them on this and many other things so if you would like help with that and you’d like to start living like a high Consciousness badass go check out my website in the description I offer a free Discovery call to begin with if not that’s cool too you can just keep enjoying the videos so that is it for me guys I love you good luck and if you’d like more stuff then my friend please do subscribe .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.359 hey guys so this is probably the most
0.359 important video that I&;ve ever shot the
0.359 reason I say that is because I&;m going
0.359 to share with you the best decision that
0.359 I&;ve ever made in my entire life and I
0.359 know that sounds kind of crazy but I&;ve
0.359 thought about this a lot what I want to
0.359 do is be really open with you and share
0.359 what has gone on for me and what
0.359 happened when I decided to quit
0.359 pornography for good now this is going
0.359 to involve me being a little bit
0.359 vulnerable I don&;t mind I think that&;s
0.359 actually necessary I think the the best
0.359 stuff is going to come through if I am
0.359 like that so let&;s do it and let&;s dive
0.359 in so when I was younger guys in my like
0.359 early teenage years I&;d use pornography
0.359 a lot right and like a lot of other
0.359 people I&;d use it to escape to
0.359 self-medicate and to ease the pressure
0.359 of life but interestingly within the
0.359 first few years what I noticed was that
0.359 pornography can actually be more
0.359 enjoyable than sex so how I would
0.359 describe this is that the ceiling of the
0.359 pleasure that you can feel with
0.359 pornography actually goes a lot higher
0.359 than sex
0.359 and so it didn&;t take me long to realize
0.359 oh man
0.359 this is strong this is actually a really
0.359 strong drug and I also realized oh crap
0.359 it&;s my drug of choice
0.359 and the thing is guys I wasn&;t trying to
0.359 mess around I knew that if I was going
0.359 to do this
0.359 I was going to be all in that&;s just how
0.359 I was
0.359 so to explain what this was like for me
0.359 if you&;ve ever been addicted to
0.359 something you know that your mind can
0.359 become like weirdly clever creative and
0.359 resourceful if it means you can get high
0.359 or prolong your addiction so that was
0.359 what my mom was like guys it was super
0.359 creative in fact it was always thinking
0.359 things like how can I get the maximum
0.359 pleasure here how can I make this you
0.359 know the best it can be are there any
0.359 substances that I could bring in here to
0.359 make this extra intense to enhance the
0.359 experience right because my thinking
0.359 guys was if you&;re gonna be a drug drug
0.359 addict you may as well do it properly
0.359 right and that&;s how I was I took my job
0.359 very seriously I would have a kind of
0.359 schedule I&;d save myself good images
0.359 good videos for the future
0.359 I&;d consider Windows of opportunity to
0.359 use I&;d be tactical about how I&;m gonna
0.359 fit this in if I&;m traveling now I&;m not
0.359 talking about you know what on an
0.359 airplane I don&;t think I ever did that
0.359 but it&;s more about access opportunity
0.359 how long do I need to wait does this
0.359 hotel have Wi-Fi or do I need to
0.359 download something in advance or do I
0.359 need to use this time as a deliberate
0.359 fast from pmo so that when I get back
0.359 it&;s going to be extra good right or is
0.359 that like a seven minute window where I
0.359 can get some internet connection and
0.359 potentially make something happen right
0.359 this is how messed up the mind was and
0.359 how much I developed like an addict
0.359 intelligence and an intuitive ability to
0.359 plan ahead to get the most out of each
0.359 experience and to just think incredibly
0.359 selfishly man all because I was under
0.359 the spell of this drug called
0.359 pornography
0.359 so I knew what this thing was guys I
0.359 knew what it was doing to me
0.359 and yeah for a good period of time and
0.359 this is going to sound really strange I
0.359 actually felt like it was worth it right
0.359 it sounds almost forbidden for me to say
0.359 this in a self-development space but I
0.359 actually really enjoyed the Bliss the
0.359 Ecstasy and the escapism during this
0.359 period of my life I actually really
0.359 enjoyed it right it was so good that for
0.359 a while I&;d actually take it over a good
0.359 life or over feeling normal and healthy
0.359 right so pornography like anything it&;s
0.359 a game of trade-offs and for me where I
0.359 was at this time I didn&;t have much
0.359 responsibility so for me guys I was cool
0.359 with those trade-offs but here&;s the
0.359 thing I knew deep down that I wasn&;t
0.359 going to be there for long
0.359 it was sort of like let me do this for
0.359 as long as I can and then as soon as I
0.359 need to take some responsibility you
0.359 know sure I&;ll change things right and
0.359 I&;ll be honest guys I knew that I was
0.359 capable of doing a lot with my life
0.359 but I also knew to appreciate and to
0.359 kind of enjoy uh the sadness at certain
0.359 points in life right so if I&;m really
0.359 honest you know it&;s kind of enjoyable
0.359 to be depressed to smoke a cigarette and
0.359 to listen to Alice in Chains right
0.359 there&;s a certain Melancholy to that but
0.359 here&;s the thing it&;s not nice to stay
0.359 there for your entire life right
0.359 so when I was like 15 what I saw was I
0.359 had things like exams coming up
0.359 girlfriend opportunities bigger life
0.359 events and I was kind of just like man
0.359 if I&;m gonna live I may as well live
0.359 life properly and then shortly
0.359 afterwards it hit me oh [ __ ] I don&;t
0.359 even have a choice in this man I can&;t
0.359 actually live in any other way than this
0.359 clean way where I&;m not using pmo and
0.359 the reason being is because the universe
0.359 doesn&;t let me right so anytime I go
0.359 back to that old lifestyle I always
0.359 burned and scolded by the universe so
0.359 badly it forced me to stay away right
0.359 and being burned like this
0.359 and what it did for me is it woke me up
0.359 right so what I realized is that life is
0.359 a game of awareness and that pornography
0.359 puts you in these stupidly low states of
0.359 awareness where you&;re thinking just
0.359 dumb delusional self-protective thoughts
0.359 and I was just like man I can&;t do this
0.359 anymore I gotta move on okay so what I
0.359 did is I started to cut back and this
0.359 was hard man it was really tempting to
0.359 go back and sometimes I did and that was
0.359 okay I just kept working at it because I
0.359 knew that I was committed to the long
0.359 game
0.359 you know so I forgave myself when I did
0.359 slip up but generally speaking I did my
0.359 best to remain consistent and to slowly
0.359 increase the days in between these
0.359 relapse and then I remember like my
0.359 first big streak was something like five
0.359 months and I was like man this is
0.359 amazing I&;m super proud of this and what
0.359 it showed me is that you can actually
0.359 live without pmo right so this this
0.359 right here is actually one of the most
0.359 important things of this video if I can
0.359 leave you with something today it&;s this
0.359 it is actually possible to quit
0.359 pornography forever and the reason I say
0.359 that is because I get it I totally
0.359 totally get it man for so many of us
0.359 myself included we kind of think yeah I
0.359 could do a week I could do a month maybe
0.359 even like three months or six months
0.359 forever
0.359 and I&;d have to think about that one
0.359 that sounds like kind of a big deal to
0.359 never be able to go back to pmo to never
0.359 be able to have that there if you need
0.359 it
0.359 man
0.359 that sounds like a big one you know that
0.359 sounds almost unrealistic you know maybe
0.359 we should just take it slow and see how
0.359 we get on
0.359 well here&;s the thing guys when I saw my
0.359 mind thinking like this do you know what
0.359 I said to myself
0.359 I said
0.359 [ __ ] man there&;s no way there&;s no
0.359 way that I&;m seriously gonna identify
0.359 with this lower ego voice and not live
0.359 my life to the fullest right
0.359 there&;s just no way that my higher self
0.359 doesn&;t think that&;s completely
0.359 ridiculous
0.359 so for me guys uh the answer was pretty
0.359 clear stop thinking about this forever
0.359 thing and become really present and then
0.359 just win the battles that come up in the
0.359 moment
0.359 because battles man they never occur in
0.359 the future they only occur now
0.359 so this idea of forever it became way
0.359 easier for me to manage when I just
0.359 realized ah the present moment is is the
0.359 only place that there is okay and if you
0.359 can just win battles in the here and now
0.359 you&;re going to be all right now here&;s
0.359 a question that I asked myself how do
0.359 you know you wouldn&;t go back and this
0.359 is a really important question to ask
0.359 because we know what the mind can be
0.359 like you know we know how certain
0.359 thoughts and certain lower Consciousness
0.359 States and can lure us back to pmo you
0.359 know so what about this what do we do
0.359 here well
0.359 when you get serious when you study your
0.359 own mind your own self and your own
0.359 behavior when you know yourself inside
0.359 out
0.359 you can see patterns you can see if and
0.359 when you would ever let yourself slip up
0.359 and because I&;d done this work on myself
0.359 I knew the times where I would be
0.359 vulnerable
0.359 right I knew when I went to expect the
0.359 difficult moments so I had an awareness
0.359 of this going in
0.359 the difference though
0.359 was that I had shifted who I was
0.359 so the old addict self is no longer
0.359 there he&;d been let go of and so what
0.359 showed up when Cravings happened
0.359 was a different thing it was the higher
0.359 self and do you know what the higher
0.359 self does in my experience when Cravings
0.359 come up it laughs Chuckles it finds it
0.359 funny it says come on man you don&;t
0.359 seriously think I&;m going to be tempted
0.359 to do because the higher self man it&;s
0.359 not fooled by the illusion like we are
0.359 okay the higher self is the wisest part
0.359 of you it&;s just too conscious so when
0.359 you when you shift who you are
0.359 internally
0.359 and you use your higher self like this
0.359 okay instead of your lower self it&;s
0.359 like you&;re sitting there
0.359 but you&;re not in any actual Danger
0.359 because not only do you have your higher
0.359 self
0.359 it&;s the way that you think now that is
0.359 so deeply rooted in a promise to
0.359 yourself
0.359 that mentally you don&;t even have the
0.359 option to use pmo it&;s not even there as
0.359 an option man
0.359 and then physically you could even you
0.359 couldn&;t even bring yourself to do the
0.359 actions that would lead up to a relapse
0.359 for example you couldn&;t physically type
0.359 in certain stuff or physically load
0.359 certain websites
0.359 because that&;s just not what you do
0.359 anymore okay so the only way I was able
0.359 to do this guys is because I had shifted
0.359 who I am I&;d shifted the way I think and
0.359 so I made pmo no longer be an option
0.359 because when it&;s an option it&;s hard
0.359 you know we&;ve got a choice to make
0.359 but when you decide and commit like how
0.359 I&;m describing here
0.359 there&;s no struggle because it&;s not an
0.359 option it&;s not what you do and it&;s not
0.359 who you are so what I want to do now is
0.359 answer this question very directly so
0.359 why was this the best decision of my
0.359 entire life well for me guys it just
0.359 comes down to this okay when you quit
0.359 pornography for good what happens is
0.359 eventually it leaves you it leaves you
0.359 alone you don&;t have the images playing
0.359 in your head anymore your mind heals
0.359 your soul heals you feel more normal
0.359 again you start to live in a headspace
0.359 which is pure and you&;re not thinking
0.359 silly and stupid thoughts
0.359 I&;ll put it like this
0.359 upon the removal of pmo do you become
0.359 free
0.359 you become free to think how you want to
0.359 think to act how you want to act and to
0.359 be how you want to be
0.359 me personally I could just never fully
0.359 do this if pmo is in my life because it
0.359 created resist resistance which meant
0.359 that I couldn&;t be myself fully whereas
0.359 because I&;ve committed to this like it&;s
0.359 like life or death man I&;m not blocking
0.359 myself anymore okay I&;m out of my own
0.359 way I&;m not holding myself back anymore
0.359 for my Highest Potential this means my
0.359 mind is you know it&;s not lagging or
0.359 suffering from the brain frog it it
0.359 means my mood and emotions are stable it
0.359 means my perceptions are pure and clean
0.359 you know one thing I&;d always see when I
0.359 was using PM I was that people would
0.359 appear way more intimidating than they
0.359 actually are
0.359 and it&;s annoying man because you know
0.359 that they&;re not actually a threat but
0.359 the mind doesn&;t care okay it makes you
0.359 think some nonsense about them right and
0.359 I always hated this man I hated having
0.359 perception that perception so what I did
0.359 is I flipped it on its head
0.359 as I quit pmo I immersed myself in
0.359 spiritual practice and spiritual
0.359 awakening
0.359 and so now if I look at people you know
0.359 what I see I see love I see a bunch of
0.359 love man okay the deeper reason that
0.359 this was the best decision of my entire
0.359 life is because it let me love it Let Me
0.359 Be Love and let me see love it let me
0.359 embody love myself
0.359 because when we use pmo man
0.359 it sours our soul it makes us recoil
0.359 from love whereas being pmo free
0.359 makes us warm it makes us forgiving it
0.359 makes us understanding and conscious now
0.359 of course
0.359 you&;re not always going to feel like
0.359 this that&;s okay as we know suffering is
0.359 going to be there no matter what
0.359 as it always is you know
0.359 but if you can feel like this even just
0.359 some of the time
0.359 you&;re gonna live a life that is just so
0.359 much more happy and if you&;re an
0.359 intuitive person like I am for you this
0.359 is just a complete no-brainer
0.359 so to start wrapping up guys I want to
0.359 say this wisdom is about using the right
0.359 perspectives at the right time
0.359 so remember this idea of quitting pmo
0.359 forever it&;s just one perspective that
0.359 you can take okay you don&;t need to do
0.359 it don&;t feel bad if you&;ve got plenty
0.359 more karma to burn through okay don&;t
0.359 worry if you need to stay asleep for a
0.359 few more years
0.359 cool man respect that move through that
0.359 don&;t repress any of your desires
0.359 you&;ve got to be honest with yourself
0.359 and you&;ve got to be honest with where
0.359 you are okay
0.359 I would not be here saying any of this
0.359 saying any of this if I hadn&;t relapsed
0.359 dozens and dozens of times and burnt
0.359 through all that Karma okay so always
0.359 remember to keep your perspective and if
0.359 if in doubt Man play the long game okay
0.359 I really wouldn&;t worry
0.359 about like short-term motivation it&;s
0.359 just not that effective okay you can try
0.359 I did it for years
0.359 but again the whole point of this video
0.359 is to emphasize commitment right
0.359 long-term commitment no not like
0.359 motivation okay so bear that in mind and
0.359 good luck finally if you feel inspired
0.359 by this and you like my help personally
0.359 I do coach people and Mentor them on
0.359 this and many other things so if you
0.359 would like help with that and you&;d like
0.359 to start living like a high
0.359 Consciousness badass
0.359 go check out my website in the
0.359 description I offer a free Discovery
0.359 call to begin with
0.359 if not that&;s cool too you can just keep
0.359 enjoying the videos so that is it for me
0.359 guys I love you good luck and if you&;d
0.359 like more stuff then my friend please do
0.359 subscribe

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