Une vidéo, réalisée par The Shepherd’s Voice with Pastor John Feakes et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), est intéressante pour ceux qui s’intéressent au thème «chasteté ».
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Il faut prendre en considération la durée (00:27:26s), le titre (Purity Over Pornography 1), pour une vue d’ensemble complète, ainsi que la présentation faite par l’auteur :« ».
La vidéo est accessible directement sous ce paragraphe
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Le Moyen Âge a souvent lié la chasteté aux valeurs morales. Le pouvoir médiéval s’appuyait sur la chasteté pour contrôler les comportements.
La religion imposait souvent des règles strictes sur la chasteté des femmes.
La valeur de la chasteté était accentuée au Moyen Âge, surtout pour les femmes. L’Église mettait l’accent sur la virginité avant le mariage et la fidélité après comme vertus importantes. Les femmes étaient vues comme les protectrices de la pureté morale et familiale, et la chasteté assurait la légitimité des héritiers.
Les chevaliers ont ajusté leurs habitudes de chasteté en fonction des exigences des croisades.
Les notions de chasteté étaient étroitement liées aux croisades, avec des chevaliers prenant des engagements d’abstinence pour purifier leur esprit et leur moral avant d’attaquer Jérusalem.
La vie monastique était marquée par des exigences strictes en matière de chasteté.
Les vœux de chasteté étaient un aspect central de la vie des bénédictins, des cisterciens et des chevaliers teutoniques, entre autres ordres médiévaux. Pour ces religieux médiévaux, la chasteté était non seulement une abstinence des plaisirs terrestres mais également une quête de l’élévation spirituelle. Les récits de la période médiévale soulignent l’importance de la chasteté dans les aspects religieux, moraux, et sociaux de la vie. Que ce soit à travers des ceintures de chasteté mythiques, des vœux solennels avant les croisades, ou des luttes personnelles contre la tentation, la chasteté représentait un concept central entouré de mysticisme et de dévotion. Les histoires médiévales montrent que la chasteté était utilisée pour contrôler, affirmer le pouvoir, et suivre un idéal spirituel dans une époque de conflit entre le corps et l’âme.
Techniques associées à la chasteté masculine contrôlée :
Les temps anciens en Grèce et à Rome.
Dans les traditions grecques et romaines, la chasteté était associée à des concepts de pureté et de vertu. Toutefois, elle n’était pas couramment imposée par des moyens physiques tels que des ceintures de chasteté. La chasteté était surtout ancrée dans des valeurs spirituelles et religieuses. Les Vestales, prêtresses vouées à Vesta, devaient demeurer vierges au risque de mourir. C’est un exemple extrême de chasteté institutionnalisée.
L’ancienne Égypte est célèbre pour son influence immense sur l’histoire.
En Égypte antique, la chasteté était un choix personnel fait par les prêtres et prêtresses. Ils considéraient que l’abstinence élevait leur pouvoir spirituel. Cependant, il n’existe aucune preuve matérielle indiquant l’usage de dispositifs physiques pour assurer la chasteté. Le contrôle de la sexualité était plutôt une question de maîtrise personnelle. Les pratiques religieuses avaient également une influence sur la régulation de la sexualité.
Les instruments pour les hommes et les femmes : La lutte contre la masturbation et les premiers systèmes de chasteté.
Au cours de l’ère victorienne, la masturbation était vue comme une menace sérieuse pour la santé physique et mentale. Les médecins ainsi que les moralistes de cette période recommandaient des mesures rigoureuses pour éviter ce qu’ils appelaient « l’auto-abus ». Cette situation a favorisé l’élaboration et l’utilisation de dispositifs de chasteté pour les deux genres. Actuellement, on observe que la chasteté est pratiquée dans différents buts, et des coachs spécialisés sont là pour soutenir cette démarche c’est le cas de ce prestataire à Paris.
Il est courant de penser que les ceintures de chasteté étaient utilisées au Moyen Âge. Cependant, la réalité historique est différente.
La ceinture de chasteté est souvent attribuée à la période médiévale. L’association entre les ceintures de chasteté et cette époque est largement mythique. On prétend que les croisés, partant en guerre, enfermaient leurs épouses dans des ceintures de chasteté. Ces ceintures étaient utilisées pour préserver la fidélité des épouses pendant l’absence de leurs maris. Cette croyance s’est ancrée dans l’imaginaire collectif par le biais de récits et d’illustrations. Il existe peu de traces historiques pour attester de l’usage des ceintures de chasteté.
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#Purity #Pornography
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: okay guys I just want to welcome you all here and thank you for coming I think we have almost 30 guys here in this room if I’m counting right and that’s great for a very cold uh Saturday morning today we want to open the Bible and we want God to talk to us about a really really important topic it affects every man I think you know King David said in Psalm 101:3 he said I will set no Wicked thing before my eyes and I’ll met you in this room Every Man Has at one time or another set something wicked before his eyes and we want to talk about that because it’s becoming a real epidemic that men are setting wicked things before their eyes and they can’t seem to stop they’re they’re having trouble they’ve become addicted to it so we want to speak broadly to the topic of addictions today with uh emphasis on pornography it’s the epidemic of the 21st century I think among men and so I’m going to actually record our devotional time here so that if you want to hear this again cuz I am going to refer to a lot of scripture uh you can go to my YouTube channel and I’ll have a playlist called Purity over pornography and you can listen to it again and get encouragement okay so I just want to commit uh this study time to the Lord and then we’ll get get into the Bible okay let’s talk to God about this almighty God Thrice holy blessed God Of Heaven king of Eternity in the name of your beloved Son Jesus and on his merits the one who was crucified and resurrected to glory on the merits of Jesus we come into your presence and we thank you God that in Christ we are considered by you to be chosen holy beloved accepted and complete in the name of Jesus we commit our study time to you Lord and we pray that every man in this room understands fully the things that are shared and that these things are an encouragement to people a blessing and an encouragement and that they’re honoring to you God so please be here with us today in the person of the Blessed Holy Spirit to empower the teaching the hearing and the learning in Jesus name amen amen praise God okay guys I’ll try to be brief but um it is an important topic we want to begin tackling it today I will not be able to say everything that needs to be said so Lord willing we’ll pick it up next Men’s breakfast right where we left off we’ll get into some specifics and some really some real practical things uh that can be a help to men okay but today we’re just sort of easing into the topic and I just want to introduce the topic by saying there is a difference between a habit and a an an addiction habits and addictions they are related but they’re not exactly the same thing a habit is just a set of behaviors that you do on a regular basis like brushing your teeth right some guy’s working out or going for a walk or whatever there’s things that we do habitually um and th we’re not addicted to those things we could stop them if we wanted to or if we needed to it wouldn’t cause us all kinds of stress all right that’s a habit an addiction is a set of behaviors that is done on a regular basis that we can’t stop on our own we need external help with this and this is this is because an addiction changes brain chemistry it changes the way the brain actually functions the neural firing patterns in the brain when you in uh engage in an addictive behavior there is a release of dopamine and and neuroscientists call that the Feelgood hormone dopamine and so that feeling gets connected with a behavior and then a physical dependency develops and this can be anything right and pornography is one of those things but there’s lots of things there’s you know there’s drugs there’s all kinds of behaviors but we’re thinking about what we’re thinking about here today the dopamine Rush that’s seen in addictive behavior is not seen in habits you don’t get a dopamine Rush from brushing your teeth right but men get a dopamine Rush from other things and so a physical dependency develops and so addictions we have to say are a kind of bondage which is the opposite of Freedom if you’re in bondage you’re not free now a word on freedom very quickly as creatures as in embodied interactive rational creatures complete and total unmitigated freedom is impossible we’re always going to be bound to something okay again you can be free from the toothbrush but then you’re going to be bound to tooth decay right uh you can be free from vitamins and minerals and a healthy diet then you’re going to find yourself bound to uh poor health that’s just how it is it’s you’re bound to something so ultimately as Christians we’ve decided to submit to the lordship of Jesus uh as loving sons and Faithful Servants if you either do that or you serve something else now the Bible talks like that too in Matthew 624 Jesus said you can’t serve two masters you will love one and you’ll end up hating the other one right Jesus said in Matthew 12:30 you’re with him or you’re against him you’re either gathering with me or you’re scattering abroad Jesus said you can’t you can’t serve both it’s me or something else and so we are counseled to bind ourselves to Jesus and to enter into his kingdom and to get under his authority and here’s the thing I the number one point I want to make here this morning is you must never think of that as confinement I know you know we’re entering into the kingdom we’re getting under someone’s Authority but don’t think of that as confinement I want you to think about that as real freedom and I’m going to read now from the Gospel of Luke chapter 16 beginning verse 13 Jesus said no no servant can serve two masters for he will either hate the one and love the other or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other you cannot serve God and Mammon now there that’s riches you can’t serve God and money right but you can’t serve God and anything else either it’s got to be him primarily and him alone it says now the Pharisees who were lovers of money heard all these things and they derided him and he said to them you are those who justify yourselves before men but God knows your hearts for what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God and the law and the prophets were until John since that time the kingdom of God has been preached and everyone is pressing into it I want you to notice this everybody he says is pressing into the kingdom Jesus said in Matthew 5 beginning: 12 the way into the kingdom of God is very narrow it is very constrictive he talks about the rich man who’s got a better chance of uh getting in he has less of a chance getting into the kingdom than a camel trying to get through the eye of a needle it sounds very narrow it’s very difficult it’s very restrictive getting into the kingdom in fact it’s as wide as one man and his name is Jesus Jesus said I am the way I am the truth and the life no one comes to the father but by Me Jesus said I am the door in John chapter 10 I’m the door there’s it’s a very narrow way into the kingdom of God but the kingdom itself is Broad it’s beautiful it’s expansive and it’s a place of Freedom so the way in is narrow and difficult there’s only room for you not your sinful desires not your stuff not your material wealth is you just you alone are going to squeeze in there through the door Jesus has provided but once you’re in it’s a place of freedom and the Bible emphasizes this and I could go back to Micah chapter 2 uh Micah 2 listen to this this is quite beautiful the prophecy says I will surely assemble all of you Judah oh Jacob I will surely gather the remnant of Israel I will put them together like sheep from the fold get get that note that I will bring them together like sheep of a fold like a flock in the midst of their pasture they shall make a loud noise because of so many people the one who breaks open will come up before them they will break out pass through the gate and go out by it their King will pass before them with the Lord at their head the idea is all of God’s people are bottled up they’re all in a little confined place like a prison or something and the one who breaks open the Old King James calls him the breaker he comes along and he kicks a hole in the wall and he lets the Sheep out into Freedom where they can enjoy pasture that’s the kingdom that’s the kingdom and Jesus talks like this in John chapter 10 he said I’m the Good Shepherd and I am the door and my sheep know me and I know my sheep and I call them out I lead them into pasture so what I’m saying is if you want to enjoy Freedom you have to know Jesus in a saving way and he’ll bring you into his kingdom and that’s a place where you can enjoy Freedom he’ll call you out into a place of Freedom that is a major major theme in the Bible that God is a God who wants his people to enjoy Freedom this is how God disclosed himself early on in the Bible he got his Covenant Nation Israel out of what bondage in Egypt through a series of spectacular signed judgments and miracles and he brought them out of that horrible place of bondage through the Red Sea towards the promised land and what was the purpose of it all so that they could serve God that’s the purpose it’s not pure unmitigated freedom to do whatever you want that in itself is a kind of bondage it’s Freedom now to serve the god of Heaven and the psalmist David understood this and he prayed about this in Psalm 142 and: 7 he said bring my soul out of prison David felt his soul was imprisoned I think there are a lot of men who feel that way their souls are imprisoned right now bring my soul out of prison that I may Praise Your Name the righteous shall surround me for you shall deal bountifully with me at Psalm 142 and: 7 David’s desire and ours too is that we might freely and legitimately love honor and serve God because he loved us first and it’s God’s desire for our lives too Jesus came into the world for this purpose in Luke chapter 4 he the Lord Jesus stands up in a synagogue and he proclaims to all the people I have come to Proclaim Liberty to the captives that’s the point God wants us operating in Freedom and in fact I’m going to read quickly here from John chapter 8 this is the pivotal passage here that deals with our freedom from from all kinds of hateful hateful horrible uh harmful things in our lives but John 8:30 it says as he spoke these words as Jesus spoke these words many believed in him then Jesus said to those Jew who believed him if you abide in my word you are my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free they answered him we are Abraham’s descendants and we have never been in bondage to anyone how can you say you will be made free Jesus answered them most assuredly I say to you whoever commits sin is a slave of sin and a slave does not abide in the house forever but a son abides forever therefore if the son makes you free you shall be free free indeed in this little passage Jesus said the truth will set you free and the Son of God will set you free and you understand they’re both the same person Jesus said I am the truth I am the truth incarnate all truth all Truth worth knowing it’s in Jesus and he’s the one in which truth resides and he’s the one who disclose truth to us truth that we need and he says if you know the truth and you know the sun I’ll set you free now what do we need to be free from well first I think of four things first uncertainty if you really know the truth you’re not uncertain anymore so number one the truth sets you free from uncertainty the bondage of being uncertain and then related to that is fear I mean people there’s people out there they’re doing backward somersaults and spending mountains of money cash just to do one one thing and that’s Stave off death and when we’re not spending money and expending energy and resources trying to Stave off death we’re working to distract ourselves from Death right an entertainment industry let’s not let’s do anything but think about dying because dying is terrifying we don’t know what’s on the other side but if you really know the truth about who you are and who God is and what Jesus has done for you and you have and you know that you’ve received Jesus for salvation death isn’t scary anymore we’re not in bondage to fear that’s what the Bible says in Romans 8:15 we are not in bondage to the spirit of fear we’ve received the spirit of adoption we’re adopted into God’s family and we cry out ABA father Papa father you’re my father so we’re set free from uncertainty and fear and how about guilt if you really believe that that you have received Jesus for salvation and you really know who he is and what he’s done for you then you know with certainty the blood of Jesus Christ is able to cleanse us of all sin and unrighteousness and you’re not walking around uh crippled by guilt anymore now this is not a licensed to go out and keep on sinning against God if anyone has a mindset like that you’re not saved if you say in your heart well God will forgive me I can do anything I want you’re not a Believer then uh just because I have an endless supply of Band-Aids doesn’t mean I keep on cutting myself that’s ridiculous a real believer in Jesus Christ wants to love honor and serve the Lord with everything he’s got and we all sin and come short of the glory of God that’s true if any man says he’s without sin he’s he’s deceived himself and he makes makes God a liar right that’s what the Bible says but if you confess your sins God is faithful and just to forgive you of your sins and to cleanse you of all unrighteousness 1 John 1:9 so we know who we are we know who God is and we know what Christ has done and what he continues to do he has interceding for us at the throne of grace that’s what the Bible says Christ ever lives to make intercession for the Saints and so we’re free of guilt and then lastly I would say enslaving sin and that’s the big one that that we’re just just introducing today enslaving prevailing sin like addictions like addictions to things like pornography for example God doesn’t want you addicted to those things he doesn’t want me addicted to those things and so your journey to Freedom begins when you receive Jesus for salvation because the moment you receive Jesus the Holy Spirit comes into your life he is the seal he seals you for the day of redemption uh and that’s the day when Body Soul and Spirit you’re made like Jesus and sin is no longer a temptation to you but the moment the spirit enters your life the Bible says Freedom enters your life Paul says in 2 Corinthians 3:17 where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty there is freedom so there’s much more to say on the topic we’re only introducing it but I have just a couple quick points here and then I’ll wrap it up and then I don’t know maybe we can take questions or something but um I want to say this just to leave us on a good foot here just launch us off in a good way on this topic it my opinion the number one secret weapon of the Christian to overcome anything in this life including addiction the number one secret weapon at our disposal is believing prayer I mean a prayer that’s coming out of your mouth prompted by real faith in God that is your number one most powerful weapon in the war against addiction and um in 1 John chapter 5 John actually talks a little bit about this he talks about overcoming this world in all its sin and temptations 1 John 5 this is what he says in verse 4 he says for whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith who is He Who overcomes the world but he who believes that Jesus is the son of God if you have that kind of Faith you really believe this and then this kind of Faith moves you to pray you’re well on your way to overcoming whatever addiction you’re struggling with right now prayer and I want to say this uh prayer in accordance with God’s will is going to certainly be answered by God he is certainly going to grant you your request there’s no ifans or buts about this you know like David did remember David’s prayer I read it Psalm 142 Lord release my soul from the prison so that I can praise you and you can be sure God answered that prayer I mean I’m still in 1 John 5 Listen to This Promise here 1 John 5 and ver14 it says now this is the confidence there’s a word confidence I’m absolutely confident about this John says this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and if we know that he hears us whatever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of him so John is saying if you ask according to his will you have it can it can we all just let that dwell in our minds for a second if I ask God for anything and it’s according to his will I have it it’s mine he said that I didn’t write the Bible now what is God’s will for you what’s God’s will for me I’m going to first Thessalonians 4 I’m going to tell you what his will is right now people always wonder what’s God’s will for my life well Paul’s going to tell you right here 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 beginning verse two here’s God’s will for you know what Commandments we gave you through the Lord Jesus for this is the will of God your sanctification God says I want you to be different than the rest of the world you are different Sanctified means set apart this is the will of God your sanctification that you should abstain from sexual immorality that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor not in passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God that’s God’s will for our lives it’s Purity sexual Purity all kinds of Purity we don’t behave like the rest of the world we have control over ourselves what we’re going to look at what we’re going to do with our bodies that’s God’s will for you and for me getting your flesh under subjection now I just I just read 1 John 5 if you ask anything according to God’s will he will grant it here’s his will that we be Sanctified men walking in Purity and then the last thing I’ll just say here in the same chapter verse 11 5 oh excuse me it’s the next chapter 511 look what Paul says here he says therefore comfort each other and edify one another just as you are doing and we urge you Brethren to recognize those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you and to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake be at peace among yourselves and now we exhort you Brethren to warn those who are unruly Comfort the faint-hearted uphold the weak be patient with all if I could leave you with just two summary thoughts here number one if you’re struggling prayer is your secret weapon God is for you not against you it’s his will that you walk in Freedom and youve already heard it I’ve heard it too I read it if you pray according to his will you have it God will answer your prayer okay that’s number one and number two we have to help each other that was the final verse I just read 1 Thessalonians 5 we are here to be a help an encouragement a real blessing to each other men need each other there’s a war on men have you noticed in the Western World so if you’re struggling with anything at all and this includes pornography you can contact myself anytime anytime middle of the night I don’t care Pastor Gilbert same thing and brother Rick over there us three guys we’re walking strong and we can help you okay and I don’t want you to be shy about it some men have already reached out to us and you know what if you’re feeling tempted in the middle of the night and you call us we’re going to open the Bible we’re going to read some scriptures and we’re going to pray and that’ll knock it out of you and you can go to bed and get a good sleep yeah so that’s my devotional here I didn’t want to make it you know a full length sermon or anything Lord willing next Men’s breakfast we’ll continue on with this we’ll look at more practical things that we can do that the Bible recommends that we do to get some real Freedom okay so uh I don’t know Rick you want to take some questions or do we want to just let that dwell or it’s up to you how about we take a couple questions have to answer I’ll do my best Dan you got a question yeah just well regarding that like I mean sometimes it’s you know it’s discouraging because uh well I mean I do I do have my struggles from time to time it’s not it’s not nearly what it what what what it used to be yeah but like I mean it’s it it is also something where I think uh I think it’s also Al pretty pretty clear there that it’s not always an overnight an overnight win win of the fight like it’s like it’s you know sometimes it seems to be a lot a lot more long drawn process you know getting getting to where you you want to be with that like like you said like the firing patterns just go all you know yeah I think next uh time we get together we’ll we’ll look at uh some anthropology we’ll look at the constitution of a man and what’s really going on in us when we sin and and when men begin to get locked in addictive behaviors what’s really going on the Apostle Paul has a lot actually to say about it so that’s true uh we want to be making progress in our uh walk towards Purity but we trip and we fall sometimes but again the psalmist says the righteous man falls seven times and he rises again so if you fall get up uh when you’re in a battle there’s only two positions that are allowed it’s standing and getting up that’s all there’s no laying down there and we are in a battle Paul says we uh we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and and you know there is a there is um a spiritual enemy out there too who would love to get our Focus off of Jesus and onto ungodly things so there’s that it’s not just the flesh we’re dealing with we’re dealing with a spiritual enemy too so the Bible is going to counsel us in all these matters but don’t get discourage if you trip up you fall don’t get discouraged uh talk to God talk to your brothers get up and keep going the S our enemy the devil he wants to neutralize Us in the last of days we need armies of Godly men doing good in the earth overcoming evil with good and if we’re stuck wallowing around in our sin and we’re too ashamed to get up or or feeling too defeated to get up that’s it Satan’s won and we can’t allow that that so anything any other thoughts questions or comments go ahead there Pier yeah I have a comment um just like uh as some encouragement or some life at the end of the tunnel um once you overcome uh this addiction the the uh like it leaves you like the Satan stops tempting you when when he can’t get through you he he leaves you alone and then so it’s not like constant it gets easier over time as this so there’s two things so first of all to the extent that evil Spirits are working at us it is true uh the Bible says resist the devil you know submit to God first resist the devil and he will flee that’s true and he’ll he’s an opportunist and if he’s getting nowhere in one area of your life then he’s going to try something else right he’s an opportunist the other thing is as men for sure as men we are built to overcome we’re built to encounter resistance and take it down and the more you do that the better you’re going to be at it and the more you’re going to want to do it take take down that which is ungodly take these things down to the ground you know the Apostle Paul says the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal so we don’t carry guns and bombs and knives and things like that but they are Mighty they are powerful for what the bringing down of strongholds and and some men have uh satanic strongholds have uh been built up in their lives certain harmful addictions for example Paul says we have weapons that can take those things down and you got to believe it to the extent that you believe it it can happen right so by faith I like how Gilbert says uh by faith we can move the mountains of life it’s a fact yeah okay how about I’ll just close with a prayer and then um you can be thinking about this stuff until next Men’s breakfast and and we we’ll continue on from there almighty God blessed and Thrice holy God of Heaven We Just Want to Thank You Lord For Your Precious word the Bible your sacred library that tells us the truth about everything we thank you God that you are for us and you’re not against us and you want your men to walk in sanctification and honor in Purity you want us to submit to the lordship of Jesus and enjoy Real freedom in this life freedom to love honor and serve the god of Heaven who loved us first Lord please Empower all the men under this roof to walk strong in the coming week to resist evil in temptation to score real victories and to advance the kingdom of God in our own hearts and Minds first and then out there in the world oh God just want to thank you again for this important morning and the good things we enjoyed together thank you God for your grace in Jesus name amen praise God praise God okay God bless you man thank you so much .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
1.28 okay guys I just want to welcome you all
1.28 here and thank you for coming I think we
1.28 have almost 30 guys here in this room if
1.28 I&;m counting right and that&;s great for
1.28 a very cold uh Saturday
1.28 morning today we want to open the Bible
1.28 and we want God to talk to us about a
1.28 really really important topic it affects
1.28 every man I think you know King David
1.28 said in Psalm
1.28 101:3 he said I will set no Wicked thing
1.28 before my eyes and I&;ll met you in this
1.28 room Every Man Has at one time or
1.28 another set something wicked before his
1.28 eyes and we want to talk about that
1.28 because it&;s becoming a real epidemic
1.28 that men are setting wicked things
1.28 before their eyes and they can&;t seem to
1.28 stop they&;re they&;re having trouble
1.28 they&;ve become addicted to it so we want
1.28 to speak broadly to the topic of
1.28 addictions today with uh emphasis on
1.28 pornography it&;s the epidemic of the
1.28 21st century I think among men and so
1.28 I&;m going to actually record our
1.28 devotional time here so that if you want
1.28 to hear this again cuz I am going to
1.28 refer to a lot of scripture uh you can
1.28 go to my YouTube channel and I&;ll have a
1.28 playlist called Purity over pornography
1.28 and you can listen to it again and get
1.28 encouragement okay so I just want to
1.28 commit uh this study time to the Lord
1.28 and then we&;ll get get into the Bible
1.28 okay let&;s talk to God about this
1.28 almighty God Thrice holy blessed God Of
1.28 Heaven king of Eternity in the name of
1.28 your beloved Son Jesus and on his merits
1.28 the one who was crucified and
1.28 resurrected to glory on the merits of
1.28 Jesus we come into your presence and we
1.28 thank you God that in Christ we are
1.28 considered by you to be chosen holy
1.28 beloved accepted and complete in the
1.28 name of Jesus we commit our study time
1.28 to you Lord and we pray that every man
1.28 in this room understands fully the
1.28 things that are shared and that these
1.28 things are an encouragement to people a
1.28 blessing and an encouragement and that
1.28 they&;re honoring to you God so please be
1.28 here with us today in the person of the
1.28 Blessed Holy Spirit to empower the
1.28 teaching the hearing and the learning in
1.28 Jesus name amen amen praise God okay
1.28 guys I&;ll try to be brief but um it is
1.28 an important topic we want to begin
1.28 tackling it today I will not be able to
1.28 say everything that needs to be said so
1.28 Lord willing we&;ll pick it up next Men&;s
1.28 breakfast right where we left off we&;ll
1.28 get into some specifics and some really
1.28 some real practical things uh that can
1.28 be a help to men okay but today we&;re
1.28 just sort of easing into the topic and I
1.28 just want to introduce the topic by
1.28 saying there is a difference between a
1.28 habit and a an an addiction habits and
1.28 addictions they are related but they&;re
1.28 not exactly the same thing a habit is
1.28 just a set of behaviors that you do on a
1.28 regular basis like brushing your teeth
1.28 right some guy&;s working out or going
1.28 for a walk or whatever there&;s things
1.28 that we do habitually
1.28 um and th we&;re not addicted to those
1.28 things we could stop them if we wanted
1.28 to or if we needed to it wouldn&;t cause
1.28 us all kinds of stress all right that&;s
1.28 a habit an addiction is a set of
1.28 behaviors that is done on a regular
1.28 basis that we can&;t stop on our own we
1.28 need external help with this and this is
1.28 this is because an addiction changes
1.28 brain chemistry it changes the way the
1.28 brain actually functions the neural
1.28 firing patterns in the brain when you in
1.28 uh engage in an addictive behavior there
1.28 is a release of
1.28 dopamine and and neuroscientists call
1.28 that the Feelgood hormone dopamine and
1.28 so that feeling gets connected with a
1.28 behavior and then a physical dependency
1.28 develops and this can be anything right
1.28 and pornography is one of those things
1.28 but there&;s lots of things there&;s you
1.28 know there&;s drugs there&;s all kinds of
1.28 behaviors but we&;re thinking about what
1.28 we&;re thinking about here today
1.28 the dopamine Rush that&;s seen in
1.28 addictive behavior is not seen in habits
1.28 you don&;t get a dopamine Rush from
1.28 brushing your teeth right but men get a
1.28 dopamine Rush from other things and so a
1.28 physical dependency develops and so
1.28 addictions we have to say are a kind of
1.28 bondage which is the opposite of Freedom
1.28 if you&;re in bondage you&;re not free now
1.28 a word on freedom very quickly as
1.28 creatures as in embodied
1.28 interactive rational
1.28 creatures complete and total unmitigated
1.28 freedom is impossible we&;re always going
1.28 to be bound to something okay again you
1.28 can be free from the
1.28 toothbrush but then you&;re going to be
1.28 bound to tooth decay right uh you can be
1.28 free from vitamins and minerals and a
1.28 healthy diet then you&;re going to find
1.28 yourself bound to uh poor health
1.28 that&;s just how it is it&;s you&;re bound
1.28 to
1.28 something so ultimately as
1.28 Christians we&;ve decided to submit to
1.28 the lordship of
1.28 Jesus uh as loving sons and Faithful
1.28 Servants if you either do that or you
1.28 serve something else now the Bible talks
1.28 like that too in Matthew 624 Jesus said
1.28 you can&;t serve two masters you will
1.28 love one and you&;ll end up hating the
1.28 other one right Jesus said in Matthew
1.28 12:30 you&;re with him or you&;re against
1.28 him you&;re either gathering with me or
1.28 you&;re scattering abroad Jesus said you
1.28 can&;t you can&;t serve both it&;s me or
1.28 something else and so we are counseled
1.28 to bind ourselves to Jesus and to enter
1.28 into his kingdom and to get under his
1.28 authority and here&;s the thing I the
1.28 number one point I want to make here
1.28 this morning is you must never think of
1.28 that as confinement I know you know
1.28 we&;re entering into the kingdom we&;re
1.28 getting under someone&;s Authority but
1.28 don&;t think of that as confinement I
1.28 want you to think about that as real
1.28 freedom and I&;m going to read now from
1.28 the Gospel of Luke chapter 16 beginning
1.28 verse 13 Jesus said no no servant can
1.28 serve two masters for he will either
1.28 hate the one and love the other or else
1.28 he will be loyal to the one and despise
1.28 the other you cannot serve God and
1.28 Mammon now there that&;s riches you can&;t
1.28 serve God and money right but you can&;t
1.28 serve God and anything else either it&;s
1.28 got to be him primarily and him alone it
1.28 says now the Pharisees who were lovers
1.28 of money heard all these things and they
1.28 derided him and he said to them you are
1.28 those who justify yourselves before men
1.28 but God knows your hearts for what is
1.28 highly esteemed among men is an
1.28 abomination in the sight of God and the
1.28 law and the prophets were until John
1.28 since that time the kingdom of God has
1.28 been preached and everyone is pressing
1.28 into it I want you to notice this
1.28 everybody he says is pressing into the
1.28 kingdom Jesus said in Matthew 5
1.28 beginning: 12 the way into the kingdom
1.28 of God is very narrow it is very
1.28 constrictive he talks about the rich man
1.28 who&;s got a better chance of uh getting
1.28 in he has less of a chance getting into
1.28 the kingdom than a camel trying to get
1.28 through the eye of a needle it sounds
1.28 very narrow it&;s very difficult it&;s
1.28 very restrictive getting into the
1.28 kingdom in fact it&;s as wide as one man
1.28 and his name is Jesus Jesus said I am
1.28 the way I am the truth and the life no
1.28 one comes to the father but by Me Jesus
1.28 said I am the door in John chapter 10
1.28 I&;m the door there&;s it&;s a very narrow
1.28 way into the kingdom of God but the
1.28 kingdom
1.28 itself is Broad it&;s beautiful it&;s
1.28 expansive and it&;s a place of Freedom so
1.28 the way in is narrow and difficult
1.28 there&;s only room for you not your
1.28 sinful desires not your stuff not your
1.28 material wealth is you just you alone
1.28 are going to squeeze in there through
1.28 the door Jesus has provided but once
1.28 you&;re in it&;s a place of freedom and
1.28 the Bible emphasizes this and I could go
1.28 back to Micah chapter
1.28 2 uh Micah 2 listen to this this is
1.28 quite beautiful the prophecy says I will
1.28 surely assemble all of you Judah oh
1.28 Jacob I will surely gather the remnant
1.28 of Israel I will put them together like
1.28 sheep from the fold get get that note
1.28 that I will bring them together like
1.28 sheep of a fold like a flock in the
1.28 midst of their pasture they shall make a
1.28 loud noise because of so many people the
1.28 one who breaks open will come up before
1.28 them they will break out pass through
1.28 the gate and go out by it their King
1.28 will pass before them with the Lord at
1.28 their head the idea is all of God&;s
1.28 people are bottled up they&;re all in a
1.28 little confined place like a prison or
1.28 something and the one who breaks open
1.28 the Old King James calls him the breaker
1.28 he comes along and he kicks a hole in
1.28 the wall and he lets the Sheep out into
1.28 Freedom where they can enjoy pasture
1.28 that&;s the kingdom that&;s the kingdom
1.28 and Jesus talks like this in John
1.28 chapter 10 he said I&;m the Good Shepherd
1.28 and I am the door and my sheep know me
1.28 and I know my sheep and I call them out
1.28 I lead them into pasture so what I&;m
1.28 saying is if you want to enjoy Freedom
1.28 you have to know Jesus in a saving way
1.28 and he&;ll bring you into his kingdom and
1.28 that&;s a place where you can enjoy
1.28 Freedom he&;ll call you out into a place
1.28 of Freedom that is a major major theme
1.28 in the Bible that God is a God who wants
1.28 his people to enjoy Freedom this is how
1.28 God disclosed himself early on in the
1.28 Bible he got his Covenant Nation Israel
1.28 out of what bondage in Egypt through a
1.28 series of spectacular signed judgments
1.28 and miracles and he brought them out of
1.28 that horrible place of bondage through
1.28 the Red Sea towards the promised land
1.28 and what was the purpose of it all so
1.28 that they could serve God that&;s the
1.28 purpose it&;s not pure unmitigated
1.28 freedom to do whatever you want that in
1.28 itself is a kind of bondage it&;s Freedom
1.28 now to serve the god of Heaven and the
1.28 psalmist David understood this and he
1.28 prayed about this in Psalm 142 and: 7 he
1.28 said bring my soul out of prison David
1.28 felt his soul was imprisoned I think
1.28 there are a lot of men who feel that way
1.28 their souls are imprisoned right now
1.28 bring my soul out of prison that I may
1.28 Praise Your Name the righteous shall
1.28 surround me for you shall deal
1.28 bountifully with me at Psalm 142 and: 7
1.28 David&;s desire and ours too is that we
1.28 might freely and legitimately love honor
1.28 and serve God because he loved us first
1.28 and it&;s God&;s desire for our lives too
1.28 Jesus came into the world for this
1.28 purpose in Luke chapter 4 he the Lord
1.28 Jesus stands up in a synagogue and he
1.28 proclaims to all the people I have come
1.28 to Proclaim Liberty to the captives
1.28 that&;s the point God wants us operating
1.28 in Freedom and in fact I&;m going to read
1.28 quickly here from John chapter 8 this is
1.28 the pivotal passage here that deals with
1.28 our freedom from from all kinds of
1.28 hateful hateful horrible uh harmful
1.28 things in our lives but John 8:30 it
1.28 says as he spoke these words as Jesus
1.28 spoke these words many believed in
1.28 him then Jesus said to those Jew who
1.28 believed him if you abide in my word you
1.28 are my disciples indeed and you shall
1.28 know the truth and the truth shall make
1.28 you free they answered him we are
1.28 Abraham&;s descendants and we have never
1.28 been in bondage to anyone how can you
1.28 say you will be made free Jesus answered
1.28 them most assuredly I say to you whoever
1.28 commits sin is a slave of sin and a
1.28 slave does not abide in the house
1.28 forever but a son abides forever
1.28 therefore if the son makes you free you
1.28 shall be free free indeed in this little
1.28 passage Jesus said the truth will set
1.28 you free and the Son of God will set you
1.28 free and you understand they&;re both the
1.28 same person Jesus said I am the truth I
1.28 am the truth incarnate all truth all
1.28 Truth worth knowing it&;s in Jesus and
1.28 he&;s the one in which truth resides and
1.28 he&;s the one who disclose truth to us
1.28 truth that we need and he says if you
1.28 know the truth and you know the sun I&;ll
1.28 set you free now what do we need to be
1.28 free from well first I think of four
1.28 things first
1.28 uncertainty if you really know the truth
1.28 you&;re not uncertain anymore so number
1.28 one the truth sets you free from
1.28 uncertainty the bondage of being
1.28 uncertain and then related to that is
1.28 fear I mean people there&;s people out
1.28 there they&;re doing backward somersaults
1.28 and spending mountains of money cash
1.28 just to do one one thing and that&;s
1.28 Stave off death and when we&;re not
1.28 spending money and expending energy and
1.28 resources trying to Stave off death
1.28 we&;re working to distract ourselves from
1.28 Death right an entertainment industry
1.28 let&;s not let&;s do anything but think
1.28 about dying because dying is terrifying
1.28 we don&;t know what&;s on the other side
1.28 but if you really know the truth about
1.28 who you are and who God is and what
1.28 Jesus has done for you and you have and
1.28 you know that you&;ve received Jesus for
1.28 salvation death isn&;t scary anymore
1.28 we&;re not in bondage to fear that&;s what
1.28 the Bible says in Romans 8:15 we are not
1.28 in bondage to the spirit of fear we&;ve
1.28 received the spirit of adoption we&;re
1.28 adopted into God&;s family and we cry out
1.28 ABA father Papa father you&;re my father
1.28 so we&;re set free from uncertainty and
1.28 fear and how about
1.28 guilt if you really believe that that
1.28 you have received Jesus for salvation
1.28 and you really know who he is and what
1.28 he&;s done for you then you know with
1.28 certainty the blood of Jesus Christ is
1.28 able to cleanse us of all sin and
1.28 unrighteousness and you&;re not walking
1.28 around uh crippled by guilt anymore now
1.28 this is not a licensed to go out and
1.28 keep on sinning against God if anyone
1.28 has a mindset like that you&;re not saved
1.28 if you say in your heart well God will
1.28 forgive me I can do anything I want
1.28 you&;re not a Believer then uh just
1.28 because I have an endless supply of
1.28 Band-Aids doesn&;t mean I keep on cutting
1.28 myself that&;s ridiculous a real believer
1.28 in Jesus Christ wants to love honor and
1.28 serve the Lord with everything he&;s got
1.28 and we all sin and come short of the
1.28 glory of God that&;s true if any man says
1.28 he&;s without sin he&;s he&;s deceived
1.28 himself and he makes makes God a liar
1.28 right that&;s what the Bible says but if
1.28 you confess your sins God is faithful
1.28 and just to forgive you of your sins and
1.28 to cleanse you of all unrighteousness 1
1.28 John 1:9 so we know who we are we know
1.28 who God is and we know what Christ has
1.28 done and what he continues to do he has
1.28 interceding for us at the throne of
1.28 grace that&;s what the Bible says Christ
1.28 ever lives to make intercession for the
1.28 Saints and so we&;re free of guilt and
1.28 then lastly I would say enslaving sin
1.28 and that&;s the big one that that we&;re
1.28 just just introducing today enslaving
1.28 prevailing sin like addictions like
1.28 addictions to things like pornography
1.28 for example God doesn&;t want you
1.28 addicted to those things he doesn&;t want
1.28 me addicted to those things and so your
1.28 journey to Freedom begins when you
1.28 receive Jesus for salvation because the
1.28 moment you receive Jesus the Holy Spirit
1.28 comes into your life he is the seal he
1.28 seals you for the day of redemption uh
1.28 and that&;s the day when Body Soul and
1.28 Spirit you&;re made like Jesus and sin is
1.28 no longer a temptation to you but the
1.28 moment the spirit enters your life the
1.28 Bible says Freedom enters your life Paul
1.28 says in 2 Corinthians 3:17 where the
1.28 spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty
1.28 there is freedom so there&;s much more to
1.28 say on the topic we&;re only introducing
1.28 it but I have just a couple quick points
1.28 here and then I&;ll wrap it up and then I
1.28 don&;t know maybe we can take questions
1.28 or something but
1.28 um I want to say this just to leave us
1.28 on a good foot here just launch us off
1.28 in a good way on this topic it my
1.28 opinion the number one secret weapon of
1.28 the Christian to overcome anything in
1.28 this life including addiction the number
1.28 one secret weapon at our disposal is
1.28 believing prayer I mean a prayer that&;s
1.28 coming out of your mouth prompted by
1.28 real faith in God that is your number
1.28 one most powerful weapon in the war
1.28 against addiction and um in 1 John
1.28 chapter 5 John actually talks a little
1.28 bit about this he talks about overcoming
1.28 this world in all its sin and
1.28 temptations 1 John 5 this is what he
1.28 says in verse 4 he says for whatever is
1.28 born of God overcomes the
1.28 world and this is the victory that has
1.28 overcome the world our faith who is He
1.28 Who overcomes the world but he who
1.28 believes that Jesus is the son of God if
1.28 you have that kind of Faith you really
1.28 believe this and then this kind of Faith
1.28 moves you to pray you&;re well on your
1.28 way to overcoming whatever addiction
1.28 you&;re struggling with right now prayer
1.28 and I want to say this uh prayer in
1.28 accordance with God&;s will is going to
1.28 certainly be answered by God he is
1.28 certainly going to grant you your
1.28 request there&;s no ifans or buts about
1.28 this you know like David did remember
1.28 David&;s prayer I read it Psalm 142 Lord
1.28 release my soul from the prison so that
1.28 I can praise you and you can be sure God
1.28 answered that prayer I mean I&;m still in
1.28 1 John 5 Listen to This Promise here 1
1.28 John 5 and
1.28 ver14 it says now this is the
1.28 confidence there&;s a word confidence I&;m
1.28 absolutely confident about this John
1.28 says this is the confidence that we have
1.28 in him that if we ask anything according
1.28 to his will he hears us and if we know
1.28 that he hears us whatever we ask we know
1.28 that we have the petitions that we have
1.28 asked of him so John is saying if you
1.28 ask according to his will you have
1.28 it can it can we all just let that dwell
1.28 in our minds for a second if I ask God
1.28 for anything and it&;s according to his
1.28 will I have it it&;s mine he said that I
1.28 didn&;t write the Bible now what is God&;s
1.28 will for you what&;s God&;s will for me
1.28 I&;m going to first Thessalonians 4 I&;m
1.28 going to tell you what his will is right
1.28 now people always wonder what&;s God&;s
1.28 will for my life well Paul&;s going to
1.28 tell you right here 1 Thessalonians
1.28 chapter
1.28 4
1.28 beginning
1.28 verse
1.28 two here&;s God&;s will for you know what
1.28 Commandments we gave you through the
1.28 Lord Jesus for this is the will of God
1.28 your sanctification God says I want you
1.28 to be different than the rest of the
1.28 world you are different Sanctified means
1.28 set
1.28 apart this is the will of God your
1.28 sanctification that you should abstain
1.28 from sexual immorality that each of you
1.28 should know how to possess his own
1.28 vessel in sanctification and honor not
1.28 in passion of lust like the Gentiles who
1.28 do not know God that&;s God&;s will for
1.28 our lives it&;s Purity sexual Purity all
1.28 kinds of Purity we don&;t behave like the
1.28 rest of the world we have control over
1.28 ourselves what we&;re going to look at
1.28 what we&;re going to do with our bodies
1.28 that&;s God&;s will for you and for me
1.28 getting your flesh under subjection now
1.28 I just I just read 1 John 5 if you ask
1.28 anything according to God&;s will he will
1.28 grant it here&;s his will that we be
1.28 Sanctified men walking in Purity and
1.28 then the last thing I&;ll just say here
1.28 in the same chapter verse
1.28 11 5 oh excuse me it&;s the next chapter
1.28 511 look what Paul says here he says
1.28 therefore comfort each other and edify
1.28 one another just as you are doing and we
1.28 urge you Brethren to recognize those who
1.28 labor among you and are over you in the
1.28 Lord and admonish you and to esteem them
1.28 very highly in love for their work&;s
1.28 sake be at peace among yourselves and
1.28 now we exhort you Brethren to warn those
1.28 who are unruly Comfort the faint-hearted
1.28 uphold the weak be patient with all if I
1.28 could leave you with just two summary
1.28 thoughts here number one if you&;re
1.28 struggling prayer is your secret weapon
1.28 God is for you not against you it&;s his
1.28 will that you walk in Freedom and youve
1.28 already heard it I&;ve heard it too I
1.28 read it if you pray according to his
1.28 will you have it God will answer your
1.28 prayer okay that&;s number one and number
1.28 two we have to help each other that was
1.28 the final verse I just read 1
1.28 Thessalonians 5 we are here to be a help
1.28 an
1.28 encouragement a real blessing to each
1.28 other men need each other there&;s a war
1.28 on men have you noticed in the Western
1.28 World so if you&;re struggling with
1.28 anything at
1.28 all and this includes
1.28 pornography you can contact myself
1.28 anytime anytime middle of the night I
1.28 don&;t care Pastor Gilbert same thing and
1.28 brother Rick over there us three guys
1.28 we&;re walking strong and we can help you
1.28 okay and I don&;t want you to be shy
1.28 about it some men have already reached
1.28 out to us and you know what if you&;re
1.28 feeling tempted in the middle of the
1.28 night and you call us we&;re going to
1.28 open the Bible we&;re going to read some
1.28 scriptures and we&;re going to pray and
1.28 that&;ll knock it out of you and you can
1.28 go to bed and get a good sleep yeah so
1.28 that&;s my devotional here I didn&;t want
1.28 to make it you know a full length sermon
1.28 or anything Lord willing next Men&;s
1.28 breakfast we&;ll continue on with this
1.28 we&;ll look at more practical things that
1.28 we can do that the Bible recommends that
1.28 we do to get some real Freedom okay so
1.28 uh I don&;t know Rick you want to take
1.28 some questions or do we want to just let
1.28 that dwell or it&;s up to you how about
1.28 we take a couple questions have to
1.28 answer I&;ll do my best Dan you got a
1.28 question yeah
1.28 just well regarding that like I mean
1.28 sometimes it&;s you know it&;s
1.28 discouraging because uh well I mean I do
1.28 I do have my struggles from time to time
1.28 it&;s not it&;s not nearly what it what
1.28 what what it used to be yeah but like I
1.28 mean it&;s it it is also something where
1.28 I think uh I think it&;s also Al pretty
1.28 pretty clear there that it&;s not always
1.28 an overnight an overnight win win of the
1.28 fight like it&;s like it&;s you know
1.28 sometimes it seems to be a lot a lot
1.28 more long drawn process you know getting
1.28 getting to where you you want to be with
1.28 that like like you said like the firing
1.28 patterns just go all you know yeah I
1.28 think next uh time we get together we&;ll
1.28 we&;ll look at uh some anthropology we&;ll
1.28 look at the constitution of a man and
1.28 what&;s really going on in us when we sin
1.28 and and when men begin to get locked in
1.28 addictive behaviors what&;s really going
1.28 on the Apostle Paul has a lot actually
1.28 to say about it so that&;s true uh we
1.28 want to be making progress in our uh
1.28 walk towards Purity but we trip and we
1.28 fall sometimes but again the psalmist
1.28 says the righteous man falls seven times
1.28 and he rises again so if you fall get up
1.28 uh when you&;re in a battle there&;s only
1.28 two
1.28 positions that are allowed
1.28 it&;s standing and getting up that&;s all
1.28 there&;s no laying down there and we are
1.28 in a battle Paul says we uh we wrestle
1.28 not against flesh and blood but against
1.28 principalities and powers and and you
1.28 know there is a there is um a spiritual
1.28 enemy out there too who would love to
1.28 get our Focus off of Jesus and onto
1.28 ungodly things so there&;s that it&;s not
1.28 just the flesh we&;re dealing with we&;re
1.28 dealing with a spiritual enemy too so
1.28 the Bible is going to counsel us in all
1.28 these matters but don&;t get discourage
1.28 if you trip up you fall don&;t get
1.28 discouraged uh talk to God talk to your
1.28 brothers get up and keep going the S our
1.28 enemy the devil he wants to neutralize
1.28 Us in the last of days we need armies of
1.28 Godly men doing good in the earth
1.28 overcoming evil with good and if we&;re
1.28 stuck wallowing around in our sin and
1.28 we&;re too ashamed to get up or or
1.28 feeling too defeated to get up that&;s it
1.28 Satan&;s won and we can&;t allow that that
1.28 so anything any other thoughts questions
1.28 or comments go ahead there Pier yeah I
1.28 have a comment um just like uh as some
1.28 encouragement or some life at the end of
1.28 the tunnel um once you overcome uh this
1.28 addiction the the uh like it leaves you
1.28 like the Satan stops tempting you when
1.28 when he can&;t get through you he he
1.28 leaves you alone and then so it&;s not
1.28 like constant it gets easier over time
1.28 as this so there&;s two things so first
1.28 of all to the extent that evil Spirits
1.28 are working at us it is true uh the
1.28 Bible says resist the devil you know
1.28 submit to God first resist the devil and
1.28 he will flee that&;s true and he&;ll he&;s
1.28 an opportunist and if he&;s getting
1.28 nowhere in one area of your life then
1.28 he&;s going to try something else right
1.28 he&;s an opportunist the other thing is
1.28 as men for sure as men we are built to
1.28 overcome we&;re built to encounter
1.28 resistance and take it down and the more
1.28 you do that the better you&;re going to
1.28 be at it and the more you&;re going to
1.28 want to do it take take down that which
1.28 is ungodly take these things down to the
1.28 ground you know the Apostle Paul says
1.28 the weapons of our Warfare are not
1.28 carnal so we don&;t carry guns and bombs
1.28 and knives and things like that but they
1.28 are Mighty they are powerful for what
1.28 the bringing down of
1.28 strongholds and and some men have uh
1.28 satanic strongholds have uh been built
1.28 up in their lives certain harmful
1.28 addictions for example
1.28 Paul says we have weapons that can take
1.28 those things down and you got to believe
1.28 it to the extent that you believe it it
1.28 can happen right so by faith I like how
1.28 Gilbert says uh by faith we can move the
1.28 mountains of life it&;s a fact
1.28 yeah okay how about I&;ll just close with
1.28 a prayer and then um you can be thinking
1.28 about this stuff until next Men&;s
1.28 breakfast and and we we&;ll continue on
1.28 from there almighty God blessed and
1.28 Thrice holy God of Heaven We Just Want
1.28 to Thank You Lord For Your Precious word
1.28 the Bible your sacred library that tells
1.28 us the truth about everything we thank
1.28 you God that you are for us and you&;re
1.28 not against us and you want your men to
1.28 walk in sanctification and honor in
1.28 Purity you want us to submit to the
1.28 lordship of Jesus and enjoy Real freedom
1.28 in this life freedom to love honor and
1.28 serve the god of Heaven who loved us
1.28 first Lord please Empower all the men
1.28 under this roof to walk strong in the
1.28 coming week to resist evil in temptation
1.28 to score real victories and to advance
1.28 the kingdom of God in our own hearts and
1.28 Minds first and then out there in the
1.28 world oh God just want to thank you
1.28 again for this important morning and the
1.28 good things we enjoyed together thank
1.28 you God for your grace in Jesus name
1.28 amen praise God praise God okay God
1.28 bless you man thank you so much
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