iamLucid développe le thème « No Fap »
Actuellement sur YouTube, et crée par iamLucid (), cette vidéo est intéressante pour ceux qui s’intéressent au thème «No Fap ».
La diversité des créateurs sur YouTube assure une richesse de perspectives et d’approches, rendant chaque visionnage unique et intéressant.
Lorsque nous avons examiné la vidéo (), elle avait déjà cumulé quelques interactions.
Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 5852.
Notez la durée de la vidéo (00:06:44s), le titre (nofap advice), et les commentaires qui accompagnent le contenu de l’auteur :« Nofap sans un objectif final approprié rendra ses avantages inutiles ↣ Veuillez me soutenir ici: https://iamlucid.com PLS Abonnez-vous: http://iamluc.id ★ Restez lucide ↣ Obtenir une vraie vie de vie – https: // iamlucid.com ↣ Donnez la crypto à Lucid – http://iamlucid.io ↣ WhatsApp Channel – http://iamlucid.chat – https://discord.gg/lucid – https://instagram.com/iamlucid – https: //twitter.com/iamlucid – https://tiktok.com/@iamlucid.com #IAMLUCID À propos d’Iamlucid: Je fais des vidéos sur Lucid Dreaming, le Dark Web, la croissance de soi, la réalité virtuelle et d’autres contenus de réflexion car Internet en a besoin. Nofap https://youtu.be/xr3z56e9ia0 iamlucid http://www.youtube.com/iamlucid (tagstotranslate) iamlucid ».
Regardez la vidéo qui suit immédiatement cette phrase
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Les hommes expérimentent des effets variés de l’abstinence dans leur vie personnelle.
Analyser les résultats de l’abstinence sur la performance érectile.
Les dysfonctions érectiles liées à la masturbation touchent de nombreux hommes.
Évaluer les bienfaits psychologiques liés à l’abstinence de la masturbation, en particulier pour réduire l’anxiété et la dépression.
L’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation crée une anxiété significative chez l’homme. L’arrêt de ces pratiques est associé à une diminution de la dépression et à une meilleure gestion des comportements personnels.
L’abstinence offre des bénéfices psychologiques que l’on doit évaluer pour en mesurer l’efficacité.
L’abstinence permet de réduire l’anxiété et la dépression chez l’homme, tout en favorisant la confiance en soi. Les discussions sur les forums NoFap révèlent des progrès psychologiques.
La force de la communauté NoFap réside dans son rôle crucial pour aider les hommes à se reconstruire.
Les plateformes d’échange NoFap sont essentielles pour ceux qui souhaitent partager leurs progrès et se soutenir mutuellement.
Les espaces communautaires, comme les forums, offrent une plateforme de soutien et des études scientifiques utiles aux hommes qui souhaitent réussir leur abstinence.
Mettre en avant l’importance du soutien social et émotionnel pour les participants.
La communauté Nofap, à travers ses forums, permet aux hommes de trouver un soutien crucial face à l’anxiété et à la dépression, tout en favorisant l’échange d’outils et de solutions pour surmonter les moments difficiles. Un appui spécialisé est souvent recommandé notamment d’un prestataire.
Analyser l’efficacité des plateformes d’entraide et des forums dans l’accompagnement des individus.
Les recherches scientifiques ont prouvé que les forums de la communauté NoFap sont cruciaux pour surmonter l’anxiété et la dépression. Ces groupes de soutien augmentent les chances de succès dans l’abandon de la masturbation grâce à la solidarité de leurs membres.
Réussir dans NoFap grâce à des stratégies efficaces
Conseils pour rester engagé sur NoFap
Adopter des habitudes saines, telles que l’exercice et la méditation, est crucial pour le succès. Ces pratiques permettent de garder un esprit motivé.
Des outils pratiques aident à gérer les rechutes et à rester sur la voie.
Les rechutes font partie intégrante de NoFap, et les études montrent que le processus n’est pas toujours linéaire. Il est important de se concentrer sur ses objectifs et d’analyser les causes pour avancer avec l’aide de la communauté Nofap.
Ressources pratiques sur le NoFap pour une meilleure compréhension.
Des recherches approfondies et des articles scientifiques, y compris les travaux de Nicole Prause, éclairent l’impact de la pornographie et de la masturbation sur la santé, tout en proposant des approches pour les traiter scientifiquement.
NoFap : un outil pour les hommes en quête d’épanouissement
Les motivations derrière NoFap sont souvent liées à la recherche d’un meilleur contrôle de soi et d’une santé améliorée.
La communauté NoFap s’engage à lutter contre les effets négatifs de la pornographie, à améliorer la performance érectile et à réduire l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés ont rapporté une nette diminution de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après avoir cessé ces comportements.
Examiner les conséquences de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes.
L’étude de la pornographie par des scientifiques montre que cette pratique peut entraîner des troubles comme la dysfonction érectile, la dépression, l’anxiété et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a publié une étude sur l’influence de la consommation excessive de pornographie et de masturbation sur le cerveau et le bien-être des hommes.
NoFap propose de remplacer ces habitudes par des pratiques favorisant l’équilibre.
Le principe du mouvement NoFap est simple : s’abstenir de pornographie et de masturbation pour retrouver un contrôle de soi. Cette méthode aide les hommes à combattre la dépendance tout en améliorant leur bien-être.
Pour voir la vidéo sur YouTube, suivez ce lien pour y accéder directement :
la source: Cliquer ici
#Conseils #nofap
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: noof fap isn’t only a positive message that will increase your quality of life but I see it in today’s time at least as a rebellious act when you decide that you’re not going to be giving into your own hedonistic pleasures and Desires in Life or watching these videos that we see online or even giving into any of these corporations that are profiting off of you when you do so you’re actually rebelling against a corporation or multiple that make more money than the NFL MLB NHL and NBA all combined this is a very very lucrative topic and they’re profiting off of it by making videos that you’re designed to love and come back for every single time right and we realize that when you’re done doing this you say you know what even though I would like to do it and it’ make me feel good in the moment if I follow this act no I’m not going to do it corporations lose money when you adopt this ideology and this way of thinking so it’s really detrimental to their pockets when you realize that you’re a lot more than just an animal that wants to follow their own desires and speaking of that look at the world around you right now when you’re rebelling not only against the industry that that’s profiting off of you but the society and culture as a whole if you live in the west I I’ll be totally honest with you no fap not only is it mandatory during this time and it’s one of the hardest acts you can possibly do but it’s even harder than it is now than it ever was before not because of all these stimulants that we have around us look at the age the average age of marriage in America it’s 28 to 30 years old that’s late that’s really really late and you can see this upward trend of every you know 50 to 100 years the age of marriage is becoming later and later it’s getting pushed back as if it’s not that important in the 1800s the average age of marriage I think was 21 years old and that’s honestly a pretty decent age to get married but why is it 30 now what changed in these last 20000 years that added nine years to the average age of marriage do you expect somebody that goes through prity right let’s say at age 12 or 13 they hit puberty and now they have all these hormones and feelings in their body to just hold off when they have all these natural desires and inclinations to to procreate and to be with someone and to share the intimate experience instead now they have to uh abstain from this until they’re 30 years old if you’re the average American for an example I’m I’m going to be totally honest unless you’re the you’re some sort of outliar and you think for yourself and you don’t act based on what everybody wants you to do and you’re not the average person you’re either going to be a lonely unfufilled human being or you’re going to be a there’s no I’m sorry to be vulgar there there’s no no other way there’s no other path for you if you’re the average human being right now in today’s time what else do you do you’re horny at age 13 you get married at age 30 in those 17 years what do you do there’s no possible logical rational reasonable way that you can abstain from this for that long I was on nofap for for a thousand plus days it was not easy I’m an outlier even in the nofap community nobody really goes that long it’s extremely hard and I’m telling you myself there’s no shot in hell that I could have gone until age 28 or 30 I even set that in my mind I expected myself to get married way before that time so the question is to you in these last 200 years are we going further are are we moving right now in a time that that fulfills our biological needs that doesn’t suppress our natural appetite for intimacy and and Cravings but instead fulfills it in a healthy and natural and permissible way or are we doing the exact opposite look at everybody else around you are you to be a virgin at age 30 is it even possible like there’s going to be so much sexual frustration in your mind at that time it’s not I can’t see that as being healthy for you so we’re we’re actually moving away from what our body needs right and we’re just moving towards a random hookup culture or watching pornography through your through your phone screen right and with what I see in the nofap community as a whole is that the ACT is great the techniques are great the the steps that you take are freaking amazing I love all of you guys but the problem is that you have most of you you have a flawed endgame philosophy when it comes to noat okay I’m going to stop watching P I’m going to stop pleasuring myself I’m going to be a man I’m going to control my desires and control My Life by not giving it to all of these Pleasures so that I can go have more sex with random girls are you stupid bro like I mean really you you you you go and learn all these techniques you go and grow so much as a human being you you take these steps that you never thought you can take in your life so that you can take one step forward and do a back flip 15 times where are you going with all this ideology why would you switch from your right hand to a girl’s body just to masturbate yourself I mean is that really your goal here I I see this happening so frequently in the Chad alpha male how to pick up girls pick up community no fap kind of genre on YouTube and online are you really trying to replace your hand with a female’s body bro that’s so unfulfilling there that’s not meaningful at all most guys say I’m going to start noap so I can have more sex with more girls my boy it’s like saying I’m going to walk in a circle 15 times you’re not making any progress instead have a more realistic and plausible outcome that you can sustain in your own life instead I’m going to gain the confidence I’m going to stop being awkward I’m going to have control over my life and be a stronger man so I can lead a family and I can be a great role model to my kids right that’s a great goal that you should set it’s a long-term permanent goal and don’t be the average of the people that are around you I mean look at them they’re all consuming fast food on a daily basis they’re consuming fast digital food on a daily basis they’re trying to get that quick pleasure everywhere that that they go They’re siding in DM so that they can masturbate with somebody else’s body and this is the average person until their age 30 and then their mom and dad says okay now time to settle down stop being a like it’s it’s expected of you to go and be a for for 30 for 30 years until you eventually settle down why couldn’t you just be a good person and maybe save that that that intimate beautiful sacred experience for someone that you truly love that actually deserves it from you when you’re age 21 or 22 like how we did 200 years ago our own biological needs are not being fulfilled and we’re expected to fulfill them through other means we have websites and phone apps and uh and DMS that we can fulfill our natural needs and not doing it the proper way uh thank you all for watching this video I love you all so much uh please comment down below your thoughts on this idea if you disag VI with me please let me know I’d love to have some back and forth with you I’ll try my best to reply to as many comments as I can and uh there’s also a subscribe button down below I’m just letting you know I’m not telling you should press or anything like that thank you for watching this video Stay dreaming stay Lucid I’m out peace .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.04 noof fap isn&;t only a positive message
0.04 that will increase your quality of life
0.04 but I see it in today&;s time at least as
0.04 a rebellious act when you decide that
0.04 you&;re not going to be giving into your
0.04 own hedonistic pleasures and Desires in
0.04 Life or watching these videos that we
0.04 see online or even giving into any of
0.04 these corporations that are profiting
0.04 off of you when you do so you&;re
0.04 actually rebelling against a corporation
0.04 or multiple that make more money than
0.04 the NFL MLB NHL and NBA all combined
0.04 this is a very very lucrative topic and
0.04 they&;re profiting off of it by making
0.04 videos that you&;re designed to love and
0.04 come back for every single time right
0.04 and we realize that when you&;re done
0.04 doing this you say you know what even
0.04 though I would like to do it and it&;
0.04 make me feel good in the moment if I
0.04 follow this act no I&;m not going to do
0.04 it corporations lose money when you
0.04 adopt this ideology and this way of
0.04 thinking so it&;s really detrimental to
0.04 their pockets when you realize that
0.04 you&;re a lot more than just an animal
0.04 that wants to follow their own desires
0.04 and speaking of that look at the world
0.04 around you right now when you&;re
0.04 rebelling not only against the industry
0.04 that that&;s profiting off of you but the
0.04 society and culture as a whole if you
0.04 live in the west I I&;ll be totally
0.04 honest with you no fap not only is it
0.04 mandatory during this time and it&;s one
0.04 of the hardest acts you can possibly do
0.04 but it&;s even harder than it is now than
0.04 it ever was before not because of all
0.04 these stimulants that we have around us
0.04 look at the age the average age of
0.04 marriage in America it&;s 28 to 30 years
0.04 old that&;s late that&;s really really
0.04 late and you can see this upward trend
0.04 of every you know 50 to 100 years the
0.04 age of marriage is becoming later and
0.04 later it&;s getting pushed back as if
0.04 it&;s not that important in the 1800s the
0.04 average age of marriage I think was 21
0.04 years old and that&;s honestly a pretty
0.04 decent age to get married but why is it
0.04 30 now what changed in these last 20000
0.04 years that added nine years to the
0.04 average age of marriage do you expect
0.04 somebody that goes through prity right
0.04 let&;s say at age 12 or 13 they hit
0.04 puberty and now they have all these
0.04 hormones and feelings in their body to
0.04 just hold off when they have all these
0.04 natural desires and inclinations to to
0.04 procreate and to be with someone and to
0.04 share the intimate experience instead
0.04 now they have to uh abstain from this
0.04 until they&;re 30 years old if you&;re the
0.04 average American for an example I&;m I&;m
0.04 going to be totally honest unless you&;re
0.04 the you&;re some sort of outliar and you
0.04 think for yourself and you don&;t act
0.04 based on what everybody wants you to do
0.04 and you&;re not the average person you&;re
0.04 either going to be a lonely unfufilled
0.04 human being or you&;re going to be a
0.04 there&;s no I&;m sorry to be vulgar
0.04 there there&;s no no other way there&;s no
0.04 other path for you if you&;re the average
0.04 human being right now in today&;s time
0.04 what else do you do you&;re horny at age
0.04 13 you get married at age 30 in those 17
0.04 years what do you do there&;s no possible
0.04 logical rational reasonable way that you
0.04 can abstain from this for that long I
0.04 was on nofap for for a thousand plus
0.04 days it was not easy I&;m an outlier even
0.04 in the nofap community nobody really
0.04 goes that long it&;s extremely hard and
0.04 I&;m telling you myself there&;s no shot
0.04 in hell that I could have gone until age
0.04 28 or 30 I even set that in my mind I
0.04 expected myself to get married way
0.04 before that time so the question is to
0.04 you in these last 200 years are we going
0.04 further are are we moving right now in a
0.04 time that that fulfills our biological
0.04 needs that doesn&;t suppress our natural
0.04 appetite for intimacy and and Cravings
0.04 but instead fulfills it in a healthy and
0.04 natural and permissible way or are we
0.04 doing the exact opposite look at
0.04 everybody else around you are you to be
0.04 a virgin at age 30 is it even possible
0.04 like there&;s going to be so much sexual
0.04 frustration in your mind at that time
0.04 it&;s not I can&;t see that as being
0.04 healthy for you so we&;re we&;re actually
0.04 moving away from what our body needs
0.04 right and we&;re just moving towards a
0.04 random hookup culture or watching
0.04 pornography through your through your
0.04 phone screen right and with what I see
0.04 in the nofap community as a whole is
0.04 that the ACT is great the techniques are
0.04 great the the steps that you take are
0.04 freaking amazing I love all of you guys
0.04 but the problem is that you have most of
0.04 you you have a flawed endgame philosophy
0.04 when it comes to noat okay I&;m going to
0.04 stop watching P I&;m going to stop
0.04 pleasuring myself I&;m going to be a man
0.04 I&;m going to control my desires and
0.04 control My Life by not giving it to all
0.04 of these Pleasures so that I can go have
0.04 more sex with random girls are you
0.04 stupid bro like I mean really you you
0.04 you you go and learn all these
0.04 techniques you go and grow so much as a
0.04 human being you you take these steps
0.04 that you never thought you can take in
0.04 your life
0.04 so that you can take one step forward
0.04 and do a back flip 15 times where are
0.04 you going with all this ideology why
0.04 would you switch from your right hand to
0.04 a girl&;s body just to masturbate
0.04 yourself I mean is that really your goal
0.04 here I I see this happening so
0.04 frequently in the Chad alpha male how to
0.04 pick up girls pick up community no fap
0.04 kind of genre on YouTube and online are
0.04 you really trying to replace your hand
0.04 with a female&;s body bro that&;s so
0.04 unfulfilling there that&;s not meaningful
0.04 at all most guys say I&;m going to start
0.04 noap so I can have more sex with more
0.04 girls my boy it&;s like saying I&;m going
0.04 to walk in a circle 15 times you&;re not
0.04 making any progress instead have a more
0.04 realistic and plausible outcome that you
0.04 can sustain in your own life instead I&;m
0.04 going to gain the confidence I&;m going
0.04 to stop being awkward I&;m going to have
0.04 control over my life and be a stronger
0.04 man so I can lead a family and I can be
0.04 a great role model to my kids right
0.04 that&;s a great goal that you should set
0.04 it&;s a long-term permanent goal and
0.04 don&;t be the average of the people that
0.04 are around you I mean look at them
0.04 they&;re all consuming fast food on a
0.04 daily basis they&;re consuming fast
0.04 digital food on a daily basis they&;re
0.04 trying to get that quick pleasure
0.04 everywhere that that they go They&;re
0.04 siding in DM so that they can masturbate
0.04 with somebody else&;s body and this is
0.04 the average person until their age 30
0.04 and then their mom and dad says okay now
0.04 time to settle down stop being a
0.04 like it&;s it&;s expected of you to go and
0.04 be a for for 30 for 30 years until
0.04 you eventually settle down why couldn&;t
0.04 you just be a good person and maybe save
0.04 that that that intimate beautiful sacred
0.04 experience for someone that you truly
0.04 love that actually deserves it from you
0.04 when you&;re age 21 or 22 like how we did
0.04 200 years ago our own biological needs
0.04 are not being fulfilled and we&;re
0.04 expected to fulfill them through other
0.04 means we have websites and phone apps
0.04 and uh and DMS that we can fulfill our
0.04 natural needs and not doing it the
0.04 proper way uh thank you all for watching
0.04 this video I love you all so much uh
0.04 please comment down below your thoughts
0.04 on this idea if you disag VI with me
0.04 please let me know I&;d love to have some
0.04 back and forth with you I&;ll try my best
0.04 to reply to as many comments as I can
0.04 and uh there&;s also a subscribe button
0.04 down below I&;m just letting you know I&;m
0.04 not telling you should press or anything
0.04 like that thank you for watching this
0.04 video Stay dreaming stay Lucid I&;m out
0.04 peace
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